View Full Version : Starkey: "This offense stinks"

09-29-2011, 01:10 AM
Starkey: Score, Steelers

Thursday, September 29, 2011


We could go with Ben Roethlisberger's colorful explanation of the Steelers' offensive struggles: "The sky's the limit for us — we just have to, you know, get on the plane."

Or we could say it in three words: This offense stinks.

Seriously, I'm sick of watching it. The Steelers must be sick of watching it. And if they don't start scoring soon — like Sunday against the turbo-charged Houston Texans — their season won't matter much past Halloween, or around the time Tom Brady visits Heinz Field.

The NFL is a scoring league. The Steelers don't score enough. They have long been dependent on phenomenal defense. Isn't it time the offense stepped up, particularly with the defense looking less than phenomenal?

Did I mention the Steelers don't score enough? They're ranked 26th in points per game and only that high because the defense scored one of their six touchdowns. They have cracked the top 10 in scoring once in coordinator Bruce Arians' five years, tying for ninth in 2007.

That was supposed to change, dramatically, this season. One local columnist (I have no idea who) predicted this would be the highest-scoring team in franchise history.

This was supposed to be a high-octane — sorry — high-scoring outfit that could torture teams any way it pleased. Roethlisberger had settled into such a groove during a turnover-free preseason that he was practically ready to call games on his own.

Here's the quote: "I would feel comfortable with Ben calling the plays in all phases, not just the spread offense," Arians said before the Steelers lit up the Falcons in an exhibition game.

Another quote from camp: "We know we can be really good," receiver Mike Wallace said. "Great, actually."

Finally this from Roethlisberger: "We have relied for such a long time on this defense to kind of carry us. As an offense, we want to score a lot of points and make it easy on our defense."

Easy? Roethlisberger & Co. have cannibalized their defense by committing turnovers like the Buffalo Bills in a Super Bowl. Roethlisberger, playing the role of Jim Kelly, has seven all by himself.

Incredibly, the Steelers have had two games (out of three, remember) during which they turned it over on three straight possessions and committed turnovers ON CONSECUTIVE SNAPS. Forget the Bills in a Super Bowl. I'm wondering if the 1976 Tampa Bay Buccaneers could boast of such comic ineptitude.

Even in a 24-0 victory over Seattle, the offense looked sickly near the goal line. In his six carries inside the 5 that day, Rashard Mendenhall gained five yards.

Last we saw these guys, they were scoring two second-half field goals against a ravaged Colts defense that couldn't stop the Cleveland Browns a week earlier.

Yeah, the line is beat up and below average. Fall's here, too. Deal with it. The Steelers have stubbornly refused to dial up reinforcements, the way Baltimore did with Bryant McKinnie, so they must believe in their people.

Roethlisberger does. He was asked yesterday how the offense might react to a Texas shootout.

"We'll be ready," he said.

The line proved it could protect Roethlisberger during a 10-point, 177-yard first quarter Sunday. But that was before Roethlisberger got careless, allowing Robert Mathis time enough to take five laps around the stadium and crash into his back, forcing a fumble that gave the Colts life.

Two turnovers later, Indy had a halftime lead.

Roethlisberger hasn't been the only problem:

>> Mendenhall needs to stop tap dancing and start running with the ferocity we saw in the AFC Championship Game.

>> Emmanuel Sanders killed a possible touchdown drive Sunday with a drop, evoking his critical drop last year at Buffalo. Weslye Saunders bobbled a sure first down to ruin another drive.

>> Arians needs to turn his playbook to the page titled "Bubble Screen to Hines" and light it on fire.

>> Jonathan Scott needs to play within the rules. As NBC noted, he is tied for NFL's most-penalized player since midway through last season. And that was before he was flagged for lining up in the Steelers' backfield.

Hey, how come Dwight Freeney wasn't penalized for that?

Finally, this offense needs to find its personality. Seems obvious the quarterback and coordinator want to be a passing team. So be one. Break out the no-huddle attack that sped 60 yards for the winning field goal Sunday.

Don't abandon Mendenhall. Run to complement the pass, the way Green Bay does.

Or go out and get somebody like Vonta Leach and smash people's faces in all day. I don't care. Just score.

'Cause you know the Texans will.

http://www.pittsburghlive.com/x/pittsbu ... z1ZJ7CnLYX (http://www.pittsburghlive.com/x/pittsburghtrib/sports/steelers/s_759292.html#ixzz1ZJ7CnLYX)

Mister Pittsburgh
09-29-2011, 01:50 AM
At least one writer has a set in this town. Kudos. :Bow

09-29-2011, 04:46 AM
At least one writer has a set in this town. Kudos. :Bow


09-29-2011, 06:14 AM
Jonathan Scott needs to play within the rules. As NBC noted, he is tied for NFL's most-penalized player since midway through last season. And that was before he was flagged for lining up in the Steelers' backfield.

Hey, how come Dwight Freeney wasn't penalized for that?

This made me laugh and the rest of the article is an accurate accounting of the offense so far.


09-29-2011, 07:59 AM
Sad, but true.

09-29-2011, 08:13 AM
Good article that tells it like it is...
Guess the defense will HAVE to STEP UP and carry the offense yet again this season.

Here is hoping by mid season the offense will be in full form.

09-29-2011, 08:15 AM
Wow. Great article. Well done, Starkey. :Clap

09-29-2011, 09:26 AM
:Clap :Clap :Clap :Clap

09-29-2011, 09:28 AM
Awesome article.... every preseason we talk about how our offense will be insane and then they look like trash.

I'm watching other teams run for 5 yards through a hole that is opened up by the OL. I watch our offense and it looks like a bad circus act.

The long ball and scrambling rambling Ben is our only hope.

09-29-2011, 09:50 AM
We could go with Micael Vick's colorful explanation of the Eagles offensive struggles: "The sky's the limit for us — we just have to, you know, Keep me in the Air and not have me get thrown out of the plane." What about its defense though? At least we can blame the offense on Vick's ability to play an entire GAME without breaking a nail.

Or we could say the real issue in three words: This Defense stinks.

Seriously, I'm sick of watching it. The Eagles must be sick of watching it. And if they don't start turn it around soon — like Sunday against the Horrible 49ers team — their season won't matter much past Halloween, or around the time Tony Romo arrives in town.

The NFL is a scoring league. The Eagles give up too many points. They have long been dependent on Good offense with solid QB play. Isn't it time the defense stepped up, particularly with the dream team defense looking less than phenomenal?

That was supposed to change, dramatically, this season. One local columnist (I have no idea who) predicted this would be a SUPER BOWL team and possibly the best defensive team since the Buddy Ryan days.

This was supposed to be a high-octane — sorry — high-scoring outfit that could torture teams any way it pleased. Vick settled into such a groove that he signed his 2nd 100 million dollar contract and even dog food companys were calling for his endorsement.

Do i need to continue? You replace the words from this article and you can replace them with 90% of the teams in this league! EASILY!!!!!!!!! Every team has problems. WE are 2-1!!! Eagles are 1-2!! The DREAM TEAM!!! Pats are 2-1, Ravens are 2-1 and lost to the Titans!! Where was that game played again??? In TENN!!!! you take Road wins anyway you can get them and you win your home games!!! Every team has issues!!!! This article is like one of the word story's where all you have to do is place in a NOUN, VERB, or ACTION and then read the story and it will make sense. Replace Steelers with RAVENS, EAGLES, FALCONS, PATRIOTS (they lost too so they must suck), JETS, ETC ETC!!!!

Steelers are in this game this week!!! Don't ever count out our Steelers and this article was a cop out article to me. It's so easy to write negative articles. You guys write this stuff all the time!!! Ever do an Evaluation on yourself??? What's the hardest thing to do??? It's to write something GOOD about yourself!!! Well i think the press and our fans should start trying to focus on the positive a little more then EASY COP-OUT negative way of thinking. The Steelers might suck at 2-1 LOL but hey how good would it be right now if we were in a LOCKOUT? Life is good and we had to Texas where we can get our 2nd ROAD WIN of the year. I like our chances and predict a 24-21 game!

09-29-2011, 09:50 AM
Good read. Can I buy Bruce A a subscription (since I doubt he knows how to use a computer!)?

09-29-2011, 09:58 AM
Well since I'm not a fan of Flag Football it's nice to see some lower scoring games for once thanks to the Steelers offense :stirpot

09-29-2011, 10:03 AM
At least one writer has a set in this town. Kudos. :Bow

Starkey is great. I love reading his columns on the Pirates, and I'm not even a Pirates fan.

09-29-2011, 10:08 AM
Doogie... we don['t give a crap about the Iggles, Pats or whoever when it comes to our offense.

Stay on topic, the offense is ugly... super ugly. Pointing at other teams woes won't make us better.

09-29-2011, 10:09 AM
We need everyone to be better.

I'm not sure we'll ever get into a rhythm and click as an offense with Ben. Ben's just Ben and this style of football is ingrained into us.

We need the offense to do more. But we also need the defense to lead the way for us to be successful. And we're not forcing turnovers and making the splash plays we're used to.

C'Mon Tomlin. Unleash hell already!!!!

09-29-2011, 10:18 AM
LOL! My mistake. Our offense is horrible and we should stop watching this crappy team. MY BAD!

Or lets keep writing about it because that will for sure HELP THEM get better! LOL


The point is we do this every year guys! Every year!!! We always stink it up and we get better and we play better in big games. The games we dont play great we still manage to WIN! What's the problem?

We freakin won the game and all week this is what we get! EVERY WEEK!

SO yeah lets stay on task and not talk about how any team can write this very same article. My Mistake!

Come Sunday when we win and play a great game you guys will still find something to complain about or write about! You all want Tom Brady perfection! This just in we arent the PATRIOTS nor do we want to be so I challenge you all to stay on TASK. I just want to win because a win makes my week great! I'll save complaints for an actual LOSS!

We are Pittsburgh Steeler fans. You guys goto work with your Hard Hats on and everyday is a HARD DAY! It's not PRETTY, It's not Fun, and it's not the greatest Pay in the world either. My Grampa was a Coal Miner in PA, I know! Our football team is built around those harder working PA boys! We goto work and we dont complain when we come home with some dirt on our nails! Our Steelers are the same!!!! The level of expectation doesnt change because someone got hurt!!! I love it and I respect it and I love the backyard type football our team plays to win ball games. ITS PA STYLE!

So i challenge you all to stay on Task!!! Goto work and don't complain!

09-29-2011, 10:27 AM
I'm not sure we'll ever get into a rhythm and click as an offense with Ben. Ben's just Ben and this style of football is ingrained into us.

I'm not so sure about that Flip. If Ben was in an offense more conducive to his skillset, I think you would get more rhythm and consistency. Instead of trying to fit him into the same offense that P. Manning runs, why not design an offense more similar to the one the Broncos ran for Elway? With more designed bootlegs and rollouts, and much more TE action and passes to backs, etc. Just another perfect example of trying to force a round peg into a square whole. I, for one, am glad somebody in the media has the balls to call a spade a spade, and not try to make excuses and sugarcoat sh!t.

"They're ranked 26th in points per game and only that high because the defense scored one of their six touchdowns. They have cracked the top 10 in scoring once in coordinator Bruce Arians' five years, tying for ninth in 2007."

If that doesn't scream it's time to go in another direction, I don't know what does. The scary thing is, the numbers speak for themselves, but if you actually watch the games, it's even more obivious than even the numbers suggest.


09-29-2011, 10:29 AM
So i challenge you all to stay on Task!!! Goto work and don't complain!

