View Full Version : Who goes and what we need.

01-04-2015, 01:55 AM
Who should go:
Harrison (age)
Troy (age)
Kiesel (age)
Miller (age, no yards after catch, way too slow for the nfl)
Mitchell (horrible safety and horrible at pass coverage, the guy's a joke)
Maybe let go of one of our corners and draft one who can cover

What we need:
1 or 2 corners
1 or 2 safeties
an outside LB
a young TE who can run after the catch

01-04-2015, 02:01 AM
miller can still play but I dont like his cap hit.

maybe a re-structure like ike

01-04-2015, 02:04 AM
Ike too needs to go. Forgot him. Time to clean house on defense with the old players. Football is a young man's game.

01-04-2015, 02:06 AM
For some reason I believe Harrison can go another yr.

Everyone else can go. Heath has another yr in him

01-04-2015, 02:08 AM
Personally I wouldn't keep Harrison at 37 and I'd definitely draft a TE, Heath has great hands but he is so slow. When's the last time he has broken a tackle.

01-04-2015, 02:09 AM
Personally I wouldn't keep Harrison at 37 and I'd definitely draft a TE, Heath has great hands but he is so slow. When's the last time he has broken a tackle.

he doesnt get seperation vs. man coverage either

01-04-2015, 02:16 AM
You watched that game and deduced Harrison needs to go? You discredit the rest of your post just by posting that, he was one of the few bright spots today.

01-04-2015, 02:28 AM
He had a very good game, but like I said, he's 37. I agree with what Tunch said after the game about him.

01-04-2015, 02:39 AM
They love heath because of his blocking ability - and there may be none better in the NFL with regards to that. But age, cap hit and his tendency to put the ball on the ground over the last few years make it worth a look. not that there are many out there like gronk - but can you imagine what that would do to our offense if we added a TE with speed who can get separation and be a constant threat?

01-04-2015, 05:43 AM
I've tried to resist temptation and not post here, but when you criticize Heath Miller....there comes a time. The guy is a top notch team player and although his 40 time has diminished his example has not. Ask LeVeon Bell if he wants Ebron on the end of the line. The standard is the standard because of the flag bearers.

01-04-2015, 05:46 AM
They love heath because of his blocking ability - and there may be none better in the NFL with regards to that. But age, cap hit and his tendency to put the ball on the ground over the last few years make it worth a look. not that there are many out there like gronk - but can you imagine what that would do to our offense if we added a TE with speed who can get separation and be a constant threat?

He got bullied in pass protection tonight. I don't think I've ever seen Heath play a game as bad as today. I think he's still a fine TE but man that was brutal.

01-04-2015, 08:09 AM
He had a very good game, but like I said, he's 37. I agree with what Tunch said after the game about him.

Harrison at 37 will perform like Harrison did at 36+. He's a monster. If he stays, he will stay in good shape in the off season, and come in ready to play. On a limited basis...he will be productive again next year. Worilds is likely gone, and we will be razor thin at OLB. You keep him around for another year if he's willing to stay.

01-04-2015, 09:38 AM
Harrison at 37 will perform like Harrison did at 36+. He's a monster. If he stays, he will stay in good shape in the off season, and come in ready to play. On a limited basis...he will be productive again next year. Worilds is likely gone, and we will be razor thin at OLB. You keep him around for another year if he's willing to stay.
We have enough data to be confident that Harrison at 37 will be better than Jarvis Jones next year. Jones got "rag dolled" again yesterday. He can't beat even a back up LT like James Hurst.

7 UP
01-04-2015, 09:51 AM
Who should go:
Harrison (age)
Troy (age)
Kiesel (age)
Miller (age, no yards after catch, way too slow for the nfl)
Mitchell (horrible safety and horrible at pass coverage, the guy's a joke)
Maybe let go of one of our corners and draft one who can cover

What we need:
1 or 2 corners
1 or 2 safeties
an outside LB
a young TE who can run after the catch

Troy will retire
Harrision will retire
Mitchell will be back (like it or not they are tied to him)
Kiesel will retire
Heath Miller will be back (to suggest otherwise is crazy)
Ike will retire

01-04-2015, 01:38 PM
Mitchell's contract actually lends itself to a second season. His cap hit if he's cut after this year is a wash. His salary jumps significantly in 2016, so the Steelers made it a two year tryout, basically.

