View Full Version : What a loss could accomplish.

12-28-2012, 04:18 PM
Don't get me wrong, I will be rooting for the Steelers in this game. I can't help it. Now, that being said, I won't get upset or scream no matter what happens, because I realize the bigger picture here. But here is what a loss would accomplish.

1. Higher draft pick. Don't think a few picks here or there matters? Take a look at the draft and pay attention to what the 10 or 11 pick compares to the late teen picks.



It could be the difference between landing a JJ Watt instead of a Adrian Clayborn.


It can make a huge difference. This game is meaningless. So the higher pick could be the difference between us getting a probowler vs. just a guy.

2. A loss will shake this team to the core. I want them woke up. I want Tomlin to feel heat to get his act together. I now hate seeing him on the sidelines winding up his head set or whatever. The cool act is old and stale. The team sucks in the focus and discipline dept. and that is his job. If he loses this game, he is going to feel the heat from all directions, like when he is out to dinner or grocery store. He is going to get some fire from the Rooneys and he needs it. He clownish, fumbling, bumbling ways need to change. He needs a wake up call.

3. A loss might just make Ben take this more seriously. He is still just a big kid. He is careless. He single-handily lost us key games that kept us out of the play offs - Cinci game, Dallas game, both games were lost because that moron was playing all foot loose and fancy free, throwing pics that lost the game.

"Hey I'm big Toms' son, I screw things up, but it's ok...".

Nothing impacts him. No worries. No accountability. And I, and most of the team, is just sick of it.

4. The loss will reinforce that they need to find a way to get the rushing game going. They have been FAIL. They suck at rushing the ball. It's time to take it seriously.

5. A loss will make them purge the team more and they need it. It is obvious that they have some poor characters players on this roster, and, even though I believe they will already be cleaning house, a loss to the Browns will make them clean deeper. And they need to.

12-28-2012, 04:24 PM
Don't get me wrong, I will be rooting for the Steelers in this game. I can't help it. Now, that being said, I won't get upset or scream no matter what happens, because I realize the bigger picture here. But here is what a loss would accomplish.

1. Higher draft pick. Don't think a few picks here or there matters? Take a look at the draft and pay attention to what the 10 or 11 pick compares to the late teen picks.



It could be the difference between landing a JJ Watt instead of a Adrian Clayborn.


It can make a huge difference. This game is meaningless. So the higher pick could be the difference between us getting a probowler vs. just a guy.

Would you really want a Gilmore, Poe, or Fletcher Cox over David Decastro in 2012? How about Rolando Mclain over Pouncey in 2010. I wouldn't.

How about one pick after Adrian Clayborn, it was Phil Taylor. We sure could use a dominating tackle like Phil Taylor right now.

Your point was pretty pointless.

12-28-2012, 04:27 PM
Don't get me wrong, I will be rooting for the Steelers in this game. I can't help it. Now, that being said, I won't get upset or scream no matter what happens, because I realize the bigger picture here. But here is what a loss would accomplish.

2. A loss will shake this team to the core. I want them woke up. I want Tomlin to feel heat to get his act together. I now hate seeing him on the sidelines winding up his head set or whatever. The cool act is old and stale. The team sucks in the focus and discipline dept. and that is his job. If he loses this game, he is going to feel the heat from all directions, like when he is out to dinner or grocery store. He is going to get some fire from the Rooneys and he needs it. He clownish, fumbling, bumbling ways need to change. He needs a wake up call.

You don't think missing the playoffs is enough of a wake-up call? Did you not see Polamalu's comments? This point sucks too.

12-28-2012, 04:30 PM
3. A loss might just make Ben take this more seriously. He is still just a big kid. He is careless. He single-handily lost us key games that kept us out of the play offs - Cinci game, Dallas game, both games were lost because that moron was playing all foot loose and fancy free, throwing pics that lost the game.

"Hey I'm big Toms' son, I screw things up, but it's ok...".

