View Full Version : opps, 11 out of 12 balls.....

01-21-2015, 12:34 AM

sorry if someone posted already
A question were the balls all 2lbs under or did they average 2 lbs? If they were uniformly 2 lbs then, it was deliberate and planned strategy. Both deserve punishment but depending upon the answer the fine / penalty - the severity may change. HOWEVER, this must be stressed under goodell's leadership he always bullies and does fines / penalties based on PAST AND PRIOR HISTORY. Therefore, the Pats being the dirtiest "cheating-ess" team needs a big time fine and penalty. No one should let goodell swipe this under the rug like spygate. No hiding the evidence and burning tapes / reports etc. REMEMBER goodell is a big Massachusetts lefty who was sponsored by kraft for his position.

01-21-2015, 01:02 AM

sorry if someone posted already
A question were the balls all 2lbs under or did they average 2 lbs? If they were uniformly 2 lbs then, it was deliberate and planned strategy. Both deserve punishment but depending upon the answer the fine / penalty - the severity may change. HOWEVER, this must be stressed under goodell's leadership he always bullies and does fines / penalties based on PAST AND PRIOR HISTORY. Therefore, the Pats being the dirtiest "cheating-ess" team needs a big time fine and penalty. No one should let goodell swipe this under the rug like spygate. No hiding the evidence and burning tapes / reports etc. REMEMBER goodell is a big Massachusetts lefty who was sponsored by kraft for his position.

Under inflated by 2Lbs EACH. Not an average, EACH. Definite tampering.

01-21-2015, 05:06 AM
Well this is disappointing...I wasn't going to wear any team gear during the Superbowl but, now I will go all in with Steeler gear...
I still think something else, is in play here that we do not know??? the dam referees get the dam balls 2 hours before, when do they give them back to the team??
how is this even possible? I blame the NFL and Referee's first....

01-21-2015, 05:22 AM
Maybe the answer no matter what the outcome is for the NFL to change the ball policy right now, fine & lose first round for the pats if someone in their organization is proven that they tampered with the balls
, fire the referee who oversaw the balls, postpone the Superbowl a week, and finally make them redo the game this weekend......
This will get some heads rolling....

That being said.....
I'm still having a hard time with this being purposeful, it's insane that at some point after the inspection Belichick told one of his guys to deflate all of their footballs by two pounds, the risk to reward is just
astounding. If this was intentional and not some calibrating mistake or fault of the ref then the stupidity of it on the Pat's part is incredible.

01-21-2015, 06:58 AM
Personally, I would be satisfied with two things:

1) Suspend Belichick for the Super Bowl. It would be torture for him. If his team wins, then they did it without his genius. If they lose, it was because he wasn't there. Either way, his ego takes a serious blow.

2) Vacate the AFCC win and the SB win, if they manage to do so. A few years ago, the Buckeyes had to vacate a Sugar Bowl win because of nothing that affected actual game play. I think something that does affect the game itself justifies such a consequence.

I don't care about draft picks or fines, unless they are in addition to the above.

01-21-2015, 07:56 AM
Well this is disappointing...I wasn't going to wear any team gear during the Superbowl but, now I will go all in with Steeler gear...
I still think something else, is in play here that we do not know??? the dam referees get the dam balls 2 hours before, when do they give them back to the team??
how is this even possible? I blame the NFL and Referee's first....

you blame the refs first? lol...

that's like catching your fiance cheating with the best man and blaming the wedding planner.

01-21-2015, 08:33 AM
I don't think you can blame the refs because they have to check the balls from both sides. If it's shown that they did a proper pre-game inspection and the colts balls were legal throughout the game - i'd think that was suggestive that the pats tampered with them after the game started. one of the new england reporters was crying how absurd this was because there were something like 45 cameras used on the game. i don't know if any were constantly pointed at the sidelines - but if there IS a chance video caught it, this would be the game.

oh, and I was prepared to say one or two balls could be a bit under pressure due to the cold and the fact they were inflated likely inside at 72 degrees. but for 11 out of 12 to all be 2 pounds under pressure? that's not a random act. that's planned.

01-21-2015, 08:36 AM
Expect a slap on the wrist. They (the Pats talking heads at ESPN) are already trying to build the story line that the game was a blow out so it didn't matter and had no impact on outcome.

