View Full Version : you gotta admire the Steelers generosity......

12-09-2018, 11:50 PM
I mean, what else do you call three gift wrapped wins to teams they had on the ropes except generous???

what else do you call 0-4 against the AFC west?

the steelers defense generously allowed the chargers to execute the greatest comeback against the steelers at home.

the week before they generously gave the ball over to the broncos many times - and just as generously, allowed each of those turnovers to result in points. wooooo!

they followed it up by generously playing only 50 minutes of football today instead of 60 and allowing the raiders to drive the field so quickly at the end - gruden had the luxury of burning up extra clock.

was there any doubt the raiders were going to drive the field and score with no time left? admit it - you knew the defense wouldn't make a stop.

the keith butler 'experiment' has yielded nothing better than statistically average defenses - but not average when the game is on the line.

look, this team is exactly what started the season. a very good offense, a very bad defense, and a head coach that correctly identified all the problems today in his presser - but seems to lack the capacity to fix them.

just a wasted season. the pats will likely eat their lunch, so will the saints. maybe we beat the bungles to go 8-7-1. at this point i hope the rats collapse and baker mayfield squeaks into the wild card. at least that would be exciting football......

oh, and danny smith??? can you blame the special teams coach for not adjusting to a horrible field? I don't know - but dang, slipping and sliding all day?

Tomlin is still secure in his job - no way the rooney's fire him. but you can't fire the team. In my mind it's butler and smith that are the easiest (and most worthy) targets.

what a miserable three weeks this has been. what a miserable 5 weeks this may turn into........

the real crime is not only us but the steelers themselves know they should be 10-2-1 right now. they have squandered this season.

12-09-2018, 11:56 PM
Rooney has partners so maybe they pressure him into getting rid of Tomlin like they did last year after the Jax debacle

12-10-2018, 12:08 AM
Rooney has partners so maybe they pressure him into getting rid of Tomlin like they did last year after the Jax debacle

rooney doesn't listen to them. he only has them because the NFL made them diversify the ownership - i actually think he resents having any partners.

about the best we could hope for - and there's no chance it happens, is rooney actually makes a public statement of displeasure on the state of the team. I don't know if tomlin feels any heat - but he deserves to. only rooney can apply it however.