Nothing impacts him. No worries. No accountability. And I, and most of the team, is just sick of it.

4. The loss will reinforce that they need to find a way to get the rushing game going. They have been FAIL. They suck at rushing the ball. It's time to take it seriously.

5. A loss will make them purge the team more and they need it. It is obvious that they have some poor characters players on this roster, and, even though I believe they will already be cleaning house, a loss to the Browns will make them clean deeper. And they need to.

Ben already is pretty damn competitive. Again, you don't think missing the Playoffs pisses Ben off? He wants to win more Super Bowls than Bradshaw. That is his standard of excellence.

The Rooney's have already stated the running game needs work. I think they will try to fix this again regardless of the Browns game.

A loss to the Browns is not going to affect how they handle this roster. They are too clear headed to let one game make that difference. Missing the playoffs already accomplished this.

Great post though. :Binky

12-28-2012, 04:53 PM
Would you really want a Gilmore, Poe, or Fletcher Cox over David Decastro in 2012? How about Rolando Mclain over Pouncey in 2010. I wouldn't.

How about one pick after Adrian Clayborn, it was Phil Taylor. We sure could use a dominating tackle like Phil Taylor right now.

Your point was pretty pointless.

Anyone can cherry pick, and you only addressed one point while I made several, so, lame, pointless response that is meaningless. Way to go.

12-28-2012, 04:58 PM
By my count, BigRob addresses all 5 of your points, not just one.

12-28-2012, 04:58 PM
let me help you out with this one:


12-28-2012, 04:58 PM
Ben already is pretty damn competitive. Again, you don't think missing the Playoffs pisses Ben off? He wants to win more Super Bowls than Bradshaw. That is his standard of excellence.

Wow. You really don't get it. Talk is cheap. Daunte Culpepper said he wanted to be the best QB to ever play the game, then he quickly got lazy, got fat and got kicked out of the league due to pure laziness. But hey, he _said_ he wanted to be the best ever, so that's all we need to know; he _said_ he wanted to be the best ever. Ben is no different. Big deal, he wants to win 5 rings, and then he goes out and throws game-losing pics, playing with carelessness. But hey, he _said_ he wanted to win 5 rings, so we should ignore that he plays so loosey goosey. Let's not go by what we actually see, in terms of reality; instead, let's go by what Ben says and take that to the bank. MMmm K? That sounds like a super plan. Way to go. Let's base things on what people say. Did Daunte Culpepper become the best QB to ever play the game yet?

12-28-2012, 04:59 PM
Anyone can cherry pick, and you only addressed one point while I made several, so, lame, pointless response that is meaningless. Way to go.

Damn, I swear you are two people with one account. Or you have multiple personalities.

12-28-2012, 04:59 PM
Don't get me wrong, I will be rooting for the Steelers in this game. I can't help it. Now, that being said, I won't get upset or scream no matter what happens, because I realize the bigger picture here. But here is what a loss would accomplish.

1. Higher draft pick. Don't think a few picks here or there matters? Take a look at the draft and pay attention to what the 10 or 11 pick compares to the late teen picks.



It could be the difference between landing a JJ Watt instead of a Adrian Clayborn.


It can make a huge difference. This game is meaningless. So the higher pick could be the difference between us getting a probowler vs. just a guy.

2. A loss will shake this team to the core. I want them woke up. I want Tomlin to feel heat to get his act together. I now hate seeing him on the sidelines winding up his head set or whatever. The cool act is old and stale. The team sucks in the focus and discipline dept. and that is his job. If he loses this game, he is going to feel the heat from all directions, like when he is out to dinner or grocery store. He is going to get some fire from the Rooneys and he needs it. He clownish, fumbling, bumbling ways need to change. He needs a wake up call.

3. A loss might just make Ben take this more seriously. He is still just a big kid. He is careless. He single-handily lost us key games that kept us out of the play offs - Cinci game, Dallas game, both games were lost because that moron was playing all foot loose and fancy free, throwing pics that lost the game.