IMO...This is second offense so they should lose multiple high draft picks and a significant fine.

However, Goodell will likely ask his "Sugar Daddy" Kraft what he wants him to do and it will be non impactful.

01-21-2015, 09:13 AM
you blame the refs first? lol...

that's like catching your fiance cheating with the best man and blaming the wedding planner.

They may not be blamed first, but there should also be an investigation into how this could have happened. In the other thread I was on the side of this is a big nothing, because all the facts haven't been laid out. I was wondering were the balls inflated to the minimum (12.5 PSI) and then the PSI dipped below that level due to weather, but 2.0 PSI difference surely should be able to be felt by referees that are used to handling properly inflated footballs.

The Patriots should be addressed first and foremost for not adhering to the rules
The officials need to be investigated to determine how they didn't notice the difference between Indy's footballs and New England's footballs
The NFL needs to change the policy and provide the footballs for all games and provide the ball boys and bill each team for the cost of the labor and footballs.

This is so easy to stop that even Goodell shouldn't be able to screw it up. The Pats should pay a price, the consistency with which the footballs were deflated is certainly damning evidence.


01-21-2015, 09:16 AM
you blame the refs first? lol...

that's like catching your fiance cheating with the best man and blaming the wedding planner.

no it's not..it's no different during a game when flags not thrown for penalties......holding someone or pass interference is going to effect a game more than a football
deflated .... did they check the colts footballs as well? what were their results?

01-21-2015, 09:34 AM
11 out of 12 balls and all of them under by the same amount?

More than likely the Pats had a pin device made that takes out the exact amount.

The Pats* are like that friend who is a compulsive liar.

01-21-2015, 09:34 AM
They may not be blamed first, but there should also be an investigation into how this could have happened. In the other thread I was on the side of this is a big nothing, because all the facts haven't been laid out. I was wondering were the balls inflated to the minimum (12.5 PSI) and then the PSI dipped below that level due to weather, but 2.0 PSI difference surely should be able to be felt by referees that are used to handling properly inflated footballs.

The Patriots should be addressed first and foremost for not adhering to the rules
The officials need to be investigated to determine how they didn't notice the difference between Indy's footballs and New England's footballs
The NFL needs to change the policy and provide the footballs for all games and provide the ball boys and bill each team for the cost of the labor and footballs.

This is so easy to stop that even Goodell shouldn't be able to screw it up. The Pats should pay a price, the consistency with which the footballs were deflated is certainly damning evidence.


Refs wear gloves during the game.

The rules state that refs check before the game. That's it. I could see if the refs were instructed to check before the game, at halftime and after the game but that isn't how it works.

I don't think you can blame the refs for missing this during live action.

01-21-2015, 09:49 AM
Refs wear gloves.
The refs wore gloves, and with just their normal handling of the ball during a game, moving it, etc., they would likely not have noticed that a ball was underinflated by a couple of pounds. They would probably have to be squeezing it a bit, holding it more tightly than they would in their normal handling, to notice the difference. Players who are throwing, catching, and carrying the ball would be much more likely to be able to tell.

Do an experiment. Let about two pounds of air out of a fully-inflated, regulation football. You likely won't be able to tell until you grip it fairly hard.

01-21-2015, 09:58 AM
no it's not..it's no different during a game when flags not thrown for penalties......holding someone or pass interference is going to effect a game more than a football
deflated .... did they check the colts footballs as well? what were their results?

It's different because the refs are instructed to call penalties when they see them during a live game. If Pouncey holds someone and it isn't called it isn't considered cheating....

If it's revealed that the Colts balls are also under 2lbs then its due to weather and it's a non-story.

01-21-2015, 10:08 AM
Personally, I would be satisfied with two things:

1) Suspend Belichick for the Super Bowl. It would be torture for him. If his team wins, then they did it without his genius. If they lose, it was because he wasn't there. Either way, his ego takes a serious blow.

I agree with this. I don't see how you don't suspend him if the NFL wants to be taken seriously. He should be given the Pete Rose treatment. If allowed to coach again, it should be under the express understanding that he will never make it into the HOF because he is a dishonorable cheater. He's not worthy.