You're right. I just called ICE and told them to shut down all the fourms about the Steelers.

09-29-2011, 10:34 AM
LOL! My mistake. Our offense is horrible and we should stop watching this crappy team. MY BAD!

Or lets keep writing about it because that will for sure HELP THEM get better! LOL


The point is we do this every year guys! Every year!!! We always stink it up and we get better and we play better in big games. The games we dont play great we still manage to WIN! What's the problem?

We freakin won the game and all week this is what we get! EVERY WEEK!

SO yeah lets stay on task and not talk about how any team can write this very same article. My Mistake!

Come Sunday when we win and play a great game you guys will still find something to complain about or write about! You all want Tom Brady perfection! This just in we arent the PATRIOTS nor do we want to be so I challenge you all to stay on TASK. I just want to win because a win makes my week great! I'll save complaints for an actual LOSS!

We are Pittsburgh Steeler fans. You guys goto work with your Hard Hats on and everyday is a HARD DAY! It's not PRETTY, It's not Fun, and it's not the greatest Pay in the world either. My Grampa was a Coal Miner in PA, I know! Our football team is built around those harder working PA boys! We goto work and we dont complain when we come home with some dirt on our nails! Our Steelers are the same!!!! The level of expectation doesnt change because someone got hurt!!! I love it and I respect it and I love the backyard type football our team plays to win ball games. ITS PA STYLE!

So i challenge you all to stay on Task!!! Goto work and don't complain!

If coal miners or steel workers worked like the Steeler offense they would probably be shut down for negligence.

Nothing wrong with striving for perfection.

09-29-2011, 10:36 AM
LOL! My mistake. Our offense is horrible and we should stop watching this crappy team. MY BAD!

Or lets keep writing about it because that will for sure HELP THEM get better! LOL


The point is we do this every year guys! Every year!!! We always stink it up and we get better and we play better in big games. The games we dont play great we still manage to WIN! What's the problem?

We freakin won the game and all week this is what we get! EVERY WEEK!

SO yeah lets stay on task and not talk about how any team can write this very same article. My Mistake!

Come Sunday when we win and play a great game you guys will still find something to complain about or write about! You all want Tom Brady perfection! This just in we arent the PATRIOTS nor do we want to be so I challenge you all to stay on TASK. I just want to win because a win makes my week great! I'll save complaints for an actual LOSS!

We are Pittsburgh Steeler fans. You guys goto work with your Hard Hats on and everyday is a HARD DAY! It's not PRETTY, It's not Fun, and it's not the greatest Pay in the world either. My Grampa was a Coal Miner in PA, I know! Our football team is built around those harder working PA boys! We goto work and we dont complain when we come home with some dirt on our nails! Our Steelers are the same!!!! The level of expectation doesnt change because someone got hurt!!! I love it and I respect it and I love the backyard type football our team plays to win ball games. ITS PA STYLE!

So i challenge you all to stay on Task!!! Goto work and don't complain!

Hey, do me a favor will ya? Give us a call when you get your head outta the sand. Thanks.

This team has real issues, as in multiple. To act like they don't exist, is like well, burying your head in the sand, and acting like they don't exist.

Now granted, we can't do anything about it from where we sit, but this is a fan forum. We will discuss the good and the bad about this team.

I don't know, maybe it helps us feel better. Much the same way acting like everything is honky-dory, makes some of you feel better.

Either way, I'm just glad somebody in the media had the balls to put it out there.


09-29-2011, 10:38 AM
I'm not sure we'll ever get into a rhythm and click as an offense with Ben. Ben's just Ben and this style of football is ingrained into us.

I'm not so sure about that Flip. If Ben was in an offense more conducive to his skillset, I think you would get more rhythm and consistency. Instead of trying to fit him into the same offense that P. Manning runs, why not design an offense more similar to the one the Broncos ran for Elway? With more designed bootlegs and rollouts, and much more TE action and passes to backs, etc. Just another perfect example of trying to force a round peg into a square whole. I, for one, am glad somebody in the media has the balls to call a spade a spade, and not try to make excuses and sugarcoat sh!t.

"They're ranked 26th in points per game and only that high because the defense scored one of their six touchdowns. They have cracked the top 10 in scoring once in coordinator Bruce Arians' five years, tying for ninth in 2007."

If that doesn't scream it's time to go in another direction, I don't know what does. The scary thing is, the numbers speak for themselves, but if you actually watch the games, it's even more obivious than even the numbers suggest.


Ben was the most productive when he didn't have to throw 30+ times a game. Fans don't want that and Ben doesn't want it either... Ben has a ton of power and he likes the offense he is in...

It's on him to adjust to the offense he cosigned.

09-29-2011, 10:42 AM
so you cant be positive? is that what you are saying? LOL

How about this? Last week we complained Heath wasnt being involved in the passing game!! I guess the Steelers read your posts because he had some Key Plays this game.

Last week we complained about Woodley, Harrison, and Troy!! Well your complaints got Harrison and Troy to play better tooo!!!!

Last week we complained about Redzone and inablity to score and some called for REDMAN! Well i sure dont remember very many REDZONE opportunities in the Colts game but i'm sure your writings would have assisted and Redman would of been the man! LOL

Some wanted Antonio Brown back returning punts! Guess what? Your writings helped with that tooo!!!!

Now this week we have an entire list of NEW THINGS we want to see!! God I hope Tomlin and company print all this stuff out! LOL who needs coaches when we have the great people of this forum to help?

The Steelers are addressing the issues you all complain about and yet we still complain and complain after a WIN!!!! It's a game of football guys and upsets happen, mistakes happen, and sometimes you do lose games even when you are the better team. We won the game on the road and the Steelers addressed many of your concerns from last week in that VICTORY! Cut them some slack and get ready to CHEER FOR THEM!!! CHEER FOR THEM!!! HERE WE GO STEELERS, HERE WE GOOO???? You all remember how to do that right???

Dont let a special season get away from you by complaing all the time! It will make you look pretty foolish come SuperBowl time when we are in the big game again and all the stories about our HORRIBLE LINE will then become Dumb just like they did when we beat the Cardinals!!! WHo's laughing now OLINE??? Dont be the person we all laugh about at the end of the year because you complained all season and then wanted to jump on the STEELER PRAISE BANDWAGON!!!! You wont deserve to be on that wagon! Try being a BROWNS or BENGALS fan if you like to complain so much.

We are SPOILED!! I say it time and time again!!! SPOILED KIDS want EVERYTHING and dont appreciate what they have.

09-29-2011, 10:55 AM
you are the one acting spoiled Doogie... you want everyone to jump up and down for joy because they beat the Manning-less Colts? Come back to reality. We aren't the Bengals or the Jags...

The Steelers turned the ball over 10 times in 2 games... this isn't a pep rally it's a forum.

Does your towel waving, cheerleading post help or hurt the team?

09-29-2011, 11:00 AM
If coal miners or steel workers worked like the Steeler offense they would probably be shut down for negligence.

Nothing wrong with striving for perfection.

LOL now this made me laugh! Good one!

and if complaining makes you feel better go right ahead! I love sucking this bad and being 2-1 personally. Yes we arent perfect and yes lots to improve on but this is a WAKEUP call in a WIN!!! That's always a good thing!!!! I'm a gambler and bet the Steelers - 9 1/2 and lost REAL MONEY and i'm still not complaining!! My team lost me money!!! I should be complaining about that but as soon as I realized they werent going to cover the spread i focused on the WIN and cheered my butt off!!! When they showed GILBERT on the sideline I felt bad for him. ROOKIE trying to block a STUD. No MiniCamps no OTA's and heres our 3rd rounder trying his butt off!!! I cheered for him and will continue to do so just like we all cheered for LIMAS SWEED!!! That bust we all wanted to see do good!!! I personally like our underdog LINE!

09-29-2011, 11:02 AM
so you cant be positive? is that what you are saying? LOL

How about this? Last week we complained Heath wasnt being involved in the passing game!! I guess the Steelers read your posts because he had some Key Plays this game.

Last week we complained about Woodley, Harrison, and Troy!! Well your complaints got Harrison and Troy to play better tooo!!!!

Last week we complained about Redzone and inablity to score and some called for REDMAN! Well i sure dont remember very many REDZONE opportunities in the Colts game but i'm sure your writings would have assisted and Redman would of been the man! LOL

Some wanted Antonio Brown back returning punts! Guess what? Your writings helped with that tooo!!!!

Now this week we have an entire list of NEW THINGS we want to see!! God I hope Tomlin and company print all this stuff out! LOL who needs coaches when we have the great people of this forum to help?

The Steelers are addressing the issues you all complain about and yet we still complain and complain after a WIN!!!! It's a game of football guys and upsets happen, mistakes happen, and sometimes you do lose games even when you are the better team. We won the game on the road and the Steelers addressed many of your concerns from last week in that VICTORY! Cut them some slack and get ready to CHEER FOR THEM!!! CHEER FOR THEM!!! HERE WE GO STEELERS, HERE WE GOOO???? You all remember how to do that right???

Dont let a special season get away from you by complaing all the time! It will make you look pretty foolish come SuperBowl time when we are in the big game again and all the stories about our HORRIBLE LINE will then become Dumb just like they did when we beat the Cardinals!!! WHo's laughing now OLINE??? Dont be the person we all laugh about at the end of the year because you complained all season and then wanted to jump on the STEELER PRAISE BANDWAGON!!!! You wont deserve to be on that wagon! Try being a BROWNS or BENGALS fan if you like to complain so much.

We are SPOILED!! I say it time and time again!!! SPOILED KIDS want EVERYTHING and dont appreciate what they have.
Maybe you should just shut up, ever think about that? Nobody here is jumping off the Steelers' bandwagon. Last I checked, we're all Steeler fans and we still root for the team. That doesn't mean that this team doesn't have problems! You're the one with your head stuck in the ground acting like everything is going swell for this team.

We got crushed by the Ravens in week one. Yeah, we shut out the Seahawks - a terrible team. But then we go and barely scrape by a Manning-less Colts that were defeated by the freakin' BROWNS!! If you don't think this team has problems, you're either dumb or in denial (I haven't decided which yet).

09-29-2011, 11:09 AM
you are the one acting spoiled Doogie... you want everyone to jump up and down for joy because they beat the Manning-less Colts? Come back to reality. We aren't the Bengals or the Jags...

The Steelers turned the ball over 10 times in 2 games... this isn't a pep rally it's a forum.

Does your towel waving, cheerleading post help or hurt the team?

Does your bitching and complaining take away the 10 turnovers in 2 WINS? We turned the ball over 10 times and won 2 games??? WOW!!!

09-29-2011, 11:14 AM
Maybe you should just shut up, ever think about that? Nobody here is jumping off the Steelers' bandwagon. Last I checked, we're all Steeler fans and we still root for the team. That doesn't mean that this team doesn't have problems! You're the one with your head stuck in the ground acting like everything is going swell for this team.

We got crushed by the Ravens in week one. Yeah, we shut out the Seahawks - a terrible team. But then we go and barely scrape by a Manning-less Colts that were defeated by the freakin' BROWNS!! If you don't think this team has problems, you're either dumb or in denial (I haven't decided which yet).