"Hey I'm big Toms' son, I screw things up, but it's ok...".

Nothing impacts him. No worries. No accountability. And I, and most of the team, is just sick of it.

4. The loss will reinforce that they need to find a way to get the rushing game going. They have been FAIL. They suck at rushing the ball. It's time to take it seriously.

5. A loss will make them purge the team more and they need it. It is obvious that they have some poor characters players on this roster, and, even though I believe they will already be cleaning house, a loss to the Browns will make them clean deeper. And they need to.

all great points.

12-28-2012, 05:00 PM
By my count, BigRob addresses all 5 of your points, not just one.

In posts after the initial post, and I destroyed his assertions later as well. Be well. Have a nice day.

12-28-2012, 05:00 PM
Wow. You really don't get it. Talk is cheap. Daunte Culpepper said he wanted to be the best QB to ever play the game, then he quickly got lazy, got fat and got kicked out of the league due to pure laziness. But hey, he _said_ he wanted to be the best ever, so that's all we need to know; he _said_ he wanted to be the best ever. Ben is no different. Big deal, he wants to win 5 rings, and then he goes out and throws game-losing pics, playing with carelessness. But hey, he _said_ he wanted to win 5 rings, so we should ignore that he plays so loosey goosey. Let's not go by what we actually see, in terms of reality; instead, let's go by what Ben says and take that to the bank. MMmm K? That sounds like a super plan. Way to go. Let's base things on what people say. Did Daunte Culpepper become the best QB to ever play the game yet?

Ben's a bonehead, but did you really just compare a potential hall-of-famer to Daunte Culpepper? You make my point of your idiocy quite well on your own. :moon

12-28-2012, 05:01 PM
I destroyed his assertions later as well

Have fun at school when Christmas break is over. :loser

12-28-2012, 05:03 PM
Damn, I swear you are two people with one account. Or you have multiple personalities.

Be specific in your assertions instead of making vague, fuzzy semi-congruent points.

12-28-2012, 05:08 PM
Have fun at school when Christmas break is over. :loser

You are now involved in ad hominem attacks. According to board rules, this is unacceptable.

You may, from time to time, find yourself in disagreement with someone else's opinion. At times like these, please keep in mind it's safer and more polite to take issue with the comments rather than the person.

Statements or postings that violate the above terms will be deleted from postings upon discovery. While we may attempt to notify you if we move or delete a post, we are under no obligation to do so. Depending on the nature of the violation, the Planet Steelers community at their sole discretion may terminate a customer's account.

I fully expect the mods to address this breaking of board rules. I await the warning or suspension of your account. The rules clearly state that no ad hominem attacks are allowed.

12-28-2012, 05:18 PM
Ben's a bonehead, but did you really just compare a potential hall-of-famer to Daunte Culpepper? You make my point of your idiocy quite well on your own. :moon

You are having trouble following along. Let me assist you. I didn't compare DC to Ben. I merely used a real-life example where what one says does not necessarily indicate that said individual will be willing to work hard enough towards stated objective. I never said the two players were comparable. Can you grasp this concept? Ben claims he wants to win 5 rings, and then goes out and plays unfocused and careless, hence, his actions do not reflect his stated goals. Culpepper also made a claim that he wanted to be the best QB ever, but also chose actions that conflicted with stated goal, hence, the example fits.

I will give another example to help you grasp this. Let's say you stated the goal of wanting to be in better shape than any of your family and friends. But, even though you stated this, you spent your time over-eating and not working out. See, just because you "stated" you wanted to be in the best shape of everyone you know, your actions did not reflect this stated goal. Same thing. Ben can say he wants to win 5 rings all he wants. But his actions do not necessarily reflect this. He doesn't seem willing to work as hard as needed to make this goal attainable. There is no way he is ever going to see 5 rings. He already blew one chance. And by carelessly throwing pics to lose games, he really isn't going to ever come close to 5 rings, whether he claims to want the rings or not.