01-21-2015, 10:23 AM
...brings to mind Tom Brady's response to this allegation. That lying douche had to know the balls were flat. An NFL QB should know as soon as he picks the ball up! The Colts ball boy sure picked up on it quick enough.

01-21-2015, 10:58 AM
...brings to mind Tom Brady's response to this allegation. That lying douche had to know the balls were flat. An NFL QB should know as soon as he picks the ball up! The Colts ball boy sure picked up on it quick enough.

people who look for EVERY advantage or loophole within the rule book will certainly laugh it off when they are caught.

This is the same team who had WR's and RB's who weren't eligible vs the Ravens. While it wasn't illegal it was on the fence IMO.

01-21-2015, 11:57 AM
The NFL will never do this because of the cloud that it would put over the game, but given the Pats* history with cheating, they should forfeit the game against the Colts if, as it appears, they deliberately deflated the balls.

I'd also take not just a pick or picks, but take their entire draft. Suspend Bellicheat immediately, fine him $1 million, and suspend him for all of next year.

Never going to happen but the culture of cheating in that franchise needs to be punished.

01-21-2015, 12:28 PM
Am I the only one who believes the Pats should forfeit the game? Colts vs. Seattle in the SB?

01-21-2015, 12:31 PM
Am I the only one who believes the Pats should forfeit the game? Colts vs. Seattle in the SB?

No. But it was mentioned on ESPN that the NFL won't do this because it is afraid of lawsuits from vendors, partners, fans based upon merchandise, the change causing financial difficulty etc.

01-21-2015, 12:58 PM
Am I the only one who believes the Pats should forfeit the game? Colts vs. Seattle in the SB?

I believe that but it will never happen. It will put too much of a cloud over the game.

01-21-2015, 01:20 PM
no way they forfeit the game...

I just want the NFL to be honest and upfront about what they find and take a few draft picks or suspend Billicheat for a few games.

01-21-2015, 01:28 PM
Vacate the win. Vacate the SB win if it happens. Simple.

01-21-2015, 01:31 PM

(http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2015/01/21/source-footballs-were-properly-checked-before-colts-patriots-game/)Source: Footballs were properly checked before Colts-Patriots game Posted by Mike Florio on January 21, 2015, 11:29 AM EST
https://nbcprofootballtalk.files.wordpress.com/2015/01/130024733_xs1.jpg?w=250 Getty Images
With 11 of 12 footballs used by the Patriots in Sunday’s AFC title game reportedly underinflated by two pounds per square inch, several questions remain. And here are answers to a couple of them.

First, per a league source, the NFL has reviewed the entire process and determined that the balls were properly checked by the officials before the game. Which means that, when the balls left the possession of the referee, the pressure was at least 12.5 PSI and no more than 13.5 PSI.

Second, as to the fact that the officials didn’t notice anything wrong with the balls while handling them after every play, the source explains that a pressure difference of one or two pounds would not be obvious, if the official is not specifically looking for it.

In this specific case, the NFL indeed became aware of the issue in the first half — as previously pointed out by Bob Glauber of Newsday. Per the source, the league opted not to stop the game during the first half but to test the balls at halftime, which they did.

Which is when the NFL determined that 11 of the 12 balls were below two pounds below the mandatory minimum PSI of 12.5.

Plenty of other questions remains, but it appears that the NFL has determined that: (1) the balls were properly inspected before the game; and (2) there’s no reason to believe the officials should have noticed anything unusual.

WOW, the excuses just keep dwindling away....

01-21-2015, 01:34 PM

Report: Colts told NFL they suspected under-inflation after November game vs. Patriots Posted by Mike Wilkening on January 21, 2015, 12:16 PM EST
https://nbcprofootballtalk.files.wordpress.com/2015/01/cd0ymzcznguwzdbhnduynddiytjhm2yyzthlmtjjotqwyyznpt dhnmjhmdk4mgy3ztniodi5y2uwndgxotrkn2vknzmw-e1421859166270.jpeg?w=212 Getty Images
One of the key moments of “Inflationgate” came when Colts linebacker D’Qwell Jackson (http://www.rotoworld.com/player/nfl/3669/dqwell-jackson) intercepted Patriots quarterback Tom Brady (http://www.rotoworld.com/player/nfl/1163/tom-brady) in the second quarter of Sunday’s AFC title game in Foxborough. Per multiple reports, Jackson alerted the club that the ball felt a little light, and from there, the NFL got involved.

