View Full Version : Harrison is teaching,who will catch on first? if at all

12-22-2014, 07:01 AM
James Harrison I believe is trying to show the youngsters how to get after the QB. His ankle flexibility is NMO is even better than the great Law Taylor.
If I had to bet on who will emerge as an replacement for James it would be Jarvis.Why? well its obvious that both Jarvis & Ryan need some weigh and/or muscle.It looks to me that this would not hamper Jones.They say all good things/events must end.I will miss James:cry:Ryan on the other hand, has not lived up to expectations.He looked lost on a couple of plays.Now I realize that there wont be a james'duplicate.But someone needs to step-up at this position while we figure out who will/can play in the secondary.If it was not for three players on Defense;Harrison,Heyward,and the rookie Truit,we could have lost.

12-22-2014, 07:07 AM
Ridiculously short sighted. Heath miller and Ben both had nice games. William gay as well. I'm not exactly sure how you can boil the whole game down to those three players and shazier had hardly played. I'm not sure how you can pass judgment on him in either direction.

12-22-2014, 07:39 AM
Shazier has missed a bunch of games. Injuries happen. So of course he hasn't lived up to expectations.

I certainly hope Harrison is teaching and that the "students" are learning. I'm not sure, however, that Harrison can teach extraordinary strength and explosiveness, or the fire in the belly. The students have to work in order to get strong, but if it were that easy, every LB would be a Harrison. The fire in the belly is either there or it isn't.

Never saw the point in saying that if we didn't have certain players we'd have lost. We DO have them. It's like saying that if the '27 Yankees hadn't had Ruth and Gehrig they wouldn't have hit so many HRs.

12-22-2014, 09:00 AM
Neither Jones or Shazier showed much yesterday. Shazier looked like a rookie who hasn't played. Jones continues to get easily handled by an OT who doesn't need help. Guys blocking Harrison in his prime always needed help and Harrison had one of those "throw back" games yesterday. The time off did him good. Hopefully he has 5 more of those games in his body.

12-22-2014, 10:13 AM
I loved the Jarvis Jones pick when it happened but I'm hoping he turns it up a couple of notches. Understanding he's had the wrist injury but I tried to key in on him multiple times when I was at the Falcons game and he has no moves and gets swallowed up buy 1 guy. He hasn't shown a burst of speed to get around the OT and never gets through him.

12-22-2014, 10:45 AM
SHAZIER is the least of my worries (except wondering if he's injury prone but I'm not going to let one nagging injury call him a bust).

JONES however needs to forget SUBWAY commercials and work on his real career. I didn't like the pick to begin with and every time I see him "lose his feet" on a pass rush it just confirms my original analysis.

12-28-2014, 12:56 PM
SHAZIER is the least of my worries (except wondering if he's injury prone but I'm not going to let one nagging injury call him a bust).

JONES however needs to forget SUBWAY commercials and work on his real career. I didn't like the pick to begin with and every time I see him "lose his feet" on a pass rush it just confirms my original analysis.

Maybe we are jaded from watching the spectacular play of JH for so many seasons we don't know what "ordinary" means anymore. Maybe JJ is simply ordinary.

Iron City Inc.
12-28-2014, 02:08 PM
I know we all want instant gratification myself included however even James wasn't James for a few years in this league. We have got to give these young lb's some time to sharpen their skill set.

12-28-2014, 03:08 PM
I know we all want instant gratification myself included however even James wasn't James for a few years in this league. We have got to give these young lb's some time to sharpen their skill set.
The problem is if they don't show anything until the final year of their rookie contracts then it creates a serious problem on whether to resign or let them walk. They have to play early so you can evaluate what they have but more importantly they need to perform when they play. If you still have a 50/50 decision when their initial contracts expire then that is the recipe for cap disaster. That is why I have always argued that talent replacement would doom LeBeau's "complex" 3-4 and you need a defense that is easier to learn and more straight forward like Seattle employs. Less complexity and no position conversions.

12-28-2014, 03:10 PM
Maybe we are jaded from watching the spectacular play of JH for so many seasons we don't know what "ordinary" means anymore. Maybe JJ is simply ordinary.
I have argued since he was picked that JJ will be ordinary. It's still early but I think we have the equivalent of another Jason Worilds not the dominant player like Harrison, Porter of Greene that makes the 3-4 special.

SS Laser
12-28-2014, 03:28 PM
I have argued since he was picked that JJ will be ordinary. It's still early but I think we have the equivalent of another Jason Worilds not the dominant player like Harrison, Porter of Greene that makes the 3-4 special. Have to take a gamble most times in the draft. He looked like a great pick. He still can be if he wants it I think. But special ah not sure there. Seem to be harder and harder to find those special OLB for the 3-4. Also quick hitting offenses and quick thinking QB's that don't hold on to the ball KILL the Steelers 3-4 regardless of who is the OLB I think. Look at how the defense did with a "slow" QB on Alex Smith. Not that simple but you can see my point. Oh you forgot to mention Greg Llyod!

12-28-2014, 06:24 PM
I have argued since he was picked that JJ will be ordinary. It's still early but I think we have the equivalent of another Jason Worilds not the dominant player like Harrison, Porter of Greene that makes the 3-4 special.

Yeah, let's just see how he does without a major injury during the season...

12-28-2014, 08:14 PM
Yeah, let's just see how he does without a major injury during the season...

JJ was balling out before he got hurt this year.