01-04-2015, 09:19 PM
Troy will retire
Harrision will retire
Mitchell will be back (like it or not they are tied to him)
Kiesel will retire
Heath Miller will be back (to suggest otherwise is crazy)
Ike will retire

Wouldn't be surprised if it plays out like that. And I wouldn't be surprised if LeBeau decided to go out with all those defensive retirees.

01-04-2015, 09:29 PM
Mitchell's contract actually lends itself to a second season. His cap hit if he's cut after this year is a wash. His salary jumps significantly in 2016, so the Steelers made it a two year tryout, basically.

Seen enough in Year 1 that I know I don't need to see Year 2. Tired of watching 3rd and long completions and seeing no safety help within camera view.

01-04-2015, 09:31 PM
What I would do
Get rid of coaches Dickey and Mitchell
Cut/ retire Ikey, Troy, Kiesel JH and Mike Mitchell Cam T and Cortez
Draft / sign Cb, guard OLb I would say tackle but they are tied to Gilbert. And add a backup Rb.

01-04-2015, 09:42 PM
I think Harrison is still good for at least 1 more season. I'd bring him back to push the young LBs to be better.

But I'm not sure Harrison comes back without Ike, Troy, and Keisel. Ike and Troy seem to have hit the wall and I think they're definitely done. If Keisel can come back from the injury, I'd bring him back and make Tuitt beat him out. I think Keisel could still play at a high level if his injury doesn't finish him off.

I'd think you'd at least need Keisel back to bring back James. Otherwise, all his old running mates are gone and he might not be as interested in playing?

I think you have to give Mitchell, Tez, and Worilds a mulligan for this year. I'd try and get them all back on the right track. I'm still not sold on JJ. So if you can bring Harrison back, you've essentially got a year to get Shazier some work at OLB to see if he can play the position at this level.

The 2 guys on defense that have been 2 of the bigger surprises to me are Spence and Williams. Both look like they are hard workers and belong in the NFL meaning we're loaded at ILB for now.

01-04-2015, 09:49 PM
The same thing happened to Aaron Smith that's happening to Kiesel and the Steelers don't need to make that mistake again. Aged vets =injured vet's.

01-04-2015, 09:57 PM
I've posted this before, but if LeBeau retires, I might bring in Raheem Morris instead of promoting Butler. I like Butler, but Tomlin may come to the decision that the system needs proverbial "fresh eyes". Morris comes from the Dungy coaching tree as well and has worked for the last three years in Washington's 3-4, which is similar to ours.

If Coach Mitchell retires, I think Karl Dunbar will be available. Dunbar worked with Tomlin in Minnesota and has spent the last few seasons coaching a three man line with Rex's Jets.

Both coaches have experience in both the 4-3 and 3-4. Options will be kept open if these guys are hired. They are even logical hires...

01-04-2015, 10:02 PM
Sounds good to me.

01-04-2015, 10:20 PM
Just my two cents, but it looks to me as if your both your lines need more talent.

Protect your QB, and get after the other team's QB. Everybody else looks good when you do that.

01-04-2015, 10:21 PM
I've posted this before, but if LeBeau retires, I might bring in Raheem Morris instead of promoting Butler. I like Butler, but Tomlin may come to the decision that the system needs proverbial "fresh eyes". Morris comes from the Dungy coaching tree as well and has worked for the last three years in Washington's 3-4, which is similar to ours.

If Coach Mitchell retires, I think Karl Dunbar will be available. Dunbar worked with Tomlin in Minnesota and has spent the last few seasons coaching a three man line with Rex's Jets.

Both coaches have experience in both the 4-3 and 3-4. Options will be kept open if these guys are hired. They are even logical hires...

How bout Rex Ryan?

I always thought Eric Mangini was a good defensive coach and could add significant value in the draft process which is something this team needs help with. He put together some solid defensive rosters in Cleveland and NY in his stints in those towns.

We seem to be good at convincing former head coaches to join Tomlin's staff.

01-05-2015, 01:25 AM
Just my two cents, but it looks to me as if your both your lines need more talent.

Protect your QB, and get after the other team's QB. Everybody else looks good when you do that.

A lot of talent is also in the coaching. The best talent will often not work out if coached improperly, or put in the wrong schemes.


01-05-2015, 01:35 AM
Rex is either a head coach or on ESPN.

01-05-2015, 02:20 AM
How bout Rex Ryan?

