View Full Version : Marsha Brady supposed to have a presser today

01-22-2015, 05:24 PM
Actually, it was supposed to be an hour a go I read, but can't find anything on line about it.

Wonder if he'll** take questions, Bellicheat** didn't in his presser.

01-22-2015, 05:32 PM
Tom Brady: “I didn’t alter the ball in any way”

Patriots quarterback Tom Brady denied any wrongdoing amid accusations that he or his team broke NFL rules by tampering with game balls in the AFC Championship Game.

“I didn’t alter the ball in any way,” Brady said. “I have a process I go through before every game where I go in and pick the balls — the footballs that I want to use for the game. Our equipment guys do a great job of breaking the balls in. They have a process that they go through. When I pick those footballs out, at that point, to me, they’re perfect. I don’t want anyone touching the balls after that, I don’t want anyone rubbing them, putting any air in, taking any air out, to me those balls are perfect and that’s what I expect when I’m on the field.”

Brady said he didn’t think there was anything wrong with the footballs used in the AFC Championship Game.

“I didn’t think anything of it until I woke up Monday morning and answered a question on the radio about it. That was the first I heard of it,” Brady said.

Brady seemed taken aback by a question about whether he’s a cheater.

“I feel like I’ve always played within the rules,” Brady said. “I would never do anything to break the rules. I believe in fair play, I respect the league and everything they’re doing to try to create a competitive playing field for all the NFL teams. It’s a very competitive league. Every team is doing the best they can to win every week. I believe in fair play and will always do that for as long as I’m playing.”

Brady said he would like to “figure out what happened” because he was “as surprised as anybody” to find out that the Patriots had played with under-inflated footballs. Brady insists that if there was anything wrong with the game balls, that wasn’t because of anything he had done.

01-22-2015, 05:34 PM
Oh well. That settles it then.

01-22-2015, 05:35 PM
So the blame will fall on the equipment manager or the ball boys. The NFL will present it as a "rogue" employee acting outside of the instructions of the HC and/or QB. The employee will be fired (he'll get another job in one of Kraft's businesses ... a lucrative job). And the NFL will expect the show to go on as usual.

01-22-2015, 06:01 PM
So the blame will fall on the equipment manager or the ball boys. The NFL will present it as a "rogue" employee acting outside of the instructions of the HC and/or QB. The employee will be fired (he'll get another job in one of Kraft's businesses ... a lucrative job). And the NFL will expect the show to go on as usual.

That sounds like a good plan for them....Kraft should hire you for evaluations and job placement/excuses

Eddie Spaghetti
01-22-2015, 07:42 PM
you guys are kidding yourselves

nobody is going to take the blame or get fired in any of this. the league cant allow that to ever come in, too much money is involved. bellicheat learned that during spygate

the worst i see is a loss of an insignificant draft pick, if anything

01-22-2015, 08:35 PM

01-22-2015, 08:45 PM

ok that is to funny I'm on the ground lol

01-22-2015, 08:46 PM
I would like the equipment personal and Brady to take a polygraph!

01-22-2015, 09:24 PM
I would like the equipment personal and Brady to take a polygraph!
If there's a way to cheat it, I think Tom would find it!

01-22-2015, 11:22 PM
If there's a way to cheat it, I think Tom would find it!

of COURSE tom didn't alter the footballs! There are many many things tom doesn't do. he probably doesn't mow his own lawn. he probably doesn't cook his own meals. yet i suspect those things are done at his direction. So sometime after the game balls were inspected by the ref - tommy told someone 'hey, make sure you get those balls how I like'em'. so his statement at the presser is totally accurate.

but he's lying nonetheless.

what was funny was I actually believed bellicheat. I seriously doubt a HC spends time worrying about the game balls as others are responsible for it. Just like he probably doesn't check the quality and quantity of the gatorade. And after hearing him I was prepared to say 'ok'.

then i saw brady.

they are so brazen.....

01-22-2015, 11:34 PM
how did these guys not notice anything even after it came out during halftime that the balls were altered. Did the refs not say a word to them? just ignored it during the game?

01-23-2015, 01:58 AM
The only news that came out of this press conference is that the NFL did not interview Tom Brady. So they investigate a scandal, report 11 out of 12 balls were doctored, and don't interview the guy who had the most reason to know something was up.

My only question is what is the point of telling us 11 out of 12 balls were underinflated if you are going to give a pass to the lead suspect? Just cover it up from the get go. I also love how Bellichick gets to give a separate press conference from Brady. You know, because that is totally how innocent people behave. Separate press conferences where the first person washes his hands of the second.

Totally bizarre and incredibly badly handled regardless of how it plays out. Great job NFL. When do the Pirates start? Oughta be a few years yet before the suits completely ruin baseball too.

01-23-2015, 07:50 AM
Tom Brady: “I didn’t alter the ball in any way”

Patriots quarterback Tom Brady denied any wrongdoing amid accusations that he or his team broke NFL rules by tampering with game balls in the AFC Championship Game.

