We can only hope that the clinic was not in a college town.

Source: Roethlisberger spent weekend in clinic being evaluated
5/3/2010 11:15:01 AM
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Ben Roethlisberger spent the weekend in a clinic being evaluated per order of NFL commissioner Roger Goodell according to Ed Bouchette of the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette.

Roethlisberger’s behavioral evaluation will take “days” according to a Steelers source rather than weeks. Depending on how that evaluation by specialists goes, he either could return to the team or be asked to return to the clinic for further evaluation.
Goodell, as part of the suspension he levied two weeks ago, ordered Roethlisberger to stay away from the Steelers’ South Side facility until his mandated evaluation is complete. Once done, he may rejoin the team for its spring training and through training camp before the suspension starts.

The Steelers do not know when Roethlisberger might rejoin them for workouts.