I always thought Eric Mangini was a good defensive coach and could add significant value in the draft process which is something this team needs help with. He put together some solid defensive rosters in Cleveland and NY in his stints in those towns.

We seem to be good at convincing former head coaches to join Tomlin's staff.

I said that elsewhere and I agree. man would i love ryan as a DC. it's not a slam against lebeau, but sometimes you need to shake things up. ryan is all testosterone and aggressive in your face D. as Ike likes to say, ryan is a grad of 'swaggin U'.

but i also agree there's no way it would happen. Still would be pretty sick to have two former HC's as our OC and DC, and a third HC as our O-line coach.

01-05-2015, 02:28 AM
They have that now. LeBeau was head coach of the Bengals. Haley. And Munchak.

01-05-2015, 02:33 AM
They have that now. LeBeau was head coach of the Bengals. Haley. And Munchak.

crap. you are correct. forgot about DL's stint with the bungles. If memory serves, he was replaced by marvin lewis. (and I was acknowledging both haley and munchak above).

01-05-2015, 03:26 AM
Just my two cents, but it looks to me as if your both your lines need more talent.

Protect your QB, and get after the other team's QB. Everybody else looks good when you do that.

you're right, we lost both lines of scrimmages to the Ravens and you can't expect to go far in the playoffs doing that...

01-05-2015, 07:38 AM
Mitchell stays, he gets way to much criticism in a secondary with terrible corner play and a safety counterpart who cant do anything but blitz.
Harrison is gone
Troy is gone
Miller don't know if he will be back but drafting a TE is a must
I don't think we drop any of our corners but I think we draft one for sure
Our O-line and D-line are not a huge concern, they actually played pretty well
I wouldn't mind seeing them add a kick off return threat, so we don't start evey drive inside the 20

01-05-2015, 08:13 AM
Personally, I think the Steelers as usual will surprise the fans with their selections, what we see as obvious decisions typically aren't to them because they live and breathe with the roster. The Steelers are drafting 22nd, so that leaves out an elite quarterback (if there are any) and an elite LT those players are gone in the first 12-15 picks. IMO, they don't need a WR in the 1st and pending Worilds situation and the lack of production from JJ (for now) an OLB could be in the cards, but doubtful its not how the Steelers operate.

The young corners improved a lot over this season and I don't see either getting cut, but I could see a CB if one should fall because of a run on other players.
In front office's minds the Steelers aren't thin at safety and they will continue to develop that group, I don't see Mitchell getting cut, but I do see Thomas competing for a job at SS.
I definitely could see a TE in the first at the 22nd spot you're still, in all likelihood, getting one of the top 2 TEs in the draft, typically there isn't a run on TEs.
I'm certain they'll continue to teach and develop the young defensive linemen and draft one second or third day for depth.
Landry Jones hasn't developed at all and wouldn't be surprised to see him get cut and a potential backup drafted this year again on the third day hoping for lightning in a bottle which is what I think they did with Jones, but it just didn't work out for them.

IMO, the 22nd pick will be a TE/CB/safety not necessarily in that order and take the BPA at one of those positions, unless a player that is so high up their board falls that they have no choice but to take that player.

They won't draft a punter but I'd love to see an upgrade there. As someone mentioned earlier upgrading the kickoff return game would be nice, can't really do any better than AB returning punts and I wholeheartedly support AB as that guy, I trust him.


01-05-2015, 09:33 AM
Don't want back so I will "assume" Retire:
Dick L- It has been a great run but we need "fresh". Division familiarity is evident & time to move on.

Players People want cut:
Mitchell-He will get an opportunity in 2015 to earn his contract. He will remain unless he has a disastrous pre-season.
Allen-Same as above.
Gilbert-Same as above.
C Thomas-Cut
L Moore-Cut

FA that need to be retained:
Worilds-I'm putting him here because of the situation the Steelers are in. DO NOT BREAK THE BANK. 6 MIL MAX or let him walk.
W Johnson
Wing (Bring competition in.)

01-05-2015, 09:52 AM
Mitchell stays, he gets way to much criticism in a secondary with terrible corner play and a safety counterpart who cant do anything but blitz.

Figured you'd be on to defend Mitchell. So come on, break down the last game and explain to us how he actually bears no blame for his crappy performance.

01-05-2015, 10:34 AM
Just my two cents, but it looks to me as if your both your lines need more talent.