However, a published report Wednesday says the Colts’ suspicions about the inflation of New England’s footballs date back at least to the regular season matchup with New England on November 16.

And again, an interception — two of them, actually — was the catalyst.

According to ESPN’s Adam Schefter, the Colts notified the NFL (http://espn.go.com/boston/nfl/story/_/id/12202450/nfl-says-new-england-patriots-had-inflated-footballs-afc-championship-game) about potential under-inflation after safety Mike Adams picked off Brady twice in New England’s 42-20 victory. In both cases, ESPN reported, Adams took the ball to the sideline as a memento, then gave it to the team’s equipment staff. It was then, ESPN said, that the inflation of the footballs came into question.

As with the playoff matchup between the clubs, the Patriots were the far superior team in the November meeting. Moreover, the only three turnovers forced by the Colts in these two games came on the interceptions of footballs that purportedly did not feel right.

Nevertheless, we now have another data point regarding the Colts’ curiosity about the Patriots’ footballs.

So, the NFL was notified about it, yet where was the followup?

01-21-2015, 01:35 PM
The Patriots may have put the NFL in a very sticky situation due to the proximity of the situation to the Super Bowl. Their only real option is to suspend the coach, fine the owner, take draft picks,etc. but what they can't do is tarnish the Super Bowl in any fashion and because of that, they should wait until after the Super Bowl and then apply the most vigorous of penalties to the Patriots for causing this maelstrom just before the Super Bowl. If I were Goodell and it turns out the Pats did, indeed, tamper with the footballs prior to the Colts game then after the Super Bowl I would be considering the following:

Eliminate this year's draft completely
Suspend Belichick for next season
Fine Robert Kraft and the organization
All of the above

Not because its so horrible of an offense, but because of the situation it puts the NFL in just prior to their biggest day of the year. I would make them pay dearly for that provided the evidence proves without a doubt that the footballs were tampered with prior to the Colts game.


Iron Shiek
01-21-2015, 01:39 PM
I agree with pappy. If an NFL player is caught up in the drug program, a 2nd offense is what 4 games (or a full year?). And marijuana does not give a player any type of advantage let alone an entire team that would potentially swing the result of a game (as the spygate one did...maybe not the deflated balls one so much).

Every punishment that pappy listed should probably happen...put a free agent embargo on them too why not! No new players for you.

01-21-2015, 01:42 PM
so, what hasn't been said, is did they correct the balls at half? I would think so, or that is another level of NFL incompetence..

01-21-2015, 01:45 PM
Proof nothing will come of this? ...

IT'S NOT EVEN ON THE NFL.COM PAGE - just scanned it top to bottom.

Come on somebody, SUE them ... get it out of Goodell's control.

01-21-2015, 01:53 PM
so, what hasn't been said, is did they correct the balls at half? I would think so, or that is another level of NFL incompetence..

Good point, but then the question becomes, did anyone check them all after the game and determine the PSI of each ball? Still a lot if information and fact gathering to take place.


01-21-2015, 01:59 PM
As of right now there is one mention of it on NFL.com. "Vikings Zimmer: Balls didn't affect the outcome of the AFC Championship" that's it

01-21-2015, 02:23 PM
Yeah, the NFL wants this mess to go away ASAP, thus they will refuse to report anything that will stir the pot. MUM is the official word at NFL.com....

01-21-2015, 02:34 PM
Brad Johnson paid $7500 to have all 100 SB37 footballs scuffed up before the game.


01-21-2015, 02:38 PM
Brad Johnson paid $7500 to have all 100 SB37 footballs scuffed up before the game.

He was always a garbage qb, but somehow outperformed Rich Gannon that day. You're allowed to scuff the ball now, but when you're the only one doing it... creates a nice little advantage

01-21-2015, 02:45 PM
He was always a garbage qb, but somehow outperformed Rich Gannon that day. You're allowed to scuff the ball now, but when you're the only one doing it... creates a nice little advantage

I doubt a scuffed ball had anything to do with that azzkicking...

if it came out right after the game it would have been a nice sh!t storm

I doubt it had an impact on the Pats* outcome as well... but since they were caught it needs to be addressed.

01-21-2015, 03:12 PM
As of right now there is one mention of it on NFL.com. "Vikings Zimmer: Balls didn't affect the outcome of the AFC Championship" that's it

It will be unfortunate if that's the route that the NFL takes on this, but its also one that fans have seen before so it won't be shocking, but it will be disturbing that they continue to sweep the unsavory side of the NFL under the rug. I wonder if at some point Congress gets involved (like baseball) and oh, how I would hate that even more. Sometimes its better to dance with the devil you know.


01-21-2015, 03:22 PM
Many want to look at the score and say since the cheating didn't cause that, it's a non issue.

Cheating goes to the integrity of the game. There are no mitigating circumstances. You either tolerate it or your don't.

Ask yourself if this would be an issue if the colts lost by 3. If it is, then it's an issue regardless of the actual score.

legend of polamalu
01-21-2015, 03:22 PM
This isn't that bad of a wrong. Balls get doctored, people try and get an edge. But the fact that it is the Pats* again being caught cheating is the big deal.
I truly feel they took a SB appearance from us by taping hand signals in the 200? AFC Championship. (Don't remember exact year.) The Rams also reported catching them taping their walk thru before the SB the year they played. You know a teams hand signals and you know what play is being ran next. This was the bigger issue and they got a slap on the wrist for it.
Don't get me wrong, doctoring the balls is wrong...fine them a 4th rounder if they never cheated before. But because its the Pats and they have been caught before. It needs to be much more severe.
This team really makes me sick!!! And they may have taken a SB away from us. We played better than them in that game and we lost because it seemed like they know what play was coming next.


01-21-2015, 03:25 PM
I also believe that with Brady aging - bellicheat knows he has a short window to win another championship. I have no doubt he will do anything he can get away with before Brady is gone.

01-21-2015, 03:43 PM
This isn't that bad of a wrong. Balls get doctored, people try and get an edge. But the fact that it is the Pats* again being caught cheating is the big deal.
I truly feel they took a SB appearance from us by taping hand signals in the 200? AFC Championship. (Don't remember exact year.) The Rams also reported catching them taping their walk thru before the SB the year they played. You know a teams hand signals and you know what play is being ran next. This was the bigger issue and they got a slap on the wrist for it.
Don't get me wrong, doctoring the balls is wrong...fine them a 4th rounder if they never cheated before. But because its the Pats and they have been caught before. It needs to be much more severe.
This team really makes me sick!!! And they may have taken a SB away from us. We played better than them in that game and we lost because it seemed like they know what play was coming next.


yep, it's not about who won..

it's about the Pats* once again being caught cheating and how the NFL will or won't handle it.

01-21-2015, 04:10 PM
The NFL won't do squat just like the slap on the wrist they gave them for their past cheating. The NFL doesn't want to admit to the fans, sponsors, other teams, player and the list goes on that, the Patriots have made the NFL a scam all these years. If this was major league baseball, Bellicheat would probably been kicked out. NFL is more concerned about money and more money.

legend of polamalu
01-21-2015, 04:11 PM
yep, it's not about who won..

it's about the Pats* once again being caught cheating and how the NFL will or won't handle it.

Well I think we got our answer on how the NFL will handle the matter. If you go to NFL.COM its only quote it has about the situation is Zimmer stating it did't effect the game. Out of all the quotes, mostly bad by the way...they choose that one. They are going to sweep this under the rug and not let it do any damage to the SB. Small fine and maybe a late round pick is my guess.

01-21-2015, 04:20 PM

great question.

I'm willing to bet it was many, many times...

01-21-2015, 04:44 PM
The refs wore gloves, and with just their normal handling of the ball during a game, moving it, etc., they would likely not have noticed that a ball was underinflated by a couple of pounds. They would probably have to be squeezing it a bit, holding it more tightly than they would in their normal handling, to notice the difference. Players who are throwing, catching, and carrying the ball would be much more likely to be able to tell.

Do an experiment. Let about two pounds of air out of a fully-inflated, regulation football. You likely won't be able to tell until you grip it fairly hard.

