We have a few levels.

The animated first down point.

The fairly mellow first down point. (Bell)

The Tribute to Hines Ward TD dance by Brown. (I think that is what it is.)

I know some Steeler fans who hate any celebratory dance done by any Steeler in any condition.

I am not that old school. I mean, at some point old men had to get over the Beatles' long bangs.

The mellow first down gesture does not bother me in the least. It's mellow. He's not acting like he just scored a Super Bowl-winning TD or anything. The Brown TD dance paying homage to Hines? I can't be mad at that. He's paying homage to one of the greatest Steelers of all time.

The one that bothered me a little was Woodley's sack dance, mostly because I feared he was gonna injure himself doing it, for the most part. Not much stuff the Steelers do, celebration wise, bothers me. I usually get a wry smile upon watching it. Are you one of those who get angry at any celebratory moves?