View Full Version : Redundant Thoughts 2011 Week 5 – Titans

10-12-2011, 06:56 AM
1. I watched some of the pregame shows. Never have I seen a 2-2 team so dumped on.

2. The various sports commentators lined up to bag the Steelers, some with decidedly more joy than others.

How could so many of them be so wrong? Normally their opinions are so accurate.

3. I never had any doubts about this team of course. Sure, I might have sounded like a hysterical school girl at times …

And … go!

But deep down, I knew the Steelers were just saving themselves for the big home stand that was coming up.

4. Any Mendenhall apologists in the house today?

5. Captain Obvious called to say that this team bears little resemblance to the team that we’ve been watching this year. I told Captain Obvious that I was independently wealthy and universally loved. Captain Obvious angrily told me to stop mowing his lawn.

6. The 2-2 Steelers were the worst 2-2 team in league history. This Titan team was probably the worst 3-1 team in the NFL.

7. I wonder where Arians got the wacky idea to develop a short passing game to help his crappy oline out. That is just crazy!


8. As awful as it must feel for guys like Max Starks when the business that is the NFL feels like it no longer needs them … it must be an awesome feeling to get a phone call from the Steelers and to hear them tell you, “We need you.”

9. Note to self: play-action works much better when the defense has a reason to bite.

10. Ben matches his career best game with 5 TDs. Next week the Steelers are almost guaranteed to go back to 7 step drops and slow developing plays because … you know, the opponents are expecting the Steelers to use what worked last week. Bruce Arians has to outsmart them.

Run, pass? Run, pass? …. Where’s the “deep-hand-off from a tight set” button?

11. Me being a merciful owner/boss/wutever I decided to give my eyes a break this week. Instead of going to the local sports bar and getting hammered while watching the game I stayed at home, watched the Texans and listened to the Steelers game on iheartradio. If I was one of those silly superstitious types I would now be doomed to listen to the rest of the games along with my lucky bowl of nacho cheese.

12. One of the WDVE guys was grading Max Starks on each play. Much has been made of Max’s performance and frankly I don’t think we’ve said enough. GREAT job! This is a picture of what Max Starks apparently looks like …

Oh, stop groveling! ….

13. The cool thing about this win is that it has gone unnoticed by the NFL at large. Seriously, nobody is talking about it because they are too busy trying to figure out why the Eagles suck. Which is amusing because we all know why the Eagles suck.

14. Perspective: Winning cures everything and injuries are a great excuse. (Again with the sound-byte/slogan-driven football analysis.) The Texans lost Andre Johnson for their game against the Raiders. They also lost Mario Williams. In the post game “analysis” the fans calling in to the sports radio shows were quick to point out that these injuries were a primary factor in the Texans losing the game. However the Steelers injuries didn’t seem to factor into the typical fan’s analysis of why the Texans beat the Steelers the week before. I wonder why that is. I think its because Brian Johnson was right.

I’ll bet you didn’t know Anthony Michael Hall's character’s name …he was "the geek" wasn't he?

We do define things by the most convenient definitions. The convenient explanation is that Ben is always capable of 5 TD games … it’s that damn Bruce Arians keeping him down. The reality is that Emilio Estevez will be lining up across from Max Starks next week … try to scheme for that all you Wednesday morning QBs!

10-12-2011, 07:44 AM
Oh, the redundancy! Intriguing, insightful reduncancy.

10-12-2011, 01:24 PM
Andrew! You've got to be number one! I won't tolerate any losers in this family! Your intensity is for $#!%! Win! Win! Win!

I wonder how much tiger blood Emilio inherited?

10-14-2011, 07:05 AM
Oh, the redundancy! Intriguing, insightful reduncancy.
Hey thanks! It does dazzle the mind doesn't it?

10-14-2011, 07:10 AM
Andrew! You've got to be number one! I won't tolerate any losers in this family! Your intensity is for $#!%! Win! Win! Win!

I wonder how much tiger blood Emilio inherited?
Don't know. But it is true that the attention span of pop culture can wreck havoc on a b-list star's psyche. Staying "relevant" doesn't have anything to do with silly things like respect or sanity ... you have to wonder what old Emilio thinks about his crazy brother Chuck and all the wonderful attention his shenanigans are bringing his way.

As Charlie so eloquently quipped during one of his "shows" this year when an audience member started complaining, "Already got your money dude." You can't argue with results ...

10-14-2011, 06:20 PM
Oh, the redundancy! Intriguing, insightful reduncancy.
Hey thanks! It does dazzle the mind doesn't it?

Never fails to dazzle, and goes especially well with a good red wine. Pinot Noir is a good choice.

10-14-2011, 06:28 PM
Oh, the redundancy! Intriguing, insightful reduncancy.
Hey thanks! It does dazzle the mind doesn't it?

Never fails to dazzle, and goes especially well with a good red wine. Pinot Noir is a good choice.

You guys are turning into a wine and cheese crowd. Should we start a book club?

10-14-2011, 06:34 PM
Oh, the redundancy! Intriguing, insightful reduncancy.
Hey thanks! It does dazzle the mind doesn't it?

Never fails to dazzle, and goes especially well with a good red wine. Pinot Noir is a good choice.

You guys are turning into a wine and cheese crowd. Should we start a book club?

Another great idea Flip. You're the man to get it done.

Meanwhile, :Cheers

10-14-2011, 06:37 PM
too funny... :lol: :lol: :lol:


10-14-2011, 07:29 PM
Oh, the redundancy! Intriguing, insightful reduncancy.
Hey thanks! It does dazzle the mind doesn't it?

Never fails to dazzle, and goes especially well with a good red wine. Pinot Noir is a good choice.

You guys are turning into a wine and cheese crowd. Should we start a book club?

Here is our first "must-read" book, for all parents out there.



Of course, you can't go wrong with the Audiobook, narrated by Samuel L. Jackson (audio NSFW, of course).


10-14-2011, 07:37 PM
Oh, the redundancy! Intriguing, insightful reduncancy.
Hey thanks! It does dazzle the mind doesn't it?

Never fails to dazzle, and goes especially well with a good red wine. Pinot Noir is a good choice.

You guys are turning into a wine and cheese crowd. Should we start a book club?

Here is our first "must-read" book, for all parents out there.



Of course, you can't go wrong with the Audiobook, narrated by Samuel L. Jackson (audio NSFW, of course).


That is just way too funny. Thanks for sharing it RB.

Kinda reminds me of parents I heard about who let the TV child-sit their preschool and kindergarten kids watching Snakes On Planes.