View Full Version : Take away the run and the Read Option isn't all that.

Dee Dub
09-16-2013, 05:54 PM
What a difference a week makes, huh? This time last week the 49'ers and their QB couldn't be stopped. This time last week there were articles that read, "Chip Kelly's offense takes NFL by storm".

Whenever something new-fangle comes into the NFL, you can always bet the best way to stop it, is go back to the basics. Stop the run and make these QB's become pocket passers and you will take them out of their eliminate. Although Colin Kaepernick has a solid above average arm, there is a lot more to be an above average passer than just having an above average arm. Like being able to read defenses under pressure.

The basics---gap responsibility and outside containment. 8-9 in the box and force these guys to throw the ball. If they spread out, dont spread out. Stay in your core base defense. They spread you out to create running lanes. Dont give them that. Take away what is between the tackles and force these teams to throw the ball 30 plus times a game.

But you also need to be able to run the ball on offense. These teams are trying to wear down defense by running 70-100 plays a game. There is only one solution for that. Pound the football and eat up clock. And that too is from the basics of football.

09-16-2013, 07:01 PM
Like every form of the QB rushing threat offense that has come before, this too shall be figured out. Of course, it works out much better when you have a D like the one that Seattle can put out there.

09-16-2013, 07:05 PM
Seattle's Defense is scary good.

That said, Chadman agrees with Dee Dub. Don't let the opposition dictate how you play. Dictate terms yourself. Of course, not spreading out the defense against a spread offense is easier to implement successfully if the DB's can cover...

09-16-2013, 07:11 PM
Seattle's Defense is scary good.

That's the thing. Dee Dub is oversimplifying a bit. The Bags are the real deal, and will do that to EVERYONE they play (including the Broncos). But I will agree that familiarity brings a certain comfort level in dealing with the Spread (which scares me, because we have no Spread in the AFCN). Kaepernick is often held in check within his own division.

Dee Dub
09-17-2013, 02:00 PM
That's the thing. Dee Dub is oversimplifying a bit. The Bags are the real deal, and will do that to EVERYONE they play (including the Broncos). But I will agree that familiarity brings a certain comfort level in dealing with the Spread (which scares me, because we have no Spread in the AFCN). Kaepernick is often held in check within his own division.

But the same thing is eventually going to happen to the Seahawks. They are going to get their weakness exposed sooner than later. Teams are going to make Russell Wilson throw from the pocket more than he is accustomed too. And as a result his strength and the teams strength (running), will be nullified. Watch.

RGIII can not run right now. And as a result his team can't win.

09-17-2013, 02:45 PM
But the same thing is eventually going to happen to the Seahawks. They are going to get their weakness exposed sooner than later. Teams are going to make Russell Wilson throw from the pocket more than he is accustomed too. And as a result his strength and the teams strength (running), will be nullified. Watch.

RGIII can not run right now. And as a result his team can't win.

While RGII looks gimpy I think the D giving up 353 passing yards and 3 TD's in the first half is the reason they can't win. Their D stinks...

I think people will figure out the zone read just like every other offense with a gimmick... but if a team can zone read, run from a traditional offense and pass efficiently it won't matter that teams can stop the zone read.

Russell Wilson is the truth and he will always find a way to pull out wins in a close game because he is built for it. Did it at NC State, Wisconsin and Seattle. He has Marshawn Lynch in his backfield and the best D in football. I wouldn't worry about stopping the zone read as much as I would worry about stopping Lynch and trying to find a way to score on their D.

Seattle's weakness is 1pm games on the East Coast.. that's it.

Dee Dub
09-17-2013, 05:18 PM
.......I wouldn't worry about stopping the zone read as much as I would worry about stopping Lynch.......

Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...the title of this thread and what it is about is "Take away the run" and the Read Option isnt all that. Lynch would be included in, "Take away the run".

I promise you this, if teams take away Lynch, your boy Russell Wilson will not be nearly as effective. Make him a pocket passer 60-70% of the time and just watch how special he isn't.