View Full Version : Wolf

11-19-2020, 10:04 PM
Seen where Governor Wolf is talking about mandating mask wearing for PLAYERS!

All games played in Pittsburgh and Philly, PLAYERS would have to wear masks...

This would be tough, right? Especially with play calling

11-19-2020, 11:06 PM
There are exemptions to the mandate that the Steelers feel they qualify under. I guess we’ll find out Thanksgiving evening.

11-20-2020, 01:06 AM
If you're testing before the game, why would they need to wear a mask on the field?

11-20-2020, 01:16 AM
Seen where Governor Wolf is talking about mandating mask wearing for PLAYERS!

All games played in Pittsburgh and Philly, PLAYERS would have to wear masks...

This would be tough, right? Especially with play calling

If anyone buys any of his BS, they need to be tapped in the head with a ball-peen hammer.

The Man of Steel
11-20-2020, 07:20 AM
I’m not a Tom Wolf fan by any means but every time I read or hear someone say that he’s stupid I have to laugh. The guy has a degree from MIT but Yinzers with GED’s still think they’re smarter than him.

11-20-2020, 08:03 AM
I’m not a Tom Wolf fan by any means but every time I read or hear someone say that he’s stupid I have to laugh. The guy has a degree from MIT but Yinzers with GED’s still think they’re smarter than him.

I'll admit I had to look the guy up because when I read the thread originally, i thought this was about Craig Wolfley. Tom looks like a book smart guy who also got his undergrad at Dartmouth which is Ivy league. So he's either smart or comes from money.

I think it's weird how many PA governors are named Tom. I'm thinking about changing my name to Tom and running for something in PA because that seems to be the way to get votes. Tom Ridge was governor when I left. The 1st 2 governors of PA were named Tom. And 3 of the last 5 have been named Tom.

I'm starting to think they should rename the state Tomsylvania. And next time I come back to visit, I want to pay $1m for the honor of driving on the PA Tomspike. Heck, let's change Kennywood to Tommywood. And let's get some respect around here for Tommy Maddox :)

11-20-2020, 08:24 AM
I’m not a Tom Wolf fan by any means but every time I read or hear someone say that he’s stupid I have to laugh. The guy has a degree from MIT but Yinzers with GED’s still think they’re smarter than him.

Yinz have it easy. Here in Brownsland the curfew starts at 10pm not 11pm.:-x Although I did have to chuckle about the PA rule that drinks "must be removed from patrons at midnight".

11-20-2020, 09:00 AM
I did have to chuckle about the PA rule that drinks "must be removed from patrons at midnight".

cause there's a bunch of gremlins that hang out in bars in PA ;)

11-20-2020, 09:22 AM
If you're testing before the game, why would they need to wear a mask on the field?

Because the Governor is an idiot. He may have a degree behind his name but that doesn't mean he has an ounce of common sense. I work with engineers and guys with PhDs everyday and wonder how they put their shoes on to come to work.

11-20-2020, 09:30 AM
If you're testing before the game, why would they need to wear a mask on the field?

That’s my argument. Not only are players getting tested before games, they’re getting tested daily throughout the week.

11-20-2020, 10:17 AM
That’s my argument. Not only are players getting tested before games, they’re getting tested daily throughout the week.

And still we get guys that end up testing positive right after the game (like the Rats).

Or guys like McDonald that also seem to have played while positive.

I think forcing players to wear masks while playing is probably going to far (we let players make lots of other decisions re: risk), but I don't think we can argue that the system is so good that people don't see the field if they've got covid (because that's objectively false).

Despite these slips, the league and the PA seem to be doing a pretty good job of managing things. I don't think it needs to be stricter than it already is based on the current track record.

11-20-2020, 07:39 PM
Pennsylvania reverses course on Steelers mask mandate, says football players exempt


11-21-2020, 01:07 AM
Pennsylvania reverses course on Steelers mask mandate, says football players exempt


Nice to see common sense prevail.

11-21-2020, 08:34 AM
While I thought it was silly a guy made a good point in the radio.

once the weather gets colder a lot of players wear mask. Some people talk like it’s never been seen before on a football field

11-21-2020, 08:57 AM
I’m not a Tom Wolf fan by any means but every time I read or hear someone say that he’s stupid I have to laugh. The guy has a degree from MIT but Yinzers with GED’s still think they’re smarter than him.

Thats different. He may test well but sometimes people in charge make irrational decisions. While I have no problem with mandating mask during an uptick in infections it feels like some governors always go a step too far and make themselves look like idiots. But it could also be a one off question that he didn’t want to answer honestly because it would show favoritism and there are always people who will use it as an excuse for why they don’t need to wear a mask.

The reality tho is people just hate being forced to do something/anything even if it will bring numbers down.

When you have people saying as long as people can have abortions they don’t have to wear mask it’s obvious people are way too political these days.

11-22-2020, 02:22 PM
A degree from MIT. Have you not heard about educated idiots? MIT and Harvard lead in that category.

11-23-2020, 10:14 AM
I'll admit I had to look the guy up because when I read the thread originally, i thought this was about Craig Wolfley. Tom looks like a book smart guy who also got his undergrad at Dartmouth which is Ivy league. So he's either smart or comes from money.

I think it's weird how many PA governors are named Tom. I'm thinking about changing my name to Tom and running for something in PA because that seems to be the way to get votes. Tom Ridge was governor when I left. The 1st 2 governors of PA were named Tom. And 3 of the last 5 have been named Tom.

I'm starting to think they should rename the state Tomsylvania. And next time I come back to visit, I want to pay $1m for the honor of driving on the PA Tomspike. Heck, let's change Kennywood to Tommywood. And let's get some respect around here for Tommy Maddox :)

Mike TOMlin.

11-23-2020, 09:21 PM
I see Wolf said today no fans at Steelers games in December.

11-24-2020, 12:42 AM
I see Wolf said today no fans at Steelers games in December.Will he compensate the Steelers for the lost revenue?

11-24-2020, 07:44 AM
I see Wolf said today no fans at Steelers games in December.

As long as there’s cardboard cut outs of people and fake crowd noise when I watch on tv, I think I’m ok with this.

11-24-2020, 09:09 AM
Will he compensate the Steelers for the lost revenue?

Why should he? They've already lost most of the revenue from fan attendance. I think helping to keep the hospitals from exceeding capacity is enough compensation for the action. I think the Rooney's can survive.

Before the season started, I thought maybe the NFL would make players wear some kind of shield on their helmets to help contain their breath. That already exists, correct? I also saw new helmet designs. But nothing really came to fruition.