A positive thinker should shut up? Real nice! I'm glad you still cheer for the team but it sure appears you are one negative person who needs to realize what cheering for a team is all about! I didnt say everything was swell did i? I said we are 2-1!!! We are no worse then any of the other good teams in this league! We turned the ball over 10 times according to the post above and we won 2 games??? How is that possible if we are so terrible? LOL

You guys need someone like me on here to balance out all this negative crap that's been posted all week in a victory! In a victory on the ROAD!! I stress it again!!!! The place where without "THE TACKLE" we would of lost to the MANNING COLTS when we were killing them at the half. Remember that game? Wanna complain how we let go of the lead???? Wanna complain about Bettis fumbling and turning the ball over?? Or do you want to celebrate it and cherish "THE TACKLE" and the Miracle UPSET? That's the difference between a complainer and a fan like me. You can pick apart every game and every team in this league and we surely had enough of that this week. It's THURSDAY and we are still discussing the damn COLTS game. LOL

09-29-2011, 11:18 AM
you are the one acting spoiled Doogie... you want everyone to jump up and down for joy because they beat the Manning-less Colts? Come back to reality. We aren't the Bengals or the Jags...

The Steelers turned the ball over 10 times in 2 games... this isn't a pep rally it's a forum.

Does your towel waving, cheerleading post help or hurt the team?

Does your bitching and complaining take away the 10 turnovers in 2 WINS? We turned the ball over 10 times and won 2 games??? WOW!!!

we didn't win one of the games that we had a ton of TO's and we barely escaped with a win in Indy...

I think everyone is relieved to be 2-1 but I doubt Tomlin is skipping around practice screaming we are #1 waving his :tt2

WOW!! is correct... it's like you don't want to admit you watched the game on Sunday...

If you want to be Steely McBeam go down the the northside and put in an application... if not, let people discuss the games as we see them in a thread that is labeled "the offense stinks"

You are free to make a positive, glee filled thread about all things great with our team.

09-29-2011, 11:23 AM
A positive thinker should shut up? Real nice! I'm glad you still cheer for the team but it sure appears you are one negative person who needs to realize what cheering for a team is all about! I didnt say everything was swell did i? I said we are 2-1!!! We are no worse then any of the other good teams in this league! We turned the ball over 10 times according to the post above and we won 2 games??? How is that possible if we are so terrible? LOL

You guys need someone like me on here to balance out all this negative crap that's been posted all week in a victory! In a victory on the ROAD!! I stress it again!!!! The place where without "THE TACKLE" we would of lost to the MANNING COLTS when we were killing them at the half. Remember that game? Wanna complain how we let go of the lead???? Wanna complain about Bettis fumbling and turning the ball over?? Or do you want to celebrate it and cherish "THE TACKLE" and the Miracle UPSET? That's the difference between a complainer and a fan like me. You can pick apart every game and every team in this league and we surely had enough of that this week. It's THURSDAY and we are still discussing the damn COLTS game. LOL

we complained about the Bettis fumble and praised the tackle on the trib in 2005...

don't jump in threads discussing the negative and how to fix these problems if you want to jump up and down about how great we are.

You don't need to shut up.. but I think you need to take your joy into threads that are looking forward. Nothing wrong with thinking positive but you can't tell people to move on, there are threads for Houston on here for them to do so...

09-29-2011, 11:27 AM
we didn't win one of the games that we had a ton of TO's and we barely escaped with a win in Indy...

I think everyone is relieved to be 2-1 but I doubt Tomlin is skipping around practice screaming we are #1 waving his

WOW!! is correct... it's like you don't want to admit you watched the game on Sunday...

If you want to be Steely McBeam go down the the northside and put in an application... if not, let people discuss the games as we see them in a thread that is labeled "the offense stinks"

You are free to make a positive, glee filled thread about all things great with our team.

The offense stinks when Big Ben put up over 300 yards and Wallace once again put up great numbers as well? hmmm!! is it the offense or is it SCORING OFFENSE? I'm confused now because the article is addressing points scored! I did watch the game and being a steeler fan i do know BIG BEN is not a top 10 fantasy QB! We already accept that! some say he should only throw the ball 20-25 times a game in this board. Are they dumb tooo?? do they not watch the games??? We can debate this all we want but the bottom line is we are 2-1 and yes relieved. I agree with you! Last year we felt the same way didnt we? Or didnt i watch the games last year either? How did we do again? i didnt tune back in again until the SUPERBOWL? Did we do ok with that horrible line? Did we do ok with Troy being hurt? Did Ben still hold onto the ball too long??? Did we still do average at best in Redzone? Did we all still want to fire BA? Did we complain about our DB's??? We complain and complain! I'm sure its all archived on here!! go back and check the tapes! LOL

If we truly want to complain about something we need to complain about the leagues worst mascot!!! Now he is the JOKE of this team!

I'm glad Tomlin isnt skipping around but at 2-1 it's great to be a little angry about some of the sloppy play but GOOD TEAMS still win when they mess up! We are that GOOD TEAM!

ANyone have friends who like other teams? ever ask them what they think about the Steelers? I'm sure they dont say you guys SUCK and if they do its out of Jealousy! Just relax and breathe you complainers!!! We will be OK!!!! LOL

09-29-2011, 11:36 AM
Does your towel waving, cheerleading post help or hurt the team?

Actually, the towel waving, cheerleading post does exactly as much to help the team as any post on the forum.

In other words, nothing.

It's a public forum. Members are supposed to be able to debate these arguments in a civil, respectful and mature manner.

If you post your opinion on here, you should definitely be prepared to have your opinion debated, disregarded, ridiculed, etc. That's a far cry from simply telling someone to shut up. That's uncalled for.

Some people prefer to dwell upon the lack of running production and quantity of turnovers. Others, like me, prefer to be happy with the fact that the Steelers played an AFC road game on a Sunday night, played terribly, and still came out with a win....

Opinions vary...

09-29-2011, 11:40 AM
A positive thinker should shut up? Real nice! I'm glad you still cheer for the team but it sure appears you are one negative person who needs to realize what cheering for a team is all about! I didnt say everything was swell did i? I said we are 2-1!!! We are no worse then any of the other good teams in this league! We turned the ball over 10 times according to the post above and we won 2 games??? How is that possible if we are so terrible? LOL

You guys need someone like me on here to balance out all this negative crap that's been posted all week in a victory! In a victory on the ROAD!! I stress it again!!!! The place where without "THE TACKLE" we would of lost to the MANNING COLTS when we were killing them at the half. Remember that game? Wanna complain how we let go of the lead???? Wanna complain about Bettis fumbling and turning the ball over?? Or do you want to celebrate it and cherish "THE TACKLE" and the Miracle UPSET? That's the difference between a complainer and a fan like me. You can pick apart every game and every team in this league and we surely had enough of that this week. It's THURSDAY and we are still discussing the damn COLTS game. LOL
No, a positive thinker who has no clue what he's talking about should shut up. :)

Yeah, we're 2-1 - rah, rah rah. We're not even a quarter of the way through the season. Hardly enough to pronounce a playoff berth. Perhaps it's possible we're 2-1 because we faced to VERY bad teams - Indy and Seattle. Bet that didn't strike you! DERP! And being positive doesn't mean not noticing when this team has serious flaws - namely an awful O-line and an offense that has problems scoring. You realize we're one of the worst teams in the league right now at scoring efficiency? And we couldn't run the ball on the Colts no less! If you don't think that's worth noting, God help you.

I shouldn't even address your last idiotic paragraph, but I'm going to. We had a great offense then - one that was reliable. And of course I'm not going to complain about that game because we WON. You don't know what I was saying or thinking during that game, so I'll say it again: shut up. And that game, by the way, was over five years ago. These are now very different teams with different problems. So take your soapbox and go set it up somewhere else - in the middle of a freeway for all I care. Because all you're doing is ranting without actually saying anything. :nono

09-29-2011, 11:46 AM
We are no worse then any of the other good teams in this league

The Patriots are 2-1. They're averaging 34 points per game. Do you think we could match up against them? I sure don't.

The Ravens are 2-1, and we know we sure don't match up against them.

Our next game? We allow 18 points per game, the Texans allow 20. Close. But we're only scoring 18 a game, and they score 30.

The new NFL is a shootout, and our offense is a flintlock.

09-29-2011, 11:50 AM
The Patriots are 2-1. They're averaging 34 points per game. Do you think we could match up against them? I sure don't.

The Ravens are 2-1, and we know we sure don't match up against them.

Our next game? We allow 18 points per game, the Texans allow 20. Close. But we're only scoring 18 a game, and they score 30.

The new NFL is a shootout, and our offense is a flintlock.

I suppose we'll have to let them actually play the games, eh?

In the NFL, success or failure one week does not automatically correlate to an equal result at a different time...

Just ask the Patriots who lost to the Giants at a neutral site after beating them in the Meadowlands a few weeks earlier....

09-29-2011, 11:52 AM
nope i'm ready to be debated! I stand by my words as much as you do! You seem very upset! LOL

Didnt we have a bad OLine last year? Did you just wake up and realize that our team will never pay for an OLINE when we are paying top dollar to be a defensive team? Ike, Woodley, and Troy signings ringing any bells oh smart one? LOL

We play in the city of Pittsburgh! What happens in December that doesnt happen in oh lets say September? That's right! Its SNOWS!!!!! to win in the North you need to have a SOLID DEFENSE to win those COLD WEATHER GAMES. It's really simple if you think about it guys. Defensive teams win ugly at times and over the past few seasons that's what we have done. Why is this year a big shocker? Did you run out and get yoru bucket full of chicken wings and watch this exact same team in last years superbowl?

This Sunday as you cheer on your steelers make sure you have your hello kitty diary ready to take notes on all the many things that go wrong during the game so you can write it all up again!!! hopefully its in another WINNING performance on the Road.

I'm sure there are tons of Ravens fan's who have a notebook full of bad things in that Titans game tooo and I know the Bengals sure do as well who i feel would be 3-0 if they had started the GMAN in all 3 games. I also know the Patriots who were 9 1/2 point favorites LOST a ROAD GAME!!! We were 9 1/2 point favorites on the Road and won our game!

Lets go to Texas and play ugly and win!! I'm ok with that! Style points dont matter unless you post on this board apparently! LOL

09-29-2011, 11:56 AM
The Patriots are 2-1. They're averaging 34 points per game. Do you think we could match up against them? I sure don't.

The Ravens are 2-1, and we know we sure don't match up against them.

Our next game? We allow 18 points per game, the Texans allow 20. Close. But we're only scoring 18 a game, and they score 30.

The new NFL is a shootout, and our offense is a flintlock.

Yes i do think we can match up and beat anyteam we play. How's the Patriots Running game this year? Who are their LB's and DB's again? can anyone name one of them for me please? Every team has weaknesses that can be exposed! Packers just lost Collins for the year!!! Add in injuries tooo!!! It's been 3 games guys! We are 2-1 and we are on the path you all predicted before the season started!!! 12-4 at worst here guys! We just hope we play better in December like we always seem to do!!!! SInce when do Regular season games matter in PITTSBURGH??? We win anyway we can to get into the TOURNAMENT! God help the other teams when we get in that tournament. Ravens and Jets playoff games last year??? Werent those 2 of the most opposite type of games you witnessed???? Huge blow out to almost lose? Getting blown out and then winning? ITS WHO WE ARE!!! I'm sorry to bring this to your attention in week 4! LOL but we can win against anyone we play and we have done so in so many different ways!!!! We dont have to rely on just Defense or offense like other teams!!!

09-29-2011, 12:18 PM
The Patriots are 2-1. They're averaging 34 points per game. Do you think we could match up against them? I sure don't.

The Ravens are 2-1, and we know we sure don't match up against them.

Our next game? We allow 18 points per game, the Texans allow 20. Close. But we're only scoring 18 a game, and they score 30.

