View Full Version : AB Calls Ryan Clark an Uncle Tom

01-02-2019, 04:23 PM

...Over Steelers Comments


The Antonio Brown drama keeps raging on ... 'cause the Steelers WR just called his ex-teammate, Ryan Clark, an "Uncle Tom" after Clark ripped him on TV.

Clark -- an ex-Steelers DB who's now an ESPN NFL analyst -- tore into A.B. after reports surfaced that Brown was benched for blowing up on teammates during practice last week.

"This is where Mike Tomlin has to put his foot down and shop Antonio Brown," Clark said ... "You have to take that stand. You have to. Time for him to go."

Brown -- who played 4 seasons with Clark in Pittsburgh -- didn't take long to fire back, calling Clark an "Uncle Tom" in a comment on an ESPN NFL Instagram post about Clark's criticism.

It's the latest chapter in a drama that's already featured Brown getting benched, requesting trade AND not returning Ben Roethlisberger's phone calls and messages.

For his part ... Brown says a "big interview" with James Harrison is on the way -- so seems we'll get Antonio's side of the story shortly.

Stay tuned ...


Steel Maniac
01-02-2019, 04:39 PM
It's really getting nasty.

01-02-2019, 05:54 PM
This team is in disarray - anyone catch James Harrison and AB together during Tomlin's Press Conference (pretty much trolling Tomlin)??

Apparently HARRISON is getting the "exclusive" interview with AB.

Steel Maniac
01-02-2019, 05:55 PM
And Tomlin doing his best not to make AB mad. Where do we go from here?

01-02-2019, 06:09 PM
AB displays narcissist behavior, and he needs mental help. Not sure what has happened to him over the last couple of years, but his demeanor and behavior has been escalating in a bad trend. Surely his agent(s) see him spiraling out of control.

01-02-2019, 06:17 PM
Tomlin should have responded - "Who's AB?" to reporters today.

The Man of Steel
01-02-2019, 06:21 PM
A Snowflake calling someone else an Uncle Tom is comedic genius.

Steel Maniac
01-02-2019, 06:38 PM
A friend of mine always reminds me about how AB comes to camp in some extravagant manner...

And hasn't won a damn thing in his career but comes to camp like he's part of a Super Bowl winner or something. All the signs were there, leading up to these latest shenanigans. I guess we excused them as much as Tomlin has.

01-02-2019, 07:18 PM
AB needs to check himself into Western Psych. The guy is a loser. Trade him for whatever we can get

Eddie Spaghetti
01-02-2019, 07:21 PM
AB needs to check himself into Western Psych. The guy is a loser. Trade him for whatever we can get

agreed this is real ugly. AB hanging out with deebo and grinning like a damn schoolkid was shocking to me. he just doesn't get it

the absolute total lack of respect for tomlin that he has shown speaks volumes about both men, imo

01-02-2019, 07:25 PM
agreed this is real ugly. AB hanging out with deebo and grinning like a damn schoolkid was shocking to me. he just doesn't get it

the absolute total lack of respect for tomlin that he has shown speaks volumes about both men, imo

And no respect for his teammates

Eddie Spaghetti
01-02-2019, 07:37 PM
that too

AB is really off his rocker at this point

01-02-2019, 07:46 PM
Harrison is using Brown's glaring emotional insecurities in a pretty creepy way. He must really resent whatever he believes happened last year. Get over it. Go roll around in your money.

01-02-2019, 07:54 PM
Harrison is using Brown's glaring emotional insecurities in a pretty creepy way. He must really resent whatever he believes happened last year. Get over it. Go roll around in your money.

Let's face it, if it wasn't for football Harrison would probably be in prison.

01-02-2019, 07:56 PM
There is something seriously wrong with the inner-workings of this team. This now makes 3 high profile players (AB, Bell, Harrison) that have basically quit. One can be explained away as just being a nut case. But 3? Something's going on. Don't know if it's Tomlin, Rooney, or what. But somebody needs to figure it out quick and fix it.

01-02-2019, 09:00 PM
This team is in disarray - anyone catch James Harrison and AB together during Tomlin's Press Conference (pretty much trolling Tomlin)??

Apparently HARRISON is getting the "exclusive" interview with AB.

Now that will be a piece of journalistic beauty, I can't wait.


01-02-2019, 09:36 PM
Let's face it, if it wasn't for football Harrison would probably be in prison.

Harrison, AB, and probably half the league.

01-02-2019, 10:01 PM
There is something seriously wrong with the inner-workings of this team. This now makes 3 high profile players (AB, Bell, Harrison) that have basically quit. One can be explained away as just being a nut case. But 3? Something's going on. Don't know if it's Tomlin, Rooney, or what. But somebody needs to figure it out quick and fix it.Coincidence. Three completely different situations. Bell wanted money, the Steelers said no. AB has money, wants the ball, Tomlin/Fichtner/Roethlisberger said no. Harrison didn't know how to go out gracefully.

I will say this. All three guys thought Tomlin and team would roll over for them, and they didn't. The Steelers do business a certain way and no single guy is above the team. I applaud them.

01-02-2019, 10:16 PM
It's quite possible that Brown does not know, or misunderstands, the meaning of the term "Uncle Tom." If he does though, it looks like he's starting to set this up as a racial thing, which usually indicates desperation (in my opinion). Don't be surprised to see him alleging that race plays a role in some alleged favoritism shown to Roethlisberger. Because we all know Brown is the franchise guy . . . .

01-03-2019, 12:36 AM
Let's face it, if it wasn't for football Harrison would probably be in prison.