Protect your QB, and get after the other team's QB. Everybody else looks good when you do that.

This guy gets it.... We really do need better play out of the OL and the DL is just lost at this point.

01-05-2015, 10:38 AM
This guy gets it.... We really do need better play out of the OL and the DL is just lost at this point.

I think the DL is headed in the right direction. Could we use better OT's? Maybe... but they played well down the stretch and I think Ben is partially responsible for some of those 5 sacks.

Also can't blame the OL when you go into the playoffs with nothing in the backfield.

01-05-2015, 03:42 PM
Starkey: Steelers' primary needs obvious

By Joe Starkey
Sunday, Jan. 4, 2015

http://triblive.com/csp/mediapool/sites/dt.common.streams.StreamServer.cls?STREAMOID=L5koA vg_OwRaDFB8SACbcs$daE2N3K4ZzOUsqbU5sYuzMDRrkkyk6gd LyCk$e5sBWCsjLu883Ygn4B49Lvm9bPe2QeMKQdVeZmXF$9l$4 uCZ8QDXhaHEp3rvzXRJFdy0KqPHLoMevcTLo3h8xh70Y6N_U_C ryOsw6FTOdKL_jpQ-&CONTENTTYPE=image/jpeg

Ravens tight end Crockett Gilmore eyes the end zone before scoring a touchdown in fron of the Steelers' William Gay (22) and Jason Worilds (93) during the fourth quarter Saturday, Jan. 3, 2015, at Heinz Field.

Have they peeled Jason Worilds off the Heinz Field turf yet?

To say the Steelers' $9.754 million man was neutralized by Baltimore Ravens tackle Marshal Yanda on Saturday would be to say Three Rivers Stadium was neutralized by 4,800 pounds of dynamite Feb. 11, 2001.

That was Worilds, buried under Yanda on Torrey Smith's touchdown catch.

That was Worilds, pushed completely off the television screen on Bernard Pierce's short touchdown run.

That was Worilds, far behind in coverage and on the ground on Crockett (Happy) Gillmore's touchdown catch. Nobody blocked Worilds on that play. He was sucked in on a fake.

The only notable thing Worilds did all night was punch Gillmore in the face and cost his team 15 critical yards. And here's the real kicker: Just minutes after the game, Worilds already was acutely aware of the social media criticism his punch produced. He actually told a national reporter he knew the reporter had criticized him on Twitter during the game.

Good awareness, Jason.

Now, to be fair, Yanda “neutralizes” most opponents, even when he moves from guard to tackle, as he was forced to do late in the season on account of teammates' injuries. It would by silly to pin the Steelers' 30-17 loss on Worilds. Plenty went wrong, just as plenty went right in a season that should be considered a step forward for a team coming off consecutive 8-8 seasons.

But if next season is to represent another step forward — and only the franchise's first playoff win since 2010 could make it so — then the Steelers must produce some real, live playmakers among their back eight.

That is quite obviously their top priority.

The dynamite is long gone back there, save for the occasional James Harrison explosion and William Gay interception return. Worilds' struggles Saturday underscored the team's glaring need for young game changers on a defense that allowed scoring drives of 80, 70, 57 and 69 yards to a team missing both of its starting tackles.

The Steelers defensive line appears to be set and potentially is formidable. But aside from Lawrence Timmons, who inspires confidence as a bona fide impact player among the back eight?

Free safety Mike Mitchell, as it turns out, played the entire season with a torn groin. The NFL Network's Aditi Kinkhabwala confirmed as much with team sources and with Mitchell himself. Mitchell faces surgery this week.

That might help explain Mitchell's struggles, including his five-alarm fire of a game Saturday. But it hardly spawns optimism for that critical position next year. One still wonders: Was Mitchell's big 2013 season in Carolina largely a product of the talent around him?

Troy Polamalu, sadly, might have reached the end. He did not change any games this season. It probably should be the end. Given Polamalu's long concussion history, you'd like to see him get out while he can.

About an hour after the game Saturday, I asked Polamalu if it's reasonable to wonder whether he's played his final game.

“Yes it is,” he said, without committing either way.

Polamalu's presumed successor, Shamarko Thomas, remains a mystery, as do first-round picks Jarvis Jones and Ryan Shazier.

The Jones situation is worrisome. He was supposed to come to camp bigger and stronger for his second year. He looked exactly the same. Then he got hurt. Then he couldn't find playing time.

