I read this article earlier today. Not being in Pittsburgh, I don't get to read these guys regularly, but I have learned a long time ago that this guy Harris is worthless as a reporter. Going on to this article, he starts his premise with this:

Harrison won't take a pay cut, however, and that stubborn streak could make him an ex-Steeler.
And only backs it up with this:

“Can we help the Steelers by restructuring James' contract? We're certainly willing to do that. Do we need to take less money? I don't think so. Personally, I think he's a bargain.”
So, the sole basis for his argument that JH will refuse a pay cut is that his agent publicly states that he is already a bargain. Well, that is his job, isn't it? To publicly stand strong behind his client?

I'm not saying that this means that Harrison will take a pay cut, but I certainly would not base it as fact that he will not. All that aside, what I can see the team doing is offering him the opportunity to stay at a significant reduction. His contract is not tradeable as no team would be willing to give up another player or pick and also pay him $6.57M. Especially if that phone call is an indicator that the Steelers are ready to rid themselves of him. I would love to have him back at a number around 2.5M for 2013, which would give cap relief of around $4M and hopefully give us the opportunity to see if he can bring it one more time.