View Full Version : Immaturity and lack of leadership

10-02-2011, 08:11 PM
Why would Wallace be stupid enough to draw that penalty by running his mouth after that great catch and run? And why doesn't Tomlin shut that crap down? The camera showed Tomlin expressionless with Wallace standing next to him afterwards. And I hate that stupid thing Brown does when he gets a first down. They look like punks when they do that. I sure wouldn't put up with it if I were the coach.

What happened to do your talking on the field? I miss those days. Leave that other crap for the Ravens and their punk azz coach.

10-02-2011, 08:14 PM

10-02-2011, 08:17 PM
that was a BS call

their sideline were jawing at him too

D Rock
10-02-2011, 08:22 PM
what is it with WRs? Why are they the ones who always need to do this crap? Insecurity at their size compared to everyone else, so they try to make their 'personalities' seem bigger?

10-02-2011, 08:23 PM
that was a BS call

their sideline were jawing at him too

All these sanctimonious types, are acting like he pulled out his dong and waved it around. All he did was make a play, get up, and say stuff to the bench. Gimme a break.

10-02-2011, 08:26 PM
bettis seemed to do the same crap after 7 yard runs but i dont remember fans hating on him for it


its no different then what the rest of the league is doing

10-02-2011, 08:34 PM
I guess I really don't have a problem if a player shows some fire or flair. After all, it is a game. Many fans like to cheer and wave their towels when a player does something cool. Why wouldn't the player want to celebrate too??

10-02-2011, 08:51 PM
that was a BS call

their sideline were jawing at him too

All these sanctimonious types, are acting like he pulled out his dong and waved it around. All he did was make a play, get up, and say stuff to the bench. Gimme a break.

I'm going to do that tomorrow at work after a routine task. After I hire someone I'm going to spike my keyboard and wave my dong around.

10-02-2011, 09:02 PM
that was a BS call

their sideline were jawing at him too

All these sanctimonious types, are acting like he pulled out his dong and waved it around. All he did was make a play, get up, and say stuff to the bench. Gimme a break.

I'm going to do that tomorrow at work after a routine task. After I hire someone I'm going to spike my keyboard and wave my dong around.

I'm sure your HR department will LOVE that, LOL.

From what you said, it seems like you work at an office, not playing a game for a living (though some would argue that it's all a game).

10-02-2011, 09:06 PM
It was a non issue that the refs over reacted to.

The one that pissed me off was the third and long in the fourth quarter that hit the ground but was called a completion. Tomlin didn't challenge. GRRRR on both accounts.

10-02-2011, 09:09 PM
that was a BS call

their sideline were jawing at him too

All these sanctimonious types, are acting like he pulled out his dong and waved it around. All he did was make a play, get up, and say stuff to the bench. Gimme a break.

thanks for putting a smile on my face :Cheers needed something to raise my spirits

10-02-2011, 09:10 PM
that was a BS call

their sideline were jawing at him too

All these sanctimonious types, are acting like he pulled out his dong and waved it around. All he did was make a play, get up, and say stuff to the bench. Gimme a break.

I'm going to do that tomorrow at work after a routine task. After I hire someone I'm going to spike my keyboard and wave my dong around.

I'm sure your HR department will LOVE that, LOL.

From what you said, it seems like you work at an office, not playing a game for a living (though some would argue that it's all a game).

Pssst. I am the HR dept.


10-02-2011, 09:13 PM
I believe it's rare that a player gets a flag for talking on the field. Players yap with one another all the time. I didn't understand that flag at all.

10-02-2011, 09:17 PM
Seeing that the refs were kind enough to pull 12 points off the board I don't think I'll be overly critical of that particular call (although I thought it was a bogus penalty).

10-02-2011, 09:18 PM
It was a non issue that the refs over reacted to.

The one that pissed me off was the third and long in the fourth quarter that hit the ground but was called a completion. Tomlin didn't challenge. GRRRR on both accounts.

Tomlin hasn't quite figured out his red handkerchief yet. In another 8-10 years maybe..
He isn't the sharpest tool in the shed, far as I can make out, or he'd have canned BA years ago.

10-02-2011, 09:27 PM
It was a non issue that the refs over reacted to.

The one that pissed me off was the third and long in the fourth quarter that hit the ground but was called a completion. Tomlin didn't challenge. GRRRR on both accounts.

Tomlin hasn't quite figured out his red handkerchief yet. In another 8-10 years maybe..
He isn't the sharpest tool in the shed, far as I can make out, or he'd have canned BA years ago.

I fight this conclusion too often.

10-02-2011, 10:16 PM
It was a non issue that the refs over reacted to.

