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Thread: Moderation & Board Behavior

  1. #11

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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr.wizard View Post
    I thought you guys were doing just fine Pap, no need to get overly strict, the Big Boys can handle the banter. If I had to make a suggestion it would be to regulate and consolidate duplicate threads.
    I don't even think a consorted effort at consolidating duplicate threads is really necessary either. So what if two threads are similar? Are we gonna die from it? Less moderation equals better, period. That's my experience. Some of the best Steeler boards had almost NO moderation. Fo wheel.

  2. #12

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    Quote Originally Posted by papillon View Post
    Let me finish with this, there is not one user on this forum that I wouldn't sit down and have a beer, wine or glass of water with and talk about the Steelers or anything for that matter.
    Oh, but us bourbon drinkers can just go straight to hell? Those are fighting words!!!

  3. #13

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    Quote Originally Posted by WindyCitySteel View Post
    Oh, but us bourbon drinkers can just go straight to hell? Those are fighting words!!!

    Where I come from, when we talk about water, we don't mean H2O, we're talking whiskey of any type.


    The 2024 Pittsburgh Steeler draft

    1.20 - Troy Fautanu, T, Washington
    2.51 - Zach Frazier, C, West Virginia
    3.84 - Roman Wilson, WR, Michigan
    3.98 - Payton Wilson, LB, UNC
    4.119 - Mason McCprmick, OG, S. Dakota St
    7.178 - Logan Lee, DT, Iowa
    7.195 -

    "Football is a physical game, well, it used to be anyways" - Mel Blount

  4. #14

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    Quote Originally Posted by papillon View Post
    I take a little time to re-energize my Steeler juices and I come back to a 53 page disaster. It seems everyone believes that the moderators have been doing a poor job of keeping the children in line, maybe we have, I'll own it but I was hoping for adults to be adults, too big of an ask it seems.

    So, here's the deal, the past is the past, you're all starting with a clean slate which means I don't care who started what childish argument in the past, started personal vendettas or attacked other users, the following things will not be tolerated until I am no longer a moderator on this board or I cease to participate. Myself and other moderators are the lone arbiters of the below miscues, meaning if we believe you have committed the offense, then you have committed the offense and will receive the punishment. Don't send any PMs pleading your case, it will do you no good. I was really hoping the the adult in all of us would come out at some point and this wouldn't be necessary but the 53 page thread of evidence has proven differently.

    • Attacking another user personally (disagree with the opinion all day, every day but don't attack the person)
    • Attacking another user's family in any form
    • Vulgarity (this will be a tough call, but wtf isn't so bad, sh!t isn't so bad but if you tell someone to stfu that could get you time in the cooler as they said in Hogan's Heroes, be careful)
    • Racial and/or bigoted comments
    • Threatening other users
    • Plagiarism
    • No soliciting
    • No discussion and/or comments condoning illegal activities that may encourage the illegal behavior
    • Multiple usernames for the same person

    We're going to follow the 3 strike rule for forum banning

    First offense: 1 month
    Second offense: 2 months
    Third offense: Permanent

    *** should you attempt to re-enter the forum under a different username during the first two offenses both usernames will be banned permanently ***

    I suggest everyone take some time for self reflection and determine what you can personally do to make the board a great place to come and talk about the Steelers. No one will be banned for criticizing the Steelers or being an over the top supporter of all things Steeler, but if it becomes personal, then a moderator may step in. As I mentioned earlier in this post, we're starting clean right now.

    Let me finish with this, there is not one user on this forum that I wouldn't sit down and have a beer, wine or glass of water with and talk about the Steelers or anything for that matter. With many there would certainly be disagreement on many, many topics but that is what makes a discussion (debate) educational and fun. I'm a big 1st amendment person, you can say what you want (within the boundaries laid out above) but you also have to accept the ramifications or dissent of your opinion like an adult. I hope this helps make the board a great place to come and get Steeler news and have debate and discussion. If we (I) have been derelict in moderating, I'll own it but its changing starting with this thread which will be stickied for a few months for you to read.

    The Steelers have a passionate fan base, lets keep that passion civil.

    Thanks. I really hope we can reign in the deliberate chaos.
    "My team, may they always be right, but right or wrong...MY TEAM!"

  5. #15

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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr.wizard View Post
    I thought you guys were doing just fine Pap, no need to get overly strict, the Big Boys can handle the banter. If I had to make a suggestion it would be to regulate and consolidate duplicate threads.
    Hey now some of us actually post threads. Okay that was a little ribbing. Me, I'm a football junkie. We can talk about all time long snappers! The topics can range but as long as the subject material isn't exactly the same from the same poster in the same week, I am okay with all threads.
    Tomlin hasn't won a playoff game in seven years and counting. The earliest will be eight years. I guess that in Art Rooney's II, opinion is worth a 3 year extension.

    Our 2024 draft looks to be grade A. Our 2023 draft is an A. The roster is talented, but Mike Tomlin is still the head coach.

  6. #16

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    Quote Originally Posted by Steel Maniac View Post
    As usual, Feltdizz changes stuff around to try and make someone else a wrong. Which is a thing both he and Hawaaingirl do all the time.
    just curious, under the new board rules is this okay to say to another poster?
    Steel Maniac's Time-Based Prediction: Lamar Jackson will be a bust and total flop in the NFL.

    What Actually Happened: Lamar Jackson became the youngest two-time NFL MVP winner ever.

    Gloat gloat gloat

    Boom........Knuckle up. Punk.

    My IT guy...

  7. #17

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    One thing that would help the board is to delete/move threads that devolve into off-topic, grudge-holding pissing matches, and there are several.

  8. #18

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    Testing 1, 2, 3, 4.........
    Help me find my post proving I am a Yinzer!

    Find the post Ovi labeled me a troll!

    We want to roll people!

  9. #19

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    Quote Originally Posted by Prowler View Post
    That is definitely a concern of mine as those rules were not applied equally to all posters in the past. But, since we're starting with a clean slate, I'll give them the benefit of the doubt.

  10. #20

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    Quote Originally Posted by Steel Maniac View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Steel Maniac View Post
    Shut up you trick.

    ** Why didn't you take my bet that I'd beat your @ss on your next visit to Southern California that I offered you 3 years ago??????????? I offered for you on your next trip to Southern California , to come to the city of Monrovia where there's a boxing ring. Come to the ring where I can beat the snot out of you and video tape it for all to see??

    WHY DIDN'T YOU TAKE THAT OFFER?? Because your a sissy ..just like you've always been and I'd beat the snot out of you with no hesitation. As my boys take you back to the airport. Your a fake computer tough hide behind the keyboard.

    You keep sneaking into Southern California like you've been doing..cause you know if we meet, it's lights OUT for you turd. Believe that.

    We could have settle this all a looong time ago if you'd stop hiding when you came to Calif. You keep being that computer tough guy.

    Cause we know you can't knuckle up. Punk.
    Steel Maniac's Time-Based Prediction: Lamar Jackson will be a bust and total flop in the NFL.

    What Actually Happened: Lamar Jackson became the youngest two-time NFL MVP winner ever.

    Gloat gloat gloat

    Boom........Knuckle up. Punk.

    My IT guy...


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