View Full Version : Time for Steelers to turn the page

01-04-2015, 03:46 PM
One football team kicked the other team’s collective fanny.

The Nation can cry out and complain and call for firings, releases and mass exorcisms, and no doubt a vocal percentage will do precisely that. But the underlying principle of all that occurred in the Steelers’ 30-17 loss to the Ravens in the AFC wild-card playoff Saturday night at Heinz Field could be summed up with this single sentence spoken by Kelvin Beachum: “Kudos to them. They did a good job. They came in here and won in a hostile environment.”

Or, maybe better yet, this one from Joe Flacco in the visitors’ room: “You have to play these games to win. You can’t play not to lose. You have to go out there and let everything go. These games are all extra. You can’t worry about the outcome. Play aggressive football. Don’t have a conscience.”

That’s kind of how it looked, too, didn’t it?

Both ends of it, I mean.

The Steelers, despite the momentum of a month of triumphs and the AFC North title, suddenly were the team very much “living in their fears,” to borrow Mike Tomlin’s pet phrase when he insists he’ll never do any such thing. They coached passively, with the predictably sad return of all Todd Haley’s Sideways ‘N Screens R Us nonsense in Le’Veon Bell’s absence, or Antonio Brown touching the football only four times in the first three quarters because — gasp — the Ravens might double-team him, or the equally predictable lack of Dick LeBeau’s blitzing because — gasp — Flacco might throw it so far that no one will be able to ‘tackle the catch.’ They coached to their fears. Tomlin, too. And the players were no less a pushover, never displaying any composure mentally — 114 yards in penalties! — or any edge physically. Unless, of course, you can recall one significant hit on that side of the ball. I can’t.

They were the poster fodder for Flacco’s play-not-to-lose description.

But also recognize that the Ravens lived at that other end. Offensively, Flacco boldly cut loose with deep ball after deep ball, even though his receivers weren’t exactly scorching the secondary. On third-and-inches at the Pittsburgh 35, he heaved for the end zone. Eventually, it all paid off. Defensively, Terrell Suggs and Elvis Dumervil pinned the ears back and benefited from an all-guns-blazing, every-snap-is-our-last blitz, even as their beleaguered secondary not only blanketed the Steelers’ receivers but also drilled them at every chance.

“Our defensive backs were great, I thought,” John Harbaugh said, and it wasn’t an opinion.

The Ravens came without a care in the world, other than that they would invest every bead of sweat into succeeding. They didn’t come to be clever or careful. They came for the kill.

It’s distasteful to see it from that side, I know, but it’s accurate.

It’s distasteful that the Steelers’ most reviled rival got to dance around on their grass.

It’s disasteful that one coach now has this kind of edge on his counterpart:


It’s distasteful that the perpetually distasteful Harbaugh could mug afterward and try to have this remark taken seriously: “It’s a special victory because of who they are and how much we respect them and how much we like them. We like them all, professionally and personally. We like them.”

Dear God.

It’s distasteful, though completely classy, that Dan Rooney went to the Baltimore locker room to congratulate the victors. Again, it’s a grand gesture, but to think it had to happen …

“This hurts, man,” Jason Worilds was telling me in a terribly quiet locker room afterward. “This team was feeling good. We were feeling good. And then all this, all in one night.”

He wasn’t alone. In this collection of other reactions, I actually was compelled to cut off this opening with Steve McLendon because of how emotional he became:

I won’t apologize for cutting off the McLendon segment. To continue felt disrespectful. At the same time, there might be value in fans seeing how hard a loss like this hits those involved, infinitely harder than anyone could comprehend on the outside.

This was distasteful, every bit of it.

McLendon will be back, as will most of the youngster. Bell will be back. So will Martavis Bryant and Markus Wheaton. And Stephon Tuitt. And Antwon Blake and Shamarko Thomas. And Ryan Shazier and Jarvis Jones, assuming they can steer clear of athletic trainers. They’ll be able to build off the Steelers ascending to 11-5 after back-to-back 8-8 seasons. They’ll be, as Cam Heyward put it, “more battle-tested, better prepared for how to handle a lot of situations.” And they’ll be able to live it out as a group.

But not everyone. The emotions of the isolated evening aside, nothing felt like it reverberated more than the possible end to some remarkable Pittsburgh careers.

Troy Polamalu, after yet another game of looking nothing like the Polamalu who will be enshrined in Canton — LeBeau was shuttling Will Allen in to take his place on second and third downs by game’s end — sounded like a man seriously leaning toward retirement.

“Time will tell,” Polamalu said. “We just lost a game. Honestly, I’m not prepared to think about that.”

But when asked if it’s fair for all of us to wonder if he’s played his last game: “Yes, it is.”

James Harrison was equally noncommittal, but he’s already retired once.

Ike Taylor said “I’m not ready to talk about that,” and in the next breath talked about how much he’s “enjoyed my time in Pittsburgh and becoming a yinzer.”

Brett Keisel, of course, was lost to an ugly triceps tear. A comeback would be brutal.

I should mention LeBeau, too, now 77.

There’s an immense chance that all five men, all champions, are through. And if so, as Taylor stated with typical flair, “It’s been a great run for all of us.” All deserve their due, each in his own way, and none more than the truly great Polamalu, a transformational player at his position and someone whose reckless, riveting style we might never see again in Roger Goodell’s National Flag Football League. No. 43 has been one of a kind.

Say what you will of Polamalu now, but it’s damned fair to couch it with context for proper respect.

The departures will come first. And retirements or releases will only be part of it. Other players, including some with sizable salaries, can or should be released.

Good riddance to Mike Mitchell, as poor a free-agent signing as Tomlin and Kevin Colbert have made. And shame on him for describing after this game a groin injury that he claimed hampered him all season. The issue has been known since October, and if it isn’t enough to keep one off the field, it isn’t an excuse. Besides, groins don’t prevent intelligent positioning or functional tackling. That’s $20 million the Steelers don’t need to waste the next four years.

Good riddance to Cortez Allen for the same total cash.

