View Full Version : Carl Joseph May Bring it...

04-25-2022, 04:28 PM
...if he's healthy, Carl Joseph can be a force. Let's watch this season as it unfolds.


04-25-2022, 04:31 PM
excuse me, his name is spelled with a K....


04-25-2022, 04:33 PM
he's had several years to prove that he can be "a force" at the pro level
he has yet to show much

but hey, we can hope

04-25-2022, 04:36 PM
He had a knee injury in college that really set him back. He was truley special as an underclassman.

04-25-2022, 04:41 PM
he's had several years to prove that he can be "a force" at the pro level
he has yet to show much

but hey, we can hope

True, with the Raiders....

Edmunds has had the same, but he's muh

Steeler Mafia
04-25-2022, 05:05 PM
Big fan of KJ when he wore the Blue and Gold. That kid was a beast! I only hope he can channel some of those WVU days for Pittsburgh.

04-26-2022, 02:43 PM
20 - Stay put. Take Lloyd

52 - Delani Woods while others have gone WR crazy. Letting this future stud fall. Instantly helps the power run game. What a TE room for Harris.

84 - secondary hybrid type like Norwood

128 - WR

208 - OT

225 - WR

Lastly - Hayward. Lol.

* something like that in ratio of O to D and value focus in upper , middle, and lower picks.

** I have gone from thinking retirement for Tuitt to believing he will return.