That can be said for a lot of NFL players

01-03-2019, 10:04 AM
Also reported this morning, AB deleted the Steelers from his Instagram account. Let's face it, this moron is cutting ties and burning bridges. You could also include a 4th person in the quitting on the Steelers/Tomlin narrative if you remember a certain RB walking off the field in disgust (LeGarrett Blount). Everyone says the same thing about all 4 of these guys, that they're crazy and all. While I agree with some of this, what makes them just pack up and leave one of the best franchises in professional football?

01-03-2019, 10:58 AM
Things that make you go, huh?

01-03-2019, 10:59 AM
Also reported this morning, AB deleted the Steelers from his Instagram account. Let's face it, this moron is cutting ties and burning bridges. You could also include a 4th person in the quitting on the Steelers/Tomlin narrative if you remember a certain RB walking off the field in disgust (LeGarrett Blount). Everyone says the same thing about all 4 of these guys, that they're crazy and all. While I agree with some of this, what makes them just pack up and leave one of the best franchises in professional football?

Because they all believe there own Hype. He has been surrounded by a HOF QB his whole career . Ben Has paved the way for him to have HOF numbers. If he is drafted by the Bills in the 6th round he may not even be in the League right now.I am all for them shipping his arss to San Fran. I cant remember on former WR leaving the steelers and excelling somewhere else. Thigpen, Randel El, Martavis Bryant, Andre Hastings , Wheaton, Holmes, None .I truly would like to see him eat some Humble pie and try his hand somewhere else.

I don't know the answer to this but If we trade him are we on the hook for any of his salary? If we can dump his and Bells $$ we can fix the def in a hurry. I got the feeling Ju Ju and James Washington can get the job done. I like Washington and think there is a lot off upside going forward. He started to get it in the last couple weeks. Plus he is a humble country farm kids that understands hard work and has a good set of values that come along with that. Throw in a healthy Eli Rogers and draft another WR they will be fine.

Steel Maniac
01-03-2019, 11:00 AM
Also reported this morning, AB deleted the Steelers from his Instagram account. Let's face it, this moron is cutting ties and burning bridges. You could also include a 4th person in the quitting on the Steelers/Tomlin narrative if you remember a certain RB walking off the field in disgust (LeGarrett Blount). Everyone says the same thing about all 4 of these guys, that they're crazy and all. While I agree with some of this, what makes them just pack up and leave one of the best franchises in professional football?

It does make you think that something is going on that we are not privy to.

Steel Maniac
01-03-2019, 11:01 AM
James Washington isn't the answer. I'm sorry but the guy is good at battling for contested balls because he can't separate from anybody. He's a slot receiver at best to me.

01-03-2019, 11:09 AM
James Washington isn't the answer. I'm sorry but the guy is good at battling for contested balls because he can't separate from anybody. He's a slot receiver at best to me.

Disagree he got behind the def against Cincy this past week and also did in Denver on the ball he didn't run through. Think he plays faster than his forty time. Again there is in line speed and football speed. Hines wasn't the fastest guy and got it done. Really Ju Ju doest have great speed either . AB forty time if I remember wasn't 4.3

Steel Maniac
01-03-2019, 11:10 AM
Disagree he got behind the def against Cincy this past week and also did in Denver on the ball he didn't run through. Think he plays faster than his forty time. Again there is in line speed and football speed. Hines wasn't the fastest guy and got it done. Really Ju Ju doest have great speed either . AB forty time if I remember wasn't 4.3

I hear what your saying and I"m open to being wrong on this one. Hope I'm wrong but from what I"ve seen, he's slow.

01-03-2019, 11:36 AM
I cant remember on former WR leaving the steelers and excelling somewhere else.

Manny Sanders.

01-03-2019, 11:51 AM
How come the Pats and Eagles didn't have a problem with Blount?

That is the type of stuff that bothers me. Maybe, Tomlin needed to be a bit more hands-on than what he would like to be given some of the "characters" we have/had on this team.

I'm sure Tomlin hates to micro- manage as do I but depending on your team, sometimes it necessary. And that is coming from someone (i.e. me) that despises micro managing.

At one point, we had Bell, Blount, Bryant and Brown. Talk about drama and personalities.....

3 down 1 to go!

Steel Maniac
01-03-2019, 12:00 PM
Steelez09, you said it in the opening statement, " Why didn't the Pats have a problem with Blount?" Because they had head coaches with strong wills and leadership.

01-03-2019, 12:21 PM
Steelez09, you said it in the opening statement, " Why didn't the Pats have a problem with Blount?" Because they had head coaches with strong wills and leadership.

Blounts been a journeyman for a reason. He's an unstable personality. Never know what issues or when those issues will set him off

01-03-2019, 01:43 PM
I hear what your saying and I"m open to being wrong on this one. Hope I'm wrong but from what I"ve seen, he's slow.

I think it's a bit like Conner last year. Washington had a disappointing rookie year.

I'll believe that he can do it when he does it.

01-03-2019, 01:46 PM
Steelez09, you said it in the opening statement, " Why didn't the Pats have a problem with Blount?" Because they had head coaches with strong wills and leadership.didn't work out so well with Gordon in NE. Sometimes people aren't fixable.

01-03-2019, 01:47 PM
I think it's a bit like Conner last year. Washington had a disappointing rookie year.

I'll believe that he can do it when he does it.

Watch yourself. Some maniac might swoop in and interpret this as you saying you hate Washington.

