View Full Version : Petition to Boycott Steelers for Remainder of 2012

12-27-2012, 11:42 AM
Who's with me? I'm boycotting the game on Sunday. I'll watch it on tv, but no way am I making a trip to Heinz Field.

How cool would it be for Steelers fans to show their displeasure by no one going to the game on Sunday?

Let's go Steeler Nation. Give up on this team for the remainder of this year like they have given up on us.

Or if you do decide to go to them game, how bout everyone wear brown and orange and support the Brownies? I wouldn't do that either, but I won't be there.

Ugh! What a frustrating week.

12-27-2012, 11:44 AM
Great idea, Flip! :rolleyes:

12-27-2012, 12:09 PM
i agree. send a message to the rooneys that we arent happy with the crap thats on the field and we wont spend our money watching them. hell, i wont even waste my time watching on tv

12-27-2012, 12:53 PM
i agree. send a message to the rooneys that we arent happy with the crap thats on the field and we wont spend our money watching them. hell, i wont even waste my time watching on tv

You just raised the stakes and took it to a level I couldn't. Good for you. I'm still a sucker that will be watching from my couch.

12-27-2012, 01:16 PM
Not showing up or watching games after our team gets eliminated from playoff contention? Talk about a spoiled fanbase.

12-27-2012, 01:43 PM
Not showing up or watching games after our team gets eliminated from playoff contention? Talk about a spoiled fanbase.

Agreed. Injuries, spotty play and did I mention injuries? I know it's hard to use the "injury" excuse and I've certainly been preaching it the last few weeks when I do actually post. However you can't look at this season and deny that hellstorm. It was one thing after another all year long. We're lucky to be 7-8 with the potential to be 8-8 but now it's gotta be someones fault not just an unfortunate season. Steeler nation is spoiled rotten and the show a lot of you are putting on in the wake of a crap season is a prime example of the stink that follows.

12-27-2012, 01:52 PM
Not showing up or watching games after our team gets eliminated from playoff contention? Talk about a spoiled fanbase.

I think that's sorta all fan bases. When teams are winning, tickets are more expensive. When they're losing, no one goes to games.

I remember going to Carolina Hurricanes games when they first move the team to NC because I love live hockey and you could get in for $5 and sit next to the glass. They'd run specials - 2 tix for $5 all the time. And no one showed up. OK, some did, but I'd bet some of the games had less fans than a Harlem Globetrotters game in the same arena.

Fast forward a couple years and the Hurricanes won the Stanley Cup. All of a sudden, every person in NC was a Hurricane's fan. And all of a sudden game were sold out. Ticket prices went up. And hockey became a real sport here for a few years. I stopped going unless the Penguins were playing here. I now go see the Fayetteville Fire Antz from time to time to get my hockey fix (minor league) where you can be right up in the action for $10.

But it seems all sports ebb and flow based on winning.

I like preseason football. And that's how I view this next game. If you like preseason, you'll likely enjoy the Steelers/Browns. Most of the games I've been to, not many folks were really interested in these games.

Guess it's the same reason folks get louder and crazier and more into playoff games vs regular season games?

It'd be cool if the NFL decided to let in another 1-2 teams into the playoffs this year.

12-27-2012, 05:16 PM
I think the ROONEY's already know the fan base isn't happy. They know STEELER fans. I guess the message needs to be sent to TOMLIN just to keep him in check. He's still kind of a "newbie" :p

12-27-2012, 07:19 PM
http://i.imgur.com/AIBqC.jpg (http://imgur.com/AIBqC)

12-27-2012, 07:26 PM
Sorry but I won't use injuries as a scapegoat for us not making the playoffs.

Ben. Turnovers. Poor execution. Penalties. Poor coaching.

12-27-2012, 07:36 PM
Well, IF I had tickets that I bought for good $, I'D GO TO THE GAME. Now we're seeing who truly are those that have jumped on the bandwagon along the way and those who ARE REAL STILLER FANS. What a lousy thread, sorry I stumbled onto it.....

12-27-2012, 09:04 PM
Anyone not using a ticket to the game this weekend please let me know I'll try to get to Pittsburgh some how:-)

12-27-2012, 09:51 PM
I'm a girl who was born and raised in Pittsburgh, and the Steelers will always be my team. Win or lose, I am a fan for life!

Mister Pittsburgh
12-27-2012, 09:56 PM
I don't have a ticket but if I did I would go. I will certainly be watching. Was it a good season? Far from it. But you truly are a spoiled fan to whine about missing the playoffs when we won 2 Superbowls and appeared in another in the last 7 years. There are a handful of teams in MLB that spend twice as much as every other team in a broken garbage league and they don't win championships at that pace.

12-27-2012, 10:11 PM
I wasn't serious with this thread, but the reactions got me thinking - are there any other consumer products or services where the consumer is unable to vote with his dollars?

With every other product or service, many of us spend our hard earned dollars carefully on products that deliver great value. But with sports, we have no guarantees of satisfaction. It's purely entertainment. It's an escape. A guilty pleasure. But I've heard many folks say our team and offense at times has been frustrating and not even entertaining.

I'm pretty sure I've got an addiction here. I'm addicted to the nostalgia of all things Pittsburgh. I'm addicted to a better time - a bygone era. And part of the fun is cheering and overreacting and not caring about anything.

If we are spoiled, who's fault is it? The Steelers. They set the bar high. If you're gonna do that you've gotta keep delivering. It's like giving your wife a great present on your first anniversary. You've always gotta keep topping yourself. It's a never ending cycle. 6 Lombardis will do that to a fan base.

I the end, don't the most loyal as well as the biggest bandwagon fans deserve the best product. And if you'd be a fan no matter what, what if the Rooney's spent way under the cap like the Pirates do and fielded a non competitive team and lined their pockets with greater earnings? That's just an example. But Im sure there's a line for everyone. This is coming from someone who's still a Pirates fan.

12-27-2012, 10:19 PM
Worst. Idea. Ever.

They had a bad season....get over it.

12-27-2012, 10:21 PM
Flippy, I get your point, I am not going mainly because i live in Ca., but I will be watching for I will not get to see another game of Steeler football till next August. Man when the game ended last weekend I sure had and have this empty feeling knowing I have no more games after this week. I guess I will watch the Seahawks since Bobby Wagner attended the Hs. I teach at, great kid.

12-27-2012, 10:30 PM
Flippy, I get your point, I am not going mainly because i live in Ca., but I will be watching for I will not get to see another game of Steeler football till next August. Man when the game ended last weekend I sure had and have this empty feeling knowing I have no more games after this week. I guess I will watch the Seahawks since Bobby Wagner attended the Hs. I teach at, great kid.

I live in NC and won't be in Pittsburgh which was half the reason for the thread.