View Full Version : J-E-T-S, JETS JETS JETS!!

10-01-2011, 11:54 AM
http://www.nytimes.com/2011/10/01/sport ... nted=print (http://www.nytimes.com/2011/10/01/sports/football/jets-face-formidable-obstacle-in-ravens-ngata.html?_r=1&ref=football&pagewanted=print)

The New York Times
September 30, 2011
Jets Face an Imposing Obstacle in Ngata

FLORHAM PARK, N.J. — Because the Jets face the Baltimore Ravens on Sunday, and probably because he used to coach him, Rex Ryan has spent part of this week making Haloti Ngata sound more like an action hero than a 6-foot-4, 330-pound defensive tackle.

Ryan rhapsodized about how flexible and explosive Ngata was for such a big man. Ryan said Ngata could hit a speed bag like a professional lightweight. Too bad for the Jets that Ngata signed a five-year contract last week with the Ravens, because Ryan would take him.

But now they have to worry about blocking Ngata in Baltimore on Sunday night. Whether the Jets will use the All-Pro center Nick Mangold, who missed their loss last Sunday at Oakland with a sprained right ankle, will be a game-time decision, Ryan said Friday.

“He’s doing what he can to try to get ready,” Ryan said of Mangold, who was limited in practice Friday. “With his competitiveness, he’d like the opportunity. Your great competitors want to go against the best, no question. I think Nick, even though he wouldn’t be 100 percent, wants that opportunity. We’ll see. We’ll make the best decision for the team, obviously.”

Ryan smiled, then fed the Ngata myth a little more, saying: “If it were me, I’d say: ‘Naw. My hamstring’s killing me. My hamstring, shoulder, ankle, everything.’ ”

After he walked without a limp into the locker room, Mangold said he hoped to play. Every N.F.L. game offers a test, he said, but Ngata is unusually strong. Mangold said that if he played, he would try to go the whole game.

“I think it would be ill advised to shuffle centers around,” he said.

If Mangold cannot play, Colin Baxter, the rookie center from Arizona who has been with the Jets since Sept. 4, would start his second straight game. That experience would help only a little, since Oakland runs a 4-3 defense, and the Ravens use a 3-4.

And the Ravens have Ngata, who has 11 tackles in Baltimore’s first three games.

“I get to see where I’m at,” Baxter said, laughing.

The rest of the Jets’ offensive line would share in the responsibility of pushing — or at least attempting to push — Ngata out of the way. The Jets rushed for 116 yards against the Ravens in a 10-9 victory last year, but Ngata had four tackles, including a sack.

“Ngata has ability kind of like Bruce Lee’s one-inch punch, except Ngata has that in his whole body,” Jets left guard Matt Slauson said. “He’ll look like he’s not coming at all, then he’ll explode in a full bull rush.”

Slauson added, “He’ll probably be the best defensive tackle we face all year.”

Mangold said that Friday’s practice went well, but that he would not rush back from his injury just because the Jets are facing a behemoth. He has also spent time helping Baxter prepare for the challenge.

“We’re only as strong as our weakest link, and right now, he gets that award, because he’s only been around for three weeks,” Mangold said of Baxter.

Although the Jets are struggling to assemble the robust running attack Ryan wants, managing only 246 yards rushing in three games, the coaches are generally pleased with Baxter, who is about the same size as the 6-foot-4, 307-pound Mangold.

The offensive coordinator Brian Schottenheimer said: “The thing I’ll say, it was fun to watch Colin play. He battled his tail off, he did a terrific job in there.”

But Ngata awaits. As Ryan pointed out, he presents problems for healthy and experienced offensive linemen.

Yeah, I know, I was rooting against Gangrene last week, but consistency is overrated as a virtue!

10-01-2011, 04:35 PM
Yeah, I know, I was rooting against Gangrene last week, but consistency is overrated as a virtue!

my second favorite team after the Steelers is whatever team is playing Baltimore that week... :ratsuck

so for this week and this week only, GO JETS!


10-02-2011, 09:37 AM
OK, so if it's the Cheats versus the Rats, who do you hope wins?

10-02-2011, 11:16 AM
OK, so if it's the Cheats versus the Rats, who do you hope wins?
0-0 tie

10-02-2011, 11:58 AM
Cheats without a doubt. The Ratbirds are the bottom of the barrel.

10-02-2011, 10:00 PM
Sanchez is getting pounded by Ngata and Co.

2 sack fumbles for TD. This game looks very similar to Steelers game.

10-02-2011, 10:05 PM
Sanchez is getting pounded by Ngata and Co.

2 sack fumbles for TD. This game looks very similar to Steelers game.

Jets offense looks even worse. So the Jets get TD's on a KO return and a Pick 6, but the Jest offense is equally productive for the Ravens compared the the Ravens offensive productivity.

10-20-2011, 12:41 AM
Rex says if Chargers had hired him in 2007, he’d have a couple rings

Posted by Mike Florio on October 19, 2011


Jets coach Rex Ryan’s Super Bowl boasts no longer are confined to his predictions for the future.

On Wednesday, Ryan said that, if the Chargers had hired him to be their coach in 2007, he would have led the Chargers to at least two championships by now.

“Well, I think I would have had a couple rings,” Ryan told San Diego reporters, according to Manish Mehta of the New York Daily News. “I’m telling you, those teams were loaded.”