01-03-2019, 01:52 PM
Coincidence. Three completely different situations. Bell wanted money, the Steelers said no. AB has money, wants the ball, Tomlin/Fichtner/Roethlisberger said no. Harrison didn't know how to go out gracefully.

I will say this. All three guys thought Tomlin and team would roll over for them, and they didn't. The Steelers do business a certain way and no single guy is above the team. I applaud them.

Antonio Brown has been allowed to act like a clown for years now. He 100% has been coddled and allowed to act "above the team" by both Tomlin and the Rooneys.

Some of us have been pointing out the selfishness and me-first attitude that Tomlin has fostered among the players. I'm old school and I don't like celebrations at all. Not even first down signals. But I recognize that I am a distinct minority in that attitude. But here's the thing: Brown and others have taken the celebrations to the point where they get penalized (actually hurt the team) and Tomlin has basically shrugged it off.

This team has been focused on its own high-school girls club drama for quite a while now. This team is unfocused, undisciplined and in complete meltdown mode. Now it's blame Brown time. Run him out of town! Boo, Antonio Brown. He's such a jerk, etc.

Yeah. Well, you have to be willfully blind not to see the pattern of mismanagement and idiocy that has gotten the Steelers to this point. This team, from the Rooneys to Tomlin to Ben himself, have basically squandered the 2nd half of Ben's career by allowing this environment to take root. Now, it's too late to fix.

Just about the only cure is to either fire Tomlin or have Tomlin re-establish himself as a disciplinarian with Brown being sacrificed as a scapegoat. Either scenario is a disaster, but I don't see how Tomlin and Brown can co-exist without this team being set up for a repeat circus performance.

01-03-2019, 01:58 PM
Brown has not been penalized a single time this season or last for celebrations.

01-03-2019, 02:26 PM
How come the Pats and Eagles didn't have a problem with Blount?

I think it's because they gave him carries, and we gave him almost none behind Bell, and didn't appear to have any plans to change that.

01-03-2019, 02:32 PM
Brown has not been penalized a single time this season or last for celebrations.

Irrelevant. He flew a helicopter into camp. He throws tantrums on the sideline. Stop deliberating missing the point.

01-03-2019, 03:37 PM
Watch yourself. Some maniac might swoop in and interpret this as you saying you hate Washington.
Or that you believe he will be the best ever to play the game,

01-03-2019, 03:38 PM
Irrelevant. He flew a helicopter into camp. He throws tantrums on the sideline. Stop deliberating missing the point.

How is it missing the point? You are the one who said "But here's the thing: Brown and others have taken the celebrations to the point where they get penalized (actually hurt the team) and Tomlin has basically shrugged it off."

It turns out that AB has not, in fact, been penalized and thus hurt the team. While a tantrum on the sideline might be seen by some as passion it could also be seen as whining. Who cares if the guy rode in a helicopter to camp? I don't care if he rode the friggin' space shuttle as long as he minds his busines..

01-03-2019, 04:00 PM
Didn't Brett Keisel and James Harrison drive farm tractors and backhoes and monster trucks and tiny smart cars to Latrobe once upon a time? Who cares? Juju could have pedaled his stolen bicycle from Pittsburgh to Latrobe and it wouldn't make one shred of difference.

01-03-2019, 04:21 PM
How is it missing the point? You are the one who said "But here's the thing: Brown and others have taken the celebrations to the point where they get penalized (actually hurt the team) and Tomlin has basically shrugged it off."

It turns out that AB has not, in fact, been penalized and thus hurt the team. While a tantrum on the sideline might be seen by some as passion it could also be seen as whining. Who cares if the guy rode in a helicopter to camp? I don't care if he rode the friggin' space shuttle as long as he minds his busines..

Well Sugar, folks like you and me disagree about the little things. When you let somebody act like a clown and set himself apart from the entire team, don't be shocked when he morphs into what Antonio Brown has become.

Let me spell it out for you further: this never would have happened on a Belichick led team. Brown would have either gotten with the program or been run out of town BEFORE the team became dependent on him and offered him a giant contract that is now coming back to bite in a serious way.

Steel Maniac
01-03-2019, 04:25 PM
I agree with you Hammer.

01-03-2019, 04:26 PM
Well Sugar, folks like you and me disagree about the little things. When you let somebody act like a clown and set himself apart from the entire team, don't be shocked when he morphs into what Antonio Brown has become.

Let me spell it out for you further: this never would have happened on a Belichick led team. Brown would have either gotten with the program or been run out of town BEFORE the team became dependent on him and offered him a giant contract that is now coming back to bite in a serious way.

Are you kidding me? We obviously disagree, but Bill B dealt with all kinds of drama from Gronk (talk about acting a clown- he does comedy shows) and Hernandez, etc. This is not a military unit, it's a football team.

Steel Maniac
01-03-2019, 04:27 PM
Or that you believe he will be the best ever to play the game,

Wow, you guys making up stuff for real now! Lmfao

01-03-2019, 05:03 PM
Didn't Brett Keisel and James Harrison drive farm tractors and backhoes and monster trucks and tiny smart cars to Latrobe once upon a time? Who cares? Juju could have pedaled his stolen bicycle from Pittsburgh to Latrobe and it wouldn't make one shred of difference.

There you go being rational and thinking like an adult. Don't you know it is time for hysteria and witch burnings?????

01-03-2019, 05:10 PM
Sugar, I don't follow other teams all that closely, but I don't recall Hernandez pulling stunts like AB does. I don't recall Gronk being a problem either. I wiki'd Hernandez to see what sort of disciplinary problems he had and all it says is that he was not particularly well-liked by his teammates and seemed like a head case.