“I didn’t alter the ball in any way,” Brady said. “I have a process I go through before every game where I go in and pick the balls — the footballs that I want to use for the game. Our equipment guys do a great job of breaking the balls in. They have a process that they go through. When I pick those footballs out, at that point, to me, they’re perfect. I don’t want anyone touching the balls after that, I don’t want anyone rubbing them, putting any air in, taking any air out, to me those balls are perfect and that’s what I expect when I’m on the field.”

Brady said he didn’t think there was anything wrong with the footballs used in the AFC Championship Game.

“I didn’t think anything of it until I woke up Monday morning and answered a question on the radio about it. That was the first I heard of it,” Brady said.

Brady seemed taken aback by a question about whether he’s a cheater.

“I feel like I’ve always played within the rules,” Brady said. “I would never do anything to break the rules. I believe in fair play, I respect the league and everything they’re doing to try to create a competitive playing field for all the NFL teams. It’s a very competitive league. Every team is doing the best they can to win every week. I believe in fair play and will always do that for as long as I’m playing.”

Brady said he would like to “figure out what happened” because he was “as surprised as anybody” to find out that the Patriots had played with under-inflated footballs. Brady insists that if there was anything wrong with the game balls, that wasn’t because of anything he had done.

The key word here is "I", of course, Tom Brady didn't alter the PSI in the footballs, but someone else could have, he went to the Bill Clinton public speaking 101 class.


01-23-2015, 08:51 AM
The key word here is "I", of course, Tom Brady didn't alter the PSI in the footballs, but someone else could have, he went to the Bill Clinton public speaking 101 class.


I believed, Bilichick but, was struggling to believe Brady... who was the Equipment manager and ball boy that game? nobody has mentioned them...

01-23-2015, 09:16 AM
I believed, Bilichick but, was struggling to believe Brady... who was the Equipment manager and ball boy that game? nobody has mentioned them...

Because they would only do this under the direction of the head coach or starting QB...or both...

01-23-2015, 09:19 AM
I believed, Bilichick but, was struggling to believe Brady... who was the Equipment manager and ball boy that game? nobody has mentioned them...

and no one should mention them by name.

There was a baseball player from Milwaukee who got the UPS driver fired and then a year later he came clean about being a cheater.

01-23-2015, 09:48 AM
I didn't find Brady believable at all. As much of a control-freak as he is, somebody tampered with his footballs without his knowledge, leaving him under suspicion, and he's that non-chalant about it? C'mon...he'd be upset. But if he had knowledge of the deflating, and was trying to cover it up? I think you see just what you saw from him in his press conference.

Belichick seemed more believable. But I'm still not sure if I can buy that a coach who is known for micro-managing every aspect of his team doesn't know anything about the rules concerning game balls, and how they're handled, and their inflation.

01-23-2015, 09:50 AM
and no one should mention them by name.

There was a baseball player from Milwaukee who got the UPS driver fired and then a year later he came clean about being a cheater.

ok, I agree with that but, the NFL should get them to take a polygraph test...

01-23-2015, 11:05 AM
ok, I agree with that but, the NFL should get them to take a polygraph test...


If they did and failed the test you would blame the machine or ask to investigate the company who did the test.

01-23-2015, 11:09 AM

If they did and failed the test you would blame the machine or ask to investigate the company who did the test.
no I would hold them accountable....some of us believe in innocent tell proven guilty....we know you don't

01-23-2015, 11:13 AM
no I would hold them accountable....some of us believe in innocent tell proven guilty....we know you don't

damn straight...

If a crack head robs my house...

I'm not going to believe him when it happens again and he tells me he didn't do it while trying to sell my stuff back to me.

The Pats** know about every rule there is in the book and try to gain every advantage possible (making RB's and WR's inelegible vs the Rats) but we are supposed the believe they know NOTHING about the rules for ball pressure? Yeah right.

This is the same team** that had Flutie drop kick a FG because they knew about some weird rule from the 40's.

01-23-2015, 11:24 AM
damn straight...

If a crack head robs my house...

I'm not going to believe him when it happens again and he tells me he didn't do it while trying to sell my stuff back to me.

This had me laughing loud.. :-)

The Pats yank every rule possible from the book and a few that aren't, to win games. DO they win a lot? Yes. Is it sportsmanship? Not in the least.

I also firmly believe they've lived outside the rules quite a bit. They just don't get caught too often; like once in 10 years or something.

01-23-2015, 02:52 PM
“I feel like I’ve always played within the rules,” Brady said. “I would never do anything to break the rules. I believe in fair play, I respect the league and everything they’re doing to try to create a competitive playing field for all the NFL teams. It’s a very competitive league. Every team is doing the best they can to win every week. I believe in fair play and will always do that for as long as I’m playing.”

"It's a lot easier to take a test when you know the answers." -Tom Brady, pre-SpyGate