View Full Version : Worilds

10-02-2011, 06:34 PM
Well we finally got to see a bit of Worilds...and I was left concerned. I will say Worilds is quick. He has a nice first step, and moves with fluidity. With that said, he needs to hit the weights. Once the LT locked on Worilds was getting swallowed. I know it's early but I don't think we found the next Harrison.

Eddie Spaghetti
10-02-2011, 06:37 PM
i'm much more concerned about the guy masquerading as #56.

10-02-2011, 06:40 PM
i'm much more concerned about the guy masquerading as #56.
I hear ya...and agree. He got paid...he disappeared.

10-02-2011, 06:41 PM
Woodley is

10-02-2011, 06:44 PM
i'm much more concerned about the guy masquerading as #56.



Dee Dub
10-02-2011, 06:50 PM
I challenge you guys who have taped today's game to go back and count the number of times Woodley was allowed to rush the QB. I dare you. You will be surprized at what you see.

Eddie Spaghetti
10-02-2011, 06:52 PM
jeez louise deedub.

just stop.

are you honestly going to try and say woodley played well today/this season?

Dee Dub
10-02-2011, 07:00 PM
jeez louise deedub.

just stop.

are you honestly going to try and say woodley played well today/this season?

No but it doesnt take a rocket scientist to figure out that if you continue to ask a guy to play against his strength, he more than likely wont play well.

Eddie let me show you something...

Steelers take aways in first four games = 1
Steeler sacks 2011 in first four games = 7 (5 of which came from one game)

Now...go back and count the number of times the Steelers have asked their two premier pass rushers to go after the QB. You will find a direct corilation.

10-02-2011, 07:00 PM
Let me fix that

I challenge you guys who have taped today's game to go back and count the number of times Woodley was blocked by a TE or manhandled by a lineman. I dare you. You will be surprized at what you see.

I think its not just the non-existant pressure on the QB but the lack of standing his ground against the run

Eddie Spaghetti
10-02-2011, 07:01 PM
Let me fix that

I challenge you guys who have taped today's game to go back and count the number of times Woodley was blocked by a TE or manhandled by a lineman. I dare you. You will be surprized at what you see.

so true.

10-02-2011, 07:03 PM
Let me fix that

I challenge you guys who have taped today's game to go back and count the number of times Woodley was blocked by a TE or manhandled by a lineman. I dare you. You will be surprized at what you see.

I think its not just the non-existant pressure on the QB but the lack of standing his ground against the run
:Clap :Clap :Clap

Dee Dub
10-02-2011, 07:10 PM
Let me fix that

I challenge you guys who have taped today's game to go back and count the number of times Woodley was blocked by a TE or manhandled by a lineman. I dare you. You will be surprized at what you see.

I think its not just the non-existant pressure on the QB but the lack of standing his ground against the run
:Clap :Clap :Clap

Woodley came to the Steelers as having issues with run support. This is not a revelation. He was drafted to get after the quarterback. That is what he does best. And go around the league you can say the same about Dwight Freeney, DeMarcus Ware, Clay Matthews Jr., etc, etc. They all too have problems versus the run, yet their teams let them play to their strength. They get to pin their ears back and get after the QB.

The issue I have with Woodley is he tends to get sucked in on the run, over persue down the line, and give up his outisde containment. I dont have as big a problem with him when he sometimes gets engulfed by run blocking. That should be somewhat expected. That is who he is. Same with Dwight Freeney. But it sure frustrates me when I see him being asked to drop into coverage more times than he is asked to rush the QB.

I have a problem with that. Sorry some of you can not see the big picture on his.

10-02-2011, 07:27 PM
I have a problem with that. Sorry some of you can not see the big picture on his.
So basically you are saying that Woodley is a one dimensional player that can only rush the QB...I respectfully disagree because Ive seen Woodley with my own eyes play at a higher level in all aspects of the game than he is right now..
Maybe he is unmotivated because he's not getting to rush the QB, but whatever it is he is a part of the problem at this moment... :2c

10-02-2011, 07:43 PM
I have a problem with that. Sorry some of you can not see the big picture on his.
So basically you are saying that Woodley is a one dimensional player that can only rush the QB...I respectfully disagree because Ive seen Woodley with my own eyes play at a higher level in all aspects of the game than he is right now..
Maybe he is unmotivated because he's not getting to rush the QB, but whatever it is he is a part of the problem at this moment... :2c

I have to agree with you. I have seen Woodley in coverage, in run support and rushing the QB. While he is made to rush the QB, he has always been reasonably strong in run support as well. Where he struggled was in pass coverage but even that improved. He is struggling in all areas of the game this season. Is part of the reason the play calling and how they are using him? Probably. I just don't think that is the whole answer.

