View Full Version : 10 Takeaways from the Pittsburgh Steelers’ disappointing season.

12-31-2018, 04:49 PM

Pretty good article
Sums up the way i feel in a nutshell.

01-01-2019, 12:54 AM
I know this isn't popular but, imo, a lot of the defensive woes were indirectly related to the offense, while it racked up points, yards and awesome red zone efficiency, it wasn't able to close out games. I wouldn't hold a candle-light vigil if Fichtner were shown the door, his 67% pass to 33% run ratio with a quarterback that takes many chances is a recipe for losing close games and that's what the Steelers did this year, they lost close games. Ben at times looked like he was in the wild, wild, west just slingin it around out there. The perfect OC would be Haley's discipline with Ben and Fichtner's red-zone efficiency and the Steelers would be a very tough out.

The defense needs a shakeup as well, but the offense is flying under the radar for its contributions to this failure of a season, because the stats look great but the internals, not so much.


01-01-2019, 01:13 AM
The article is scattershot at best.

States 'there is talent on the team' then goes on in detail about all the holes they need to fill because 'Bostic and Morgan are not it', replacing Dupree because he 'certainly does not cut it', 'Sensabaugh might not be CB2,... isn't great...solid backup'....

So apparently, there is talent. Not enough and just not where the Steelers need it.

Steel Maniac
01-01-2019, 07:11 PM
I know this isn't popular but, imo, a lot of the defensive woes were indirectly related to the offense, while it racked up points, yards and awesome red zone efficiency, it wasn't able to close out games. I wouldn't hold a candle-light vigil if Fichtner were shown the door, his 67% pass to 33% run ratio with a quarterback that takes many chances is a recipe for losing close games and that's what the Steelers did this year, they lost close games. Ben at times looked like he was in the wild, wild, west just slingin it around out there. The perfect OC would be Haley's discipline with Ben and Fichtner's red-zone efficiency and the Steelers would be a very tough out.

The defense needs a shakeup as well, but the offense is flying under the radar for its contributions to this failure of a season, because the stats look great but the internals, not so much.


I love this quote.thought provoking.