
Gotham Rogues Hines Ward Action Figure Set For November Release


It’s probably not a coincidence McFarlane Toys is releasing their “Dark Knight Rises” Hines Ward Gotham Rogues action figure right in time for Christmas.

But it’s awesome, all the same.

Ward is captured in still motion, looking over his right shoulder for a pass, hands in perfect position, tattoo distinct and replicate of the one the NFL saw Ward flashing for the last several years.

Perhaps it would have made more sense if Ward was coming back to the ball, shoulders square with the line of scrimmage, and snaring one over his head, but this is a bit more magnanimous.

Of course, the ideal situation would be Ward lowering the boom on some defensive player, particularly someone in purple, smiling the whole time, much to the chagrin of the fans of the opposing team, but that’s neither here nor there.

What we know is Ward will be on NBC Sports this fall, and have an action figure released in November. Try to top that, Adam Schefter.

Source: Behind the Steel Curtain