Hard thought should be given, too, to the futures of Marcus Gilbert, a turnstile on this night and too many nights, and the $20 million he’s due, as well as Worilds, who will become a free agent after delivering eight sacks for the $10 million paid this season through the franchise tag.

Heath Miller?

I’m not ready to go there, certainly not over one lousy game. Besides, too much dead cap money — releasing players still comes with a cap hit in most cases — will hamper other signings, not least of which is the promised extension for Ben Roethlisberger next summer. And that alone promises a summer’s worth of drama.

It won’t lessen the drama that Roethlisberger ended poorly. His overall numbers — 31 of 45 for 334 yards — weren’t terrible, but only one touchdown against two interceptions were a killer. So were the five sacks, at least a couple of which he had no business taking.

“I want to apologize to the fans, my teammates, to the organization, to the Rooneys and to the coaches,” Roethlisberger said afterward, speaking of drama. “It’s just frustrating, and I wish I could apologize to everyone individually.”

Asked why he felt compelled to do that: “I didn’t play well enough. Guys look at me as the leader and the quarterback to make plays and win the football game, and I didn’t do that.”

OK, but that can come without flipping through the phone book to call out apologies.

I’m emphatically in favor of Roethlisberger’s extension. He’s a franchise quarterback and continued to cement his elite status over the course of this season. But he can toughen up, too, and I don’t mean in action. I mean in terms of taking over this offense and instilling — by storm, if needed — the boldness that its talent demands.

I’ve said this before, but the quarterback’s voice is louder than any coordinator’s … if it’s used.

You know who called that third-and-inches heave to the end zone for Baltimore?

Yeah, Flacco, as it turns out.

Some real progress was made this season, especially this winter. That shouldn’t be ignored, much less erased. A legit group of younger players took major strides toward becoming not only contributors but also Steelers. Real Steelers.

continued below

01-04-2015, 03:47 PM
Listen to Polamalu’s description of what that means, delivered only after a thoughtful pause: “It’s about what some of these older players here have brought. It’s about Hines Ward. Alan Faneca. Marvel Smith. Joey Porter. Heath. You couldn’t possibly have two more different personalities than Joey and Heath, but they’re about the same thing when it comes to the Steelers. We’re there for each other. We have each other’s backs. We believe.”

He trailed off, then was asked if this group is headed in the right direction: “Absolutely.”

Coming from him, that means a lot. He’d call it the other way in a second.

I asked Polamalu, Harrison and Taylor about this crop of youngsters:
It’ll be July before you know it. The page will long since have been turned, by then. Except maybe for McLendon, who I’m betting will suffer for a while.

Which is fine. Let him take it hard. That’s how all those older guys took it when they had their fannies kicked, too, and they turned out OK.


01-04-2015, 04:00 PM
Sure did play passively.. No Lance Moore, who was deactivated.. Could've used him against that porous Balt. secondary....

Eddie Spaghetti
01-04-2015, 04:23 PM
Sure did play passively.. No Lance Moore, who was deactivated.. Could've used him against that porous Balt. secondary....

That was ridiculous and knew then that we were coming out with a passive game plan. Should have opened up in 4 wide with 3 step drops and let it fly. Our gameplan on offense was atrocious

What did we dress 10 LBs and 9 DBs? Moronic

01-04-2015, 04:33 PM
This is the biggest problem with Haley IMO. Too conservative and too concerned with TOP.

Ben should have been in no huddle from the first snap

Eddie Spaghetti
01-04-2015, 04:39 PM
Its on Haley no doubt, but MT had to approve that approach

Nobody walks away from this one without a stench except sushi

01-04-2015, 04:56 PM
In the win against BAL this season the Steelers averaged 8.2 yds/pass. In the losses less than 6 yds/pass.

01-04-2015, 04:58 PM
I’m emphatically in favor of Roethlisberger’s extension. He’s a franchise quarterback and continued to cement his elite status over the course of this season. But he can toughen up, too, and I don’t mean in action. I mean in terms of taking over this offense and instilling — by storm, if needed — the boldness that its talent demands.

I’ve said this before, but the quarterback’s voice is louder than any coordinator’s … if it’s used.

Ben used to be that guy.

He was tough, he was determined, he designed an entire playbook before 2007 as a 4th year pro.

What happened? They won 55 games in five years, 2 AFC titles and a ring.

For some reason only known to Art II? It wasn't good enough.

And this team still hasn't recovered.

You know who called that third-and-inches heave to the end zone for Baltimore?

Yeah, Flacco, as it turns out.


You know who called that play? Ben.

Now? Because of drunken bar whores and Art II's ego? Ben has stepped and fetched for three years. He can't say anything, if he does? He's the ungrateful two-time accused rapist who never grew up.

IMO Art II doesn't want to pay Ben, and IMO Ben doesn't want to end his career in Haley's loser system.

So before this turns into Marcus Allen/Al Davis I think the Steelers and Ben should sit down, "mutually agree" to part ways, and allow Ben to seek a deal with a new team, and everyone starts over.

That way the Rooney's can save their money, Ben can go out with some dignity, and everyone saves face and moves on.

Because THIS owner induced arrangement, isn't working, and it won't for as long as Todd Haley is here.

01-04-2015, 05:09 PM
Wow. I never knew about this huge conspiracy to make Roethlisberger into a losing QB while also paying him $100M. This should be on the front page of every sports show out there.
Pretty sure Roethlisberger can change just about any playcall he wants to so no one to blame but himself (and he said as much after the game).

01-04-2015, 05:15 PM
Who told Ben to change? Not himself.

Who fired Arians? Not Ben.

What's Ben going to change a play to when Dri Archer, and Will Johnson are on the field in an empty set?

Todd Haley is a loser, because Todd Haley coaches for Todd Haley, and no one else.

Ben takes the blame after every loss. That's what leaders do.

Has Todd Haley taken blame ONCE, since he's been here?

01-04-2015, 05:17 PM
Ben isn't going anywhere. The Steelers will sign him to a new contract.

At least Ben was healthy all season and heading into the playoffs, which he likely wouldn't have been with Bruce Arians as OC.

01-04-2015, 05:18 PM
Ben isn't going anywhere. The Steelers will sign him to a new contract.