The new NFL is a shootout, and our offense is a flintlock.

Yes i do think we can match up and beat anyteam we play. How's the Patriots Running game this year? Who are their LB's and DB's again? can anyone name one of them for me please? Every team has weaknesses that can be exposed! Packers just lost Collins for the year!!! Add in injuries tooo!!! It's been 3 games guys! We are 2-1 and we are on the path you all predicted before the season started!!! 12-4 at worst here guys! We just hope we play better in December like we always seem to do!!!! SInce when do Regular season games matter in PITTSBURGH??? We win anyway we can to get into the TOURNAMENT! God help the other teams when we get in that tournament. Ravens and Jets playoff games last year??? Werent those 2 of the most opposite type of games you witnessed???? Huge blow out to almost lose? Getting blown out and then winning? ITS WHO WE ARE!!! I'm sorry to bring this to your attention in week 4! LOL but we can win against anyone we play and we have done so in so many different ways!!!! We dont have to rely on just Defense or offense like other teams!!!

Well said Doogie.

It just 3 games and people here don't understand that Steelers run marathon and not 100 mts sprint.

I will take the ugly wins as long as they can reach playoffs. I want Steelers to turn hot in playoffs not in first 3 games of the season.

regarding this article it has merit if it was published after 16 games. For now its a joke.

09-29-2011, 12:23 PM
The Patriots are 2-1. They're averaging 34 points per game. Do you think we could match up against them? I sure don't.

The Ravens are 2-1, and we know we sure don't match up against them.

Our next game? We allow 18 points per game, the Texans allow 20. Close. But we're only scoring 18 a game, and they score 30.

The new NFL is a shootout, and our offense is a flintlock.

Yes i do think we can match up and beat anyteam we play. How's the Patriots Running game this year? Who are their LB's and DB's again? can anyone name one of them for me please? Every team has weaknesses that can be exposed! Packers just lost Collins for the year!!! Add in injuries tooo!!! It's been 3 games guys! We are 2-1 and we are on the path you all predicted before the season started!!! 12-4 at worst here guys! We just hope we play better in December like we always seem to do!!!! SInce when do Regular season games matter in PITTSBURGH??? We win anyway we can to get into the TOURNAMENT! God help the other teams when we get in that tournament. Ravens and Jets playoff games last year??? Werent those 2 of the most opposite type of games you witnessed???? Huge blow out to almost lose? Getting blown out and then winning? ITS WHO WE ARE!!! I'm sorry to bring this to your attention in week 4! LOL but we can win against anyone we play and we have done so in so many different ways!!!! We dont have to rely on just Defense or offense like other teams!!!

Well said Doogie.

It just 3 games and people here don't understand that Steelers run marathon and not 100 mts sprint.

I will take the ugly wins as long as they can reach playoffs. I want Steelers to turn hot in playoffs not in first 3 games of the season.

regarding this article it has merit if it was published after 16 games. For now its a joke.

actually it's an article about the first 3 games of this year. Nothing more nothing less...

It's no different than fans who say analyst are bashing the Steelers when they are getting spanked by the Ravens or the Pats.

These evaluations of the Steelers aren't for the season or the franchises history. It's opinion pieces of the game or games they have seen thus far this season.

Fans need to understand every critical analysis isn't about our franchises inception in 1933. Bashing Mendenhall's spin move isn't saying he sucks and needs to be cut, talking about A.Smith getting old isn't trashing his whole career, talking about Ben's INT in the Colts game isn't calling him Trent Dilfer.

09-29-2011, 12:27 PM
Sometimes sports fans act like immature chicks... you say you don't like their hair and somehow it turns into hating their mother, wanting to sleep with their best friend and how you never loved them in the first place :lol:

09-29-2011, 12:32 PM
Saying only positive things about the team makes you a better fan. Eveybody knows that....

09-29-2011, 12:36 PM
We can debate sports all day long and the steelers and that's what makes this game so great! BUT i will never bash my team after a win on the road especially! Sure its ugly, sure we could of won 50-0 but we could of also been UPSET like the Patriots were tooo!!! We werent! Before the Manning injury did we predict this a for sure WIN? NO! We got a bonus win thanks to an injury! I dont care how! It's 1 more win and that's important when it could boil down to a home playoff game or a road game in SUNNY CALIFORNIA or in FOXBORO!

I can debate Barry Sanders being the best RB of all time tooo!! All day long!!!! It's what we do! This isnt debating though!! This guy states our offense STINKS and I again can change the words and write this same thing about every team in this league! Who's playing perfect ball after 3 games? WHO? Packers? almost lost to the Panthers where??? On the ROAD? Bills? were getting killed last 2 weeks!!!! give up a ton of points??? Cowboys? REALLY? Dream team? Ravens? who is playing PERFECT BALL? and is there such a thing? I say NOT and especially over a 16 game season.

You guys can have your opinions and debate it all day long but to say our team sucks does take balls!!! Would you welcome that from a Ravens fan? would you say oh you are right buddy our team does suck!!! LOL Give me a break.

09-29-2011, 12:43 PM
nope i'm ready to be debated! I stand by my words as much as you do! You seem very upset! LOL

Didnt we have a bad OLine last year? Did you just wake up and realize that our team will never pay for an OLINE when we are paying top dollar to be a defensive team? Ike, Woodley, and Troy signings ringing any bells oh smart one? LOL

Did we win the Superbowl last year? No? That's what I thought.

And your comment would actually have some merit if it weren't for the fact that we've had great defenses AND great O-lines in the past. Contrary to what you seem to think, it's possible to have a great defense and a good O-line at the same time. Again, you really don't know what you're talking about. LOL

09-29-2011, 12:55 PM
Starkey: Score, Steelers

Thursday, September 29, 2011


We could go with Ben Roethlisberger's colorful explanation of the Steelers' offensive struggles: "The sky's the limit for us — we just have to, you know, get on the plane."

Or we could say it in three words: This offense stinks.

Seriously, I'm sick of watching it. The Steelers must be sick of watching it. And if they don't start scoring soon — like Sunday against the turbo-charged Houston Texans — their season won't matter much past Halloween, or around the time Tom Brady visits Heinz Field.

The NFL is a scoring league. The Steelers don't score enough. They have long been dependent on phenomenal defense. Isn't it time the offense stepped up, particularly with the defense looking less than phenomenal?

Did I mention the Steelers don't score enough? They're ranked 26th in points per game and only that high because the defense scored one of their six touchdowns. They have cracked the top 10 in scoring once in coordinator Bruce Arians' five years, tying for ninth in 2007.

That was supposed to change, dramatically, this season. One local columnist (I have no idea who) predicted this would be the highest-scoring team in franchise history.

This was supposed to be a high-octane — sorry — high-scoring outfit that could torture teams any way it pleased. Roethlisberger had settled into such a groove during a turnover-free preseason that he was practically ready to call games on his own.

Here's the quote: "I would feel comfortable with Ben calling the plays in all phases, not just the spread offense," Arians said before the Steelers lit up the Falcons in an exhibition game.

Another quote from camp: "We know we can be really good," receiver Mike Wallace said. "Great, actually."

Finally this from Roethlisberger: "We have relied for such a long time on this defense to kind of carry us. As an offense, we want to score a lot of points and make it easy on our defense."

Easy? Roethlisberger & Co. have cannibalized their defense by committing turnovers like the Buffalo Bills in a Super Bowl. Roethlisberger, playing the role of Jim Kelly, has seven all by himself.

Incredibly, the Steelers have had two games (out of three, remember) during which they turned it over on three straight possessions and committed turnovers ON CONSECUTIVE SNAPS. Forget the Bills in a Super Bowl. I'm wondering if the 1976 Tampa Bay Buccaneers could boast of such comic ineptitude.

Even in a 24-0 victory over Seattle, the offense looked sickly near the goal line. In his six carries inside the 5 that day, Rashard Mendenhall gained five yards.

Last we saw these guys, they were scoring two second-half field goals against a ravaged Colts defense that couldn't stop the Cleveland Browns a week earlier.

Yeah, the line is beat up and below average. Fall's here, too. Deal with it. The Steelers have stubbornly refused to dial up reinforcements, the way Baltimore did with Bryant McKinnie, so they must believe in their people.

Roethlisberger does. He was asked yesterday how the offense might react to a Texas shootout.

"We'll be ready," he said.

The line proved it could protect Roethlisberger during a 10-point, 177-yard first quarter Sunday. But that was before Roethlisberger got careless, allowing Robert Mathis time enough to take five laps around the stadium and crash into his back, forcing a fumble that gave the Colts life.

Two turnovers later, Indy had a halftime lead.

Roethlisberger hasn't been the only problem:

>> Mendenhall needs to stop tap dancing and start running with the ferocity we saw in the AFC Championship Game.

>> Emmanuel Sanders killed a possible touchdown drive Sunday with a drop, evoking his critical drop last year at Buffalo. Weslye Saunders bobbled a sure first down to ruin another drive.

>> Arians needs to turn his playbook to the page titled "Bubble Screen to Hines" and light it on fire.

>> Jonathan Scott needs to play within the rules. As NBC noted, he is tied for NFL's most-penalized player since midway through last season. And that was before he was flagged for lining up in the Steelers' backfield.

Hey, how come Dwight Freeney wasn't penalized for that?

Finally, this offense needs to find its personality. Seems obvious the quarterback and coordinator want to be a passing team. So be one. Break out the no-huddle attack that sped 60 yards for the winning field goal Sunday.

Don't abandon Mendenhall. Run to complement the pass, the way Green Bay does.

Or go out and get somebody like Vonta Leach and smash people's faces in all day. I don't care. Just score.

'Cause you know the Texans will.

http://www.pittsburghlive.com/x/pittsbu ... z1ZJ7CnLYX (http://www.pittsburghlive.com/x/pittsburghtrib/sports/steelers/s_759292.html#ixzz1ZJ7CnLYX)

Refreshing take. I'm glad somebody in the local media did their job. It's high time for this offense to step up and start leading the way. This offense is still playing like they got their diapars on.

09-29-2011, 12:57 PM
We can debate sports all day long and the steelers and that's what makes this game so great! BUT i will never bash my team after a win on the road especially! Sure its ugly, sure we could of won 50-0 but we could of also been UPSET like the Patriots were tooo!!! We werent! Before the Manning injury did we predict this a for sure WIN? NO! We got a bonus win thanks to an injury! I dont care how! It's 1 more win and that's important when it could boil down to a home playoff game or a road game in SUNNY CALIFORNIA or in FOXBORO!

I can debate Barry Sanders being the best RB of all time tooo!! All day long!!!! It's what we do! This isnt debating though!! This guy states our offense STINKS and I again can change the words and write this same thing about every team in this league! Who's playing perfect ball after 3 games? WHO? Packers? almost lost to the Panthers where??? On the ROAD? Bills? were getting killed last 2 weeks!!!! give up a ton of points??? Cowboys? REALLY? Dream team? Ravens? who is playing PERFECT BALL? and is there such a thing? I say NOT and especially over a 16 game season.

You guys can have your opinions and debate it all day long but to say our team sucks does take balls!!! Would you welcome that from a Ravens fan? would you say oh you are right buddy our team does suck!!! LOL Give me a break.

So, bottom line, are you saying this offense doesn't stink? Is that what we are to surmise from all your blustering?


09-29-2011, 01:14 PM
Big Ben

Does our offense stink? Really? Come on!!!! Is it not playing that good right now? SURE you can say that but does it STINK? NO!!!!

Give me a break!