Here's how Belichick handled it per the Wiki entry:

"Other Patriots said that Hernandez was often seeking attention, and at times seemed "unhinged."[20] Coach Bill Belichick (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bill_Belichick) was running out of patience with Hernandez by June 2013, and threatened to throw Hernandez off the team.[69] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aaron_Hernandez#cite_note-killer-70) After his arrest for the murder of Odin Lloyd, Belichick prohibited Hernandez's name from being spoken in the locker room.[69] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aaron_Hernandez#cite_note-killer-70) Gronkowski has also repeatedly declined to answer any questions about Hernandez in interviews, even going so far as to walk out on interviews when Hernandez's name was brought up.[70] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aaron_Hernandez#cite_note-71)"

At any rate, I don't expect Tomlin to behave like Belichick. He has to be himself. He can't morph into someone else. But he better get a tighter hold on things or he is going to go from being one of the all time great Steeler coaches to being a major disappointment. I say that as somebody who thought Tomlin was on the trajectory not so long ago to be possibly the greatest head coach this team has ever had.

01-03-2019, 05:46 PM
Well Sugar, folks like you and me disagree about the little things. When you let somebody act like a clown and set himself apart from the entire team, don't be shocked when he morphs into what Antonio Brown has become.

Let me spell it out for you further: this never would have happened on a Belichick led team. Brown would have either gotten with the program or been run out of town BEFORE the team became dependent on him and offered him a giant contract that is now coming back to bite in a serious way.
Tom Brady has his sideline spats over the years. There was also a bit of drama up and NE over the years. Spy gate, Hernandez, deflate gate, Brady vs BB, Gronk drama, and Gordon quit on the team this year are just a few that I remember.

So the never happens did and can happen to any organization. That's what happens some times when dealing with star million dollar athletes.

01-03-2019, 06:08 PM
A Snowflake calling someone else an Uncle Tom is comedic genius.

my least favorite term of all is *snowflake* because most people who use it are themselves entitled SOBs who think THEY are special, yet don't really understand the term... (not that this is you MOS)

it's become kind of:
"you have a stupid face"
"no YOU have a stupid face"


01-03-2019, 06:50 PM
I don't care about AB, he is a jerk. My issue is when was the last off season we had no drama? This sets us up next season just to repeat the past.
Change is needed and it's Tomlin that needs to go.
He may not be all the problem but as the saying goes, the buck stops here.

01-03-2019, 07:03 PM
This team hasn’t won jack squat in almost a decade and as a fan that’s only the bottom line I give a rat’s behind about.

Steel Maniac
01-03-2019, 07:30 PM
This team hasn’t won jack squat in almost a decade and as a fan that’s only the bottom line I give a rat’s behind about.

And that's what I've been saying too. And we haven't won anything in a decade.

Steel Maniac
01-03-2019, 07:35 PM
I don't care about AB, he is a jerk. My issue is when was the last off season we had no drama? This sets us up next season just to repeat the past.
Change is needed and it's Tomlin that needs to go.
He may not be all the problem but as the saying goes, the buck stops here.

Exactly. That's the way it works in football. But for some strange reason, posters don't want to admit that. Yes I know we don't supposedly fire coaches here. But we've been blessed but there comes a point when every coach doesn't work out like Noll and Cowher. And we've reached that point here.

01-03-2019, 09:16 PM
This team hasn’t won jack squat in almost a decade and as a fan that’s only the bottom line I give a rat’s behind about.If you haven't noticed, the stadium is sold out every season. That's really all that matters. Don't like the product? don't buy.. don't go to games, don't watch it on TV, don't listen on the radio....

Oh, and Belichick?... people conveniently forget the incidence with TB when he brought his personal trainer on the plane for a game. Belichick told the trainer to get off, he isn't part of the team. Brady said no, he stays.... guess what? He stayed. Talk about caving to a superstar....

Eddie Spaghetti
01-03-2019, 09:22 PM
why should fans not stay engaged in their team just because they feel the coach isn't getting the most of of his team ? they were there long before tomlin and will be there long after he is gone

the coach worship by some here is really off the charts and kinda sad

01-03-2019, 10:08 PM
why should fans not stay engaged in their team just because they feel the coach isn't getting the most of of his team ? they were there long before tomlin and will be there long after he is gone

the coach worship by some here is really off the charts and kinda sadand the coach derision is just as rampant.... fairly sure most people understand Tomlin has his flaws. fairly sure most fans feel his positives currently outweigh his negatives. You must feel the same, or else you wouldn't stay engaged with the team.

01-08-2019, 07:26 PM
Ryan Clark: Antonio Brown cussed out Dick LeBeau, Mike Tomlin let it get out of hand
By Michael David Smith | Jan 8, 2019, 5:12 PM EST

Dick LeBeau was a Hall of Fame player in the NFL, and his long tenure as an assistant coach made him one of the game’s most respected figures. But Antonio Brown apparently didn’t show LeBeau respect.

That’s the word from former Steeler Ryan Clark, who once again described on ESPN today a time that he found Brown to be a bad teammate. Clark said that shortly after Brown signed a new contract in 2012, Brown verbally attacked LeBeau.

“Coming into the next practice, he just got his money, he cusses out Dick LeBeau. Coach LeBeau, somebody who Troy [Polamalu], myself, James Farrior, all respected so much that anything he ever said, there’s no reply,” Clark said. “We almost got into a physical altercation that day, me and Antonio Brown. Because my thing was, this is not how we behave. This is not how we act. And for sure we don’t talk to Coach LeBeau that way.”