The one that pissed me off was the third and long in the fourth quarter that hit the ground but was called a completion. Tomlin didn't challenge. GRRRR on both accounts.

Tomlin hasn't quite figured out his red handkerchief yet. In another 8-10 years maybe..
He isn't the sharpest tool in the shed, far as I can make out, or he'd have canned BA years ago.

as the commentators said...it was still a catch.

he would have lost that challange

10-02-2011, 10:17 PM
It was a non issue that the refs over reacted to.

The one that pissed me off was the third and long in the fourth quarter that hit the ground but was called a completion. Tomlin didn't challenge. GRRRR on both accounts.

Tomlin hasn't quite figured out his red handkerchief yet. In another 8-10 years maybe..
He isn't the sharpest tool in the shed, far as I can make out, or he'd have canned BA years ago.

as the commentators said...it was still a catch.

he would have lost that challange

I can't stand listening to the TV, so I didn't hear that. It looked on the ground to me.

10-02-2011, 10:19 PM
they said... it did look like it hit the ground but if daniles had control (which he did) it was still a catch

10-02-2011, 10:21 PM
they said... it did look like it hit the ground but if daniles had control (which he did) it was still a catch

Fair enough. Strange rule. What happened to it hitting the ground is incomplete?

10-03-2011, 12:22 AM
they said... it did look like it hit the ground but if daniles had control (which he did) it was still a catch

Fair enough. Strange rule. What happened to it hitting the ground is incomplete?

if it hits the ground but doesn't Shift then its a catch.. he would have lost that challenge and of course the whole world would have been screaming for his head because it was an obvious catch.. (according to the rule)

and guys we are the Freaking Pittsburgh Steelers. We had guys who would piss on your after a tackle - and the bus had a Dance and Ward - calls for a medic when he knocks you out.. We will never be that team that shuts up and plays ball.. when we are doing that then we suck..

watch Troy - when he gets beat or Becomes angry he becomes a 100 times more animated after he makes a play.. its just who we are.

10-03-2011, 12:43 AM
that was a BS call

their sideline were jawing at him too

All these sanctimonious types, are acting like he pulled out his dong and waved it around. All he did was make a play, get up, and say stuff to the bench. Gimme a break.

I'm going to do that tomorrow at work after a routine task. After I hire someone I'm going to spike my keyboard and wave my dong around.

So, just another day at the office then?


10-03-2011, 01:55 AM
Coach Mike Tomlin on loss to Texans
http://www.steelers.com/news/article-1/ ... d5e613e3a0 (http://www.steelers.com/news/article-1/Coach-Mike-Tomlin-on-loss-to-Texans/3127a0f0-5a1a-487b-85c0-19d5e613e3a0)

Coach Mike Tomlin: I will start with an initial rundown of some in-game injuries. James Harrison sustained an injury to his right eye. We’ll test him to see where it goes. He had a little double-vision, once that cleared he was able to return to the game. Rashard Mendenhall has a right hamstring. Ben Roethlisberger has a left foot. He is getting it x-rayed right now; we will know more later. Aaron Smith has a mid-foot sprain. Jason Worilds had a left quad. In regards to the game I thought we had our opportunities. We didn’t make enough plays and quite frankly they did. It was a story of two halves, but either way you look at it we didn’t make enough of our opportunities. We had them in some third down situations in the first half defensively and they converted quite a bit of them, they controlled the clock. They possessed the ball in the first half; when we were able to get off the field some in the second half we weren’t able to score enough to come back into the football game. They made a critical play on special teams there at the end of the half to keep points off the board. We tip our cap to those guys; they made the necessary plays to win the game. We’ve got some work to do. It’s not anything mystical. We will remain together. We will stay singularly focused on our work. We understand our issues are fundamental and they really are. We’ve got to do the basic football things a little better than what we are doing right now in order to be successful against some of the people we are playing. We have to tackle better, we have to block better. We will start that process tomorrow.

Re: How you handle going into the locker room only down 10-0 after a tough first half.
Halftime is always the same for me. I take the emotions out of it and talk about necessary adjustments and what we have to do to improve in the second half. That’s what we did. I didn’t sense any panic in our football team. Just didn’t do a good enough job to remain close. We got a little something going at the end of the half and that was negated by their field goal block unit.

Offensive line – do you think you need some help there?
It depends on the health of the men. We’ll rally and see who we have coming back, look at the men that played in this game and make those decisions at the appropriate time which is of course moving into next week, not as we sit here right now. Those would be emotional ones. We are not in that business.