You can spin this anyway you want to make yourself feel better, feel cool, or to be right but as a fan I love who we have on the offensive side of the board.

As far as previous good OL/ D combos! OMG!! That's great stuff. Neil Odonnel had a great OLINE and BARRY BANANAS FOSTER and an amazing Defense and how many AFC Championship games did we lose again? Same with Kordell! How many did we lose again???? Again DEBATABLE! We have a QB who doesnt need 10 seconds in the pocket to complete a pass now!!! Kordell didnt either but the problem with him was he coudlnt complete a pass in pocker or on the run!!! Ben makes plays with his feet and it allows our CLUB to go a bit cheaper on the LINE! If we had Brady or Manning i'm sure we would have a better LINE because it would be NEEDED!

manning sure had protection problems in that playoff win in 2005! He called out his great OLINE in his PRESSER after the game! Even great lines have BAD DAYS i guess. LOL

09-29-2011, 01:23 PM
Big Ben

Does our offense stink? Really? Come on!!!! Is it not playing that good right now? SURE you can say that but does it STINK? NO!!!!

Steelers offense rankings:

Points per game: 26th in the league.
Rushing YPC: 23rd in the league.
Sacks allowed: 9 (that's 9th worst in the league)

Does this offense stink? :stirpot

09-29-2011, 01:35 PM
LOL! My mistake. Our offense is horrible and we should stop watching this crappy team. MY BAD!

Or lets keep writing about it because that will for sure HELP THEM get better! LOL


The point is we do this every year guys! Every year!!! We always stink it up and we get better and we play better in big games. The games we dont play great we still manage to WIN! What's the problem?

We freakin won the game and all week this is what we get! EVERY WEEK!

SO yeah lets stay on task and not talk about how any team can write this very same article. My Mistake!

Come Sunday when we win and play a great game you guys will still find something to complain about or write about! You all want Tom Brady perfection! This just in we arent the PATRIOTS nor do we want to be so I challenge you all to stay on TASK. I just want to win because a win makes my week great! I'll save complaints for an actual LOSS!

We are Pittsburgh Steeler fans. You guys goto work with your Hard Hats on and everyday is a HARD DAY! It's not PRETTY, It's not Fun, and it's not the greatest Pay in the world either. My Grampa was a Coal Miner in PA, I know! Our football team is built around those harder working PA boys! We goto work and we dont complain when we come home with some dirt on our nails! Our Steelers are the same!!!! The level of expectation doesnt change because someone got hurt!!! I love it and I respect it and I love the backyard type football our team plays to win ball games. ITS PA STYLE!

So i challenge you all to stay on Task!!! Goto work and don't complain!

Your complaining about the complaining is irritating and ironic.

09-29-2011, 01:35 PM
13th in league in total offense.

Dont forget that one!

But yeah again we can spin this anyway you want to prove any point. Point being the team is playing a bit sloppy, turned the ball over 10 times, still averaging 380 yards a game in total offense, and we won 2 games!

We should pack it in! LETS GO BROWNS!!!!! they have the same RECORD.

no clue who their TE is

Yeah lets be pissed and cheer for those F()#*$()#* Guys! LOL


The Great Ravens who played the Titans and Rams are 11th in the league in total offense.

SO which numbers do we want to use to prove our points here? Numbers are just numbers. Only numbers that matter in PITTSBURGH is the number of W's!!!! At least that's the way it should be.

09-29-2011, 01:36 PM
Your complaining about the complaining is irritating and ironic.

Might be the best thing you posted all day! LOL

I complain about complainers. You guys are complaing about the Pittsburgh Steelers! Shame on YOU!

09-29-2011, 01:40 PM
More stats about our HORRIBLE LINE:

QB HITS: 12 teams give up more QB hits then the Steelers

QB SACKS: 8 teams give up more SACKS.

Not bad for the leagues worst OL huh? LOL

09-29-2011, 01:45 PM
8th in passing offense.

Look out Philip Rivers, Big Ben is ready to take over in the Fantasy world of football. How many SB's has the great Rivers gotten too again? He had a top 10 D, some damn good RB's, best TE in the league and some good WR's his 8 years in the league. LOL Yet everyone refers to Rivers and the CHargers as this GREAT TEAM who is always predicted to win!!! I wonder what they complain about!! Must be the Line or turnovers or something crazy like that! LOL

Baltimore 13th!
Bills 11th.

Yep offense STINKS!

09-29-2011, 01:47 PM
More stats about our HORRIBLE LINE:

QB HITS: 12 teams give up more QB hits then the Steelers

QB SACKS: 8 teams give up more SACKS.

Not bad for the leagues worst OL huh? LOL

19th best team at giving up hits to our beloved franchise QB and 23rd best at giving up sacks!


09-29-2011, 01:48 PM
This weeks matchup:

Houston Ranks-9th in total offense, Steelers Rank 13th.

Houston Ranks - 14th in total defense, Steelers Rank 2nd.

Hang it up! We dont stand a chance because our offense stinks.

09-29-2011, 01:51 PM
8th in passing offense.

Look out Philip Rivers, Big Ben is ready to take over in the Fantasy world of football. How many SB's has the great Rivers gotten too again? He had a top 10 D, some damn good RB's, best TE in the league and some good WR's his 8 years in the league. LOL Yet everyone refers to Rivers and the CHargers as this GREAT TEAM who is always predicted to win!!! I wonder what they complain about!! Must be the Line or turnovers or something crazy like that! LOL

Baltimore 13th!
Bills 11th.

Yep offense STINKS!

Offense smells like hot garbage.....

Once again.. I don't give a damn if the Steelers are ranked 1st in every offensive category. They look awful and it needs to be fixed.

09-29-2011, 01:53 PM
This weeks matchup:

Houston Ranks-9th in total offense, Steelers Rank 13th.

Houston Ranks - 14th in total defense, Steelers Rank 2nd.

Hang it up! We dont stand a chance because our offense stinks.

for someone who bashes fantasy stats you sure are using a ton of rankings to make yourself feel good about our offense.

We want to see Steeler football not mistake prone offense that can't get out of their own way.

09-29-2011, 01:53 PM

2nd best post on this thread! IT's about time you feel it!

09-29-2011, 01:56 PM
for someone who bashes fantasy stats you sure are using a ton of rankings to make yourself feel good about our offense.

We want to see Steeler football not mistake prone offense that can't get out of their own way.

I'm using common sense and you guys already know stats are misleading and you all know we have a good offense. Mistake free football SURELY will HELP A LOT but dont say we have a bad offense when even making these mitakes we are UP THERE in the STAT categories! Like i said we will fix it like we always do and get better. We are 2-1 and right on pace! This weeks game is a BIG ONE! Maybe the PICTURE PERFECT STEELERS will come out and play for a change! But if we have 10 yards rushing and beat these fools I hope i dont have to read a damn article about how our RUN GAME STINKS!!!! LOL

09-29-2011, 02:00 PM
for someone who bashes fantasy stats you sure are using a ton of rankings to make yourself feel good about our offense.

We want to see Steeler football not mistake prone offense that can't get out of their own way.

I'm using common sense and you guys already know stats are misleading and you all know we have a good offense. Mistake free football SURELY will HELP A LOT but dont say we have a bad offense when even making these mitakes we are UP THERE in the STAT categories! Like i said we will fix it like we always do and get better. We are 2-1 and right on pace! This weeks game is a BIG ONE! Maybe the PICTURE PERFECT STEELERS will come out and play for a change! But if we have 10 yards rushing and beat these fools I hope i dont have to read a damn article about how our RUN GAME STINKS!!!! LOL

we have the players to have a GREAT offense... but right now they have been horrid.

09-29-2011, 02:11 PM
OK! you guys win! I agree our offense is horrible.

I will just hope the other teams suck it up from here on out!

thanks for proving your case and thanks to the writer for showing us the LIGHT on our team. Appreciate it guys!

I'm gonna go search all the other teams forums to see if this article was rewritten for their teams as well. LOL

09-29-2011, 02:26 PM
WHAT EVERYONE ELSE IS COMPLAINING ABOUT AROUND THE LEAGUE: This took me a whole 5 minutes to pull. The Ravens one is the best. They actually stick up for Flacco after 3 full seasons! Announce him as a project! Sure glad we dont do that with our team. LOL

Sep 29, 2011 - A lot of Eagles fans are ready to send defensive coordinator Juan Castillo packing. Nice guy. Hard worker. But he doesn't seem to be the man who is meant to run the Eagles defense. Remember, he's following in the footsteps of Marion Campbell, Wade Phillips, Jeff Fisher, Bud Carson, and Jim Johnson. That's one hell of a legacy. Buddy Ryan was never technically the defensive coordinator, although he certainly ran the defense.

You're playing a LG, who happens to be a rookie, at RG. The guy stinking it up at LG might have a shot at being a RG. What's up with that?

Opposing defenses come at you with 8 in the box and you keep running right into the teeth of it. On behalf of every DC on the schedule, THANK YOU. On behalf of every Bengal fan, WTF?


don’t know when Bill Belichick lost his fastball on defense.

Maybe it was in 2008 at about the same time Josh Beckett lost his. After another pathetic performance by the Patriots defense this past Sunday against the Bills, I am left wondering when and if he is going to get it back.

I mean this is Bill Belichick, who was canonized this month by NFL Films in “A Football Life.” He is the defensive guru with five Super Bowl rings, two coming as a DEFENSIVE coordinator. He has been a successful defensive coach wherever he has been. But he has FAILED to field a championship defense since he shipped Richard Seymour out of town three seasons ago.


First, Flacco has only played 3 full seasons, so its not really accurate to say 'after 4 years'.

Second, Flacco is ahead of schedule, if anything. He was expected by many to be a bit of a project.

Now is Rice a hinderance to Flacco's development? Well, was Marshall Faulk a hinderance to Warner? Was tomlinson a hinderance to Brees or Rivers? Peyton threw to Edge a lot as well. Brady loved throwing to his RB when he had a good recieving back. Trent Green liked throwing to Priest and LJ. Brees loved throwing to Bush as well.

09-29-2011, 02:28 PM
13th in league in total offense.

Dont forget that one!

But yeah again we can spin this anyway you want to prove any point. Point being the team is playing a bit sloppy, turned the ball over 10 times, still averaging 380 yards a game in total offense, and we won 2 games!

We should pack it in! LETS GO BROWNS!!!!! they have the same RECORD.

no clue who their TE is

Yeah lets be pissed and cheer for those F()#*$()#* Guys! LOL


The Great Ravens who played the Titans and Rams are 11th in the league in total offense.

SO which numbers do we want to use to prove our points here? Numbers are just numbers. Only numbers that matter in PITTSBURGH is the number of W's!!!! At least that's the way it should be.
Steelers are ranked 13th in total yardage. Do yards win games? No they don't, last time I checked. That's why I cited points. Total yardage means nothing. It doesn't win games. It doesn't even have a correlation with winning. So no, the offense still stinks. All we're doing is pointing it out. But you interpret that as everyone jumping ship. You're being moronic. Nobody here has stopped cheering for the Steelers, that's just your imagination. But no you'd rather praddle on and on to make yourself feel better. :moon

09-29-2011, 02:32 PM
So what point am I trying to prove today? It's Thursday and we sound just like every other team in this league! Congratulations for being like everyone else.

:ratsuck :brownssuck :bungalssuck :wft :HeadBanger :moon :stirpot :Blah

09-29-2011, 02:36 PM
Do yards win games?

