View Full Version : Ben's Quiet Quest

08-29-2016, 04:37 PM

Nice article. The day will come when he can tell his story. The women that almost ransacked his career should be held accountable.

08-29-2016, 06:11 PM
Thanks for posting that article. Enjoyed it.

08-29-2016, 06:36 PM
So, Ben plans to change peoples minds about his sexual assault allegations by telling everyone about his love for Jesus? Sounds more like ole' pastor Jamie is pushing for some pub to promote his church.

08-29-2016, 08:30 PM
Didn't know about the middle name homage Ben made to Kelly and his deceased son. That's good stuff. Impressive.

08-29-2016, 09:12 PM
Mr. Wizard. Try reading the article again but slower this time. Ben acknowledges that he won't change minds that way and would prefer not to try at all if it makes him look phony.

08-29-2016, 09:30 PM
Mr. Wizard. Try reading the article again but slower this time. Ben acknowledges that he won't change minds that way and would prefer not to try at all if it makes him look phony.

He may be a Wizard, but his reading comprehension could use some work.

08-29-2016, 10:33 PM
I comprehend just fine, It's an article about what a great guy Ben is now that he has found jesus through pastor Jamie's church. I'm sure Ben's pastor is just going to interviews on Ben without Ben knowing or without his input. This is clearly a PR move, Ben knows nobody wants to hear "I'm a great guy" from Ben's mouth, so he has his pastor tell you, it doesn't get anymore phony.

08-29-2016, 10:50 PM
I comprehend just fine, It's an article about what a great guy Ben is now that he has found jesus through pastor Jamie's church. I'm sure Ben's pastor is just going to interviews on Ben without Ben knowing or without his input. This is clearly a PR move, Ben knows nobody wants to hear "I'm a great guy" from Ben's mouth, so he has his pastor tell you, it doesn't get anymore phony.



08-29-2016, 11:22 PM
I comprehend just fine, It's an article about what a great guy Ben is now that he has found jesus through pastor Jamie's church. I'm sure Ben's pastor is just going to interviews on Ben without Ben knowing or without his input. This is clearly a PR move, Ben knows nobody wants to hear "I'm a great guy" from Ben's mouth, so he has his pastor tell you, it doesn't get anymore phony.

You're the one that's phony. Trying to disguise your obvious anti Christian bigotry within some contrived critique on Ben's character. You're fooling nobody.

08-29-2016, 11:55 PM
Didn't Ben come onto the field as a rookie years before any sexual misconduct allegations with "PFJ" written on his cleats before the league told him that the only logos on shoes should be corporate swooshes, not personal messages about playing for Jesus?

08-30-2016, 05:47 AM
Didn't Ben come onto the field as a rookie years before any sexual misconduct allegations with "PFJ" written on his cleats before the league told him that the only logos on shoes should be corporate swooshes, not personal messages about playing for Jesus?

Not quite as exciting as Jim McMahon writing "Rozelle" on his headband...

08-30-2016, 06:28 AM
Ahhhh, the conspiracy theory du jour. It goes like this: Ben and "Pastor Jamie" get together and hatch a plan. Ben desperately wants to improve his image but can't do it himself. So he needs PR. Instead of hiring a PR firm, they agree that the pastor will be the front man. Pastor says nice things about Ben. The rubes believe it. The payoff is that more people flock to join the congregation.

08-30-2016, 06:51 AM
You're the one that's phony. Trying to disguise your obvious anti Christian bigotry within some contrived critique on Ben's character. You're fooling nobody.

I didn't say anything about Christianity, I gave you a critique about the article , which is written about Ben's character. If you would like to discuss Christianity we can do that in an appropriate thread.

08-30-2016, 08:58 AM
If you read the details of both the accusations, everything points to Ben not assaulting anyone. Poor behavior - yeah, like many 20 year olds. Not an excuse for poor behavior but he paid a very, very dear price for his actions. I've seen guys act much worse when I was in my 20's. They were lucky they weren't multi-million dollar celebrities being falsely accused of assault.

Many people will never believe that he didn't assault those girls. I swear, some of my female friends want to believe that he did it. It doesn't matter what was in texts from the girl in Tahoe or on video interviews in Milledgeville. Some people just want to be angry with someone.

I think Ben has done as good a job of redeeming himself as he possibly could. It will be interesting to hear what he has to say after his next super bowl win.

08-30-2016, 09:25 AM
the skepticism is due to Ben "pfj'ing" then fame (the devils fav drug) got the best of him...

it doesnt matter what he says tho, once you are labeled a rapist nothing you say or do will change peoples minds. The only thing that would help is if the accusers came forward and gave statements.

08-31-2016, 08:24 AM
the skepticism is due to Ben "pfj'ing" then fame (the devils fav drug) got the best of him...

it doesnt matter what he says tho, once you are labeled a rapist nothing you say or do will change peoples minds. The only thing that would help is if the accusers came forward and gave statements.

Sadly. This.

08-31-2016, 05:59 PM
the skepticism is due to Ben "pfj'ing" then fame (the devils fav drug) got the best of him...

it doesnt matter what he says tho, once you are labeled a rapist nothing you say or do will change peoples minds. The only thing that would help is if the accusers came forward and gave statements.

Even that wouldn't. Haters will be haters. They'll just say the accused were paid to say it.