12-28-2012, 05:21 PM
Ha ha. That is all. :loser

12-28-2012, 05:28 PM
The neighborhood is deteriorating. A blight has moved in.

12-28-2012, 05:30 PM
let me help you out with this one:


Actually, the reason Herm isn't coaching in the NFL anymore is because he is a little too simplistic, as that quote confirms. Yea, you play to win the game, but sometimes losing leads to better long term futures. What if the Colts won a few more games last year? They wouldn't have Luck or RG3 and then how bright would their future look? Had they won a few more games, they would have ended up with a Matt Kalil or Justin Blackmon. How would their future look if that was the case? Horrid.

12-28-2012, 05:31 PM
Ha ha. That is all. :loser

This is the 3rd post with a personal insult. This breaks board rules.

Eddie Spaghetti
12-28-2012, 05:35 PM
I would like to assert that this thread is funny as hell.

12-28-2012, 06:51 PM
I would like to assert that this thread is funny as hell.

Funny, but also full of ad hominem attacks, which, according to stated board rules, are not acceptable. I wonder if this means Big Rob is going to get booted? 3-4 personal attacks in this thread alone. I know the mods will not allow for the noncompliance of stated board rules. Even when I do something as slight as abbreviated curse words (where I don't spell out the entire word) I get warned for things as minor as that. So, I am sure the ad hominem attacks will be addressed. I know this board fully intends to practice fair and balanced management in enforcing board rules. It's the only way to proceed. Like Billie Jean said, "Fair is fair!"


12-28-2012, 06:58 PM
In posts after the initial post, and I destroyed his assertions later as well. Be well. Have a nice day.

Destroyed? Really?? Read it again, you did no such thing... :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :wink:

12-28-2012, 07:02 PM
ad hominem

Isn't this what grits are made of? :confused:

12-28-2012, 07:03 PM
Destroyed? Really?? Read it again, you did no such thing... :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :wink:

Hey, I guess I can win this debate by adding more smiley faces than you have. Is that how it works?
:D:eek::):eek::):cool::p:rolleyes::):):D:p:D:):rol leyes:

12-28-2012, 07:04 PM
Hey, I guess I can win this debate by adding more smiley faces than you have. Is that how it works?
:D:eek::):eek::):cool::p:rolleyes::):):D:p:D:):rol leyes:

No, but it would have helped if you made good points...

12-28-2012, 07:08 PM
Isn't this what grits are made of? :confused:

No, it's what people do when they can't win a debate based on content, logic or reason. In plain speak, it's when people resort to name calling and personal insults. Basically, if you are on a debate team, and you go there, you are FAIL.

Mister Pittsburgh
12-28-2012, 07:11 PM
You don't think missing the playoffs is enough of a wake-up call? Did you not see Polamalu's comments? This point sucks too.

I would of thought that getting their teeth kicked by Tim Tebow would of done the trick.....and. It's pretty odd hearing a 31 year old pro bowl SS mention all the other player other than himself when mentioning leaders and talking about offseason workout routines while he spent every season balancing on boards and swimming in the offseason only to end up banged up every year.

12-28-2012, 07:14 PM
No, it's what people do when they can't win a debate based on content, logic or reason. In plain speak, it's when people resort to name calling and personal insults. Basically, if you are on a debate team, and you go there, you are FAIL.

Debate team? You are in High School aren't you?

Your points are so ridiculous and sensationalized, why even attempt to respond with rational clear points? That's not what you are really looking to do. You want attention and controversy.

12-28-2012, 07:27 PM
I would of thought that getting their teeth kicked by Tim Tebow would of done the trick.....and. It's pretty odd hearing a 31 year old pro bowl SS mention all the other player other than himself when mentioning leaders and talking about offseason workout routines while he spent every season balancing on boards and swimming in the offseason only to end up banged up every year.