Clark hasn’t played for the Steelers since 2013, but he said he has talked to players on the 2018 team who told him Brown has become a serious problem, and coach Mike Tomlin hasn’t handled it.

“This is a situation that Coach Tomlin has allowed to get out of hand. So now you have to think about moving him,” Clark said. “It’s been something that has been weighing on this team all year.”

From Clark’s perspective, Brown is a problem that has been weighing on the Steelers for several years.

Steel Maniac
01-08-2019, 07:55 PM
why should fans not stay engaged in their team just because they feel the coach isn't getting the most of of his team ? they were there long before tomlin and will be there long after he is gone

the coach worship by some here is really off the charts and kinda sad

I’m with you Eddie; I’m just sitting back , enjoying the ride and when Tomlin heads right into that wall again, I jump, tuck , and roll out the vehicle and I let Tomlin and his supporters crash by themselves. Lmfao. Once we get a legit coach then we can ride the whole ride with our new head coach.

We’ll be here long after Tomlin has been dismissed.

01-08-2019, 09:02 PM
I’m with you Eddie; I’m just sitting back , enjoying the ride and when Tomlin heads right into that wall again, I jump, tuck , and roll out the vehicle and I let Tomlin and his supporters crash by themselves. Lmfao. Once we get a legit coach then we can ride the whole ride with our new head coach.

We’ll be here long after Tomlin has been dismissed.
Not sure why but the word “bandwagon” runs through my mind :p

Steel Maniac
01-09-2019, 01:21 AM
[/COLOR]Not sure why but the word “bandwagon” runs through my mind :p

Ford my friend, when I refer to jump, tuck and roll I’m referring to emotionally. When I see that car headed for the wall in the same old scenario , I emotionally step back. But if you choose to ride the car all the way to the wall , by all means, that’s your choice. No judgement from me. Lol

Steel Maniac
01-10-2019, 05:06 PM
Speaking Thursday, Steelers owner Art Rooney II said he was open to trading Antonio Brown, and that it was "hard to envision" him being with the team in 2019.

Rooney said that the only thing not on the table was releasing Brown. The Steelers are not going to give Brown away, but their intentions could not be more clear. The de facto deadline is March 17, when Brown is due a $2.5 million roster bonus. Whatever happened to cause Brown's Week 17 deactivation was the breaking point of a years-long accumulation of events. The best receiver in football turns 31 in July. Despite 2018's ugly turn, he will be in high demand.
Source: Gerry Dulac on Twitter

Steel Maniac
01-10-2019, 05:09 PM
Pete, from the above post, it looks like AB's a goner. Sorry buddy.

01-10-2019, 06:09 PM
agreed... I am glad to see Mr. Rooney take this stance, even though AB was/is a hell of a talent. If Tomlin is to remain our coach... I want to see him at least have a chance to recapture what has been lost...

AB surviving this latest rampage only sets Tomlin up for failure. It's the right move.

01-10-2019, 06:45 PM
AB just posted on his Instagram a picture of him and art II shaking hands noting good businesses #boomin......hmmmmmm??

Steel Maniac
01-10-2019, 06:53 PM
AB just posted on his Instagram a picture of him and art II shaking hands noting good businesses #boomin......hmmmmmm??

AB is on hallucinogens..............................

The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette reports the Steelers have not spoken with Antonio Brown since he was deactivated for the team's Week 17 game against the Bengals.

Per reporter Gerry Dulac, Brown has "refused to return repeated phone calls" from owner Art Rooney II and coach Mike Tomlin. He skipped the team's final meetings. "Whether the situation can be reconciled and have him back on the team next year, we’re a long way away from thinking that can happen," Rooney said, expanding on his comments that it was difficult to envision Brown with the team in 2019. "We’re not closing the door on anything at this point." Rooney said the massive $21.2 million cap hit the Steelers would take by trading Brown will not factor into their decision. Rooney sounds 100 percent ready to move on.
Source: Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

01-10-2019, 07:40 PM
Good riddance. I can’t stand guys with absurdly childish, selfish behavior like AB. He’s T.O. II. Good luck to the next team who brings that massive head of his in as a savior.

i hope we trade him to a team with a much lesser QB (though I will feel for that guy).

01-10-2019, 08:27 PM
Pete, from the above post, it looks like AB's a goner. Sorry buddy.

That not what i got out of that article and from what i've been reading.
Im sorry if im not excited about getting rid of the best wideout in the game.
Im hoping he comes back with hat in hand and begs to retire a Steeler.
I applaud Rooney for not being held hostage by this nincompoop...LOL

Steel Maniac
01-10-2019, 08:38 PM
That not what i got out of that article and from what i've been reading.
Im sorry if im not excited about getting rid of the best wideout in the game.
Im hoping he comes back with hat in hand and begs to retire a Steeler.
I applaud Rooney for not being held hostage by this nincompoop...LOL oh Pete; your denying it all the way to the end. I understand.

01-11-2019, 12:18 AM
Of course i am.
Id rather have AB, than not have AB.
No one knows until March

01-11-2019, 12:21 AM
Of course i am.
Id rather have AB, than not have AB.
No one knows until March

I concur, I'd rather be throwing the ball to him than having to keep it away from him, he is a dynamic receiver, hopefully, the two sides and all parties involved will come together at some point and find a way forward like any co-workers in any business.


01-11-2019, 07:03 AM
I'm sorry guys... but Tomlin has zero credibility if AB stays (for very obvious reasons). I get where you are coming from.. and hate to lose that kind of talent. if you want to see another year of Bell type drama.. and a divided lockerroom... that's what you'll get with AB on the team. Juju is only going to keep getting better.. and that's part of what's eating at AB no doubt

01-11-2019, 09:19 AM
AB burned a bridge too far. If he were to stay in Pittsburgh nobody would trust him; most importantly, his teammates would not. Even the most abject apology would not suffice. And that is why Art said that it’s hard to envision him staying in Pittsburgh. On the other hand, if he somehow stays, it’s not hard for me to envision his teammates throwing him out of a huddle, as the Jets once did to Santonio.

01-11-2019, 11:15 AM
AB displays narcissist behavior, and he needs mental help. Not sure what has happened to him over the last couple of years, but his demeanor and behavior has been escalating in a bad trend. Surely his agent(s) see him spiraling out of control.. Narcissistic personality disorders are so overused to describe people who don’t meet clinical criteria. With that said, I think in this case you are accurate. I don’t believe he has an axis 1 disorder. Which is your mental health disorders. I believe he has an axis 2 disorder which is a personality disorder. And these are notoriously difficult to treat. When you have the real deal narcissist in your locker room, it’s bound to become dysfunctional because there is no pleasing the narcissist.

01-11-2019, 11:36 AM
. Narcissistic personality disorders are so overused to describe people who don’t meet clinical criteria. With that said, I think in this case you are accurate. I don’t believe he has an axis 1 disorder. Which is your mental health disorders. I believe he has an axis 2 disorder which is a personality disorder. And these are notoriously difficult to treat. When you have the real deal narcissist in your locker room, it’s bound to become dysfunctional because there is no pleasing the narcissist.

Same thing goes for a narcissist in the White House. I thought "Border-Lying Personality Disorder" from Colbert's show was funny stuff.

01-11-2019, 12:38 PM
Of course i am.
Id rather have AB, than not have AB.
No one knows until March

I'm with you Pete.

I don't think it will happen, but I think the best outcome is mended relationships, because I'm assuming that we'd be selling great talent at pennies on the dollar...and that sucks.

01-11-2019, 03:44 PM
agreed... I am glad to see Mr. Rooney take this stance, even though AB was/is a hell of a talent. If Tomlin is to remain our coach... I want to see him at least have a chance to recapture what has been lost...

AB surviving this latest rampage only sets Tomlin up for failure. It's the right move. honestly, IMO if Brown could get out of his own way and remains healthy. He has/d a real chance to be the GOAT. Yes, even better numbers than Jerry Rice.

01-11-2019, 03:54 PM
Of course i am.
Id rather have AB, than not have AB.
No one knows until March. I understand the sentiment. Bell and Brown are incredibly talented with the divisive egos to match. Unfortunately, it has become harder and harder to root for a team where I don’t respect the superstars. Build around juju, and watt. That’s your leadership. And sometimes talent has to be removed to regain the locker room.

Steel Maniac
01-11-2019, 04:10 PM
Sometimes you have to take a step back to ultimately go forward.

01-11-2019, 04:16 PM
Build around juju, and watt. That’s your leadership.

Folks complain about draft deficiencies holding this team back around here, but it was only 20 short months ago when our front office scored T.J. Watt in round 1, Juju Smith-Schuster in round 2, and James Conner in round 3 of the same draft. Those are our building blocks for the future. Arguably our best draft since the greatest of all time back in 1974.

01-11-2019, 04:18 PM
honestly, IMO if Brown could get out of his own way and remains healthy. He has/d a real chance to be the GOAT. Yes, even better numbers than Jerry Rice.

hed have to play another 7 or 8 years at the same level to come close to Rice imo

hes not quite half way there

Steel Maniac
01-11-2019, 04:20 PM
Folks complain about draft deficiencies holding this team back around here, but it was only 20 short months ago when our front office scored T.J. Watt in round 1, Juju Smith-Schuster in round 2, and James Conner in round 3 of the same draft. Those are our building blocks for the future. Arguably our best draft since the greatest of all time back in 1974.

That was a good draft;What about that Jarvis Jones draft?

01-11-2019, 04:26 PM
That was a good draft;What about that Jarvis Jones draft?

That was an awful draft overall for the league. There were probably about a dozen or so busts taken in the top half of that first round. We still ended up with arguably the most talented player in that draft in round 2 when we took Le'Veon Bell after Jarvis.

Steel Maniac
01-11-2019, 05:11 PM
That was an awful draft overall for the league. There were probably about a dozen or so busts taken in the top half of that first round. We still ended up with arguably the most talented player in that draft in round 2 when we took Le'Veon Bell after Jarvis.

See? using what the rest of the league did/or doesn't do as a barometer for our lack of success. I don't subscribe to that. I don't care what the Bengals, Cardinals, Bucs or any of those cornball teams do. They don't justify what we do or don't do.

What about the Sean Davis/Artie Burns draft?

01-11-2019, 05:59 PM
Folks complain about draft deficiencies holding this team back around here, but it was only 20 short months ago when our front office scored T.J. Watt in round 1, Juju Smith-Schuster in round 2, and James Conner in round 3 of the same draft. Those are our building blocks for the future. Arguably our best draft since the greatest of all time back in 1974. I don't personally have a problem with Colbert and Co. in the drafting department. Scouting is a crap shoot. Overall they have done well. With that said, their ability to find and develop secondary talent is horrific. Whatever they need to do, probably get a new set of eyes on film in their scouting department. They should do.

01-11-2019, 06:04 PM
hed have to play another 7 or 8 years at the same level to come close to Rice imo

hes not quite half way there Probably so. But, I see no signs of AB slowing down unless he lands with a ish QB. He rarely misses games, trains like a freak. I see him going another 8 hard if he wishes. I mean Jerry put up all those numbers over 19 seasons. I think AB can do it in 16.

Steel Maniac
01-11-2019, 07:49 PM
AB ain’t Jerry Rice; not the same athlete. And Rice had Montana, Young and Rich Gannon during his hot period throwing to him.

01-11-2019, 07:58 PM
AB ain’t Jerry Rice; not the same athlete. And Rice had Montana, Young and Rich Gannon during his hot period throwing to him.

Not the same athlete...AB is an amazing athlete

01-11-2019, 08:46 PM
2013 to 2016 Steeler drafts were dismal.... the Steelers are only now beginning to recover.

01-11-2019, 08:50 PM
Not the same athlete...AB is an amazing athlete
indeed... pretty sure his 40 is faster than Jerry's. would guess he had a better vertical, too. people think Jerry was a freak athlete. he was just a damned hard worker

Steel Maniac
01-11-2019, 09:02 PM
indeed... pretty sure his 40 is faster than Jerry's. would guess he had a better vertical, too. people think Jerry was a freak athlete. he was just a damned hard worker

Just because he’s faster doesn’t make him a better athelete or wide receiver. Dude do you know who jerry Rice got his workout regiment from? I’m going to stop; I keep forgetting most of you were in the crib when Jerry played.

01-11-2019, 09:30 PM
Just because he’s faster doesn’t make him a better athelete or wide receiver. Dude do you know who jerry Rice got his workout regiment from? I’m going to stop; I keep forgetting most of you were in the crib when Jerry played.
dude, trust me, i know. and exactly why i said eh was a damned hard worker. I was playing on some level or another throughout most of Jerry's career.

and AB certainly isn't a better WR, but, IMO, that's due to work ethic - not that AB doesn't work hard. But, Jerry outworked EVERYONE. I honestly think AB might have better physical tools. So, it depends on how you define "better athlete". Hershel Walker was better athlete than Jerome Bettis - but I'd choose Bettis as my RB every dang time.

Back to Jerry - i used to love to hear others talk about doing the workout with him. Ricky Watters tells one of my favorite stories. (This is totally from my memory, so it's accurate conceptually, but, the words are my recollection).

He joined Jerry for a workout (seems like after his rookie year where he broke 1000 yards). By then, Jerry was long in the tooth and Ricky was young.

Per Ricky, they started running up a mountain and Ricky's thinking something like, "man this is hard, but, I'm keeping up with him. I'm in good shape. I don't see why all these people talk about this workout."

Then, Jerry looks back over his shoulder and says, "GO" and disappeared up the mountain like a cheetah and left Ricky behind...

Steel Maniac
01-11-2019, 11:43 PM
Good...the kind of numbers that rice put up is because of the work ethic. Do you see that type of work ethic from Brown? Do you see that type of mental make up from Brown to be that dedicated in your opinion.

01-12-2019, 01:27 AM
Good...the kind of numbers that rice put up is because of the work ethic. Do you see that type of work ethic from Brown? Do you see that type of mental make up from Brown to be that dedicated in your opinion.

I don't know about work ethic but AB is ahead of Jerry Rice in yards after 130 games, 11,207 to 10,703 and catches 837 to 637 (this was surprising), JR is ahead in TDs 106 to 74. If AB can play with a quality quarterback after Ben he has a real chance at being the most prolific pass catcher in history. He won't catch him in TDs but the other marks could fall pending health and a quarterback. Amazingly, Jerry Rice played in 16 games 18 out of his 20 years in the league.


01-12-2019, 02:00 AM
Jerry Rice ... to play that well for that long -- flat amazing!

Wonder if he ever got in a huff with teammates? I sure don't think he ever quit on them. Unless AB has a major transformation of character, I sort of hope he doesn't catch Rice.

01-12-2019, 08:37 AM
ABs mental shortcomings will be his downfall when it comes to being a serious threat to Rice's records.

Steel Maniac
01-12-2019, 12:21 PM
That’s my point; AB doesn’t have it above the neck and most likely he isn’t going to have a quality qb to get him the ball like he was getting it in Pittsburgh. But... if we need to sell some hogwash like that to move him, by all means, do it!

01-12-2019, 09:46 PM
Good...the kind of numbers that rice put up is because of the work ethic. Do you see that type of work ethic from Brown? Do you see that type of mental make up from Brown to be that dedicated in your opinion. is that your measure? No one has Rices work ethic. But make no mistake AB is a more naturally gifted athlete and he is putting up numbers quicker than Rice. So there’s that.

Steel Maniac
01-12-2019, 09:48 PM
is that your measure? No one has Rices work ethic. But make no mistake AB is a more naturally gifted athlete and he is putting up numbers quicker than Rice. So there’s that.

I hear ya; but I think that as a wr gets older, it's less about talent and more about work ethic. IMO.

Captain Lemming
01-12-2019, 11:00 PM
That’s my point; AB doesn’t have it above the neck and most likely he isn’t going to have a quality qb to get him the ball like he was getting it in Pittsburgh. But... if we need to sell some hogwash like that to move him, by all means, do it!

Brown has skills that has nothing to do with who is throwing the ball.
He has lead the league in yards of separation per catch. DESPITE constant double teams.