Implicit in Ryan’s message is that Norv Turner has failed to get the most out of that loaded team. Which isn’t exactly the best way to keep Turner from rolling his sleeves up a little higher and working a little harder to come to New York on Sunday and beat Rex’s Jets.

Perhaps realizing that he stepped in a pile of something other than dead leaves, Rex tried to scrub his shoes a little bit. “Obviously, Norv Turner has done a great job there and A.J. and everybody,” Ryan said. “That’s a great franchise. He was probably the best guy for the job at that time.”

If Rex thinks he would have won a couple of Super Bowls in the four seasons since Norv was hired, Rex necessarily doesn’t think Norv was the best guy for the job. Unless the goal of the game is to not win Super Bowls.

UPDATE: The Jets have pointed out via email to PFT that “Coach Ryan called Coach Turner personally shortly after the conference call was over to let him know that his comments were meant as a compliment to what he and A.J. Smith have built in San Diego, not as a slight.” Given that Turner inherited the “loaded” team in 2007 and has failed to win a Super Bowl in the four-plus years since then, it’s unclear how the comments in question were intended to be a compliment for Turner.

http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/20 ... ple-rings/ (http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2011/10/19/rex-says-if-chargers-had-hired-him-in-2007-hed-have-a-couple-rings/)

10-20-2011, 07:44 AM
Florio = tabloid
Rex Ryan = Lindsey Lohan

D Rock
10-20-2011, 07:58 AM
He just simultaneously smack-talked Norv Turner and the Chargers as well as his own team and players.

A dude claims his team in going to win championships with the team he coaches. When they don't, he says he would have won them with a different team.

So let's see here...does he think the problem with his current team is himself or his players? I'm sure this will make all those Jets players who are already mad at each other super happy when they hear this one.

Great coaching Rexy, keep it up!

10-20-2011, 08:52 AM
For what it's worth, I probably could have won at least one Super Bowl if I got the Chargers' head coaching job 5 years ago.


10-20-2011, 09:22 AM
WOW. This ******* simply can't shut the **** up. Amazing.

10-20-2011, 09:25 AM
For what it's worth, I probably could have won at least one Super Bowl if I got the Chargers' head coaching job 5 years ago.


:Agree :lol: :lol:

10-20-2011, 12:29 PM
WOW. This bad word simply can't shut the bad word up. Amazing.

He kinda stuck his foot in his mouth ..................Oh wait :lol: :lol: :lol:

10-20-2011, 02:04 PM
Bravado gets Rex into trouble ... again

Jets coach opened his mouth Wednesday and let something out that should've stayed in

By Rich Cimini - ESPNNewYork.com
Updated: October 20, 2011

FLORHAM PARK, N.J. -- Rex Ryan addressed a brushfire last week in his own locker room, and now there's another one burning because Smokey the Bear himself got caught playing with matches.

The New York Jets' coach opened his mouth Wednesday and let something out that should've stayed in.

Speaking on a conference call with San Diego reporters, Ryan said he'd already have two Super Bowl rings if he had been hired by the Chargers in 2007. Ryan, who interviewed for the job, said, "I'm telling you, those teams were loaded." That was a slight toward Norv Turner, who landed the head-coaching gig in '07 and has yet to reach a Super Bowl.

Ryan is the son of a coach and has tremendous respect for the profession, and it's not in his DNA to insult a counterpart. There's no way he meant it maliciously. At the same time, there's also bravado in his DNA, and it gets him into trouble because he has no filter.

This is one of those times.

Ryan, preparing for a big game against the Chargers, reached out to Turner to clarify his remarks. Maybe he called because he realized he might have said something that wasn't cool. Or maybe he called in response to the blog posts and stories that started coming immediately out of San Diego. Ryan already had met with the New York media, and wasn't available to explain.


Rex Ryan's mouth started a fire Wednesday.

Turner is a pretty low-key coach, but he apparently wasn't amused. At first, he downplayed it, saying the league doesn't need more coaching drama in the aftermath of the Jim Harbaugh vs. Jim Schwartz incident. But Turner managed to tweak Ryan, making it a full-fledged war of words.

"I hadn't seen his quote and I was a little bit surprised by the call," Turner said. "And then after I saw the quote, I didn't have a chance to ask him this, but I was wondering if he had those rings with the ones he's guaranteed the last couple of years."

The timing of this makes it kind of amusing. For the past three weeks, Ryan has been besieged with questions about some of his players making controversial remarks, escalating last week with the Santonio Holmes-Brandon Moore spat.

Ryan gives his players the freedom to speak their minds, claiming that policy never will change, but he felt compelled to address Holmes vs. Moore, telling the team, "Enough is enough."

Some will try to make this story bigger than it is, saying Ryan's comments also are an indictment of his own team's talent base. But that would be a stretch. Remember, this is the guy who predicted a Super Bowl the day he was hired. Obviously, he liked his team enough to make that bold claim.

This much is certain: For the first time since 2008, when it was Eric Mangini vs. Bill Belichick, the Jets will have a postgame handshake that matters. On Sunday, the cameras will focus on Ryan and Turner, with an entire football-watching nation wondering if they're going to reprise the Dueling Jims.

How can Ryan defuse the situation? Easy. He already has a plan for these type of situations.

Just name himself a game captain.

http://espn.go.com/new-york/nfl/story/_ ... uble-again (http://espn.go.com/new-york/nfl/story/_/id/7125123/new-york-jets-rex-ryan-bravado-gets-trouble-again)