True that. It was OK when Troy was highly productive, with his "unique" work outs, etc. But no that he is hurt all the time and barely produces, it is no longer "cool" for him and his "new wave" work outs. I also hope he does less commercials in the future; they aren't even funny and are kind of embarrassing.


12-28-2012, 07:30 PM
Debate team? You are in High School aren't you?

Your points are so ridiculous and sensationalized, why even attempt to respond with rational clear points? That's not what you are really looking to do. You want attention and controversy.

Here comes that super funny high school zinger. ZIIIINGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG! You are so creative and witty, you'd make a killing doing stand up comedy. When you can't defend your assertions based on truth and content, you resort to the name calling. Weak, weak stuff. Do you make a living based on your opinions and thoughts?

12-28-2012, 07:33 PM
Here comes that super funny high school zinger. ZIIIINGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG! You are so creative and witty, you'd make a killing doing stand up comedy. When you can't defend your assertions based on truth and content, you resort to the name calling. Weak, weak stuff. Do you make a living based on your opinions and thoughts?

Actually I do. Like taking candy from a baby. :Bow

12-28-2012, 07:42 PM
Don't get me wrong, I will be rooting for the Steelers in this game. I can't help it. Now, that being said, I won't get upset or scream no matter what happens, because I realize the bigger picture here. But here is what a loss would accomplish.

1. Higher draft pick. Don't think a few picks here or there matters? Take a look at the draft and pay attention to what the 10 or 11 pick compares to the late teen picks.



It could be the difference between landing a JJ Watt instead of a Adrian Clayborn.


It can make a huge difference. This game is meaningless. So the higher pick could be the difference between us getting a probowler vs. just a guy.

2. A loss will shake this team to the core. I want them woke up. I want Tomlin to feel heat to get his act together. I now hate seeing him on the sidelines winding up his head set or whatever. The cool act is old and stale. The team sucks in the focus and discipline dept. and that is his job. If he loses this game, he is going to feel the heat from all directions, like when he is out to dinner or grocery store. He is going to get some fire from the Rooneys and he needs it. He clownish, fumbling, bumbling ways need to change. He needs a wake up call.

3. A loss might just make Ben take this more seriously. He is still just a big kid. He is careless. He single-handily lost us key games that kept us out of the play offs - Cinci game, Dallas game, both games were lost because that moron was playing all foot loose and fancy free, throwing pics that lost the game.

"Hey I'm big Toms' son, I screw things up, but it's ok...".

Nothing impacts him. No worries. No accountability. And I, and most of the team, is just sick of it.

4. The loss will reinforce that they need to find a way to get the rushing game going. They have been FAIL. They suck at rushing the ball. It's time to take it seriously.

5. A loss will make them purge the team more and they need it. It is obvious that they have some poor characters players on this roster, and, even though I believe they will already be cleaning house, a loss to the Browns will make them clean deeper. And they need to.

All these points are bunkum.

Overall draft position is just a rediculous argument. There are just as many stories of players failing that were selected high as there are of success stories from later in the 1st round. It's about the quality of the scouting, the environment he player walks into, and how the player responds. It's irrelevant if they are picked 11th or 25th.

Having an 8-8 season compared to a 7-9 season isn't going o reduce any more 'heat' on Tomlin, or 'Shake the organisation' any less. The Steelers missed the playoffs- that's all the 'heated shakiness' this team & coach needs.

If Ben is, indeed, a reckless fool who cares little about the final result, as you are eluding to, then a 12 win season will mean no greater significance than a 7 win season, so winning 7 or 8 games will make no difference at all to Ben- using your theory on the mentality of Ben.

Bruce Arians lost his job because he didn't get he run game going. Pretty sure the Steelers are aware of he problem. 1 win more or less won't make that point any more accurate.

Missing the playoffs with 7 or 8 wins will make no difference to a player purge you are asking for. A 2 win season- that might get you a greater purge. There will be changes, mostly based on age and salary cap, so untie the knot in your panties and enjoy the offseason of discontent.

