View Full Version : Steelers fans the leagues new raider nation......

12-04-2018, 06:33 PM
So we have steeler fans fighting each other and now also choking out pregnant women of opposing teams.....yikes this is sad.

12-04-2018, 07:37 PM
A couple of dopey fans does not define an entire fanbase..lol

12-04-2018, 08:13 PM
I agree and should have worded the title differently but hope this is not the new for the our fan base at the stadium. This jackass will be banned per the Steelers organization

12-04-2018, 08:25 PM
I also watched the choke vid and it wasnt a choke..
Fn media again just looking for a story i tell you.

12-05-2018, 01:56 AM
The biggest "choke" job of that day was by the Steelers in the second half against the Chargers.

12-05-2018, 09:09 AM
So much of every fan base ruins sports. I was even listening to the person that filmed the headbutt this week and she commented that she'd understand if it was against another team's fan. It's crazy that people think it's ok to act like this.

If you look up 'angry steelers fan' you will see some disturbing crap out there. Kinda makes you never want to leave your house knowing how insane some folks are. From irrational screaming to breaking tv's to lashing out violently. Why do people take this stuff so seriously?

And it's every sport and every team. And it goes beyond sports to the point that the average person just isn't happy in life. I think it's gotta be some form of mental disease where people cannot control their emotions. And this isn't to say, I won't overreact like the next guy, but for me it's more about the humor and cathartic release. I've been bummed by a bad call or play, but a game has never made me angry or violent.

Maybe they should stop selling beer at games. Or they should make you pass a psych evaluation before they allow you to drink. Some people shouldn't touch alcohol. But it doesn't need to ruin the fun for everyone else. I can mention me personally after a couple drinks with friends, I become more social, friendlier, and more optimistic. But I've seen the bad side of some people come out where they get angry, sad, emotional, etc.

Sports are supposed to be an escape from the pressure of the world. Unfortunately for many, they become pressure. That sucks. Society on a whole seems angry at everything and everyone. There's more and more bad apples surrounding us every day.

I think the only logical reaction is to start a movement where people wearing Steelers jersey just start giving out random hugs to people. We should be extra nice in our Steelers gear and say hello. Ask people how their day is going. Do something nice and unexpected for people. How cool would it be if the world perceived anytime you were wearing a Steelers article of clothing, they'd know you were one of the most amazingly nice and kind individuals on the planet. It'd be awesome if every Steelers fan was a reflection of who we are. People would see us coming and they would smile.

But instead they just think of us as mouth breathing neck beards who are on the edge of turning on one another with a random head butt at any moment. There are a lot of bad perceptions of Steelers fans out there. Don't ruin it for the rest of us. We will forever be known as the butt heads of the NFL fan bases and we have to work twice as hard to change it.

And remember, it's just a game. It's supposed to be fun being a fan.

Steel Maniac
12-05-2018, 09:12 AM
The biggest "choke" job of that day was by the Steelers in the second half against the Chargers.

Hahahahaha ... tough road we are on now with the Ravens breathing down our necks. If we somehow lose to the Raiders, the wheels will officially have come off the cart.

12-05-2018, 09:18 AM
Maybe they should stop selling beer at games. Or they should make you pass a psych evaluation before they allow you to drink. Some people shouldn't touch alcohol. But it doesn't need to ruin the fun for everyone else. I can mention me personally after a couple drinks with friends, I become more social, friendlier, and more optimistic. But I've seen the bad side of some people come out where they get angry, sad, emotional, etc.

I've often wondered about this. I'm like you, I become really friendly with alcohol. But some people become the exact opposite and are looking for fights under the influence.

I'm sure revenue would go down if they didn't sell beer at games. I wonder if attendance would go down? Me personally, I don't care. But even if they stopped selling it, the same violent people would still get their share at the tailgate parties.

It probably doesn't really matter what you do. When you put ~70k people together at a violent sport, there's bound to be at least a few idiots in there somewhere. I'm sure stuff like this happens in every stadium around the country.

12-05-2018, 09:22 AM
not sure what happen ...please give link? Most fans are nice...always a few bad apples on every team......
why so serious......