View Full Version : Dancing with the Stars

01-11-2019, 01:18 PM
Hines "Hard Work Beats Talent When Talent Doesn't Work Hard" Ward huge underdog. Puts in the hard work and WINS!!!

Antonio "Business is Boomin'" Brown considered a favorite. Misses practices, issues with his partner (yes, I watched) and fails to reach finals.

We should have known... :wink:

01-11-2019, 02:55 PM
I'm really hoping that Juju is the next Hines with a little more on the talent side. Hines was no saint but he sure looks like one next to AB.

01-11-2019, 03:13 PM
I remember when Hines was on Dancing with the Stars. I actually watched the final episode that year (the one and only episode of that show that I watched; not a reality show person,,,never watched an episode of Survivor or Big Brother either...I will sit through some of America's Got Talent if my kids have it on, though). But AB was just on Dancing with the Stars too? I thought folks here said it was some new singing hippo show?

01-11-2019, 03:38 PM
I remember when Hines was on Dancing with the Stars. I actually watched the final episode that year (the one and only episode of that show that I watched; not a reality show person,,,never watched an episode of Survivor or Big Brother either...I will sit through some of America's Got Talent if my kids have it on, though). But AB was just on Dancing with the Stars too? I thought folks here said it was some new singing hippo show?

AB's dancing with the stars appearance was a couple of years ago, IIRC.

01-11-2019, 04:53 PM
I remember when Hines was on Dancing with the Stars. I actually watched the final episode that year (the one and only episode of that show that I watched; not a reality show person,,,never watched an episode of Survivor or Big Brother either...I will sit through some of America's Got Talent if my kids have it on, though). But AB was just on Dancing with the Stars too? I thought folks here said it was some new singing hippo show?

Yes, like Buzz said AB was on DWTS a few years ago. The only two seasons we ever watched were Hines' and AB's. Looking back, you could see the intensity Hines brought to his practices with his pro partner. He wasn't a natural dancer but you just knew he was going to win. AB talked the talk - "I'm gonna outwork everybody, blah, blah, blah." But he blew off some practices for whatever reasons and just didn't take it seriously.

Sad that we are talking about him like this. Thought he'd be a Steeler for life. Going to have to peel off the giant AB Fathead in the man cave. Hopefully they make a Mean Joe, Lambert or Bettis.

01-11-2019, 05:09 PM
It's funny because anyone who knows AB will tell you that he is the hardest worker that they have ever seen. He sets the standard for them in that regard. He's not the fastest, strongest, most athletic, best route-runner, etc. He's made himself the best in the game by constant work and attention to detail.

01-12-2019, 12:22 PM
It's funny because anyone who knows AB will tell you that he is the hardest worker that they have ever seen. He sets the standard for them in that regard. He's not the fastest, strongest, most athletic, best route-runner, etc. He's made himself the best in the game by constant work and attention to detail.

True that everything has always pointed to him being a tireless worker, but it is the motivation for that hard work that does not line up with what we, as fans, or as the Pittsburgh Steelers organization want them to be.

We want a player who will work hard in order to help his team win Super Bowls. AB seems to work hard towards putting up the biggest numbers that he can. Typically those two interests align - a WR who puts up big numbers can help his team win. Unfortunately, it is not a direct correlation, and sometimes it works against the best interests of the team.

Ask both AB and Hines the same question and see what answers you get: "Would you be happy commanding double coverage and put up pedestrian numbers like 4-50-0 TDs, which allows the receiver opposite you to put up big numbers in a victory? Or would you rather put up huge numbers - say 10-200-2TDs in a loss and say that at least you did your job?