D Rock
10-02-2011, 07:58 PM
Linebackers make plays in the 3-4 because of the DLinemen in front of them.

When those DLine guys aren't playing well, the linebackers wont play well.

We're all spoiled by the great DEs and NTs that the Steelers have had, which have made the LBers look awesome. Those days are coming to an end unfortunately. By the end of the year if Heyward and Hood are getting a lot of playing time and playing well, all this talk of the LBers playing poorly will disappear.

Dee Dub
10-02-2011, 11:55 PM
I have a problem with that. Sorry some of you can not see the big picture on his.
So basically you are saying that Woodley is a one dimensional player that can only rush the QB...I respectfully disagree because Ive seen Woodley with my own eyes play at a higher level in all aspects of the game than he is right now..
Maybe he is unmotivated because he's not getting to rush the QB, but whatever it is he is a part of the problem at this moment... :2c

No..I am not saying that at all. But of the three areas his position requires, rushing the passer is by far his strength. And he is being asked this season to do that less than the other areas. And as a result, Steelers fans are complaining that he isnt making plays.

10-03-2011, 12:20 AM
Linebackers make plays in the 3-4 because of the DLinemen in front of them.

When those DLine guys aren't playing well, the linebackers wont play well.

We're all spoiled by the great DEs and NTs that the Steelers have had, which have made the LBers look awesome. Those days are coming to an end unfortunately. By the end of the year if Heyward and Hood are getting a lot of playing time and playing well, all this talk of the LBers playing poorly will disappear.

YEP :Clap

10-03-2011, 01:07 PM
Woodley and all LB's are being asked to cover more but when you run a 3-4 shouldnt that be the case? someone has to drop into coverage no????

My beef is Andre Johnson is out of the game!! GONE!!! We all know Foster is going to run to death and here end up giving him a long TOUCHDOWN. Woodley and Troy are unblocked and they can't tackle now either? were they too busy in coverage?

The problem with Woodley and the rest of the D is the simple fact that when they are allowed to RUSH THE QB they dont get there!!!! Our Pass Rush SUCKS this year even wehn they get the GREEN LIGHT!!!!! If you are successful in something you get to do it again and again and again!!!!!!!! WE ARENT! all year Harrison and Woodley have been shut down!! No Timmons or Farrior sacks really to mention either! When we play coverage we dont get coverage sacks either!!! It was our problem in the Super Bowl and it's our problem today! Our QB is getting hit and the other teams QB's ARE NOT!

When Andre was in the game who killed us??? OWEN DANIELS!!! WHo should cover him??? Casey??? LOL

Lets keep it real!!! Our DEFENSE is struggling and other teams have got us NAILED!

Cut back runners do very good on our defense!

We can blame our O all we want tooo but we were tied before that long TD run!!! we had momentum on our side and Foster single handly killed us on that run! In coverage half the game or not WOODLEY and TROY should of made that tackle easily.

10-03-2011, 02:19 PM
Linebackers make plays in the 3-4 because of the DLinemen in front of them.

When those DLine guys aren't playing well, the linebackers wont play well.

We're all spoiled by the great DEs and NTs that the Steelers have had, which have made the LBers look awesome. Those days are coming to an end unfortunately. By the end of the year if Heyward and Hood are getting a lot of playing time and playing well, all this talk of the LBers playing poorly will disappear.

I agree with DRock. Smith-Hampton-Keisel-Farrior cannot control the middle. Teams run all over Pittsburgh. That's why the olbs aren't in a position to make plays. I don't know why they won't let the young guys start and develop, not watch but start, and let the Cowher ancients rotate.

10-03-2011, 02:40 PM
I have a problem with that. Sorry some of you can not see the big picture on his.
So basically you are saying that Woodley is a one dimensional player that can only rush the QB...I respectfully disagree because Ive seen Woodley with my own eyes play at a higher level in all aspects of the game than he is right now..
Maybe he is unmotivated because he's not getting to rush the QB, but whatever it is he is a part of the problem at this moment... :2c

No..I am not saying that at all. But of the three areas his position requires, rushing the passer is by far his strength. And he is being asked this season to do that less than the other areas. And as a result, Steelers fans are complaining that he isnt making plays.

That's an exaggeration. I read a stat somewhere recently that showed Woodley is actually only dropping in coverage less than 1/3 of the time...so I ask, along with Doogie, what is he doing with the opportunities he DOES have to rush the passer?

Looks to me like he's getting beaten, manhandled, failing, and sometimes, just quitting on plays.

He should be glad I'm not the head coach. I'd sit his sorry ar$$$e on the bench and give someone else a chance to play.