At least Ben was healthy all season and heading into the playoffs, which he likely wouldn't have been with Bruce Arians as OC.

I guess 2012 doesn't count?

01-04-2015, 05:19 PM
Who told Ben to change? Not himself.

Who fired Arians? Not Ben.

What's Ben going to change a play to when Dri Archer, and Will Johnson are on the field in an empty set?

Todd Haley is a loser, because Todd Haley coaches for Todd Haley, and no one else.

Ben takes the blame after every loss. That's what leaders do.

Has Todd Haley taken blame ONCE, since he's been here?

Don't know. Have they asked him? Maybe he has.

01-04-2015, 05:19 PM
Its on Haley no doubt, but MT had to approve that approach

Nobody walks away from this one without a stench except sushi

MT is to blame for the loss in all 3 phases of the game because he is the HC.... that's obvious.

I'm specifically talking about Haley because the offense is our strength and Haley called a dud of a game.

01-04-2015, 05:20 PM
I guess 2012 doesn't count?

We're talking this season with an older Ben. He remained healthy. More than we can say for Arians' QBs.

Look, I don't always agree with Haley's game-plans and play-calling (I called for him to be fired earlier in the year)...but I like our chances entering the playoffs better with a healthy Ben than with Landry Jones.

7 UP
01-04-2015, 05:21 PM
Who told Ben to change? Not himself.

Who fired Arians? Not Ben.

What's Ben going to change a play to when Dri Archer, and Will Johnson are on the field in an empty set?

Todd Haley is a loser, because Todd Haley coaches for Todd Haley, and no one else.

Ben takes the blame after every loss. That's what leaders do.

Has Todd Haley taken blame ONCE, since he's been here?

Your absolutely right. No way the Steelers ever make the playoffs, let alone win a division championship as long as this golf coach is here.

01-04-2015, 05:22 PM
MT is to blame for the loss in all 3 phases of the game because he is the HC.... that's obvious.

I'm specifically talking about Haley because the offense is our strength and Haley called a dud of a game.

Haley didn't call a good game...but MT approved the game plan. Nice second half of the season, but I don't get how he escapes blame for this loss.

01-04-2015, 05:23 PM
Ben isn't going anywhere. The Steelers will sign him to a new contract.

At least Ben was healthy all season and heading into the playoffs, which he likely wouldn't have been with Bruce Arians as OC.

What type of victory is this? Gimme hurt Ben all day if it comes with a playoff win

01-04-2015, 05:28 PM
What type of victory is this? Gimme hurt Ben all day if it comes with a playoff win

You think we would have had a better chance of winning in the playoffs with Landry Jones on the field, and Ben and Grad on the injured list (per Arians' situation in Arizona)?

I'll take my chances with a healthy Ben every day and twice on Sundays.

01-04-2015, 05:36 PM
A bit over the top. It's easy to be a gunslingin' let-it-all-hang-out, play-to-win QB if you don't have passrushers knocking you down or hanging on your neck. Fact is we had no answer to Suggs, Ngata, Williams, Dumerville, et al. When Heath Miller gets thrown about like a rag doll, you know you've got some monsters on the other side.

The notion that we didn't take shots down the field is ridiculous. At least two went to Brown. He almost scored on one and got pushed out of bounds on the other. Another went to Bryant, who got run over by the DB. Incidental contact was the call. BS.

We went for it on 4th and 1 and made it. I could go on, but the result doesn't change.

By the way, why does the writer mention two INTS but not mention that the first was on an outlet pass to Tate that was muffed and ended up between Suggs' legs?

01-04-2015, 05:39 PM
You think we would have had a better chance of winning in the playoffs with Landry Jones on the field, and Ben and Grad on the injured list (per Arians' situation in Arizona)?

I'll take my chances with a healthy Ben every day and twice on Sundays.

I'm not talking about trading places with Arizona's...

I'm talking about Ben and Arians and what they accomplished while Ben was getting hit.

01-04-2015, 05:43 PM
I'm not talking about trading places with Arizona's...

I'm talking about Ben and Arians and what they accomplished while Ben was getting hit.

And I'm talking about where Ben would likely be if Arians were still OC, running his offense the way he runs it--injured and out at the end of the regular season.

01-04-2015, 05:54 PM
Ben was sacked five times last night and got hurt on the fifth one. He was hurried and knocked down numerous times. Was that Haley's fault? Was it Haley's fault that Ben got hurt in 2012? I guess so, because it's apparently Arians' fault if AZ's QB gets hurt.

I gave the stats in another thread. Palmer, who is a lumbering turtle, played six games and was sacked 9 times. Stanton played 9 games and was sacked 11 times. Neither got sacked 5 times in one game.

01-04-2015, 06:11 PM
Here is the thing: Ben played two 16 game seasons in a row. That has never happened before.

01-04-2015, 06:12 PM
Ben was sacked five times last night and got hurt on the fifth one. He was hurried and knocked down numerous times. Was that Haley's fault? Was it Haley's fault that Ben got hurt in 2012? I guess so, because it's apparently Arians' fault if AZ's QB gets hurt.

I gave the stats in another thread. Palmer, who is a lumbering turtle, played six games and was sacked 9 times. Stanton played 9 games and was sacked 11 times. Neither got sacked 5 times in one game.

Roethlisberger didn't use the checkdown like he did so often this season. That can lead to QB sacks.

I posted elsewhere, the sack rate this season was by far less than any in Roethlisberger's career.

01-04-2015, 06:26 PM
And I'm talking about where Ben would likely be if Arians were still OC, running his offense the way he runs it--injured and out at the end of the regular season.

How many times was Ben out at the end of season under Arians?

You can't point to one incident in AZ and apply it across the board.

01-04-2015, 07:07 PM
That was ridiculous and knew then that we were coming out with a passive game plan. Should have opened up in 4 wide with 3 step drops and let it fly. Our gameplan on offense was atrocious

What did we dress 10 LBs and 9 DBs? Moronic

Lance Moore was sick. That's why he was deactivated.

01-04-2015, 07:09 PM
You people blaming Haley are RETARDS. OMG. Where have you and Snoop Dogg have been all year, as this offense has been running (and passing) roughshod over the league!?

And just so you know, Haley called the play where AB caught a TD but landed OOB. And he called the play where Bryant got interfered with down the field. And he called the play where Archer scored but was called back. You come out when the team invariably doesn't produce at the previous level, as if that makes it right. By that reasoning, the Pats* have had a garbage offense all these years too, since they haven't won a title in 10 years.

You people have about as much understanding as the pink Steelers jersey wearing demographic.

01-04-2015, 07:14 PM
We lost the game in the trenches on Offense and Defense. No pressure on Wacco and way too much on Ben and the running game.

01-04-2015, 07:23 PM
Who told Ben to change? Not himself.

Who fired Arians? Not Ben.

What's Ben going to change a play to when Dri Archer, and Will Johnson are on the field in an empty set?

Todd Haley is a loser, because Todd Haley coaches for Todd Haley, and no one else.

Ben takes the blame after every loss. That's what leaders do.

Has Todd Haley taken blame ONCE, since he's been here?

Too funny. Under Haley...and when Ben finally played within the system...Ben had his best season by far including two record breaking 6 TD games. I don't know which game you watched but I am pretty sure it isn't Haley's fault that Ben has almost zero pre snap recognition. I saw him audible to a run against 9 n the box and fail to see the mismatch blitzes on two very key sacks. I saw several awful throws, his deep ball is bad like usual and he threw abysmal interceptions. I mean...seriously...Ben had his best season. I suppose to fanboys it must be all on Ben for that huh? SMH

01-04-2015, 08:54 PM
We lost the game in the trenches on Offense and Defense. No pressure on Wacco and way too much on Ben and the running game.

But remember last draft when no one on this board wanted to "waste" a draft pick on OL because Dickey and his "D" needed the picks.

Beachum's does a admirable job but we need better. Same for Foster.

01-04-2015, 08:58 PM
My God.

I can't decide if I want LeBeau to retire so you'll stop whining or if I want him to return for another season just to torture you...:moon

01-04-2015, 09:00 PM
My God.

I can't decide if I want LeBeau to retire so you'll stop whining or if I want him to return for another season just to torture you...:moon

That sir, is extremely funny.... (and i agree).

01-04-2015, 09:02 PM
Beachum's does a admirable job but we need better. Same for Foster.

If the Steelers drafted a true franchise LT, they could move Beachum to RT, and not have to be so dependent on Gilbert/Adams (or move Beachum to left guard).

01-04-2015, 09:03 PM
My God.

I can't decide if I want LeBeau to retire so you'll stop whining or if I want him to return for another season just to torture you...:moon

The best scenario would be bringing back Lebeau and trading Ben then you'd see torture. :p


01-04-2015, 09:08 PM
My God.

I can't decide if I want LeBeau to retire so you'll stop whining or if I want him to return for another season just to torture you...:moon

Hilarious. ..

01-04-2015, 09:12 PM
My God.

I can't decide if I want LeBeau to retire so you'll stop whining or if I want him to return for another season just to torture you...:moon

And cut Jarvis Jones and Dri Archer because they aren't all-pros in their rookie and 2nd year in the league.


01-04-2015, 09:50 PM
The best scenario would be bringing back Lebeau and trading Ben then you'd see torture. :p


Keep hoping. The torture would be another season of this floundering defense. But I'm sure that is Tomlin's, Colbert's, or Haley'a fault. Whether the over the hill DC stays or not doesn't effect me but it hurts the team I love

01-04-2015, 09:59 PM
If he leaves, I hope you're right and we won't miss him.

I just don't think you are right.

01-05-2015, 12:52 AM
Here is the thing: Ben played two 16 game seasons in a row. That has never happened before.

Jesus H Christ will you stop taking things out of context in order to keep blowing Todd Haley?

01-05-2015, 01:11 AM
Jesus H Christ will you stop taking things out of context in order to keep blowing Todd Haley?

Oh, I'm sorry. Please tell me about all the other times he played full 16 game seasons.

01-05-2015, 01:28 AM
Oh, I'm sorry. Please tell me about all the other times he played full 16 game seasons.

2004: he starts the year as a the #3 QB. That means he can't start all 16 games when he's not even the starting quarterback to open the season.

2005: he missed four games injured. Once on a cheap shot, and three more from catching his cleats on a TD pass in Heinz Field.

2006: he misses the opener because his appendix decided to come out. Nothing to do with football.

2007: he starts 15 games to open the year, and then with their seed secure and no chance for a bye, Tomlin creates his own bye week by resting Ben, Troy, and others for a meaningless game in Baltimore. Nothing to do with football

2008: starts all 16 games, ironically it's the worst season of his career as far as health. Left three different games hurt, and didn't finish them. But someone like you, who doesn't pay attention would read the stat sheet and start yelling "Yay! Ben started all 16 games!"

2009: Missed one game, concussion.

2010: Missed 4 games, suspended, nothing to do with football.

2011: Missed one game, ankle.

So PRIOR to Haley's arrival, in EIGHT YEARS Ben missed a total of SIX games, that he would have played if healthy. And only two with the much maligned Bruce Arians as OC.

You act like Todd Haley took Jim McMahon and turned him into Brett Favre. When in REALITY, BEFORE Haley, Ben had been as durable as they come when one FOLLOWS his career in it's proper context, rather than READ about it, then form an opinion, which is your trademark.

It's people like you, who downplay Ben's career, that make me sick.

01-05-2015, 03:25 AM
Haley didn't call a good game...but MT approved the game plan. Nice second half of the season, but I don't get how he escapes blame for this loss.

I cant blame MT for the game. Any number of things that could have gone our way didn't. If Tate didn't bat the ball to Thugs, if Martavis got the PI, if Ben tossed the TD to AB better, or if AB didn't jump, the game would would be different.

I blame MT for *meta* stuff, which affected the game. I blame MT for not having a decent backup for Bell ready at all; there was no backup plan at all. I blame him for using up a valuable roster spot on Troy. I blame him for sending in a woozy Ben when Gradkowski looked to be ok.
I blame him for the season-long miserable third-and-long D, which he knew wasn't working, but didn't act to fix in a do-or-die game.
I blame him for the team's repeated habit of overlooking the opposition.

