View Full Version : Reading between the lines...

09-17-2013, 12:55 AM
Haley is the reason Wheaton and Moye is not playing but you will see more of one or both next week. During Tomlin PC someone asked him about the game and then asked was Wheaton part of the plan going forward and his response was firm and to the point and said he will be. Did anyone catch that.

09-17-2013, 01:04 AM
Here's the context

Do you think the answer is in that room or do you need to look outside?
I believe honestly the answers are still in that room.

Will Markus Wheaton be a part of that?
He will be.

09-17-2013, 01:14 AM
Here's the context

Do you think the answer is in that room or do you need to look outside?
I believe honestly the answers are still in that room.

Will Markus Wheaton be a part of that?
He will be.

and from the way I read that .. the context doesn't diminish the OP's interpretation. I don't know how much of an effect adding Wheaton will have, as I watched an entire offensive unit that just doesn't seem to buy into Haley's approach/plan/system. Now, when you say that a HC has lost his team, you want him fired. When a Coordinator has lost his unit ... it should be the same. This offensive unit just doesn't seem to trust Haley/his plan/his leadership .. and that does not fall on Tomlin, it falls on Haley. Of course things like three straight runs to open the game when you have a franchise QB and a called reverse using our slowest WR will lead to the distrust that I believe we see reflected on the field.
just my humble 2 cents.

09-17-2013, 09:10 AM
Tomlin's in depth knowledge of the game is lacking. (good bs'r though) he survived to far on others who happen to know what they are doing for the most part. Btw--haleys a joke

09-17-2013, 09:24 AM
Haley is the reason Wheaton and Moye is not playing but you will see more of one or both next week. During Tomlin PC someone asked him about the game and then asked was Wheaton part of the plan going forward and his response was firm and to the point and said he will be. Did anyone catch that.

lol.. he will be? Really? What the hell our we waiting on? How hard is it to stretch the field with a rookie WR?