View Full Version : St LeBeau on Turnovers

Discipline of Steel
09-26-2013, 11:11 PM
http://sports.yahoo.com/news/steelers-defense-losing-turnover-battle-221218485--nfl.html Considering we don't have any yet through three games, we are guaranteed improvement in that department. Maybe this will be the week we 'break out' with a few...Ponder does have sore ribs.

09-26-2013, 11:48 PM
Well with our little to no pass rush he and his ribs should be well rested after this week

09-26-2013, 11:49 PM
''I always want more sacks, but I think we're getting good pressure on the quarterback,'' LeBeau said. ''And our third-down numbers are pretty good, and that usually means you're getting some pressure on the quarterback.''
If tied for 15th in the league is pretty good, then carry on DL....

Mister Pittsburgh
09-27-2013, 07:20 AM
When you don't play press, allowing WR to run their routes clean, and the opposing QB gets rid of the ball quick, you won't get picks or sacks.

09-27-2013, 08:53 AM
If tied for 15th in the league is pretty good, then carry on DL....

When you can never admit "your baby is ugly" then you will accept and rationalize any numbers as good.

09-27-2013, 08:58 AM
Can't get pressure, can't get turnovers, can't run the ball, can't protect the QB, can't score points, etc. Sounds to me like Tomlin, LeBeau, and Haley should all be fired.

09-27-2013, 10:18 AM
When you don't play press, allowing WR to run their routes clean, and the opposing QB gets rid of the ball quick, you won't get picks or sacks.

agree 100%

09-27-2013, 11:14 AM
Can't get pressure, can't get turnovers, can't run the ball, can't protect the QB, can't score points, etc. Sounds to me like Tomlin, LeBeau, and Haley should all be fired.

If this season goes how most of us think it is going to go, I'm all for a house cleaning of the coaching staff.

09-27-2013, 12:00 PM
I don't claim to know half as much as DL has forgot over the years even though i stayed at a Holiday Inn last night,
You can have the most exotic zone blitz schemes in place that may have worked 5+ years ago, but you need to be able to adapt to the changing NFL today.
You play the Steelers now, you spread them out and take what they give you.
Corners are playing 8 yards off the line, take the 5 yard pass.
Blitz is coming, get rid of the ball quick.
Dropping your OLB's into coverage, you know the ILB blitz is coming and hit the crosser.
Allowing QB's early in the game to get into a passing rythym is the norm now.
This waiting for the QB to make a mistake defense is a thing of the past.
QB's are too smart now and seem to be willing to take what we give them.
It's an all too familiar trend that has plagued us for the last few years.
Proof is in the lack of takeaways.
Proof is evident to anyone who watches every game.
Surprise us DL and make some changes like you did vs. NE
Stop being so stubborn and bring back the physicality we are lacking as a bend but don't break defense.
My 2 cents

09-27-2013, 12:07 PM
When you don't play press, allowing WR to run their routes clean, and the opposing QB gets rid of the ball quick, you won't get picks or sacks.

So you are saying that every other team in the league plays 'press' as their primary coverage. :rolleyes:

09-27-2013, 12:57 PM
I don't claim to know half as much as DL has forgot over the years even though i stayed at a Holiday Inn last night,
You can have the most exotic zone blitz schemes in place that may have worked 5+ years ago, but you need to be able to adapt to the changing NFL today.
You play the Steelers now, you spread them out and take what they give you.
Corners are playing 8 yards off the line, take the 5 yard pass.
Blitz is coming, get rid of the ball quick.
Dropping your OLB's into coverage, you know the ILB blitz is coming and hit the crosser.
Allowing QB's early in the game to get into a passing rythym is the norm now.
This waiting for the QB to make a mistake defense is a thing of the past.
QB's are too smart now and seem to be willing to take what we give them.
It's an all too familiar trend that has plagued us for the last few years.
Proof is in the lack of takeaways.
Proof is evident to anyone who watches every game.
Surprise us DL and make some changes like you did vs. NE
Stop being so stubborn and bring back the physicality we are lacking as a bend but don't break defense.
My 2 cents

You are singing my song. I could care less what we did 5 years ago because we don't have those players anymore. You can't just take anyone and stick them into a template and expect equal performance. That is what is going wrong now and it smacks of arrogance, or ignorance, that a system is so good it can't be improved upon or left behind because it is not getting the desired results.

The league has become more agressive and it is a pass first and pass often league. The cushions just ensure that they get a good gain on first down that puts opponents in the drivers seat for the other downs.

09-27-2013, 01:00 PM
I prefer 3rd and short over 3rd and long.. I don't mind a cushion on 1st down.

09-27-2013, 01:20 PM
When you don't play press, allowing WR to run their routes clean, and the opposing QB gets rid of the ball quick, you won't get picks or sacks.

I agree with MP, but I think there is more to it. The big problem is that the DL have not been able to occupy more than one blocker or even beat their man one-on-one. Thus, LBs have been unable to make the plays they should.
Despite some marginal improvement, the DL isn't where it needs to be right now.