But this game specifically -- its not on individual plays; it was just overall poor execution, and dispirited play by the team. The coaches only hold second-hand blame.

01-05-2015, 06:47 AM
2004: he starts the year as a the #3 QB. That means he can't start all 16 games when he's not even the starting quarterback to open the season...blah blah blah

Who downplayed Ben's career? I merely stated a fact. In fact, it was 36 consecutive games, not counting the playoff game.

Come on, Crash. You stated, unequivocally, that the Steelers would NEVER MAKE THE PLAYOFFS WITH TODD HALEY AS OC. You were wrong. That's okay. It happens to everyone.

What is truly odd is that none of your rantings really have anything to do with Ben, Haley, Art Rooney II or the Pittsburgh Steelers. This has always been about you. What makes this truly odd is that nobody gives a flying f--- at a rolling doughnut.

I am not surprised that you returned to the board to celebrate the loss in your own unique way. Enjoy the board until you get banned once again.

01-05-2015, 09:18 AM
The best scenario would be bringing back Lebeau and trading Ben then you'd see torture. :p


It would be this BOARD that would be tortured with 5,455 new screen names as Crash's head explodes with I-told-you-so's.

01-05-2015, 08:58 PM
I love Ben and all he has done for this team. He helped bring back titles to this title town. However, I do not understand this gigantic man-crush that Crash has for him. No player is above criticism, but to Crash, Ben hasn't and never will do any wrong.

01-06-2015, 11:42 AM
What did we dress 10 LBs and 9 DBs? Moronic

Jacoby Jones has eaten our special teams coverage units for lunch on numerous occassions in the past. Linebackers and defensive backs contribute greatly when trying to make sure that special teams is not the reason that you lose to this team again.

01-06-2015, 12:22 PM
I cant blame MT for the game. Any number of things that could have gone our way didn't. If Tate didn't bat the ball to Thugs, if Martavis got the PI, if Ben tossed the TD to AB better, or if AB didn't jump, the game would would be different.

I blame MT for *meta* stuff, which affected the game. I blame MT for not having a decent backup for Bell ready at all; there was no backup plan at all. I blame him for using up a valuable roster spot on Troy. I blame him for sending in a woozy Ben when Gradkowski looked to be ok.
I blame him for the season-long miserable third-and-long D, which he knew wasn't working, but didn't act to fix in a do-or-die game.
I blame him for the team's repeated habit of overlooking the opposition.

But this game specifically -- its not on individual plays; it was just overall poor execution, and dispirited play by the team. The coaches only hold second-hand blame.

Not sure how anyone thinks MT escapes blame after ANY loss. It always falls on his shoulders and he always has to answer for it in his press conferences.

01-06-2015, 12:29 PM
Who downplayed Ben's career? I merely stated a fact. In fact, it was 36 consecutive games, not counting the playoff game.

Come on, Crash. You stated, unequivocally, that the Steelers would NEVER MAKE THE PLAYOFFS WITH TODD HALEY AS OC. You were wrong. That's okay. It happens to everyone.

What is truly odd is that none of your rantings really have anything to do with Ben, Haley, Art Rooney II or the Pittsburgh Steelers. This has always been about you. What makes this truly odd is that nobody gives a flying f--- at a rolling doughnut.

I am not surprised that you returned to the board to celebrate the loss in your own unique way. Enjoy the board until you get banned once again.

In the mark of a true troll, Crash emerges from his hole after the playoff loss.

I'm far from a Haley supporter, but he kept Ben healthy. What Crash failed to point out from the earlier seasons was how many games Ben played while being significantly battered. Do you remember the graphics where they would show the the half dozen various injuries Ben was playing through? We didn't have any of that this year.

I'm sure Crash would prefer Bruce Arians. Who limped into the playoffs with Ryan Lindley at QB and hoping that Drew Stanton could return. His QBs take a beating.

01-06-2015, 01:21 PM
Not sure why people keep bringing up Arians like Ben failed to win playoff games with him.

I'm so happy Ben is healthy and sitting at home this weekend... oh wait, he probably is still feeling the effects of 5 sacks and a concussion.

01-06-2015, 01:21 PM
In the mark of a true troll, Crash emerges from his hole after the playoff loss.

Crash is also here after wins, don't blame me because I get banned for not kissing ass. When Haley did it MY way against the Lions in 2013, against the Browns in the first half of week 1 this season, the same way the PACKERS do it ALL SEASON? First thing I did was come here and give him credit.

I'm far from a Haley supporter, but he kept Ben healthy.

Oh really? Jammed wrist, hyper-extended knee, another banged up hand AND possible concussion Saturday. The same aches and pains that Ben used to have under Arians who was blamed for them. Quarterbacks get hit in this league, it's unavoidable.

I'm sure Crash would prefer Bruce Arians.

I prefer competing for Super Bowls. You know, the way they did for the first 8 years of Ben's career with four trips to the AFC title game, three trips to the Super Bowl, and winning 2 rings.

Then Todd Haley showed up, and it all changed.

Who limped into the playoffs with Ryan Lindley at QB and hoping that Drew Stanton could return. His QBs take a beating.

Carson Palmer wasn't touched and blew out his knee.

I guess 2012 doesn't count for Haley then? Ben hurt. Leftwich hurt (and has never played again), and started three QB's that season.

Everybody's crying the blues for Haley because Bell didn't play and his offense scored 15 points.

Arians didn't have Willie Parker in the 2007 playoffs and put up 29 points.

Arians didn't have Maurkice Pouncey AND Rashard Mendenhall in Denver and put up 23 points.

No mention of any of that for Arians, he's the anti-Christ.

But local boy Todd Haley is basically 2001 Kordell Stewart, he's sucked for so long that an average season is considered a success.

2011 Steelers: 20 or less on offense 7 of 17 games.

2014 Steelers: 20 or less on offense in 9 of 17 games.

In short, why is the barometer for success lowered for Todd Haley?