Some balls are held for charity
And some for fancy dress
But when they're held for pleasure
They're the balls that I like best

01-21-2015, 05:01 PM
According to Mortensen on NFL Insiders
1. Pats** footballs were checked at half-time and found to be under inflated
2. Colts footballs were checked at half-time and found to be within regulations
3. The refs notified the NFL and either were told to, or decided on their own to, re-inflate the Pats** balls before the second half.
In any event, this answers the question about whether the Colts footballs were checked at the same time (they were). Whether the Colts footballs also suffered from "shrinkage" (they didn't). Whether the weather could have caused the shrinkage (no, because it would have caused the same to happen to the Colts footballs). And, whether the footballs were re-inflated at half-time (they were).

Mortensen also stating that there is a possibility that the findings will be released today or tomorrow.

01-21-2015, 05:04 PM
According to Mortensen on NFL Insiders
1. Pats** footballs were checked at half-time and found to be under inflated
2. Colts footballs were checked at half-time and found to be within regulations
3. The refs notified the NFL and either were told to, or decided on their own to, re-inflate the Pats** balls before the second half.
In any event, this answers the question about whether the Colts footballs were checked at the same time (they were). Whether the Colts footballs also suffered from "shrinkage" (they didn't). Whether the weather could have caused the shrinkage (no, because it would have caused the same to happen to the Colts footballs). And, whether the footballs were re-inflated at half-time (they were).

Mortensen also stating that there is a possibility that the findings will be released today or tomorrow.

The re-inflating will end the proceedings against the Pats in the eyes of the NFL. The score in the 2nd half was 28-0 with properly inflated footballs for both teams. They still attempted to cheat, but I can almost guarantee that this ends the story according to Goodell.


legend of polamalu
01-21-2015, 05:11 PM
Just saw on CNN where they have Brady saying 3 years ago that he likes it when Gronk spikes the ball because it kindof depletes them and he likes depleted balls he states. Enter own joke here.

01-21-2015, 05:18 PM
"Second, as to the fact that the officials didn’t notice anything wrong with the balls while handling them after every play, the source explains that a pressure difference of one or two pounds would not be obvious, if the official is not specifically looking for it."

Exactly what I was saying (although they said it more concisely):

The refs wore gloves, and with just their normal handling of the ball during a game, moving it, etc., they would likely not have noticed that a ball was underinflated by a couple of pounds. They would probably have to be squeezing it a bit, holding it more tightly than they would in their normal handling, to notice the difference. Players who are throwing, catching, and carrying the ball would be much more likely to be able to tell.

Do an experiment. Let about two pounds of air out of a fully-inflated, regulation football. You likely won't be able to tell until you grip it fairly hard.

01-21-2015, 09:42 PM
11 out of 12 balls and all of them under by the same amount?

More than likely the Pats had a pin device made that takes out the exact amount.

The Pats* are like that friend who is a compulsive liar.

Try convincing the Pats fans about this. They're all like the Pats themselves -- arrogantly dismissing the entire thing as insignificant.

Any amount of cheating is insignificant in Patsland if it leads to a W.

01-21-2015, 10:23 PM
The re-inflating will end the proceedings against the Pats in the eyes of the NFL. The score in the 2nd half was 28-0 with properly inflated footballs for both teams. They still attempted to cheat, but I can almost guarantee that this ends the story according to Goodell.


As someone mentioned, the 17-7 first half score definitely affected the Colts gameplan in the second half. You cant separate the two and point to the 28-0 and call it a game. If that was the case, why bother maintaining score in the first half?

01-21-2015, 10:26 PM
As someone mentioned, the 17-7 first half score definitely affected the Colts gameplan in the second half. You cant separate the two and point to the 28-0 and call it a game. If that was the case, why bother maintaining score in the first half?

All I'm saying is the NFL will use this reasoning to sweep it aside, slap them on the wrist for the first half and move along to the Super Bowl, it's over I'll bet based on the fact that the balls were re-inflated.


01-21-2015, 10:32 PM
All I'm saying is the NFL will use this reasoning to sweep it aside, slap them on the wrist for the first half and move along to the Super Bowl, it's over I'll bet based on the fact that the balls were re-inflated.


Likely, though I hope not. At this point, I don't trust NE one bit any more and many fans will be like me. We'd have two leagues, 31 teams, and NE who will be assumed to be cheating anyway, so any game with them is irrelevant except for how the outcome affects playoff scenarios.