You ran the ball better in the third quarter than in the first half. Did you make any halftime adjustments?
Minor halftime adjustments in terms of where we thought we could move the football. The issue in the first half in terms of us running the football is because we did not possess the ball. The Houston Texans had the ball 21 minutes or so in the first half of football. When they got the ball that length of time you are not going to have the opportunity to establish anything offensively, be it run or the pass.

In terms of team’s having success running the ball, is that fundamentals or are they winning one-on-one battles?
We have to whip block better, we have to tackle better. We don’t hide from that. They did a nice job blocking us today. (Arian) Foster and company did a nice job running it. But we’re capable of better than what we showed today.

How about their defensive line, it looked like they had control most of the game.
They did a nice job particularly at the end when we had to get one dimensional and try to play catch-up. We felt like we found a rhythm once we got into the third quarter and stuff and started getting them off the field. Again the function of the first half or our inability to do anything offensively in the first half is about their ability to possess the ball and convert third downs. Like I stated earlier we didn’t convert third downs in the first half offensively but we didn’t have many opportunities because they possessed the ball.

Did they do anything specific in the second half to take (Mike) Wallace out of the game?
No, we were trying to move the football and throw to open people. I am sure they did some things coverage wise but it’s not anything Mike doesn’t normally see on Sundays. I think everybody knows that Mike is fast and capable of getting behind them. It’s not like they reinvented the wheel from a structure standpoint. We were just spreading the ball around. I think we got a little rhythm there with 84 (Antonio Brown) and got him some critical plays. We were just trying to throw the ball to open people. We think that everybody is a viable guy and capable of being why we move the football.

Do you know what Mike (Wallace) said to their sidelines to get the penalty?
I do not know. Sometimes in situations such as that you don’t get a lot of information in terms of why penalties were called. I trust that he made an error there. We’ll address those things.

Does it matter what he said?
It does not, but you would like that information as a coach.

Did you underestimate Houston overall?
No, they are a 2-1 football team. We respect everyone in the National Football League. We know that everybody is a professional football team and capable of playing A-ball.

How good do you think they are?
They are good enough to beat us today.

Do you feel a sense of urgency in the locker room?
I don’t think a sense of urgency or lack of a sense of urgency is the issue. I think fundamental football is, better blocking, better tackling.

10-03-2011, 01:57 AM

Post-Houston thoughts
posted by Dale Lolley

The Steelers made enough mistakes in this game to last them a season, but were somehow in it to the end.

The mistakes, though, were made by many of the players the Steelers consider their future, which is somewhat disconcerting.

You had Ben Roethlisberger refusing to take checkdowns that were available, instead holding onto the ball far longer than he should and taking some ridiculous hits. I know, it's an age-old issue for Roethlisberger, but you're supposed to get wiser as you get older.

You had Mike Wallace taking a silly taunting penalty after a great 22-yard catch-and-run in the first quarter that would have put the ball inside Houston territory. Instead, the Steelers were forced to punt later from their own 48 instead of possibly being in field goal range. Wallace has to be better than that.

You had LaMarr Woodley constantly getting too far upfield on runs away from him, allowing Arian Foster lanes to cut back to his side.

"I have to be better on that," Woodley said. "I have to play the cutback and the boot instead of just playing the boot."

Ya think?

You had Antonio Brown making some great adjustments on back-shoulder throws. But then fair-catching a punt at his own 5 and being seemingly oblivious to what he was supposed to do on hot routes on a number of occasions.

You had Maurkice Pouncey taking a stupid unnecessary roughness penalty after a nice run by Mewelde Moore to the Houston 6 at the end of the first half. That pushed the Steelers back to the 21 and set up what would be a blocked field goal to end the first half.

You've got to be better than that if you hope to win on the road against quality opponents.

© Is the season over? Certainly not.

Few expected the Steelers to win in Houston. It was disconcerting to see how they lost, with Houston running the ball at will in the first half.

The Steelers did tighten up in the second half - save the 42-yard TD run by Foster - but, again, you have to be better than that to win on the road against a quality opponent.

© Mike Wallace had four catches for 77 yards in the first half, then wasn't targeted again in the second half.

There were some opportunities for Wallace without safety coverage over the top in this game, but the Texans gambled that their blitz could force Roethlisberger to throw before Wallace had a chance to get deep.

It worked, save a 40-yard catch by Wallace in the second quarter.

Most of the time, however, Wallace was bracketed, something the Steelers had better get used to.

© If I'm Mike Tomlin, I go for it on 4th and inches from the 8 down 10-7 on the opening play of the fourth quarter.

The Steelers had just run seven times for 55 yards and had the Texans on their heels.

Instead, Tomlin kicked a field goal and took the 10-10 tie.
