View Full Version : Happy Festivus Day - Air your grievances

12-23-2020, 01:01 PM
Festivus Airing Of The Steelers Grievances Thread – 2020

Today is December 23rd and that means it’s once again time for our annual “Airing of the Grievances” thread on this blessed Festivus day.

As usual, we offer this thread annually as a place for fans of the Pittsburgh Steelers to get things out of their systems and off their proverbial chests ahead of the regular season ending. Consider the airing of your Steelers grievances as a cleansing of sorts and a way to help you feel better right before Christmas.

Festivus also falls on Immaculate Reception Day and I do not believe that’s just a coincidence. Because of that, please take a moment to re-watch the the greatest football play the NFL has ever seen.

As usual, in order to get you started, I reached out to my followers on Twitter and below are a few of their grievances. So let’s hear yours now in the comments below. Let out those grievances.

Ben needs to practice more down the stretch and Claypool should be on the field more.
— 5sixty3hoss (@563hoss) December 23, 2020 (https://twitter.com/563hoss/status/1341697970417381379?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw)

Play calling is killing the team. As much as I want to rip Randy, Keith Butler has been just as bad.
— Keith (@keanjoja) December 23, 2020 (https://twitter.com/keanjoja/status/1341698774431903744?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw)

Dave, looks like we are allowed to have one drive per game with mixed calls with run, pass, rpo and deep pass. Normally is the TD drive. The rest is poor play call that put lots of 3nout pressure on defense back!
— Alexandre De Nes (@xandenes) December 23, 2020 (https://twitter.com/xandenes/status/1341719891091611648?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw)

There’s a few:
1) They have 0 ability to adapt their strategy when things aren’t working. Just keep banging their heads against the wall with the same thing
2) it’s pretty clear Ben doesn’t practice enough
3) I’d be fine if Dotson was the only returning OL. They are bad
4) Randy!
— Mr. Magorium (@JewniorGong) December 23, 2020 (https://twitter.com/JewniorGong/status/1341744174568235008?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw)

I think this team needs to be blown up after this year. If you can’t afford to bring back Bud and Hilton and Juju, we won’t be able to contend anyhow. Start the process
— Chris Parks (@cgparks4u) December 23, 2020 (https://twitter.com/cgparks4u/status/1341742259046387712?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw)

Win the dang Super Bowl! That is all. The standard is the standard.
— Eric Schafer (@Eric_Schafer) December 23, (https://twitter.com/Eric_Schafer/status/1341743421598408706?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw)