View Full Version : Good article about the Steelers, what I've been saying

12-31-2018, 09:18 PM

12-31-2018, 09:22 PM
The Browns-Ravens game was watched closely by people in these parts as the Steelers’ playoff fortunes were tied to the result. What people hopefully saw was that the AFC North is going to get much tougher in the coming years because those two teams are both led by dynamic rookie quarterbacks who are only likely to get better.

The Steelers, meanwhile, have missed the playoffs for the third time in seven seasons and are trending in the wrong direction. They have now gone six out of their last eight seasons either missing the playoffs or failing to win a playoff game. That should be enough to scare Art Rooney II and company into making some changes. The Steelers don’t necessarily need a complete housecleaning, but they definitely need to clean house. My colleague Joe Starkey explained what needs to change with the coaching staff.

Mike Tomlin’s lack of holding players accountable is a problem, as some of his stars seem to take advantage of him. That’s where some of the blame lies, but the Steelers also need more winning players and fewer players seemingly worried about everything else.


Steelers fans like to brag that the Steelers are nothing like the Patriots. I’d agree with that. The Patriots are champions and care only about winning while the Steelers are paper champions who talk a lot but seem to be worried about everything other than winning.

Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

Ray Fittipaldo's Steelers chat transcript: 12.31.18

There are just too many me-first players on the Steelers, and too many stars who point the finger everywhere else when things go wrong. Antonio Brown takes the brunt of the criticism regarding players who seem to be interested in all the other things, and rightfully so. He has brought it on himself and there aren’t many ways —based on his actions — to argue winning is his top priority.

But Ben Roethlisberger seems to be above much of the criticism, and that’s ridiculous. Roethlisberger was able to become the “gunslinger” who called his own number at will this season, and he put up huge numbers. He won the passing title (5,129 total yards), led the league in passing yards per game (320.6) and was fifth in touchdowns (34).

His apologists will tell you that he had a great season and was let down by the players around him, but Roethlisberger is as big of a reason the Steelers aren’t in the playoffs as he is the reason they were still alive on the last day of the season.


Let’s not forget that the old gunslinger, with his buddy “Coach Randy” calling plays, also led the league in interceptions with 16. That’s a statistic many of his apologists don’t want to talk about. They don’t want to talk about the number of times he killed drives because he wanted to “take shots down the field,” as opposed to making winning football plays. They all regurgitate the Roethlisberger company line about how he was shackled by Todd Haley. Guess what? That was probably the best thing for the Steelers.

Roethlisberger has had a great career, but the shine has come off it a little bit if you step back and take a look at the decade. The Steelers have won four division titles in the last 10 years and have made the playoffs six times, won five playoff games, advanced to the conference title game twice and made it to (and lost) a Super Bowl.

Let’s compare that run with the decade (1994-2003) before Roethlisberger became the starter, with Neil O’Donnell, Mike Tomczak, Kent Graham, Kordell Stewart and Tommy Maddox playing quarterback. In that decade the Steelers won six division titles, won seven playoff games, made it to three conference title games and got to a Super Bowl (and lost).

Roethlisberger needs to be more consistent and stop worrying about being the gunslinger and worry more about playing winning football again. He and Brown aren’t the only two on this team who need to get focused on winning games, but they are the two highest-profile players — and the two players who have led the way in pointing fingers elsewhere.

Gene Collier

Gene Collier: Steelers take last exit before the playoff road narrows

The Steelers need to make changes this offseason, no doubt, but those changes need to start with a few attitudes.

Paul Zeise: pzeise@post-gazette.com and Twitter @PaulZeise

01-01-2019, 01:36 AM
So no one wants to comment because their hero is as much to blame.

01-01-2019, 12:09 PM
So no one wants to comment because their hero is as much to blame.
You have no clue what a hero is. It’s not someone that’s gets paid millions of dollars to play a game.

01-01-2019, 12:15 PM
You have no clue what a hero is. It’s not someone that’s gets paid millions of dollars to play a game.

:Clap:Clap:Clap:Clap:Clap:Clap:Clap:Clap:Clap:Clap :Clap:Clap:Clap:Clap:Clap:Clap:Clap:Clap:Clap:Clap

01-01-2019, 12:19 PM
What does "hold players accountable" even mean and hold them accountable for what? So what if guys are me first, that doesn't change the fumbles and missed kicks to lose games.

01-01-2019, 12:47 PM
What does "hold players accountable" even mean and hold them accountable for what? So what if guys are me first, that doesn't change the fumbles and missed kicks to lose games.


Is there a Code of Conduct where you work? How bout Rules and Expectations? Also, is there a discipline policy in place for violating said policies?

When Tomlin says "The Standard is the Standard"... what exactly does he mean by that? lol

01-01-2019, 12:48 PM
What does "hold players accountable" even mean and hold them accountable for what? So what if guys are me first, that doesn't change the fumbles and missed kicks to lose games.

You're right, just let them do whatever they want ... don't get on them about attitudes & practice habits ... don't bring repercussions for committing dumb penalties, etc. ... let them be on their phones at halftime ... and at the end of a season like they've just had, dismiss them with a "that's the way the ball bounces" pep talk, so they go into the offseason thinking they played well, just caught a few bad breaks that kept them out of the playoffs (
https://www.dkpittsburghsports.com/2018/12/31/column-steelers-bengals-dk/). Leave them be all me-first and not team-focused. Because everyone knows in football, when you have your players pulling merely for themselves as individuals, you're going to be much more successful than if they play as a team. This whole notion of accountability is silly and certainly doesn't apply to today's NFL.

01-01-2019, 01:44 PM

Is there a Code of Conduct where you work? How bout Rules and Expectations? Also, is there a discipline policy in place for violating said policies?

When Tomlin says "The Standard is the Standard"... what exactly does he mean by that? lol

I think if you've been following the Steelers for any length of time (and, I know you have), you know that is Tomlin's way of saying that regardless of who is the game, they expect that person to make plays and help the team win games.


01-01-2019, 02:09 PM
You're right, just let them do whatever they want ... don't get on them about attitudes & practice habits ... don't bring repercussions for committing dumb penalties, etc. ... let them be on their phones at halftime ... and at the end of a season like they've just had, dismiss them with a "that's the way the ball bounces" pep talk, so they go into the offseason thinking they played well, just caught a few bad breaks that kept them out of the playoffs (
https://www.dkpittsburghsports.com/2018/12/31/column-steelers-bengals-dk/). Leave them be all me-first and not team-focused. Because everyone knows in football, when you have your players pulling merely for themselves as individuals, you're going to be much more successful than if they play as a team. This whole notion of accountability is silly and certainly doesn't apply to today's NFL.

Who said there isn't a code of conduct or that players are doing whatever they want, nothing to do with what I asked. What does hold them accountable mean??????? And for what?????? Are you benching Antonio Brown for being a me first player when Juju fumbles the ball or when Boswell misses a kick? Saying "hold people accountable" is a nothing phrase there no substance behind it, what do you want Tomlin to do?

01-01-2019, 02:18 PM

Is there a Code of Conduct where you work? How bout Rules and Expectations? Also, is there a discipline policy in place for violating said policies?

When Tomlin says "The Standard is the Standard"... what exactly does he mean by that? lol

Sure is a code of conduct policy where I work as I'm sure the Steelers have one, I asked what it means to hold players accountable. Obviously you think Tomlin is not doing it, so you must have some idea in your head about what holding players accountable looks like and I want to know what it is.

01-01-2019, 03:26 PM
Sure is a code of conduct policy where I work as I'm sure the Steelers have one, I asked what it means to hold players accountable. Obviously you think Tomlin is not doing it, so you must have some idea in your head about what holding players accountable looks like and I want to know what it is.

it's quite simple actually. it would look the same as it does in the workplace.
there's no one person bigger than the organization.. you screw up (break a policy or rule etc) and you are subject to discipline according to the level of infraction. everyones treated the same regardless of stature. in short.. there are consequences for actions; no member of the team is immune from that.

01-01-2019, 03:48 PM
it's quite simple actually. it would look the same as it does in the workplace.
there's no one person bigger than the organization.. you screw up (break a policy or rule etc) and you are subject to discipline according to the level of infraction. everyones treated the same regardless of stature. in short.. there are consequences for actions; no member of the team is immune from that.

It's ridiculous to think that Big Ben and Josh Dobbs would be held to the same standard. For example you can bench a Steven Ridley for a fumble but your not going to Bench Juju and that is perfectly reasonable because benching Juju in the name of "accountability" only hurts the team.

01-01-2019, 03:56 PM
Sure is a code of conduct policy where I work as I'm sure the Steelers have one, I asked what it means to hold players accountable. Obviously you think Tomlin is not doing it, so you must have some idea in your head about what holding players accountable looks like and I want to know what it is.
I'll tell you what it's NOT.

Holding players accountable is NOT covering up for your diva star WR by reporting his absence as being because of a "knee issue".

It's NOT letting that player strut around the team like a pimp before the game, and then leave at halftime.

It's NOT failing to let the rest of the team know what was going on with that diva before the game.

Holding players accountable is NOT allowing players to sleep through meetings, facebook from locker rooms, and talk on their phones at halftime of games.

It's NOT allowing players, whether on social media, in interviews, or even on their own radio shows, to throw coaches and teammates under the bus without any repercussions.

It's NOT giving players the idea that they had a good season, just some breaks didn't go their way or they'd be in the playoffs.

Holding players accountable STARTS with self-accountability on the part of the head coach. When he fails to take responsibility for his own bone-headed decisions, poor challenges, failed time management and bad game planning/in-game adjustments, it undercuts his ability to hold his players responsible for their poor execution and sloppy play.

Steel Maniac
01-01-2019, 04:00 PM
I'll tell you what it's NOT.

Holding players accountable is NOT covering up for your diva star WR by reporting his absence as being because of a "knee issue".

It's NOT letting that player strut around the team like a pimp before the game, and then leave at halftime.

It's NOT failing to let the rest of the team know what was going on with that diva before the game.

Holding players accountable is NOT allowing players to sleep through meetings, facebook from locker rooms, and talk on their phones at halftime of games.

It's NOT allowing players, whether on social media, in interviews, or even on their own radio shows, to throw coaches and teammates under the bus without any repercussions.

It's NOT giving players the idea that they had a good season, just some breaks didn't go their way or they'd be in the playoffs.

Holding players accountable STARTS with self-accountability on the part of the head coach. When he fails to take responsibility for his own bone-headed decisions, poor challenges, failed time management and bad game planning/in-game adjustments, it undercuts his ability to hold his players responsible for their poor execution and sloppy play.


01-01-2019, 04:24 PM
It's ridiculous to think that Big Ben and Josh Dobbs would be held to the same standard. For example you can bench a Steven Ridley for a fumble but your not going to Bench Juju and that is perfectly reasonable because benching Juju in the name of "accountability" only hurts the team.

That's a Ridiculous example...

We are talking about "Off the field/Locker room conduct"... not a fumble lol.

01-01-2019, 04:25 PM
I'll tell you what it's NOT.

Holding players accountable is NOT covering up for your diva star WR by reporting his absence as being because of a "knee issue".

It's NOT letting that player strut around the team like a pimp before the game, and then leave at halftime.

It's NOT failing to let the rest of the team know what was going on with that diva before the game.

Holding players accountable is NOT allowing players to sleep through meetings, facebook from locker rooms, and talk on their phones at halftime of games.

It's NOT allowing players, whether on social media, in interviews, or even on their own radio shows, to throw coaches and teammates under the bus without any repercussions.

It's NOT giving players the idea that they had a good season, just some breaks didn't go their way or they'd be in the playoffs.

Holding players accountable STARTS with self-accountability on the part of the head coach. When he fails to take responsibility for his own bone-headed decisions, poor challenges, failed time management and bad game planning/in-game adjustments, it undercuts his ability to hold his players responsible for their poor execution and sloppy play.

This is what I was referring to, in part. Excellent job, sir.

01-01-2019, 04:33 PM
I'll tell you what it's NOT.

Holding players accountable is NOT covering up for your diva star WR by reporting his absence as being because of a "knee issue".

It's NOT letting that player strut around the team like a pimp before the game, and then leave at halftime.

It's NOT failing to let the rest of the team know what was going on with that diva before the game.

Holding players accountable is NOT allowing players to sleep through meetings, facebook from locker rooms, and talk on their phones at halftime of games.

It's NOT allowing players, whether on social media, in interviews, or even on their own radio shows, to throw coaches and teammates under the bus without any repercussions.

It's NOT giving players the idea that they had a good season, just some breaks didn't go their way or they'd be in the playoffs.

Holding players accountable STARTS with self-accountability on the part of the head coach. When he fails to take responsibility for his own bone-headed decisions, poor challenges, failed time management and bad game planning/in-game adjustments, it undercuts his ability to hold his players responsible for their poor execution and sloppy play.

100% spot on post!

01-01-2019, 04:34 PM
I'll tell you what it's NOT.

Holding players accountable is NOT covering up for your diva star WR by reporting his absence as being because of a "knee issue".

It's NOT letting that player strut around the team like a pimp before the game, and then leave at halftime.

It's NOT failing to let the rest of the team know what was going on with that diva before the game.

Holding players accountable is NOT allowing players to sleep through meetings, facebook from locker rooms, and talk on their phones at halftime of games.

It's NOT allowing players, whether on social media, in interviews, or even on their own radio shows, to throw coaches and teammates under the bus without any repercussions.

It's NOT giving players the idea that they had a good season, just some breaks didn't go their way or they'd be in the playoffs.

Holding players accountable STARTS with self-accountability on the part of the head coach. When he fails to take responsibility for his own bone-headed decisions, poor challenges, failed time management and bad game planning/in-game adjustments, it undercuts his ability to hold his players responsible for their poor execution and sloppy play.

100% spot on post

01-01-2019, 04:50 PM
I'll tell you what it's NOT.

Holding players accountable is NOT covering up for your diva star WR by reporting his absence as being because of a "knee issue".

It's NOT letting that player strut around the team like a pimp before the game, and then leave at halftime.

It's NOT failing to let the rest of the team know what was going on with that diva before the game.

Holding players accountable is NOT allowing players to sleep through meetings, facebook from locker rooms, and talk on their phones at halftime of games.

It's NOT allowing players, whether on social media, in interviews, or even on their own radio shows, to throw coaches and teammates under the bus without any repercussions.

It's NOT giving players the idea that they had a good season, just some breaks didn't go their way or they'd be in the playoffs.

Holding players accountable STARTS with self-accountability on the part of the head coach. When he fails to take responsibility for his own bone-headed decisions, poor challenges, failed time management and bad game planning/in-game adjustments, it undercuts his ability to hold his players responsible for their poor execution and sloppy play.

sir, you are ignoring the fact that this team didnt finish below .500:D

01-01-2019, 04:57 PM
For arguments sake, let’s use the Patriots as the high standard for team control and holding people accountable.

One thing Bellicheck certainly avoids is the prima Donna type personality in players. That’s not to say he doesn’t have them on his roster, they are just not on his roster for very long. He had possibly the best WR in history doing record breaking things for him and moved him on.

But thats the thing. He moves them on.

The Steelers have had a history of trying to keep their own players. Maybe it’s time, as an organisation, that they shift away from that? Yes, you will lose some productive years from good players as a result, but maybe this is the way for a HC to keep control of his roster?

In no particular order, Ben, AB, Bell, Blount, Bryant, Vince Williams, Pouncey, DeCastro and Foster have, among others, done some things, said some things, that have been distracting to the team. Is moving these guys on over the course of the years in the teams best interests?

01-01-2019, 04:59 PM
typical yinzer reaction

offense 2nd in passing, 4th in scoring, 6th in yards.
were they perfect? hell no, they need to tighten up on the turnovers. but they're about 10-15 % of the blame this year

defense was 16th in points. tied with that notable detroit defense. behind great defensive teams like new england and indianapolis.
I wonder if those teams have spent 9 draft picks in the top 2 rounds on their defense the last 6 drafts

01-01-2019, 05:01 PM
For arguments sake, let’s use the Patriots as the high standard for team control and holding people accountable.

One thing Bellicheck certainly avoids is the prima Donna type personality in players. That’s not to say he doesn’t have them on his roster, they are just not on his roster for very long. He had possibly the best WR in history doing record breaking things for him and moved him on.

But thats the thing. He moves them on.

The Steelers have had a history of trying to keep their own players. Maybe it’s time, as an organisation, that they shift away from that? Yes, you will lose some productive years from good players as a result, but maybe this is the way for a HC to keep control of his roster?

In no particular order, Ben, AB, Bell, Blount, Bryant, Vince Williams, Pouncey, DeCastro and Foster have, among others, done some things, said some things, that have been distracting to the team. Is moving these guys on over the course of the years in the teams best interests?