09-27-2013, 01:25 PM
I agree with MP, but I think there is more to it. The big problem is that the DL have not been able to occupy more than one blocker or even beat their man one-on-one. Thus, LBs have been unable to make the plays they should.
Despite some marginal improvement, the DL isn't where it needs to be right now.
That, and the LB unit isn't near as good as it was just a few years ago. As of yet, we haven't really replaced Farrior and Harrison in their primes. But we might get there...I'm encouraged by JJ's promise.

09-27-2013, 01:38 PM
I agree with MP, but I think there is more to it. The big problem is that the DL have not been able to occupy more than one blocker or even beat their man one-on-one. Thus, LBs have been unable to make the plays they should.
Despite some marginal improvement, the DL isn't where it needs to be right now.

I agree. I think the DLine is the problem with our D. Not the scheme. And I also don't think the generalizations of Lebeau are completely accurate. He mixes things up and isn't as predictable as everyone wants to say he is.

His adjustments to the way the DLine plays is his admission that the talent up front just isn't the same that it was a few short years ago. The guys who fit the mold of our traditional 3-4 line are guys like Fangupo, Williams, and Arnfelt who aren't guys that are playing for us. We've adjusted to a new skillset up front. And as a result, the guys we have aren't controlling the LOS. OGs are getting to our LBs and stopping the run has become a nightmare for us.

As a result teams can mix it up and they don't have to force anything against us. With our anemic offense, there's no reason whatsoever to take chances against us. And mistakes just aren't happening as frequently.

We're still #5 in yardage on D which is amazing considering our O can't sustain anything and turns the ball over wily nily. We're 30th in first downs and 30th in 3rd down % and 30th in giveaways.

Just cause our O sucks the big one thus far, there's no reason to place the blame on the D. Odds are if we got turnovers, our O couldn't do anything with them anyways.

Overall, thus far our D and ST have played well enough to win football games. Our O hasn't. There's little things the D could fix. And we could use a playmaker or 2 to step up and lead the unit. But there's no reason to throw out the baby with the bathwater here.

09-27-2013, 02:22 PM
I agree with MP, but I think there is more to it. The big problem is that the DL have not been able to occupy more than one blocker or even beat their man one-on-one. Thus, LBs have been unable to make the plays they should.
Despite some marginal improvement, the DL isn't where it needs to be right now.

So what is the adjustment? Just wait for the DL to play better? Why not change the way the DL is being asked to play?

09-27-2013, 03:23 PM
So what is the adjustment? Just wait for the DL to play better? Why not change the way the DL is being asked to play?

I thought they were being asked to get more pressure... sometimes you have to look at WHO is doing the coverage on our D. Ike isn't a ball hawk.. Gay ain't the guy...

Shark hits.. Clark hits.. but neither is known for their hands. Until we draft DB's who can snatch the ball out of the air we will continue to see this trend.

09-27-2013, 03:25 PM
or actually let Fangupo dress for a game
or bench Ziggy Hood
or let JJ play every down
or stop playing musical ILB
or make your multi million dollar OLB rush the QB on EVERY play
or realize Worilds is just an average injury riddled schmo
or allow your CB's to be more physical at the LOS
Just some thoughts i had

09-27-2013, 05:25 PM
So you are saying that every other team in the league plays 'press' as their primary coverage. :rolleyes:

No, he is saying THE STEELERS play 10 yard cushions as their PRIMARY coverage.

09-27-2013, 05:27 PM
I agree with MP, but I think there is more to it. The big problem is that the DL have not been able to occupy more than one blocker or even beat their man one-on-one. Thus, LBs have been unable to make the plays they should.
Despite some marginal improvement, the DL isn't where it needs to be right now.

I agree with this also. The DL is about as vanilla as it's been in over 10 years. Add that to "free ends" on the corners, I think Kordell would be a perennial all pro if he played the Steelers every week.

Mister Pittsburgh
09-29-2013, 10:37 AM
No, he is saying THE STEELERS play 10 yard cushions as their PRIMARY coverage.


09-29-2013, 11:32 AM
I agree with MP, but I think there is more to it. The big problem is that the DL have not been able to occupy more than one blocker or even beat their man one-on-one. Thus, LBs have been unable to make the plays they should.
Despite some marginal improvement, the DL isn't where it needs to be right now.

When we had a great D, Keisel was the third best player on the line. Hampton could occupy two blockers, Smitty could as well, and collapse his side, and Keisel was a very nice piece. Today, at the age of 58 or so, Keisel is the best player on the line, yet he should not be as good as he once was. That right there should tell you a whole lot about what this D can or can't do.

Discipline of Steel
09-29-2013, 12:05 PM
Is McLendons ability to move a detriment to the run D? Seems like it leaves an offensive player free to take out another defender. Im almost thinking Fangupo is a better option and rotate McLendon in anywhere along the line. Is Fangupo large enough to consume two guys?