View Full Version : Troy should be fined....

10-21-2011, 06:08 PM
Now here is why,
rules are rules, I understand he has had a problem with concussions in the past and his wife was worried, but the rules state that no player shall talk on a cell phone on the sidelines, so he should have done one of the following
1. taken the 30 second walk down to the locker room and used the phone there to call
2. had the doctor call on his behalf

If we get into this whole thing of, "oh the player was using the cell phone to call for this reason" then the rule will be abused, who knows players can have a hamstring injury and get on the phone and call who knows who and say they called their wife/family to let them know they are okay.

I am a P.E. teacher, and if I go wishy washy on my rules then things get out of control in a hurry. Rules are made to be followed, and this rule should not have an exception to it in my opinion.

10-21-2011, 06:09 PM
and for the record I think Troy is awesome..

10-21-2011, 06:29 PM
Bad call by NFL on Troy Polamalu fine

October, 21, 2011
By Jamison Hensley

The NFL wasn't technically in the wrong for fining Troy Polamalu. He violated league policy for using a cell phone on the sideline.

Where the league made the bad call was on the amount. Polamalu was fined $10,000 for calling his wife to let her know that he was fine after suffering a concussion.

Let's put this in perspective. Polamalu was fined the same amount as Packers linebacker A.J. Hawk, who flashed the middle finger at his team's bench. Polamalu was fined more than Texans defensive end Antonio Smith, who has to pay $7,500 for pulling off the helmet of Ravens guard Andre Gurode. And Polamalu was fined more than Lions tight end Brandon Pettigrew, who has to pay $7,500 for a chop block.

Some could argue that Polamalu shouldn't be fined. But there's no reasoning behind fining Polamalu more than Smith and Pettigrew.

Polamalu was calling his wife, who was worried about his safety. Smith and Pettigrew were in violation of player safety.

Polamalu is going to play Sunday after he passed concussion tests. But it's clear the NFL discipline police is the one who needs its head checked.

http://espn.go.com/blog/afcnorth/post/_ ... amalu-fine (http://espn.go.com/blog/afcnorth/post/_/id/33940/bad-call-by-nfl-on-troy-polamalu-fine)

10-21-2011, 06:35 PM
Bad call by NFL on Troy Polamalu fine

October, 21, 2011
By Jamison Hensley

The NFL wasn't technically in the wrong for fining Troy Polamalu. He violated league policy for using a cell phone on the sideline.

Where the league made the bad call was on the amount. Polamalu was fined $10,000 for calling his wife to let her know that he was fine after suffering a concussion.

Let's put this in perspective. Polamalu was fined the same amount as Packers linebacker A.J. Hawk, who flashed the middle finger at his team's bench. Polamalu was fined more than Texans defensive end Antonio Smith, who has to pay $7,500 for pulling off the helmet of Ravens guard Andre Gurode. And Polamalu was fined more than Lions tight end Brandon Pettigrew, who has to pay $7,500 for a chop block.

Some could argue that Polamalu shouldn't be fined. But there's no reasoning behind fining Polamalu more than Smith and Pettigrew.

Polamalu was calling his wife, who was worried about his safety. Smith and Pettigrew were in violation of player safety.

Polamalu is going to play Sunday after he passed concussion tests. But it's clear the NFL discipline police is the one who needs its head checked.

http://espn.go.com/blog/afcnorth/post/_ ... amalu-fine (http://espn.go.com/blog/afcnorth/post/_/id/33940/bad-call-by-nfl-on-troy-polamalu-fine)

I would fight that fine and say hey I had a concussion and don't remember making any call. Hell, he could say he did not even remember he was on the side lines. For all he knew he was in his Bat Cave calling Commissioner Gordon.

10-21-2011, 08:56 PM
Now here is why,
rules are rules, I understand he has had a problem with concussions in the past and his wife was worried, but the rules state that no player shall talk on a cell phone on the sidelines, so he should have done one of the following
1. taken the 30 second walk down to the locker room and used the phone there to call
2. had the doctor call on his behalf

If we get into this whole thing of, "oh the player was using the cell phone to call for this reason" then the rule will be abused, who knows players can have a hamstring injury and get on the phone and call who knows who and say they called their wife/family to let them know they are okay.

I am a P.E. teacher, and if I go wishy washy on my rules then things get out of control in a hurry. Rules are made to be followed, and this rule should not have an exception to it in my opinion.

I agree with you. I'm also in a position in my profession where I have to make and enforce rules. The flood gates open for future occurances if you let him slide. Troy could of had a low level person on the sideline call his old lady to tell her that he was OK.

10-21-2011, 09:33 PM
I am okay with the fact that he was fined. The rule was broken and there were alternatives. I just don't like the "spin the wheel" arbitrary method of doling out amounts. And I certainly don't like the fact that two coaches who tarnished the shield by making the NFL headlines for the wrong reason have thus far not been fined.

10-21-2011, 09:34 PM
He should be fined...rules are rules...but clearly the amount is way off...Starting to think the the commish is using a magic 8 ball to determine fines...