The only thing your points prove is that you want the highest draft pick you can get, and you react to disappointment by over reacting and wanting to throw everything out, intend of trying to see what parts are not working and why. Probably we you, like the rest of us, watch the Steelers instead of making the decisions for them.

no surprise to see squid kid agrees wholehearted with you though.

12-28-2012, 07:59 PM
All these points are bunkum.

Overall draft position is just a rediculous argument. There are just as many stories of players failing that were selected high as there are of success stories from later in the 1st round. It's about the quality of the scouting, the environment he player walks into, and how the player responds. It's irrelevant if they are picked 11th or 25th.

Having an 8-8 season compared to a 7-9 season isn't going o reduce any more 'heat' on Tomlin, or 'Shake the organisation' any less. The Steelers missed the playoffs- that's all the 'heated shakiness' this team & coach needs.

If Ben is, indeed, a reckless fool who cares little about the final result, as you are eluding to, then a 12 win season will mean no greater significance than a 7 win season, so winning 7 or 8 games will make no difference at all to Ben- using your theory on the mentality of Ben.

Bruce Arians lost his job because he didn't get he run game going. Pretty sure the Steelers are aware of he problem. 1 win more or less won't make that point any more accurate.

Missing the playoffs with 7 or 8 wins will make no difference to a player purge you are asking for. A 2 win season- that might get you a greater purge. There will be changes, mostly based on age and salary cap, so untie the knot in your panties and enjoy the offseason of discontent.

The only thing your points prove is that you want the highest draft pick you can get, and you react to disappointment by over reacting and wanting to throw everything out, intend of trying to see what parts are not working and why. Probably we you, like the rest of us, watch the Steelers instead of making the decisions for them.

no surprise to see squid kid agrees wholehearted with you though.

It's possible you don't fully grasp the hatred between Pgh and the Browns. Losing at home to the Browns, and having been swept by Cleveland, will, in FACT, make the heat even hotter on Tomlin and the team in general. It's quite possible you don't fully understand the history of this rivalry. I am not talking about the last 20 years, as we have dominated them almost completely in that span (and I am guessing that is about your span of fan following). You have to go back to the 1970s and 1980s to realize how heated this rivalry is. There was actually a span in the 80s where the Browns were the superior team, back in the Shottenheimer, Bernie Kosar, Mack, Byner, Michael Dean Perry, Webster Slaughter, Ice cube McNeil, Claw Mathews, et al days. if Pgh losses this game, there will be an even more intensified attitude. 8-8 with a split with the Browns, vs. 7-9 with being swept by the Browns _IS_ a difference.

12-28-2012, 08:04 PM
Actually, the reason Herm isn't coaching in the NFL anymore is because he is a little too simplistic, as that quote confirms. Yea, you play to win the game, but sometimes losing leads to better long term futures. What if the Colts won a few more games last year? They wouldn't have Luck or RG3 and then how bright would their future look? Had they won a few more games, they would have ended up with a Matt Kalil or Justin Blackmon. How would their future look if that was the case? Horrid.

That's a slippery slope you are traveling down. Where does the line end? If a team has no wins at mid-season, do they mail the rest of the season in? 4 games left? 3 games left?
Sorry but I don't want to be a fan of a team like that. I prefer to root for a team that has integrity and respect for the game. Mailing ANY game in, is not respecting the game.

12-28-2012, 08:06 PM
It's possible you don't fully grasp the hatred between Pgh and the Browns. Losing at home to the Browns, and having been swept by Cleveland, will, in FACT, make the heat even hotter on Tomlin and the team in general. It's quite possible you don't fully understand the history of this rivalry. I am not talking about the last 20 years, as we have dominated them almost completely in that span (and I am guessing that is about your span of fan following). You have to go back to the 1970s and 1980s to realize how heated this rivalry is. There was actually a span in the 80s where the Browns were the superior team, back in the Shottenheimer, Bernie Kosar, Mack, Byner, Michael Dean Perry, Webster Slaughter, Ice cube McNeil, Claw Mathews, et al days. if Pgh losses this game, there will be an even more intensified attitude. 8-8 with a split with the Browns, vs. 7-9 with being swept by the Browns _IS_ a difference.