If opinions are to be taken seriously, of fans who bashed Arians after 2011, and most importantly Art II? Then Todd Haley should be looking for work this morning.

I'm sorry, but not dealing in facts in regards to Todd Haley, won't change them. Todd Haley's such a goddamn genius that NO TEAM with a head coaching vacancy is even THINKING about talking to him. That speaks volumes.

This organization has taken a step back in the three years with Haley, from the three previous years without him.

And that is an iron clad, undisputed FACT!

01-06-2015, 01:33 PM
You were absent for a month when the Steelers were on their win streak at the end of the season...

Two seconds after a loss, you're back and chirping...

01-06-2015, 01:41 PM
You were absent for a month when the Steelers were on their win streak at the end of the season...

Two seconds after a loss, you're back and chirping...

That's not accurate. Not one bit.

01-06-2015, 01:44 PM
2011 Steelers: 20 or less on offense 7 of 17 games.

2014 Steelers: 20 or less on offense in 9 of 17 games.

2011 Steelers: #12 in yards of total offense, #21 in scoring

2014 Steelers: #2 in yards of total offense, #7 in scoring

The offense still left a lot to be desired this year, particularly in the red zone. But by almost any measure, it was significantly improved from Bruce's last season.

01-06-2015, 01:49 PM
Crash is also here after wins, don't blame me because I get banned for not kissing ass. When Haley did it MY way against the Lions in 2013, against the Browns in the first half of week 1 this season, the same way the PACKERS do it ALL SEASON? First thing I did was come here and give him credit.

Oh really? Jammed wrist, hyper-extended knee, another banged up hand AND possible concussion Saturday. The same aches and pains that Ben used to have under Arians who was blamed for them. Quarterbacks get hit in this league, it's unavoidable.

I prefer competing for Super Bowls. You know, the way they did for the first 8 years of Ben's career with four trips to the AFC title game, three trips to the Super Bowl, and winning 2 rings.

Then Todd Haley showed up, and it all changed.

Carson Palmer wasn't touched and blew out his knee.

I guess 2012 doesn't count for Haley then? Ben hurt. Leftwich hurt (and has never played again), and started three QB's that season.

Everybody's crying the blues for Haley because Bell didn't play and his offense scored 15 points.

Arians didn't have Willie Parker in the 2007 playoffs and put up 29 points.

Arians didn't have Maurkice Pouncey AND Rashard Mendenhall in Denver and put up 23 points.

No mention of any of that for Arians, he's the anti-Christ.

But local boy Todd Haley is basically 2001 Kordell Stewart, he's sucked for so long that an average season is considered a success.

2011 Steelers: 20 or less on offense 7 of 17 games.

2014 Steelers: 20 or less on offense in 9 of 17 games.

In short, why is the barometer for success lowered for Todd Haley?

If opinions are to be taken seriously, of fans who bashed Arians after 2011, and most importantly Art II? Then Todd Haley should be looking for work this morning.

I'm sorry, but not dealing in facts in regards to Todd Haley, won't change them. Todd Haley's such a goddamn genius that NO TEAM with a head coaching vacancy is even THINKING about talking to him. That speaks volumes.

This organization has taken a step back in the three years with Haley, from the three previous years without him.

And that is an iron clad, undisputed FACT!

Smh.. here you go using facts and stats.

01-06-2015, 01:50 PM
2011 Steelers: #12 in yards of total offense, #21 in scoring

2014 Steelers: #2 in yards of total offense, #7 in scoring

The offense still left a lot to be desired this year, particularly in the red zone. But by almost any measure, it was significantly improved from Bruce's last season.

So you value the four GARBAGE TIME TD passes and yards that Ben threw against the Saints, Browns, and Jets, MORE, than BA pulling back, and killing clock with leads?


01-06-2015, 01:52 PM
2011 Steelers: #12 in yards of total offense, #21 in scoring

2014 Steelers: #2 in yards of total offense, #7 in scoring

The offense still left a lot to be desired this year, particularly in the red zone. But by almost any measure, it was significantly improved from Bruce's last season.

...until we needed it.

Look, I get it, Haley is our guy now and BA is gone but you can't remix the past and act like Arians offense didn't put up points in the playoffs.

01-06-2015, 01:55 PM
2014 Packers:

161 of 971 total plays had 2+ TE's on the field.

2014 Steelers:

383 of 1035 total plays had 2+ TE's on the field.

That's why Aaron Rodgers will win MVP, and why Ben Roethlisberger didn't even manage to gain ONE ALL PRO vote in an alleged "career year".

The Packers keep it simple, they leave their best talent on the field, and dare you to stop it.

The Steelers are too busy playing musical chairs.

01-06-2015, 02:20 PM
In the mark of a true troll, Crash emerges from his hole after the playoff loss.

I'm far from a Haley supporter, but he kept Ben healthy. What Crash failed to point out from the earlier seasons was how many games Ben played while being significantly battered. Do you remember the graphics where they would show the the half dozen various injuries Ben was playing through? We didn't have any of that this year.

I'm sure Crash would prefer Bruce Arians. Who limped into the playoffs with Ryan Lindley at QB and hoping that Drew Stanton could return. His QBs take a beating.

Truth be told I don't think you can blame it on Arians for sacks and injuries based on the Cardinals this year. Palmer was sacked 9 times in 6 games a 1.5 sacks per game ratio that's 24 over 16 games. Stanton was sacked 11 times in 9 games a 1.2 sacks per game average and works out to be 19.2 over a 16 game season and Lindley was sacked 6 times in 3 games that's 2 times per game and 32 sacks over a season. Stanton and Palmer are experienced quarterbacks and took less sacks than Lindley who was learning on the fly. If you add the three QBs sacks together you get 26, that's less than Ben's 33.

It's not the offense it's the quarterback, Ben will try and make a play regardless of how bad a play is deteriorating around him, Palmer not so much, he'll throw it away and play the next play. Ben was sacked 33 times this year and we're celebrating Haley as some type of brilliant for keeping Ben healthy and he still would have been sacked more than Palmer under Arians.