That's sort of what the Seahawks have done, isn't it? Shipped away all the "drama" players. Seems to be getting them on the right track so far, but I guess we'll have to wait to come up with the final verdict.

01-01-2019, 05:12 PM
That's sort of what the Seahawks have done, isn't it? Shipped away all the "drama" players. Seems to be getting them on the right track so far, but I guess we'll have to wait to come up with the final verdict.

Seahawks are a great example. Name their most distracting player now.

01-01-2019, 05:26 PM
Seahawks are a great example. Name their most distracting player now.

thats great if you have the HC that can coach up and scheme. tomlin cant win in the post season with loads of talent. hows he gonna do without bell, AB, ben, pouncy, gilbert, decastro, juju?

01-01-2019, 05:27 PM
Seahawks are a great example. Name their most distracting player now.

Steelers are trying to draft high character guys.. AB is really one of the last big purges that need to happen

01-01-2019, 05:36 PM
Steelers are trying to draft high character guys.. AB is really one of the last big purges that need to happen

dont be surprised if juju takes his place

01-01-2019, 05:43 PM
dont be surprised if juju takes his place

Its starting to happen IMO

01-01-2019, 05:57 PM
Too early to say with JuJu. He still plays with the right enthusiasm, and his off field stuff is fun, not distracting.

The Steelers always try to draft ‘character guys’. But time and money can change that. The trick is to know who to move on. More James Conner types might help though.

Steel Maniac
01-01-2019, 06:02 PM
dont be surprised if juju takes his place

JuJu was voted team captain ; I think he’s already taken his place. And that’s what AB sees too. Thus, him acting the way he’s acting.

01-01-2019, 06:14 PM
JuJu was voted team captain ; I think he’s already taken his place. And that’s what AB sees too. Thus, him acting the way he’s acting.

That's what Im referring to. I think Juju takes his place as the #1 receiver. I did not mean that Juju would become the Cancer that AB apparently is.

Steel Maniac
01-01-2019, 06:19 PM
They may need to take another WR in the draft as early as the 4th round to send AB a message.

01-01-2019, 06:22 PM
Im not saying that Eli Rogers would be AB's replacement... but he looked pretty solid when he came back the last few games of the season.
Without AB... we still have Juju, Washington, Switzer, and hopefully Rogers... No reason we couldn't find one more receiver in free agency...and roll on without AB if needed. Biggest thing preventing AB's departure is his cap hit (from what im hearing).

Steel Maniac
01-01-2019, 06:26 PM
I don’t think Washington has the speed required for the outside positions. He’d be fine in the slot going forward.

01-01-2019, 06:27 PM
They may need to take another WR in the draft as early as the 4th round to send AB a message.

only if its BPA?...........:D

01-01-2019, 06:28 PM
I don’t think Washington has the speed required for the outside positions. He’d be fine in the slot going forward.

we'll see.............so far, bust

01-01-2019, 06:41 PM
we'll see.............so far, bust

so was Troy Polamalu after his rookie season...

01-01-2019, 06:42 PM
Surely we could get at least a 1st rd pick for Brown? Use that money, and Bell's money to sign a couple of impact FAs. WR and CB would top the list. Draft LBs heavily in April.

Steel Maniac
01-01-2019, 07:01 PM
Surely we could get at least a 1st rd pick for Brown? Use that money, and Bell's money to sign a couple of impact FAs. WR and CB would top the list. Draft LBs heavily in April.

We’d have to restructure Browns contract first. Cap hit would be tremendous.

01-01-2019, 07:44 PM
I don’t think anyone thinks you bench a guy for a routine fumble or dropped pass. It happens. But I’d like to see Tomlin take a harder line with players. He let the Boswell situation fester all season. Replacement kickers should have been brought in much earlier.

He he could have sent a message that no one is above the team by cutting Grimble when he passed up a sure TD to make the highlight real and fumbled out of the end zone. That was a choice the player made. Make sure everyone understands no one is more important than the goal of winning games.

And cut Artie Burns. Be a man, admit you reached for a project player that’s a bust. He’s an absolute liability ever time he comes on the field. Make sure it’s understood even #1s get cut if they don’t perform.

01-01-2019, 07:48 PM
so was Troy Polamalu after his rookie season...

are you predicting HOF for washington?