Quote Originally Posted by Doogie36
I think if you ask Tomlin who was to blame for last year he would in fact tell you it was HIMSELF!!!!!! I like this about HIM and his coaching abilities and I love how he can relate to ALL THE PLAYERS on the team. The picture of him holding hands with BIG BEN in the SUPERBOWL is blown up on my wall at home. This guy TRULY LOVES what he's doing and he's out there TRYING HIS BUTT OFF just like many of our players. He's setting the example and taking less money to stay with a team that gave him a shot. He also did the unthinkable this off season in bringing back previous players who already know the system. Not only that but he does stay loyal to his coaching staff and his players and while some feel that's a bad thing I view it as a successful formula to winning.

Would you rather fire the Sticker greeter at Walmart because they werent giving out enough stickers??? or would you fire the CEO of Walmart and hope a new CEO can teach the sticker greeter to do a better job?????? This is why the ROONEY's stick with 1 coach.............it WORKS!!!!!!!!!!!!! How in the world are we the only organization that can do this and win????? I mean think about it..................

Tomlin motivates me to be a better man by just listening to the passion he has for his job and his ability to motivate. Steeler Nation got very lucky to have gotten TOMLIN as their head coach !!!!!!!!
Great perspective...