Did we win this past game? LOL Guess we scored enough points 2 times now. LOL

Thanks for pointing that out! Plus isnt also about how many points you give up as a team??? I also remember a year or two where we ran out the clock on many teams, racked up the yardage but didnt need to score to put the team away. Doesnt that all factor into the simple math formula of how to win games? But hey we can tell NFL.COM to stop posting all the other stat categories because those dont matter! Only POINTS SCORED!! CHECK! DUMB DUMB DUMB.

Chargers game in SuperBowl year! Didnt they have the ball for just 11 seconds in the entire 3rd quarter??? I'm sure that didnt factor into the WIN though right?

Maybe in TECMO scoring points is what it takes to win but in the NFL i'm afraid there is a lot more statistically elements that factor into it my friend. Nice try though! Keep trying!!!

09-29-2011, 02:56 PM
Do yards win games?

Did we win this past game? LOL Guess we scored enough points 2 times now. LOL

Thanks for pointing that out! Plus isnt also about how many points you give up as a team??? I also remember a year or two where we ran out the clock on many teams, racked up the yardage but didnt need to score to put the team away. Doesnt that all factor into the simple math formula of how to win games? But hey we can tell NFL.COM to stop posting all the other stat categories because those dont matter! Only POINTS SCORED!! CHECK! DUMB DUMB DUMB.

Chargers game in SuperBowl year! Didnt they have the ball for just 11 seconds in the entire 3rd quarter??? I'm sure that didnt factor into the WIN though right?

Maybe in TECMO scoring points is what it takes to win but in the NFL i'm afraid there is a lot more statistically elements that factor into it my friend. Nice try though! Keep trying!!!

Ok, you win. You've convinced us all that we are just crazy, unreasonable people who have no clue about what we're watching on the field during games. We will all crossover to your delusional world where everything black and gold is completely flawless.

The Steelers offense as presently constituted is just fine. No improvements necessary. No adjustments needed. Nothing. Just continue doing things exactly as they are doing them right now, and everything will be peachy. This offense is one finely tuned, maximum efficiency scoring machine. Unstoppable. We get it now.

I just wanna thank you for putting us all in our collective places, and setting us right, allowing us to see the err in our ways.

Nevermind that this team struggles to score 20 pts., while elite offenses consistently put up 30. With all this talent on the O. Not really a good look. So, I'm sorry, but 2 wins against bad teams, one without their franchise QB, doesn't exactly mean all is well in Steelerland.


09-29-2011, 03:04 PM
elite offenses consistently put up 30

We played elite offenses this year? So are you suggesting our Defense stinks too with that comment? Might as well lay it out there! How do you really feel?

we cant score, can't stop teams who can score, our coaches stink, what else?

Is there anything we can do? Punt? is that up to your standards?

09-29-2011, 03:09 PM
So, I'm sorry, but 2 wins against bad teams, one without their franchise QB, doesn't exactly mean all is well in Steelerland.

$$$$. That's it, right there.

We've played 3 games. 1 was against a good team, and we were demolished.

1 was against a terrible team that is now 1-2. We ran them over -- excellent.

1 was against a team that is now 0-3. Winless. And was it ever a close win.

Now I know we're not sprinters, and that you want your team hot in November and all those other football platitudes, but when I see a team that has a negative scoring differential, and a team that leads the league in turnovers, I'm not exactly looking forward to November or the rest of the marathon or whatever.

I'd love to see this team come out and kick some Texan rear. This team is loaded top to bottom with talent -- we should be able to do it.

But let me ask Slapstick, Doogie, and the rest of the "anti-chicken little" crowd (lol): if Monday morning comes around and we're 2-2, then what will you think of this team?

09-29-2011, 03:17 PM
1 was against a good team, and we were demolished

LOL! It was week 1 and before the season started we didnt sit here and all say splitting with the Ravens is very possible? So because we lost on the Road to the Ravens we should be freaking out?


If we lose this week and go 2-2 i'll sit here and say once again that we will be ok!! No one is going to go undefeated this year and again its not how you play now!!! Get to the tourney HOT and you win!!! We have mastered that over the years and you should be ashamed of yourself for not believing we can do it again! You can't possibly be a steeler fan with that mindset! Not after all this team has done for us over the years! We seen some UGLY WINS in our lives and we took every one of them!!!!!!!

You guys kill me! I'm starting to beleive you dont even like this team and you cheer for them to do bad so you havent something to write and complain about! I hate people at work who complain and i hate fellow steeler fans who complain as well! We have a good product on that field and they deserve our support! 3 or 4 weeks dont make a season!

Thanks for all the ammo for later in the year. What will i think after a loss this week??? OH noooooo let me ebay all my Steeler stuff! LOL Tooo funny!

09-29-2011, 03:23 PM
elite offenses consistently put up 30

We played elite offenses this year? So are you suggesting our Defense stinks too with that comment? Might as well lay it out there! How do you really feel?

we cant score, can't stop teams who can score, our coaches stink, what else?

Is there anything we can do? Punt? is that up to your standards?

we played one offense that might be considered elite by the end of the year and they walked all over us.

No one suggested the D stinks besides you. You are having some fabulous conversations with yourself and making up straw arguments to keep yourself going.

Switch to decaf.

09-29-2011, 03:26 PM
while elite offenses consistently put up 30.

this is not my quote! Does this not suggest our Defense stinks? CONSISTENTLY GIVING UP 30 would in fact make us stink on D!

Again nice try!

I'll switch to DECAF when the negative stops after a WIN!! A WIN!!!! not asking for a lot here! LOL

09-29-2011, 03:26 PM
1 was against a good team, and we were demolished

LOL! It was week 1 and before the season started we didnt sit here and all say splitting with the Ravens is very possible? So because we lost on the Road to the Ravens we should be freaking out?


If we lose this week and go 2-2 i'll sit here and say once again that we will be ok!! No one is going to go undefeated this year and again its not how you play now!!! Get to the tourney HOT and you win!!! We have mastered that over the years and you should be ashamed of yourself for not believing we can do it again! You can't possibly be a steeler fan with that mindset! Not after all this team has done for us over the years! We seen some UGLY WINS in our lives and we took every one of them!!!!!!!

You guys kill me! I'm starting to beleive you dont even like this team and you cheer for them to do bad so you havent something to write and complain about! I hate people at work who complain and i hate fellow steeler fans who complain as well! We have a good product on that field and they deserve our support! 3 or 4 weeks dont make a season!

Thanks for all the ammo for later in the year. What will i think after a loss this week??? OH noooooo let me ebay all my Steeler stuff! LOL Tooo funny!

your right... it's only been 3 weeks of football but I'm pretty sure the coaches and players are talking about correcting the offense because it stinks...

Who said the season is lost? Who said we stink? The offense STINKS right now but we know they have the weapons and QB to turn it around.

Not sure how talking about what needs to be fixed makes us haters.

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I put these in just for you. :tt1

09-29-2011, 03:26 PM
1 was against a good team, and we were demolished

LOL! It was week 1 and before the season started we didnt sit here and all say splitting with the Ravens is very possible? So because we lost on the Road to the Ravens we should be freaking out?


If we lose this week and go 2-2 i'll sit here and say once again that we will be ok!! No one is going to go undefeated this year and again its not how you play now!!! Get to the tourney HOT and you win!!! We have mastered that over the years and you should be ashamed of yourself for not believing we can do it again! You can't possibly be a steeler fan with that mindset! Not after all this team has done for us over the years! We seen some UGLY WINS in our lives and we took every one of them!!!!!!!

You guys kill me! I'm starting to beleive you dont even like this team and you cheer for them to do bad so you havent something to write and complain about! I hate people at work who complain and i hate fellow steeler fans who complain as well! We have a good product on that field and they deserve our support! 3 or 4 weeks dont make a season!

Thanks for all the ammo for later in the year. What will i think after a loss this week??? OH noooooo let me ebay all my Steeler stuff! LOL Tooo funny!

I never expected to win both games against Baltimore.

It's not the loss that bugs me -- it's the fact that we were pushed all over the field, both on offense and defense.

Had the Pittsburgh Steelers shown up to play the Ravens and lost, it would sting, but I wouldn't be concerned. But I don't know what team I was watching get demolished 35-7. My team didn't show up.

And as I've said before, I'll take ugly, nasty, close wins every time if it means we get to the Super Bowl. But if one of the toughest teams in your division spanks you to the tune of 35-7...

09-29-2011, 03:27 PM
while elite offenses consistently put up 30.

this is not my quote! Does this not suggest our Defense stinks? CONSISTENTLY GIVING UP 30 would in fact make us stink on D!

Again nice try!

I'll switch to DECAF when the negative stops after a WIN!! A WIN!!!! not asking for a lot here! LOL

are you high?

09-29-2011, 03:30 PM
I never expected to win both games against Baltimore.

It's not the loss that bugs me -- it's the fact that we were pushed all over the field, both on offense and defense.

Had the Pittsburgh Steelers shown up to play the Ravens and lost, it would sting, but I wouldn't be concerned. But I don't know what team I was watching get demolished 35-7. My team didn't show up.

And as I've said before, I'll take ugly, nasty, close wins every time if it means we get to the Super Bowl. But if one of the toughest teams in your division spanks you to the tune of 35-7...

I expected to win both games against Baltimore... Ben is 6-1 vs Flacco so why would I think we would split?

I don't mind losing a close game but that was crazy... It's only one game but the way we lost and the TO's in the Indy game concern me. We are playing JV football on offense right now.

It's not fair to keep putting our D in these tough positions... if it was the other way around like in 2009 I would be all over the D.

09-29-2011, 03:37 PM
But you can't just say it was week 1? The very next week the Titans used that tape against the RAVENS and beat them. Come on!!! seriously?

Our bad play helped the Titans beat our division FOE for US! You can spin this anyway you want but I just read it on the Ravens board. The titans took away the underneath stuff the steelers gave them and Flacco couldnt stretch the field. It's all on their FORUMS.

We layed an egg in week 1. It was BAD!! HORRIBLE!!! but that isnt our team! We do this EVERY DARN YEAR!!! Arent we use to this by now?

Fire BA threads all year long!!!
Get a FB all year long
OLINE sucks all year long
Punter is horrible especially if James Punts.
Return game is horrible
Can't stop the RETURN.
Aaron and Farrior have to go!

It's all played out every year and what happens??? We get into the playoffs and all that crap is forgotten!!! Unless we lose a playoff game and then its all back on again and we once again talk about the above issues!

It's the cycle! Some like to complain to feel better which i TOTALLY GET!! GO FOR IT!! but after a win shows you how spoiled we have become as fans. When winning isnt even enough anymore!!! SAD!! Real SAD!

Wait till we get killed by the Texans! That will give your complaints more MERIT and more weight! LOL

09-29-2011, 03:47 PM
Punter is horrible especially if James Punts.

I don't recall seeing that one. Not quite sure what it even means. Did we ever have a punter named James? Recent punters have been Daniel Sepulveda, Jeremy Kapinos, Mitch Berger, Paul Ernster, Chris Gardocki, etc.

09-29-2011, 03:51 PM
Oh my bad. LOL i got carried away. I mean when James snaps! James Harrison vs the Giants. My mistake. I'm fired up! LOL

Great research though!

09-29-2011, 03:54 PM
Oh my bad. LOL i got carried away. I mean when James snaps! James Harrison vs the Giants. My mistake. I'm fired up! LOL

Great research though!

Gotcha. I couldn't think of any punters with the last name James off the top of my head, so them I started listing them to see if any had the first name James.

But, yeah, James Harrison shouldn't long-snap anymore. Maybe he could punt, though. Who knows?