Captain Lemming
01-12-2019, 11:38 PM
Good...the kind of numbers that rice put up is because of the work ethic. Do you see that type of work ethic from Brown? Do you see that type of mental make up from Brown to be that dedicated in your opinion.

Is his work ethic at Rice level? Don't know.

But Browns work ethic is reputed to be EASILY the best on the team.
Some say the best in the league.

Sounds like at the very least the closest thing to Jerry Rice today.


http://www.nfl.com/news/story/0ap3000000619137/article/antonio-browns-steeler-stardom-the-product-of-rare-work-ethic http://www.espn.com/blog/pittsburgh-steelers/post/_/id/10597/antonio-browns-work-ethic-sets-him-apart https://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2017/06/26/annoyed-by-hearing-about-antonio-browns-work-ethic-joshua-dobbs-now-witnesses-it/ https://www.behindthesteelcurtain.com/nfl-pittsburgh-steelers-news/2015/6/1/8696641/pittsburgh-steelers-wr-antonio-browns-work-ethic-similar-to-the-great https://clutchpoints.com/steelers-news-jon-gruden-calls-antonio-brown-the-hardest-working-man-in-football/




His attitude is a different matter. He needs to go.

Steel Maniac
01-13-2019, 12:16 AM
Okay.. so your saying he’s going to surpass rice? Okay.. noted. You’ll see what an inferior qb does to him.

Captain Lemming
01-13-2019, 12:26 AM
Okay.. so your saying he’s going to surpass rice? Okay.. noted. You’ll see what an inferior qb does to him.

Wow....can we say "strawman". 20 productive seasons is a long time Maniac.
Go ahead and claim I aid what I never said and peruade yourself you are "right". :)

Here is my actual take:
I see him as growing into a potential TO.
Works hard, got skills, will continue to produce statistically, but without any concept of how a diva attitude can creat havoc on a team.

I also would not be shocked if he does a 180. As much as I hate to see it, if Pete is right, and his cost to the other team is not outrageous (we a paying much of his cost) the value is there......which bodes well for us in getting value for him.

I don't like overpaying for receivers, but he could be the piece that completes the puzzle for a good team for a bargain price.

Captain Lemming
01-13-2019, 12:39 AM
Okay.. so your saying he’s going to surpass rice? Okay.. noted. You’ll see what an inferior qb does to him.

Not exactly. Never said he "will" surpass Rice.
More like...…..


Steel Maniac
01-13-2019, 01:14 AM
Hahaha.. okay

01-13-2019, 05:54 AM
Brown has skills that has nothing to do with who is throwing the ball.
He has lead the league in yards of separation per catch. DESPITE constant double teams. At the end of the day, Brown is one of the best to ever play the position. His numbers speak for themselves. Doesn't mean we should keep him. I'm a firm believer that once a coach has lost a locker room, that one of two things needs to happen. Either you need to fire the coach, or you need to clean the locker room. I think we know where the Steelers will go with it.

01-13-2019, 05:57 AM
Okay.. so your saying he’s going to surpass rice? Okay.. noted. You’ll see what an inferior qb does to him. He needs longevity. But, if Brown plays for another 8 years at a strong level he will pass Rice. All of that said, AB is climbing the ranks faster than any WR I can recall. He is rarely injured. He will need a little luck and alot of hard work but it's not out of reach.

01-13-2019, 08:27 AM
At the end of the day, Brown is one of the best to ever play the position. His numbers speak for themselves. Doesn't mean we should keep him. I'm a firm believer that once a coach has lost a locker room, that one of two things needs to happen. Either you need to fire the coach, or you need to clean the locker room. I think we know where the Steelers will go with it.

exactly... been saying it since week 17

01-13-2019, 08:28 AM
He needs longevity. But, if Brown plays for another 8 years at a strong level he will pass Rice. All of that said, AB is climbing the ranks faster than any WR I can recall. He is rarely injured. He will need a little luck and alot of hard work but it's not out of reach.
hes gonna need alot of luck... and... and a top tier qb who's willing to target him 15 times a game for the next 8 yrs.

01-13-2019, 11:22 AM
He needs longevity. But, if Brown plays for another 8 years at a strong level he will pass Rice. All of that said, AB is climbing the ranks faster than any WR I can recall. He is rarely injured. He will need a little luck and alot of hard work but it's not out of reach.

The next 3 years of AB's career will probably determine if he passes Rice, JR put up about 4700 yards in the 3 year span that AB is entering right now, that's about 1565/year, this was JR's best 3 year stretch. If AB can keep pace or only slightly behind, he'll have a real shot at it, provided he plays enough years. All things being equal, the catch total is well within reach, AB is currently 200 ahead of Rice's pace, which shocked me while I was comparing the stats. I don't think AB will ever catch JR's TD total.


01-13-2019, 12:08 PM
Okay.. so your saying he’s going to surpass rice? Okay.. noted. You’ll see what an inferior qb does to him.

I know it's a small sample size, but didn't Brown get most of the targets / receptions / yards when we had guys like Mike Vick throwing the ball. Lesser QBs don't read the D as well and they don't make decisions as quickly. So, I think they're more inclined to throw it to their safety blanket.

Ben does this with Brown sometimes too. He trusts him to be open and forces things sometimes. I think an inferior QB might do that more. Which would be bad for the team, but might be better for Brown.

01-13-2019, 12:14 PM
That'll be fine until AB loses a step (inevitable with age)...

Steel Maniac
01-13-2019, 01:12 PM