View Full Version : how on God's green earth...

10-02-2011, 09:34 PM
1. can you constantly see your franchise qb get killed week in week out for the last 4 years and continually put band aids in to fix it (other than pouncey who was a first rounder)

2. are we the worst challenging team in the nfl? we challenge plays that most fans know not to challenge than we pass on challenging plays that can turn the game (daniels catch).

3. stop using second half timeouts early in the third qtr, boy those 2 timeouts we used sure could have come handy during our last few minutes of the game.

4. is BA still here, I have never said anything bad about the guy, but after today, I can hold my tongue anymore, terrible play calling, horrible execution of the terrible play calling and really bad personal, redman shreds up the texans on 6 carries, so lets take him out...

5. were we 12-4 and AFC champs last year, how can we fall so quickly? I see 2 more games on the schedule that we lose this year at least (n.e. and balt) so we could be the worst 12-4 team in nfl history, but lets be honest, they will be 8-8 if they are lucky and that is because ben will not play in at least 4 games this year.

6. can we not stop the run anymore? we go from being the best of all time to really bad, is hampton weary of getting his knees chopped off, is aaron smith, keisel, farrior and all our other OLDER vets that old and slow?

7. lastly, gary kubiak was really screaming at his team when we tied it up at 10, they responded by immediately scoring to make it a 17-10 game....our "leaders" sit on the bench wondering what happened and when ben does try to fire up his offense they answer by playing worse than the previous series.

I think we have a team of guys who think they are better than they are and hopefully our coaches will start coaching and making adjustments while our players start playing especially those guys who just signed for 61 million dollars.

10-02-2011, 09:35 PM
Welcome to the BA sucks bandwagon. Sorry it took you so long to get here.

10-02-2011, 10:12 PM
oh yea, outside of that sack,score last week in indy, we cant buy a turnover and what is even more scary is that we cant get to a qb either, other than trash time sacks (see woodley). We cant get turnover and we cant get sacks.......

basically our defense needs to find their sacks and get some balls

10-02-2011, 10:19 PM
oh yea, outside of that sack,score last week in indy, we cant buy a turnover and what is even more scary is that we cant get to a qb either, other than trash time sacks (see woodley). We cant get turnover and we cant get sacks.......

basically our defense needs to find their sacks and get some balls

You mean like turnovers, right? Or no?