Wow, Chadman lays out the same counterpoints I did and you still ignore them. The Browns aren't a rival anymore than Seattle is a rival.

Our rivalry is with the Ravens. The heir to the old Cleveland franchise that left there.

12-28-2012, 08:06 PM
I'm aware of the rivalry. Pretty sure it'll make little difference to what the Rooney's think of the season result, however.

All that being said, this is a completely new argument to your original points.

SS Laser
12-28-2012, 08:21 PM
The Browns rivalry became the Ravens rivalry. Were have you been? Also the players have to see a rivalry for there to really be one. After beating them so much there is no real rivalry for the players. I think it can again be a rivalry because of the new owner. And the Browns are getting better. But they need to whip us a few times also. I think you are stuck in the 70's and 80's.:brownssuck:moon

12-29-2012, 02:30 PM
That's a slippery slope you are traveling down. Where does the line end? If a team has no wins at mid-season, do they mail the rest of the season in? 4 games left? 3 games left?
Sorry but I don't want to be a fan of a team like that. I prefer to root for a team that has integrity and respect for the game. Mailing ANY game in, is not respecting the game.

I never said for them to not try. I merely factually listed the advantages of a loss; no where did I suggest the team not try. But if you think this team has been operating in the realm of integrity, you are way off. This team has been acting without integrity all season. You can't see that? Wallace doesn't even put in any effort most plays. Brown stood there in the end zone and failed to simply bend over or fall on a ball, giving SD a free TD. Mendenhall doesn't even show up for a game because he was pouting. Ben can't bother to care enough to not throw the ball to the other team, costing us games, just because he can't be bothered to notice defenders standing in the path of the pass. Sanders throws hissy fits on the sidelines because HE HIMSELF screwed up, and he acts worse than most children would. This team can't be bothered to focus enough to beat the very worst teams in the league, losing to teams like Oakland, Cleveland, SD and TN. You preach of integrity and you think this team has shown any this season? Maybe a few times, but more often than not, this team has been a stinking turd when it comes to integrity. Ben only seems to care after the fact. If he cared as much as he acts like AFTER losses, he would freaking wake up and not be so careless to begin with. This team is a hot mess, and has no integrity to begin with - not this year.

12-29-2012, 02:36 PM
The Browns rivalry became the Ravens rivalry. Were have you been? Also the players have to see a rivalry for there to really be one. After beating them so much there is no real rivalry for the players. I think it can again be a rivalry because of the new owner. And the Browns are getting better. But they need to whip us a few times also. I think you are stuck in the 70's and 80's.:brownssuck:moon

This just in: The Browns just beat us. The last time these two teams played, Cleveland was the better team. Yea, I agree we have owned them the last few decades, but that is soon ending. By next year, Cleveland will probably be the better team. They are on the rise, Pgh is in decline. That is why this team needs to clean house. Tomlin needs to wake his butt up. His "cool" act ain't cutting it anymore. Standing around spinning his whistle or head set ain't cutting it. I hope this off season is pure hell for him. Those of you who live in Pgh, you need to boo him every where you see him - in restaurants, in stores, on the street. Let him know running a team this sloppily isn't acceptable. Boo him where ever you see him. Let him know.

12-29-2012, 02:39 PM
I'm aware of the rivalry. Pretty sure it'll make little difference to what the Rooney's think of the season result, however.

All that being said, this is a completely new argument to your original points.

No, go back and read how I said losing will help the team in the long run, however, I never said for them to lose on purpose. I merely stated how losing would help the team correct its current lazy, sloppy self. This team is a hot mess, losing to the likes of Cleveland, SD, TN and Oakland. That is a colossal embarrassment. And they should all feel sick to their stomachs about being so unfocused, sloppy and lazy. It is pathetic. Clean house. Do whatever needs to be done to get this team respectable instead of being the biggest embarrassment to the city - more embarrassing than the Pirates.