10-03-2011, 03:41 PM
I have a problem with that. Sorry some of you can not see the big picture on his.
So basically you are saying that Woodley is a one dimensional player that can only rush the QB...I respectfully disagree because Ive seen Woodley with my own eyes play at a higher level in all aspects of the game than he is right now..
Maybe he is unmotivated because he's not getting to rush the QB, but whatever it is he is a part of the problem at this moment... :2c

No..I am not saying that at all. But of the three areas his position requires, rushing the passer is by far his strength. And he is being asked this season to do that less than the other areas. And as a result, Steelers fans are complaining that he isnt making plays.

That's an exaggeration. I read a stat somewhere recently that showed Woodley is actually only dropping in coverage less than 1/3 of the time...so I ask, along with Doogie, what is he doing with the opportunities he DOES have to rush the passer?

Looks to me like he's getting beaten, manhandled, failing, and sometimes, just quitting on plays.

He should be glad I'm not the head coach. I'd sit his sorry ar$$$e on the bench and give someone else a chance to play.

Who? Chris Carter???

10-03-2011, 03:45 PM
How many players on our D are over 30? 7, 8???

Maybe Sapp had a point.

We look slow on D and our blitzes are in slow motion (except for Troy)

10-03-2011, 03:53 PM
How many players on our D are over 30? 7, 8???

Maybe Sapp had a point.

We look slow on D and our blitzes are in slow motion (except for Troy)

Our main blitzers are young guys or athletes: Woodley, Timmons, Taylor, Polamalu Harrison is the only guy that is over 30 that isn't an elite athlete (Taylor and Polamalu) and he brings it every play. Throw Farrior in as old and slow, so you have one out of 6 that is old and slow. The people responsible for rushing the passer are young or athletes our pass rush shouldn't look old and slow, IMO.


Discipline of Steel
10-03-2011, 06:25 PM
I have a problem with that. Sorry some of you can not see the big picture on his.
So basically you are saying that Woodley is a one dimensional player that can only rush the QB...I respectfully disagree because Ive seen Woodley with my own eyes play at a higher level in all aspects of the game than he is right now..
Maybe he is unmotivated because he's not getting to rush the QB, but whatever it is he is a part of the problem at this moment... :2c

I have to agree with you. I have seen Woodley in coverage, in run support and rushing the QB. While he is made to rush the QB, he has always been reasonably strong in run support as well. Where he struggled was in pass coverage but even that improved. He is struggling in all areas of the game this season. Is part of the reason the play calling and how they are using him? Probably. I just don't think that is the whole answer.

I have been lurking on a lot of these type of issues but frankly dont feel much like getting into the black and white frey...either he is or he is not. We are discussing complex scenarios and i suspect the answer is never one thing or another. It is the blend of factors that makes these things so hard to diagnose and so fun to discuss. Both sides are right on this...hes not used properly and hes sucking on all cylinders.

Maybe teams have studied our tendencies and realize they can manipulate him into coverage, and away from their QB, if they call certain plays. Maybe he is complacent with his contract...perhaps he doesnt detest losing as much as some others? Id say those factors all play some role, its a phase hes going through.

Regarding Worilds, he is not exactly evoking images of Greg Lloyd out there. In fact id go so far as to say he plays the opposite...light on his feet. Im looking at Carter to 'eventually slide into that position when James Harrisons back fails and he is punished out of the league'.

10-03-2011, 09:19 PM
I have a problem with that. Sorry some of you can not see the big picture on his.
So basically you are saying that Woodley is a one dimensional player that can only rush the QB...I respectfully disagree because Ive seen Woodley with my own eyes play at a higher level in all aspects of the game than he is right now..
Maybe he is unmotivated because he's not getting to rush the QB, but whatever it is he is a part of the problem at this moment... :2c

No..I am not saying that at all. But of the three areas his position requires, rushing the passer is by far his strength. And he is being asked this season to do that less than the other areas. And as a result, Steelers fans are complaining that he isnt making plays.

That's an exaggeration. I read a stat somewhere recently that showed Woodley is actually only dropping in coverage less than 1/3 of the time...so I ask, along with Doogie, what is he doing with the opportunities he DOES have to rush the passer?

Looks to me like he's getting beaten, manhandled, failing, and sometimes, just quitting on plays.

He should be glad I'm not the head coach. I'd sit his sorry ar$$$e on the bench and give someone else a chance to play.

Who? Chris Carter???

Chris Carter, Mad Dog Carter, heck, I might even try Jimmy Carter at this point. Could any of them play much worse than Woodley has so far this season?

Seriously, give Carter some playing time. You never know--he might make a few plays.
And maybe it would light a fire under Big Dudley.