Wilson was the 4th most pressured QB in the league. Is this a sign of how bad the OL was?
[/url][url=https://flic.kr/p/2qFwXys]QB Pressure Rates (1)[/url] by [url=https://www.flickr.com/photos/191750946@N04/]R W[/url], on Flickr
And before you say he holds the ball too long, NGS says he had the 16th longest average time to throw this season. I take this as meaning the OL was bad.
Interesting enough though, Fields held the ball the 4th longest in the league but was pressured less than Wilson. Was he simply bailing early?

And before you say he holds the ball too long, NGS says he had the 16th longest average time to throw this season. I take this as meaning the OL was bad.
Interesting enough though, Fields held the ball the 4th longest in the league but was pressured less than Wilson. Was he simply bailing early?