09-29-2011, 03:56 PM
But you can't just say it was week 1? The very next week the Titans used that tape against the RAVENS and beat them. Come on!!! seriously?

Our bad play helped the Titans beat our division FOE for US! You can spin this anyway you want but I just read it on the Ravens board. The titans took away the underneath stuff the steelers gave them and Flacco couldnt stretch the field. It's all on their FORUMS.

We layed an egg in week 1. It was BAD!! HORRIBLE!!! but that isnt our team! We do this EVERY DARN YEAR!!! Arent we use to this by now?

Fire BA threads all year long!!!
Get a FB all year long
OLINE sucks all year long
Punter is horrible especially if James Punts.
Return game is horrible
Can't stop the RETURN.
Aaron and Farrior have to go!

It's all played out every year and what happens??? We get into the playoffs and all that crap is forgotten!!! Unless we lose a playoff game and then its all back on again and we once again talk about the above issues!

It's the cycle! Some like to complain to feel better which i TOTALLY GET!! GO FOR IT!! but after a win shows you how spoiled we have become as fans. When winning isnt even enough anymore!!! SAD!! Real SAD!

Wait till we get killed by the Texans! That will give your complaints more MERIT and more weight! LOL

I think Tennessee not stinking it up on O is one of the reason's they beat the Ravens. If you think our bad play helped Baltimore lose you have the thickest gold and black goggles ever made.

I think the threads about our team are recycled because every year we have a new season.... the threads tend to touch on different opinions people have about our team. It's still football so most threads will feel recycled.

Do you complain about Christmas and New Years happening every year as well? :wink:

09-29-2011, 03:57 PM
True maybe next week we can start that thread. LOL James should PUNT.

This is what this thread needed! a FUNNY!

09-29-2011, 04:09 PM
I think Tennessee not stinking it up on O is one of the reason's they beat the Ravens. If you think our bad play helped Baltimore lose you have the thickest gold and black goggles ever made.

ESPN ARTICLE: Read it and wheap! I do know what I speak of and I do have FACTS! It's a COPY CAT LEAGUE and that goes for SHUTTING down teams as well!!! Titans used our game to gameplan the Ravens and it worked! Sorry to burst your bubble but it happens EVERY WEEK in the NFL. LOL Real Rocket Science here guys!!! Guess the Ravens are BAD TOOO because they should of known it was coming and they couldnt adjust or win this game. THEY ARE HORRIBLE JUST LIKE US!!!!!!

Offensive Struggles:

In week 1 Pitt made a concerted effort to take away Lee Evans, often leaving a safety over the top etc. This allowed for the underneath game to excel. Boldin, Dickson, Pitta, and Rice all had big days catching the ball and running after the catch.

In week 2 Tennessee decided they would make Evans beat them, basically focusing on taking away the short and intermediate routes, and it worked. The article also mentions how Evans has never really been a great WR. He doesnt catch a large % of passes coming his way, and isnt a real scary deep threat. (they didnt mention that he has been nursing an injury and isnt 100%) Essentially our underneath passing game was far less effective, and the author isnt impressed with our Receiving options (unproven TEs, aging Boldin, and rookie WRs). What wasnt mentioned was the poor O-line play that had Flacco on the run most of the game.

09-29-2011, 04:15 PM
Not sure how Tennessee using tape of our D helps our STINKING OFFENSE!!!

This thread is about our O stinking up the place but you keep bringing up crazy stats and other teams to try to prove us wrong. Not sure how Tennessee doing the exact opposite of what we did proves we are awesome :roll:

The only way we will be convinced our O doesn't stink is to see it produce this Sunday.

Wait... I just have to type it again because it's so hilarious. You used an ESPN article that says a team did the exact opposite of what we did as proof we are on the right track? Nah.. you didn't really do that.

09-29-2011, 04:16 PM
oh snap i just saw the part about the BAD LINE PLAY of the Ravens. NO??? Say it aint so JOE!!! Joe was on the RUN most of the game??? Crazy how the LINE can stop our great D but they tooo lay an EGG in Tennessee!! Amazing stuff you learn when you READ articles and not peoples opinions! LOL

You will occassionally play a bad game. Anyone here actually play a sport before? You never had a bad game? Now imagine 22 guys!!! Is it not posssible for a few of them to have a bad game??? It's why we can't predict winners every week and why there is always an upset or two every week!!!! Sure we would love for our STEELERS to play perfect every week but it just isnt possible!!! So for you perfectionists out there I hope you do get to see 1 game this year where all 22 guys are playing LIGHTS OUT PERFECT!!!!! Odds are in your favor that next week you can have something bad to write about adn someone on this team will probably STINK again! Who will it be this week??? I can't wait to read about it!!! LOL

09-29-2011, 04:20 PM
Not sure how Tennessee doing the exact opposite of what we did proves we are awesome

WHere do i say it makes us awesome? I said our game helped the Titans win meaning the game tape. Ravens did something well so of course they were going to do it again!!! Had it not worked against US they would of done something different in TENN and who knows what would of happened. You just dont know!!!!!

We are awesome because you should know better and as a fan you should always think we are AWESOME! IF you dont get the heck out of here and go cheer for a losing team please!!!!!!!!!!! Seriously!! Get out of here!!!

Coaches and Players watch TAPE! You make adjustments and you play the game!!! You dont think the Colts made adjustments after we lite them up for 170 plus yards in the 1st quarter???? Those adjustments WORKED, ours didnt!!!!!! Knocking out Kerry also changed our game plan and it back fired on us as well!!! Troy isnt in that box if Manning is playing!!!!!!!! Everything matters in the game of football!!! NOt just stats!!! We won the game and we dont STINK!!!!! We are number 10 in the power rankings so obviously many people dont think we STINK! It's a shame some of our very own do think that and are verbally posting it after a WIN.

09-29-2011, 04:20 PM
oh snap i just saw the part about the BAD LINE PLAY of the Ravens. NO??? Say it aint so JOE!!! Joe was on the RUN most of the game??? Crazy how the LINE can stop our great D but they tooo lay an EGG in Tennessee!! Amazing stuff you learn when you READ articles and not peoples opinions! LOL

You will occassionally play a bad game. Anyone here actually play a sport before? You never had a bad game? Now imagine 22 guys!!! Is it not posssible for a few of them to have a bad game??? It's why we can't predict winners every week and why there is always an upset or two every week!!!! Sure we would love for our STEELERS to play perfect every week but it just isnt possible!!! So for you perfectionists out there I hope you do get to see 1 game this year where all 22 guys are playing LIGHTS OUT PERFECT!!!!! Odds are in your favor that next week you can have something bad to write about adn someone on this team will probably STINK again! Who will it be this week??? I can't wait to read about it!!! LOL

it's possible to have bad games... it's also possible for people to write about those games and form opinions until the next game is played.

I would focus less on the articles and more on the game tape. The guy slamming Ben wrote about scrambles that didn't happen on certain plays in question.

tape tells the whole story.

09-29-2011, 04:22 PM
Not sure how Tennessee doing the exact opposite of what we did proves we are awesome

WHere do i say it makes us awesome? I said our game helped the Titans win meaning the game tape. Ravens did something well so of course they were going to do it again!!! Had it not worked against US they would of done something different in TENN and who knows what would of happened. You just dont know!!!!!

We are awesome because you should know better and as a fan you should always think we are AWESOME! IF you dont get the heck out of here and go cheer for a losing team please!!!!!!!!!!! Seriously!! Get out of here!!!

Coaches and Players watch TAPE! You make adjustments and you play the game!!! You dont think the Colts made adjustments after we lite them up for 170 plus yards in the 1st quarter???? Those adjustments WORKED, ours didnt!!!!!! Knocking out Kerry also changed our game plan and it back fired on us as well!!! Troy isnt in that box if Manning is playing!!!!!!!! Everything matters in the game of football!!! NOt just stats!!! We won the game and we dont STINK!!!!! We are number 10 in the power rankings so obviously many people dont think we STINK! It's a shame some of our very own do think that and are verbally posting it after a WIN.

stats don't matter and then you use stats and power rankings?


09-29-2011, 04:29 PM
Well isnt that we have talked about all day long? STATS? and our scoring offense and how horrible? I'm still confused. Are we counting W's or not? I have no clue!!

We beat the horse!!!

I'm Doogie and I'm a STEELER Fan and always have been. I cheered for Mark Malone like he was the best next thing to Magnium PI! LOL I cheered for Walter Ambercrombie, Frank Pollard, Bubby Brister, and Mike Tomzack!!! I loved every season and I cheered every week!!! My Steelers can always win! That might make me sick in the head or blind but this team sure has given me many years of happiness. My Dad passed away an Eagle fan and having never seen a SUPERBOWL VICTORY! TO me that's sad and i know he'd roll around in his grave to see us bitching about our team. My best Friends a Bengal fan!! he's pissed about teh 11 million Mike Brown is holding or has to hold over Palmer!!! He has some valid complaints..............WE DONT!

We are Steeler fans and we have a damn good squad!!! We will lose a game or two but we have the talent to win and I stand by it and I cheer for them!!!!!

Bring on the TEXANS!!! Its time to show them the REAL PITTSBURGH STEELERS!! 2-1 and we have yet to play like ourselves.........dont see this as a bad thing at all and in fact im encouraged by it!!!!

If you cheered for Mark Malone like I did then you will like this team a lot more even in a sloppy WIN!


09-29-2011, 04:53 PM
while elite offenses consistently put up 30.

this is not my quote! Does this not suggest our Defense stinks? CONSISTENTLY GIVING UP 30 would in fact make us stink on D!

Again nice try!

I'll switch to DECAF when the negative stops after a WIN!! A WIN!!!! not asking for a lot here! LOL

Yeah, you must be high. I said nothing about the Steelers defense, at all! What I said was elite offense score 30 pts. General statement. And the Steelers offense struggles to score 20. General statement.

Where do you even see me mentioning the Steelers defense in those statements?

I think you might need a need a new translator for your soapbox, because you're making up your own sh!t now!


09-29-2011, 04:57 PM
My apologizes I read it wrong! I assumed you were comparing our bad offense to the those of better teams like the Saints and Patriots like others have done. MY BAD!

Either way after week 3 it's a bit early to complain IMO and put up the 20 points on average stat. IMO

09-29-2011, 05:40 PM
No one is questioning your fanaticism for the Steelers. I guess the real question is why are you questioning those who are critical of the offense we have seen for 3 weeks? No one said the season is over or the offense will stink all season.

Right now though... It stinks. When it stops stinking we will change our opinions.

09-29-2011, 08:59 PM
Fair enough!

This week is the week the offense comes around and our DB's are exposed and all week we can talk about them stinking tooo! LOL I predict it now! LOL

09-30-2011, 12:17 AM
Fair enough!

This week is the week the offense comes around and our DB's are exposed and all week we can talk about them stinking tooo! LOL I predict it now! LOL

Well, I had some more venom for you, but since it seems like you're calling truce, I'll match it. Here's to hoping they get their sheite together this week on both sides of the ball.

Here We Go Steelers, Here We Go!!!

P.S. I gave you bonus points for your references to Malone, Abercrombie(that was my dude, I hated he never really reached his potential), Pollard, et al. I was gonna question your age, but you deaded that noise real quick....lol

See we can all get along.... :Cheers


09-30-2011, 09:35 AM
Ambercrombie and Pollard were great together and if we can cheer for that offense we sure as heck gotta love this offense a little more.