It isn't the offense boys and girls, it's the quarterback, I wouldn't change Ben for the world, but a lot of his sacks are on him not the OC. Take a look at the Raven game, how many times did you catch yourself yelling, "just throw it away, don't take a sack."? At least twice that I can remember.


01-06-2015, 02:24 PM
Truth be told I don't think you can blame it on Arians for sacks and injuries based on the Cardinals this year. Palmer was sacked 9 times in 6 games a 1.5 sacks per game ratio that's 24 over 16 games. Stanton was sacked 11 times in 9 games a 1.2 sacks per game average and works out to be 19.2 over a 16 game season and Lindley was sacked 6 times in 3 games that's 2 times per game and 32 sacks over a season. Stanton and Palmer are experienced quarterbacks and took less sacks than Lindley who was learning on the fly. If you add the three QBs sacks together you get 26, that's less than Ben's 33.

It's not the offense it's the quarterback, Ben will try and make a play regardless of how bad a play is deteriorating around him, Palmer not so much, he'll throw it away and play the next play. Ben was sacked 33 times this year and we're celebrating Haley as some type of brilliant for keeping Ben healthy and he still would have been sacked more than Palmer under Arians.

It isn't the offense boys and girls, it's the quarterback, I wouldn't change Ben for the world, but a lot of his sacks are on him not the OC. Take a look at the Raven game, how many times did you catch yourself yelling, "just throw it away, don't take a sack."? At least twice that I can remember.


Throwing it away from the pocket is grounding.

Look at the Tate INT, If Ben eats it? They likely punt.

But he tried to hit his check-down as people want, and it went right through his hands.

01-06-2015, 02:46 PM
Throwing it away from the pocket is grounding.

Look at the Tate INT, If Ben eats it? They likely punt.

But he tried to hit his check-down as people want, and it went right through his hands.

Who is blaming Ben for that?? I think just about everybody attributes that to Tate's unfamiliarity and the loss of Bell.

01-06-2015, 02:48 PM
2014 Packers:

161 of 971 total plays had 2+ TE's on the field.

2014 Steelers:

383 of 1035 total plays had 2+ TE's on the field.

That's why Aaron Rodgers will win MVP, and why Ben Roethlisberger didn't even manage to gain ONE ALL PRO vote in an alleged "career year".

The Packers keep it simple, they leave their best talent on the field, and dare you to stop it.

The Steelers are too busy playing musical chairs.

I hate the constant substitutions. They drive me nuts.

That said, with a back as talented as Bell, I have no problem using 2 TE sets.

01-06-2015, 03:03 PM
2014 Packers:

161 of 971 total plays had 2+ TE's on the field.

2014 Steelers:

383 of 1035 total plays had 2+ TE's on the field.

That's why Aaron Rodgers will win MVP, and why Ben Roethlisberger didn't even manage to gain ONE ALL PRO vote in an alleged "career year".

The Packers keep it simple, they leave their best talent on the field, and dare you to stop it.

The Steelers are too busy playing musical chairs.

What do 2 TEs have to do with MVP votes? I'm not following the logic.

And in all seriousness, I think the mix of formations Whiz/Arians used helped us win 2 SuperBowls in recent memory. I think mixing up packages can create serious mismatches on the field. So why not do it? I kinda like the 1 WR set giving AB more room to roam in the open field.

01-06-2015, 03:26 PM
Smh.. here you go using facts and stats.

Smh X2...stat geek...

01-06-2015, 03:40 PM
Crash is also here after wins, don't blame me because I get banned for not kissing ass.

welcome back once again Crash.

just curious, how many aliases does this now make for you here on this board?

01-06-2015, 04:11 PM
Truth be told I don't think you can blame it on Arians for sacks and injuries based on the Cardinals this year. Palmer was sacked 9 times in 6 games a 1.5 sacks per game ratio that's 24 over 16 games. Stanton was sacked 11 times in 9 games a 1.2 sacks per game average and works out to be 19.2 over a 16 game season and Lindley was sacked 6 times in 3 games that's 2 times per game and 32 sacks over a season. Stanton and Palmer are experienced quarterbacks and took less sacks than Lindley who was learning on the fly. If you add the three QBs sacks together you get 26, that's less than Ben's 33.

It's not the offense it's the quarterback, Ben will try and make a play regardless of how bad a play is deteriorating around him, Palmer not so much, he'll throw it away and play the next play. Ben was sacked 33 times this year and we're celebrating Haley as some type of brilliant for keeping Ben healthy and he still would have been sacked more than Palmer under Arians.

It isn't the offense boys and girls, it's the quarterback, I wouldn't change Ben for the world, but a lot of his sacks are on him not the OC. Take a look at the Raven game, how many times did you catch yourself yelling, "just throw it away, don't take a sack."? At least twice that I can remember.


more stats and facts...

the problem Pappy is people are blinded by their hate for Arians. Doesn't matter how these QB's were hurt or how often they were sacked. BA was the coach so it's all his fault.

01-07-2015, 01:18 PM
Somewhere mixed in all the Crash hating and coach hating, somebody (don't remember who now) made a good point that this game was lost in the trenches. The DL and LB situation is what it is... improving (DL) but still a question mark (LB). The OL however... I've heard conflicting stories. I've heard we have a 'solid unit' and 'the best center in the league'. I've also heard that our OL got manhandled several times this year including the playoff loss. I've heard that the interior specifically is weak and got crushed against the ravens. Which is it? Personally I think this line is weak throughout. Pouncey isn't all that, though he doesn't suck either, Beachum is too small to handle power rushers, and don't get me started on Gilbert.

here's the thing though... we have to face the Ravens twice a year, minimum. That pass rush IS THE STANDARD that we have to be able to beat. And it's not like they're the only team that threw the OL around like rag dolls. They've gotten better under Munch, but seriously... until we start winning in the trenches, we're not going to win games like this past one. And that starts with the OL IMO.