01-22-2015, 09:47 AM
Today at 9, belicheat is doing a presser. No doubt either 2 things : they have the individual (or plural) under wrap - so as to move on or (John Madden is right) he didn't know and its brady (100%). Anyway you look at it Brady IS involved and a cheating liar. The matter is the degree. Sadly, the nfl w/ the ball confiscating should of isolated / secured interview w/ ball handlers (ball boys). Knowing goodell, he has allowed belicheat / organization to fab a "best story" to rescue them (pats).
Specifically, to the cheatriots fans / defenders - you know earlier this season many ex players and commentators noticed brady's skills (throwing) have decreased. Brady knows it better than all of us. SO when you are w/ a team which continually bends rules and actively gameplans to bend them....of course your going to do anything YOU can get away with in bad or cold weather. His VERY OWN WORDS, unquestionably prove he wants and improves his abilities. Finally, this is not the only game. Two weeks before they won.... barely. A couple "off throws" and they aren't playing this last week . In addition, they won home field by a game. The cold nov. / dec. had some close games. A single bad throw or two places these games outside NE.
So to conclude, Brady IS the main culprit without a doubt. Otherwise, you would have to believe some little bee brain let air out w/o brady's knowledge and direction and risked his job, probably jail, and public scorn- on his own! The outcome must include a 1/2 to whole season suspension of brady.
Lastly to address the colts score, the game's outcome was NOT known ahead of time. And regardless of how favored or confident pats fans and players were, Brady and maybe belicheat deemed it worth the risk and need to do it - PERIOD.
For those who haven't heard or need to brush up on spygate, here is a nice interview another member referenced. Specifically, the spying meant enough that belicheat did it in his former OC home stadium (jets) when Bill knew HE knew. Obviously, it was deemed so important that he couldn't take the foot off the cheating even for this game. Don't tell me "oh players still have to play...."

01-22-2015, 01:05 PM
Jerome Bettis (on TV) you hit it on the head - brady is were the punishment must come down ...and hard.

Belicheat is looking at this Sunday night. He knows there is already an asterisk next to his resume. There are already sports writers who have reservations when his coaching ends about HOF. Another asterisk could "pete rose him". So Bill pins marsha.

So, I believe you Bill. However, marsha is a serial cheater (spygate prime co-conspirator). Remember how goodell puts so much weight on a players past. As a steelers fan, think of the injustice done to so many steelers for hits which were beyond a players control. Therefore, the boom must be laid down on him. At least a 1/2 to full season suspension. He is and should be viewed as Bonds, mcguire, rodriguez is to baseball. And don't be so stupid to think Brady didn't do it in all Nov / Dec cold games, while the pats made that final push to gain home field advantage....they all weren't blowouts like the colts game.

All you defenders remember this: Brady didn't know the colts final score BUT he deemed the colts talent and capability great enough to cheat to secure a more favorable outcome and performance.

01-22-2015, 01:38 PM
However, marsha is a serial cheater (spygate prime co-conspirator).

Remember this?

It's easy when you have the answers to the test.

01-22-2015, 01:54 PM
In my time as a coach I've never spoken to any player or staff member about football air pressure," Belichick said. "That is not a subject I have ever brought up. .... Belichick said he had "no knowledge of the various steps involved" in the way footballs are measured pregame and controlled to assure their integrity

In the same interview:

His only regret, he said, was not overinflating the ball, so if there was a natural decrease in inflation levels during game action, the ball would remain within the legal limits of between 12.5 and 13.5 pounds of pressure per square inch. New England will employ that tactic going forward, Belichick said.

So, if you've never, ever had a conversation about air pressure and have no knowledge of the way footballs are measured and controlled, then how can you have a regret about not increasing the air pressure to 13.5 psi?

01-22-2015, 02:09 PM
In the same interview:

So, if you've never, ever had a conversation about air pressure and have no knowledge of the way footballs are measured and controlled, then how can you have a regret about not increasing the air pressure to 13.5 psi?
I take it he had a 3\4 day learning about air pressure in footballs and going forward he wants to make sure the min. is over what the league says is min. And that he regrets not doing this, I think your reading to much into word for word meaning on that part. I get what he is trying to say...He regrets not knowing this a long time ago or he would have done it...