His wife has every right to call and see how he is doing...that is way more important than any game...

Punishment should fit the crime...in this case...not even close.

D Rock
10-21-2011, 10:07 PM
The NHL's fine/suspension policy came under fire and was subsequently changed to a new person in control who makes a video to explain everything he does.

The NFL, by far the more popular and widely viewed league, has even bigger inconsistencies and nothing is done to fix it. In fact, it seems to only be getting worse.


Because Goodell is a tool.

10-21-2011, 10:43 PM
I'm pretty sure Troy doens't really care.

10-22-2011, 12:07 PM
The NHL's fine/suspension policy came under fire and was subsequently changed to a new person in control who makes a video to explain everything he does.

The NFL, by far the more popular and widely viewed league, has even bigger inconsistencies and nothing is done to fix it. In fact, it seems to only be getting worse.


Because Goodell is a tool.

Brenden Shanahan for new NFL czar of discipline!

sd steel
10-22-2011, 12:20 PM
Bad call by NFL on Troy Polamalu fine

October, 21, 2011
By Jamison Hensley

The NFL wasn't technically in the wrong for fining Troy Polamalu. He violated league policy for using a cell phone on the sideline.

Where the league made the bad call was on the amount. Polamalu was fined $10,000 for calling his wife to let her know that he was fine after suffering a concussion.

Let's put this in perspective. Polamalu was fined the same amount as Packers linebacker A.J. Hawk, who flashed the middle finger at his team's bench. Polamalu was fined more than Texans defensive end Antonio Smith, who has to pay $7,500 for pulling off the helmet of Ravens guard Andre Gurode. And Polamalu was fined more than Lions tight end Brandon Pettigrew, who has to pay $7,500 for a chop block.

Some could argue that Polamalu shouldn't be fined. But there's no reasoning behind fining Polamalu more than Smith and Pettigrew.

Polamalu was calling his wife, who was worried about his safety. Smith and Pettigrew were in violation of player safety.

Polamalu is going to play Sunday after he passed concussion tests. But it's clear the NFL discipline police is the one who needs its head checked.

http://espn.go.com/blog/afcnorth/post/_ ... amalu-fine (http://espn.go.com/blog/afcnorth/post/_/id/33940/bad-call-by-nfl-on-troy-polamalu-fine)

I would fight that fine and say hey I had a concussion and don't remember making any call. Hell, he could say he did not even remember he was on the side lines. For all he knew he was in his Bat Cave calling Commissioner Gordon.

If he were to admit he had a bad concussion the league would make him sit out this game.

As far as the fines, they are all stupid. They are inconsistent and they don't act as a real deterrent for for anything. If the NFL really wanted all the rules followed to a T they would issue a one game suspension for any infraction...no matter what. Cell phone call, improper uniform, indecent gesture, late hit, they would all carry the same punishment, a one game suspension without pay.

The real issue is the NFL doesn't really care about the infractions, they just want to show the players that they have control imo.

10-22-2011, 07:35 PM
A.J. Hawk gets fined 10K for giving the other team the middle finger during a game and Troy gets fined the same amount for taking the cell phone from the Steelers' trainer who had been talking to his wife to say he is OK. Makes total sense to me... :roll:

Polamalu … the rest of the story

October 21st, 2011
– By Mark Kaboly

The NFL announced that Steelers safety Troy Polamalu was fined $10,000 for using a cell phone on the sidelines during last week’s game against Jacksonville.

Polamalu was caught by a CBS camera on the sidelines talking on a cell phone not long after leaving the game because of “concussion-like symptoms” following a hit he put on Maurice Jones-Drew during the fourth quarter.

The NFL said in an email: “Possession of cell phones, PDAs or other electronic equipment in the bench area during a game is strictly prohibited by League policy beginning 90 minutes before kickoff through the end of the game.”

It’s was assumed the Polamalu called his wife, Theodora, to let her know how he was was doing.

That wasn’t entirely the case.

It was a team doctor’s idea to call Polamalu’s wife on his cell phone to fill her in on Troy’s status.

The team doctory had a lengthy converstation (10-15 minutes) with her before eventually handing the phone Troy for a brief amount of time.

However, CBS caught that brief amount of time on camera and showed it during its live telecast.

The Steelers, and especially coach Mike Tomlin, aren’t happy with the discipline on Polamalu and will go to bat for the All-Pro safety. However, it is highly unlikely that the fine will be reduced or anything else will come of it.

Polamalu was fined $15,000 earlier in the season because of a horse-collar tackle.

http://blog.triblive.com/steel-mill/201 ... GU.twitter (http://blog.triblive.com/steel-mill/2011/10/21/polamalu-the-rest-of-the-story/#.TqHXHpT1HGU.twitter)

10-23-2011, 02:24 PM
Troy won't be paying that BS fine anyway, I suspect the Stillers will pick up the tab in one way or another. I don't think troy gives a GD anyway. His family is obviously more importance to the man than money or a wee todd'ed rule.