View Full Version : No Pads....More imjuries?

12-27-2012, 06:21 PM
Injuries seem to be at an all time high in the NFL, and if your the Steelers thats an understatement.
There could be a combination of factors such as conditioning which is important, but how do you get conditioned for Sundays when your not allowed but one day with pads for practice during the week?

The leadership of the NFL is ruining the sport with their questionable rules, and thoughts of adding games, and playoff teams.
Getting back to the title of this post, I believe practicing with no pads increases the chance of injuries on game day not lesson them. Not only that when you run block it's a physical part of the offense, pretty tough to be physical when your candy azz Goodell makes rules that have a negative result on the field.

They should change the name of the NFL to....IAATM, It's All About The Money!

12-27-2012, 07:38 PM
Injuries seem to be at an all time high in the NFL, and if your the Steelers thats an understatement.
There could be a combination of factors such as conditioning which is important, but how do you get conditioned for Sundays when your not allowed but one day with pads for practice during the week?

The leadership of the NFL is ruining the sport with their questionable rules, and thoughts of adding games, and playoff teams.
Getting back to the title of this post, I believe practicing with no pads increases the chance of injuries on game day not lesson them. Not only that when you run block it's a physical part of the offense, pretty tough to be physical when your candy azz Goodell makes rules that have a negative result on the field.

They should change the name of the NFL to....IAATM, It's All About The Money!

Do a little homework son.

The rules are being forced on the league due to the litigation bandwagon lining up for a piece of the $9B NFL pie.

12-27-2012, 10:59 PM
Do a little homework son.

The rules are being forced on the league due to the litigation bandwagon lining up for a piece of the $9B NFL pie.

I'm well aware of the litigation.

I feel when you sign that contract to play professional football you know up front the dangers of the sport where you could be injured for life. Sorry, but this league is diminished compared to what it use to be.
Take helmet to helmet hits for example that can produce a concussion, yeah it's dangerous but now defensive players are going for the knees that can kill a career.

As I stated it's about the money, the league really isn't worried about player safety, they are worried about losing huge amounts of cash to former injured players through litigation and lawsuits.

12-27-2012, 11:03 PM
I think this is definitely affecting the quality of the game. Guys aren't tough enough without taking the hits. Plus you can't weed out the soft guys before a season starts.

But it does reduce the head collisions.

The NFL is having as hard a time finding the fine line as Big Ben does in his game.

12-28-2012, 12:26 PM
Goodell is not concerned with player safety. He blows smoke about hits against "defenseless" players while trying to lengthen the season or reduce preseason. It's a total joke. The rule changes are designed to turn this into a softer league with more points being put up. They want to change the game to the detriment of teams like the Steelers because they think think the gains in casual fans far outweigh the loss of any hardcore fans who like good defense and lower scores. If this new league happens to protect player safety a little bit, that is just a coincidence and not the main goal by any means. Just my opinion.