View Full Version : Theory about why Harrison is being PED tested so frequently

05-19-2016, 01:33 PM
I've been a fan of Jame's actions both on and off the field for some time now. He's the only Steeler I follow on social media. While there have always been postings about acupuncture and his insane workouts, this year there has been an uptick in postings regarding OptimumEFX workout supplements. I think James is an investor in this business and is both using the product and fronting for it via social media. I think its a great idea for him to get into the business as a way to stay in shape and support his family when he hangs up the football cleats.

However, right now I think that the NFL is watching his association with OptimumEFX and ordering increased PED testing because of it. The supplement market is not strongly regulated and therefore there is a lot of experimentation with the mixes. Even though you don't put a banned PED into your body as the supplement metabolizes the intermediates can be banned PEDs or trigger false positives. I have no doubt that the NFL would take a positive result and institute a suspension without trying to figure out what the cause of the positive result was. They will not care if it is a mistake.

James needs to be very careful about what he is putting into his body because it is clear that the NFL has its "ears up". If I were him I would be sure that OptimumEFX is formulated and manufactured very tightly so that he can avoid any costly mistakes that result in suspension.

Iron City Inc.
05-19-2016, 06:30 PM
What is the frequency of James's testing? What is the frequency of overall testing?
Guess I didn't realize he was being singled out.