Don't look now, but Jones has played 888 snaps in his career, according to Pro Football Focus, and has come into contact with a quarterback precisely six times (three sacks, three hits), which is six times more than you or I have contacted a quarterback during that time.

It's still too early to label Jones a bust, but Year 3 looms large.

Shazier is another guy where you wonder if the body type fits the position. The Steelers need him to be a star.

The cornerback position is one the Steelers have blatantly ignored and/or mismanaged for far too long. If their thinking was that average corners suffice behind a great pass rush, well, this team registered a paltry 33 sacks, its second fewest since the NFL introduced a 16-game schedule in 1978. So the thinking is flawed.

Cortez Allen was a spectacular disaster. In addition to getting roasted regularly, he somehow led the defense with nine penalties, despite missing five games.

The Steelers got lucky Harrison still had something left. But only a delusional optimist would see him as more than a situational player next season.

As for Worilds, he played passable football for stretches. He had some good games. He's sort of a Clark Haggans-type who could complement a star on the other side. But he's not a game changer. He's hardly dynamic. And unlike the outside linebackers on the other team, he came up real small at the biggest moment.

The guy Worilds replaced, LaMarr Woodley, will still count more than $8 million against the Steelers' salary cap next season. That's a lot of money for doing nothing.

Kind of like Worilds on Saturday night.


01-05-2015, 07:14 PM
Figured you'd be on to defend Mitchell. So come on, break down the last game and explain to us how he actually bears no blame for his crappy performance.

He made a few mistakes last game but that doesn't mean he was horrible all year, He will be back for sure next season you can bank on that.

01-05-2015, 07:39 PM
He made a few mistakes last game but that doesn't mean he was horrible all year, He will be back for sure next season you can bank on that.

People do a great job misremembering how good Clark was his first year when we had a good defense.

Mitchell arrived with a bunch of unknowns at key positions...

How good is Mitchell supposed to be when our D was in shambles before he arrived?

01-05-2015, 11:07 PM
This guy gets it.... We really do need better play out of the OL and the DL is just lost at this point.

How exactly is the DL lost at this point? Not sure what you're seeing but DL looks to be one of their stronger positions moving forward. Heyward is a beast and Tuitt looks to be a 21-year old beast in the making. McLendon played quite well this season (minus the shoulder injury) and Mcullers showed he's at the very least a capable backup NT, and at best a potential game changer.

Depth is is certainly an issue (as it is at most positions) but lost??? I don't see it.

01-05-2015, 11:20 PM
How exactly is the DL lost at this point? Not sure what you're seeing but DL looks to be one of their stronger positions moving forward. Heyward is a beast and Tuitt looks to be a 21-year old beast in the making. McLendon played quite well this season (minus the shoulder injury) and Mcullers showed he's at the very least a capable backup NT, and at best a potential game changer.

Depth is is certainly an issue (as it is at most positions) but lost??? I don't see it.

Don't know which way to point the finger but 22 sacks by the LBs is weak. To put it in perspective, the last Steelers SB team had 32.5 sacks by the LBs. Maybe better LBs? Maybe better DL? Maybe better CBs to make the QB hold the ball longer?

01-06-2015, 11:35 AM
Protect your QB, and get after the other team's QB. Everybody else looks good when you do that.

Football simplified in just one line.

01-06-2015, 12:16 PM
In order to think about who goes and who stays, we should - as always - look at the cap numbers. Here are the savings (pre June 1) for some of those we are discussing.

Troy - $3.75M - His restructure this past off-season was done to minimize the effect of his leaving this year or next.
Heath - $2.33M - Team would eat about $3.33M in dead money, but his hit to play would be $5.66M.
Mitchell - $1.55M - This would be simply a salary dump as they would be forced to eat remaining $3.8M bonus money. Can't see it.
Cam - $2M - I don't know what they are seeing, but with his poor play, and with the emergence of Tuitt, this would be the first move I'd make in Colbert's shoes.
Moore - $1.5M - He is clearly no higher than #4 now, and the kids have one more year experience than they had last year. Could this be money saved by inserting a draft pick or Justin Brown?
Keisel - $1.5M - This is move #2 after Cam Thomas, but this move is made with a genuine handshake and thank for years of service and class.

Neither Harrison, Taylor, or Worilds are under contract for next year, so there are no cap considerations to letting them go.