01-08-2015, 10:04 AM
Somewhere mixed in all the Crash hating and coach hating, somebody (don't remember who now) made a good point that this game was lost in the trenches. The DL and LB situation is what it is... improving (DL) but still a question mark (LB). The OL however... I've heard conflicting stories. I've heard we have a 'solid unit' and 'the best center in the league'. I've also heard that our OL got manhandled several times this year including the playoff loss. I've heard that the interior specifically is weak and got crushed against the ravens. Which is it? Personally I think this line is weak throughout. Pouncey isn't all that, though he doesn't suck either, Beachum is too small to handle power rushers, and don't get me started on Gilbert.

here's the thing though... we have to face the Ravens twice a year, minimum. That pass rush IS THE STANDARD that we have to be able to beat. And it's not like they're the only team that threw the OL around like rag dolls. They've gotten better under Munch, but seriously... until we start winning in the trenches, we're not going to win games like this past one. And that starts with the OL IMO.

Even though they improved, I think there's plenty of room for improvement on the Steelers' OL. The way the Ratbirds pushed them around, I agree, they did look "weak throughout." More work to do.

01-08-2015, 10:31 AM
Even though they improved, I think there's plenty of room for improvement on the Steelers' OL. The way the Ratbirds pushed them around, I agree, they did look "weak throughout." More work to do.
Big problem I saw was that the Ravens weren't dumb enough to rush 3 like our defense did. The rushed quantity and overloaded sides. Without Bell in the backfield to pick up the overload the offense never got on track.

01-08-2015, 03:57 PM
Big problem I saw was that the Ravens weren't dumb enough to rush 3 like our defense did. The rushed quantity and overloaded sides. Without Bell in the backfield to pick up the overload the offense never got on track.

A lot of times, the Ravens only sent four rushers--and most of the time, they got pressure that way. They beat the Steelers' O-line up the middle and they beat them on the edge. Until the Steelers can handle a pass rush like the one the Ravens came up with, they will not be serious Super Bowl contenders, IMO.

01-08-2015, 04:01 PM
A lot of times, the Ravens only sent four rushers--and most of the time, they got pressure that way. They beat the Steelers' O-line up the middle and they beat them on the edge. Until the Steelers can handle a pass rush like the one the Ravens came up with, they will not be serious Super Bowl contenders, IMO.

FIRE Munchak!

01-08-2015, 04:05 PM
I think it was actually Crash that suggested putting big man McCullers on offense as our own Refrigerator in special situations. I'm surprised they didn't try something like that at some point. Has he ever done anything but go through people?

01-08-2015, 04:12 PM
FIRE Munchak!
Not saying that. I think he did a good job this year. I do think some more talent on the O-line wouldn't hurt. I mentioned it already, but I would love it if the Steelers could get a true franchise LT, and move Beachum over to the right side. Gilbert showed improvement, but I'm not sure this line will ever be stout enough with Gilbert/Adams at tackle.

I like DeCastro, but I think he needs to get tougher. Pouncey had a fine year, but I agree with the OP, he didn't look that great vs. the Ravens. I don't think either of them are going to be replaced, nor should they be, but somehow, they have to figure out a way not not let Ngata and Co. push them around so easily.

Again, more work to do.

01-08-2015, 04:41 PM
Not saying that. I think he did a good job this year. I do think some more talent on the O-line wouldn't hurt. I mentioned it already, but I would love it if the Steelers could get a true franchise LT, and move Beachum over to the right side. Gilbert showed improvement, but I'm not sure this line will ever be stout enough with Gilbert/Adams at tackle.

I like DeCastro, but I think he needs to get tougher. Pouncey had a fine year, but I agree with the OP, he didn't look that great vs. the Ravens. I don't think either of them are going to be replaced, nor should they be, but somehow, they have to figure out a way not not let Ngata and Co. push them around so easily.

Again, more work to do.

I was just being facetious ;)

and I agree 100% with your above post...

01-08-2015, 04:57 PM
Not saying that. I think he did a good job this year. I do think some more talent on the O-line wouldn't hurt. I mentioned it already, but I would love it if the Steelers could get a true franchise LT, and move Beachum over to the right side. Gilbert showed improvement, but I'm not sure this line will ever be stout enough with Gilbert/Adams at tackle.

I like DeCastro, but I think he needs to get tougher. Pouncey had a fine year, but I agree with the OP, he didn't look that great vs. the Ravens. I don't think either of them are going to be replaced, nor should they be, but somehow, they have to figure out a way not not let Ngata and Co. push them around so easily.

Again, more work to do.

What about signing Michael Roos to a moderate contract for a 32 year old left tackle coming off a season that was limited to only 5 games because of a knee injury? Roos' contract is up and the Titans drafted Taylor Lewan early last year to be their LT of the future, plus signed Michael Oher from Baltimore to be their RT going forward. Roos might be interested in re-joining his old OL coach Mike Munchak. We don't usually bring in vets like this, but he already knows Munchak's system backward and forward and could be a reasonable plug-and-play upgrade for 2-3 seasons or so.

02-26-2015, 02:18 PM
What about signing Michael Roos to a moderate contract for a 32 year old left tackle coming off a season that was limited to only 5 games because of a knee injury? Roos' contract is up and the Titans drafted Taylor Lewan early last year to be their LT of the future, plus signed Michael Oher from Baltimore to be their RT going forward. Roos might be interested in re-joining his old OL coach Mike Munchak. We don't usually bring in vets like this, but he already knows Munchak's system backward and forward and could be a reasonable plug-and-play upgrade for 2-3 seasons or so.

Michael Roos announces retirement

Posted by Mike Wilkening on February 26, 2015, 12:17 PM EST

The Titans’ long-time left tackle is calling it a career after 10 NFL seasons.

Michael Roos, a 148-game starter for Tennessee since 2005, announced his retirement Thursday on Instagram. The Titans also announced Roos had informed them of his plans to retire.

“After 10 years as a Tennessee Titan I have decided to retire from football,” Roos wrote on Instagram. “I have given this decision much consideration. I feel fortunate to have played this long coming from a TE turned DE turned OT from Eastern Washington University.”

A second-round pick in ’05, Roos started every regular season game in which he played for Tennessee. He missed the final 11 games of the ’14 campaign because of a right knee injury.

Taylor Lewan, the Titans’ No. 1 pick in ’14, is now Tennessee’s left tackle.
