View Full Version : Why Aren't Defensive Players Held to the Same "Standard"?

12-21-2012, 10:03 AM
This season, Tomlin benched Mendenhall and "demoted" Wallace due to performance issues, moves I applaud. Why does he never do the same kind of thing with defensive players?

For instance, why is Casey Hampton still the main man at NT? It's been a long time since the play of one of our DLinemen been as underwhelming as Fatty's has been this season. When McLendon is in, he makes plays. So... let's mostly keep McLendon on the bench and keep the Blob in the game? How does that make sense?

And what has big LaMarr Dudley been doing all season long? I don't know if Worilds would do any better, but I sure don't think he could do any worse.

With both Hampton and Woodley, it's not like they just had a bad game or two--it's been the whole season. So why doesn't Tomlin sit their hineys on the bench like he does with underperforming offensive players? Is he afraid he might light a fire under some defensive players? Is he afraid of King LeBeau? Is there some kind of edict that says if you're paying defensive players big money, they have to play whether they deserve to or not? What's the deal?

12-21-2012, 11:32 AM
I've watched McLendon A LOT this season, and the reason he doesn't get more snaps is because of gap integrity. He shoots the gap way too much. and he's out of position because he picks sides. That's why he makes plays. But it's also why there are holes that allow big gains on the ground. You don't get that with Hampton in there.

12-21-2012, 11:34 AM
I would imagine the main reason is that the drop off in performance is much greater when you bench Hampton and Woodley vs. Mendenhall and Wallace. Hampton's performance is declining due to age, but he's still a force. Not sure our younger D-lineman have the same presence on a consistent basis even if they have the occasional big play.

12-21-2012, 12:45 PM
I've watched McLendon A LOT this season, and the reason he doesn't get more snaps is because of gap integrity. He shoots the gap way too much. and he's out of position because he picks sides. That's why he makes plays. But it's also why there are holes that allow big gains on the ground. You don't get that with Hampton in there.

I agree with this. McClendon seems to get single blocks and can't hold a gap. He does seem to make more plays. And Hampton isn't what he used to be. I do think Hampton's play has gotten better over the course of the season.

12-21-2012, 12:53 PM
I agree with this. McClendon seems to get single blocks and can't hold a gap. He does seem to make more plays. And Hampton isn't what he used to be. I do think Hampton's play has gotten better over the course of the season.Perhaps the Steelers will adjust the scheme to a one gap 3-4, to take advantage of guys like McClendon and Hood who might be better one-gap defenders...

12-21-2012, 01:32 PM
Perhaps the Steelers will adjust the scheme to a one gap 3-4, to take advantage of guys like McClendon and Hood who might be better one-gap defenders...
Excellent point...why not adjust the scheme NOW to fit the players we have who can actually MAKE PLAYS?

12-21-2012, 01:37 PM
Perhaps the Steelers will adjust the scheme to a one gap 3-4, to take advantage of guys like McClendon and Hood who might be better one-gap defenders...

I like this idea. I do think we've gotta adjust up front.

12-21-2012, 02:08 PM
Excellent point...why not adjust the scheme NOW to fit the players we have who can actually MAKE PLAYS?

Because a wholesale change like that something a desperate team does in the middle of the season...not a team in contention for a playoff spot...

That may be something they choose to do in the offseason, especially if LeBeau retires...

12-21-2012, 03:14 PM
Because you can't change an entire defense for two players. Mclendon is not a great player regardless of what many people think. Do you change for him and hood and sacrafice the style of play for our line backers and Cam? Seems silly to change everything for 2 players and hurt the other 5

12-21-2012, 05:33 PM
Because a wholesale change like that something a desperate team does in the middle of the season...not a team in contention for a playoff spot...

That may be something they choose to do in the offseason, especially if LeBeau retires...

I don't understand this...wouldn't a team in contention for a playoff spot be more "desperate" than a team that has been eliminated from contention? If any team ought to be "desperate," shouldn't it be a team that is in contention, but on the brink of elimination?

Because you can't change an entire defense for two players. Mclendon is not a great player regardless of what many people think. Do you change for him and hood and sacrafice the style of play for our line backers and Cam? Seems silly to change everything for 2 players and hurt the other 5

Exactly how would a one-gap 3-4 "hurt" the other 5 (other than Fat Casey, who currently doesn't do anything but take up space)? How great has the "style of play" of our "LBs and Cam" been this season under the present scheme? I know we have a #1 ranking for yards allowed, but we've been dreadful at getting pressure on the QB, creating sacks and forcing turnovers--and that has "hurt" us big time, IMO... especially with our secondary banged up.