12-29-2012, 03:15 PM
No, go back and read how I said losing will help the team in the long run, however, I never said for them to lose on purpose. I merely stated how losing would help the team correct its current lazy, sloppy self. This team is a hot mess, losing to the likes of Cleveland, SD, TN and Oakland. That is a colossal embarrassment. And they should all feel sick to their stomachs about being so unfocused, sloppy and lazy. It is pathetic. Clean house. Do whatever needs to be done to get this team respectable instead of being the biggest embarrassment to the city - more embarrassing than the Pirates.

IMO, the only thing a loss "accomplishes" is that changes need to be made. But I think that was already very obvious before this last game is even played. Those changes are already likely in the planning stages if for no other reason than the salary cap will demand them. I will add that the Browns likely have a lot more motivation to win this game than the Steelers do. It is likely they are about to go through another coaching overhaul and a loss would probably seal the deal for Shurmur and Co.

12-29-2012, 04:02 PM
I never said for them to not try. I merely factually listed the advantages of a loss; no where did I suggest the team not try.

.Yesterday, 12:24 PM #16 lloydroid

Yea screw pride. That was supposed to mean something when the games meant something. They were an embarrassment this year, so lose, and lose in disgrace, so some REAL changes will go down.
Sound familiar yet?

12-29-2012, 04:07 PM
IMO, the only thing a loss "accomplishes" is that changes need to be made. But I think that was already very obvious before this last game is even played. Those changes are already likely in the planning stages if for no other reason than the salary cap will demand them. I will add that the Browns likely have a lot more motivation to win this game than the Steelers do. It is likely they are about to go through another coaching overhaul and a loss would probably seal the deal for Shurmur and Co.

I understand what you are saying, and most changes - the majority - were already in the works before this game is played. That being said, we would get a little higher draft pick, and sometimes that is the difference between getting a solid player vs. getting a perennial all pro player - a true difference maker. Also, word out of Cleveland is that they will be sitting a lot of their players for this game, and a complete house cleaning is going down Monday - entire coaching staff to be nuked. So much is going down on the Browns, that Vegas won't even give the game a line. I wondered why the line was OFF and now I know. It looks like Cleveland is going to just hand us a win though. And that is going to make our situation seem no where near as bad: 8-8 = a "non" losing season, and we won't be swept by the Browns, making the season more "digestible" but I don't want this pill to be any less jagged than possible; this team and coaching staff don't deserve anything but the most nauseating feeling as possible. They should literally want to throw up over this season. At least when Chuck Noll had bad seasons, it was from a lack of talent. This team doesn't have that excuse, losing to teams like the Browns, Titans, Chargers and Raiders. They should be embarrassed to be seen in public.

12-29-2012, 04:11 PM
Sound familiar yet?

Yes, I wanted them to lose in disgrace; I still never said for the players to give up. I just want them to be in as much disgrace as possible. There is no saving this season with a meaningless win. They have already disgraced themselves completely, regardless of this game. They should be publicly ridiculed at every chance. I hope Ben and Tomlin get booed without mercy, any time they show their faces in public.

12-29-2012, 08:52 PM
Yes, I wanted them to lose in disgrace; I still never said for the players to give up. I just want them to be in as much disgrace as possible. There is no saving this season with a meaningless win. They have already disgraced themselves completely, regardless of this game. They should be publicly ridiculed at every chance. I hope Ben and Tomlin get booed without mercy, any time they show their faces in public.

Dude, you need to take a chill-pill. "Booed without mercy, any time they show their face in public"?? "Publicly ridiculed at every chance"??

Did they run your dog over without saying sorry? What gives anyone the right to treat people like that for not living up to your standards?

Personally, I'd shake their hands and wish them better success next season. After all, it's their jobs on the line, not mine. I'm guessing it means a bit more to them, somehow.