I've watched McLendon A LOT this season, and the reason he doesn't get more snaps is because of gap integrity. He shoots the gap way too much. and he's out of position because he picks sides. That's why he makes plays. But it's also why there are holes that allow big gains on the ground. You don't get that with Hampton in there.

Of course not. He can barely move. You could park a 400-pound sack of potatoes at his position, and it would basically accomplish what Casey does.

And in spite of what you said, I can't remember any huge difference in running yards allowed when McLendon is subbed in for Hampton.

12-21-2012, 07:51 PM
Because the Steelers aren't desperate at this point. The current defensive scheme has helped to put the team in contention for a playoff spot. The defense can't control how often our offense puts the ball on the ground or gives up an INT....

12-21-2012, 09:29 PM
This season, Tomlin benched Mendenhall and "demoted" Wallace due to performance issues, moves I applaud. Why does he never do the same kind of thing with defensive players?

For instance, why is Casey Hampton still the main man at NT? It's been a long time since the play of one of our DLinemen been as underwhelming as Fatty's has been this season. When McLendon is in, he makes plays. So... let's mostly keep McLendon on the bench and keep the Blob in the game? How does that make sense?

And what has big LaMarr Dudley been doing all season long? I don't know if Worilds would do any better, but I sure don't think he could do any worse.

With both Hampton and Woodley, it's not like they just had a bad game or two--it's been the whole season. So why doesn't Tomlin sit their hineys on the bench like he does with underperforming offensive players? Is he afraid he might light a fire under some defensive players? Is he afraid of King LeBeau? Is there some kind of edict that says if you're paying defensive players big money, they have to play whether they deserve to or not? What's the deal?

Mendenhall's benching and Wallace's demotion had more to do with attitude than performance. Woodley and Hampton have given 100% effort on every snap they are in the game. They may not have had as good a year as we would have liked, but you can't fault them for lack of effort.

Mike Wallace's half hearted effort to tackle the CB that picked Ben is a perfect example, had he not stood there waiting for someone else to make the tackle the ball would have been somewhere near the 40 and the defense would have at least had a chance, instead, the ball is at the one and the Cowboys kicked an extra point to win the game.

Mendenhall's attitude is his biggest problem, it appears he thinks he's privileged in some manner that others aren't.

Woodley and Hampton never behave in this fashion.


12-21-2012, 09:51 PM
Good point about Mendy's and Wally's poor attitudes. No doubt that was a big part of the reason for them getting benched.

Hampton and Woodley might be giving 100% on the field (I'm not convinced of that, especially in Woodley's case), but do they believe in giving 100% in offseason conditioning? Hampton is notorious for coming to camp out of shape, and even coach Butler remarked that Woodley came in out of shape this year. If you don't care enough to show up in proper condition, seems to me your attitude isn't what it should be.

12-21-2012, 10:48 PM
Good point about Mendy's and Wally's poor attitudes. No doubt that was a big part of the reason for them getting benched.

Hampton and Woodley might be giving 100% on the field (I'm not convinced of that, especially in Woodley's case), but do they believe in giving 100% in offseason conditioning? Hampton is notorious for coming to camp out of shape, and even coach Butler remarked that Woodley came in out of shape this year. If you don't care enough to show up in proper condition, seems to me your attitude isn't what it should be.

As far as Hampton goes, when he was at the top of his game no one cared what he did in the off season. Now that he's long in the tooth it shows a bit more when you roll into camp out of shape. Regardless, Hampton gives you what he has every snap during the season. He's been a good Steeler and I'll miss having the big ol fatty around, he's probably playing his last snaps of his career over the next two weekends and then any playoff games should the Steelers make it to the playoffs.

Woodley gives the effort, but I think he's bulked up a bot too much and he's been hampered with nagging injuries. Even if you think he isn't giving 100%, he's nothing like Mendenhall and Wallace.


12-22-2012, 01:12 AM
LaMarr Woodley 2012 Season to Date
11 games





Sterling production for a player in the prime of his career who just last year signed a 6 year, $61.5 million contract.

Casey Hampton 2012 Season to Date
14 games



I realize a NT in our system isn't going to rack up huge numbers, but c'mon...