I'm 40 years old! Old enough to have seen the horrible 80's teams! In fact the late 70's teams spoiled me so much that it made the 80's so brutal but yet I still stood by them and I'll stand by them now too!!!

I'm waving the white flag! We will turn it around like we always do!

I really did like MARK MALONE! LOL

09-30-2011, 12:09 PM
Well isnt that we have talked about all day long? STATS? and our scoring offense and how horrible? I'm still confused. Are we counting W's or not? I have no clue!!

We beat the horse!!!

I'm Doogie and I'm a STEELER Fan and always have been. I cheered for Mark Malone like he was the best next thing to Magnium PI! LOL I cheered for Walter Ambercrombie, Frank Pollard, Bubby Brister, and Mike Tomzack!!! I loved every season and I cheered every week!!! My Steelers can always win! That might make me sick in the head or blind but this team sure has given me many years of happiness. My Dad passed away an Eagle fan and having never seen a SUPERBOWL VICTORY! TO me that's sad and i know he'd roll around in his grave to see us bitching about our team. My best Friends a Bengal fan!! he's pissed about teh 11 million Mike Brown is holding or has to hold over Palmer!!! He has some valid complaints..............WE DONT!

We are Steeler fans and we have a damn good squad!!! We will lose a game or two but we have the talent to win and I stand by it and I cheer for them!!!!!

Bring on the TEXANS!!! Its time to show them the REAL PITTSBURGH STEELERS!! 2-1 and we have yet to play like ourselves.........dont see this as a bad thing at all and in fact im encouraged by it!!!!

If you cheered for Mark Malone like I did then you will like this team a lot more even in a sloppy WIN!


Ah yes ... Bubby Brister as QB and Merril Hoge as the most dangerous weapon on the team. Talk about an offense that stinks. Those were the days. :Beer

09-30-2011, 12:38 PM
but who didnt cheer for Merrill in that Denver playoff game where he played LIGHTS OUT FOOTBALL??? On that day our offense wasnt all that bad!!!

2005 offense was HORRIBLE! it sure wasnt in those playoffs though!!! Ben tore apart the Bengals, Colts, and Broncos before struggling in the Bowl!

We cheer for this team and we know they can be better and will be better!! The sky is the limit and we only need to reach the sky in January and February!!! Right now we just need to save enough W's for the ticket to that tourney. We have 2!!!! We need 8 more!!!!!

09-30-2011, 12:50 PM
2005 offense was HORRIBLE! it sure wasnt in those playoffs though!!! Ben tore apart the Bengals, Colts, and Broncos before struggling in the Bowl!

We cheer for this team and we know they can be better and will be better!! The sky is the limit and we only need to reach the sky in January and February!!! Right now we just need to save enough W's for the ticket to that tourney. We have 2!!!! We need 8 more!!!!!

I remember telling my friends that the Steelers were just playing bad football at the time and wouldn't make the playoffs playing that way. Something just seemed to click in the Chicago game though. The rest is history.

Some of the biggest disappointment came because they were so close the prior year, losing only the one game during the whole season. They were the best team in the league during the season burying both the Eagles and Pats in successive weeks. We saw how much any of that meant when the playoffs came.

09-30-2011, 08:28 PM
sounds like Mendy is second-guessing Arians...

Mendenhall: We played to our weakness

By F. Dale Lolley, Staff writer dlolley@observer-reporter.com

PITTSBURGH - A year ago, Rashard Mendenhall was at the top of his game.

With quarterback Ben Roethlisberger sidelined for the first month of the season because of an NFL suspension, Mendenhall carried the Steelers to a 3-1 start.

This season, however, Mendenhall and the Steelers' running game are struggling to find a foothold.

Though the Steelers are off to a 2-1 start heading into a showdown Sunday at Houston (2-1), Mendenhall has yet to get untracked. In his 49 carries, Mendenhall has gained only 148 yards and scored one touchdown. His per-carry average is 3.0 yards.

The 148 yards is only five more than Mendenhall had in a game at Tampa Bay in Week 3 last year. Mendenhall led the NFL with 332 rushing yards through three games last season and finished the year with a career-high 1,272 yards and 13 touchdowns.

"It's frustrating, but that's part of it," Mendenhall said Wednesday. "Last year at this time, I was leading the league in rushing, but there were still 14 weeks to go. I don't get too much into it and try to control what I can control."

One of the things Mendenhall can't control is the plays that are called.

Throughout practices last week, the Steelers worked on a power-based rushing attack. Yet in the first half Sunday against Indianapolis, many of the runs called were long-developing stretch and counter plays. The result was Mendenhall having 10 carries for 10 yards at halftime against the undersized but speedy Colts defense.

"We had some matchups that we liked, with them having (six defenders) in the box," said Mendenhall, who added he wasn't sure why the game plan changed.

"We've got to play to our guys' strengths. We've got some big guys who can move you out of the way. That's a small, slanting-style of defense, so you try to run outside on the edge against them? We played to their strength and our weakness. That's a hard thing to do."

The Steelers changed things at halftime. Mendenhall had five carries for 25 yards on Pittsburgh's opening possession of the second half, and Pittsburgh ran for 57 yards in the final two quarters.

One thing Mendenhall isn't questioning are his decisions with the football. Though he appeared confused about where to run against the Colts, Mendenhall said he wasn't indecisive.

"As a running back, you take your best read and you live with that. It's something I've been doing and I feel good about it," Mendenhall said.

Head coach Mike Tomlin wants to see more from a rushing attack that's averaging just 85.7 yards per game.

"We better improve in that area, and improve in a hurry, because we desire to be balanced offensively, be a good offense and be able to win games in a lot of ways," Tomlin said.

http://www.observer-reporter.com/or/spo ... frustrated (http://www.observer-reporter.com/or/sports11/09-29-2011-Steelers-Mendenhall-frustrated)

10-02-2011, 02:22 PM
Fuggin bump!! Wow!!


10-02-2011, 02:31 PM
1st half offensive stats:

0 points

7 first downs, 1-4 3rd down conversions, 125 total yards

5 rushing attempts for 28 yards against the NFL's second worst ranked rushing defense

this offense is truly offensive...

10-02-2011, 03:25 PM
Everything with this offense is a damn struggle!


10-02-2011, 03:38 PM
Someone should bump the thread "It's scary how good Ben can be".

I know, I know, the line.

Throws like the overthrow to Brown are disgusting.

10-02-2011, 03:42 PM
This is it. Great field position to start. Have to have the TD or the game is over. Lets see if the line can pull it together.

10-02-2011, 03:48 PM
This is it. Great field position to start. Have to have the TD or the game is over. Lets see if the line can pull it together.

So much for that....this is quite embarrassing.

The title line for this thread still stands!! Evermore.


10-02-2011, 03:52 PM
99 yards and just over a minute. Still hoping they can pull out a TD.

10-02-2011, 03:56 PM
Never mind. Simply horrendous. The line sucked, the play calling was terrible and Ben was bad as well. At least it was a total effort by all to suck in unision.

10-02-2011, 03:57 PM
99 yards and just over a minute. Still hoping they can pull out a TD.



10-02-2011, 04:02 PM
Never mind. Simply horrendous. The line sucked, the play calling was terrible and Ben was bad as well. At least it was a total effort by all to suck in unision.

Although they only gave up 17 pts, the d stunk too. They got ran over like a midget team against high schoolers. This team is in serious trouble if we're talking about being serious contenders for a title. Maybe they turn it around, maybe they don't, by as presently constituted, it's not not looking good for the home team.


10-02-2011, 04:53 PM
So is somebody else gonna try to defend this putrid, abortion of an offense?

Is anybody gonna continue to defend and support this idiotic clown of an OC?

And yeah we all know the O-line is awful, but this whole thing stinks!

This sh!t is an embarrassment! Let the excuses fly.


10-02-2011, 05:37 PM
Fair enough!

This week is the week the offense comes around and our DB's are exposed and all week we can talk about them stinking tooo! LOL I predict it now! LOL
When you get back, I have some nice CROW for you to chew on!!! :moon Or are you going to be too lily-livered to even admit you were wrong?

And no, I don't take pleasure from this, even being proven right. A loss is never a good thing. And today's loss was just awful on all levels.

10-02-2011, 06:11 PM
if you think this offense stinks now, just imagine how bad it would be without Ben? :(

Steelers' Roethlisberger injured against Texans

Published 05:15 p.m., Sunday, October 2, 2011


Pittsburgh Steelers quarterback Ben Roethlisberger (7) is sacked by Houston Texans outside linebacker Connor Barwin (98) in the first quarter of an NFL football game Sunday, Oct. 2, 2011, in Houston. (Eric Gay / AP)

HOUSTON (AP) — Pittsburgh quarterback Ben Roethlisberger has an injured left foot and was wearing a walking boot when he left the stadium after Sunday's 17-10 loss to the Houston Texans.

Roethlisberger says he was injured on the second-to-last series when he was tackled from behind. He remained in the game but had trouble walking afterward in the locker room.

He was sacked five times Sunday, hit several other times and hurried throughout the day behind an injury-plagued offensive line.

Roethlisberger had an X-ray after the game, but says he didn't know the results.

http://www.timesunion.com/sports/articl ... z1ZeodFnr8 (http://www.timesunion.com/sports/article/Steelers-Roethlisberger-injured-against-Texans-2199309.php#ixzz1ZeodFnr8)

10-03-2011, 08:32 AM
So is somebody else gonna try to defend this putrid, abortion of an offense?

Is anybody gonna continue to defend and support this idiotic clown of an OC?

And yeah we all know the O-line is awful, but this whole thing stinks!

This sh!t is an embarrassment! Let the excuses fly.


Didn't think so. This sh!t is completely indefensible! It's stinks like dead fish!! :HeadBanger


10-03-2011, 08:42 AM
Fair enough!

This week is the week the offense comes around and our DB's are exposed and all week we can talk about them stinking tooo! LOL I predict it now! LOL
When you get back, I have some nice CROW for you to chew on!!! :moon Or are you going to be too lily-livered to even admit you were wrong?

And no, I don't take pleasure from this, even being proven right. A loss is never a good thing. And today's loss was just awful on all levels.

I don't think anyone is taking pleasure but tried to warn him. This offense sucks.

10-03-2011, 09:32 AM
I stand by my words after this loss. Our offense doesnt stink! Our offensive line STINKS real BAD but again we all knew it would going into this season!!! It was no SHOCKER! We cut corners in that area!!! We know the potential we have on offense and we know the line is preventing us from acheiving it but we all know our offense DOES NOT STINK!

The thing that STINKS IMO is our DEFENSE! We have NO PASS RUSH as all in 4 games, our LB's are horrible in coverage and yet they play it all the time to make up for our BAD CB's and now we can't stop the RUN either!!! We pay top dollar for a top 10 DEFENSE and they look like S#$(#*$.

We know why our offense is struggling but to give up a huge running touchdown with Andre Johnson already out of the game is UNCALLED FOR!!! Woodley and Troy unblocked and paid how many millions of dollars can't make the tackle???? Yet we complain when our CHEAP LINE can't block? At least they arent Million dollar guys missing plays.

Our DEFENSE STINKS! I think its time to write that article now!

Ben is not doing as good escaping the pocket as in previous years and he is a turnover machine right now as well!!! Mendy needs that 1 game benching again as Redman and Moore are running just fine behind that same line.

We tried to sign Flozell and the guy wants tooo much money but we did try!!!!! What else can we do??? At least we arent the EAGLES! WOW

10-03-2011, 09:34 AM
I stand by my words after this loss. Our offense doesnt stink! Our offensive line STINKS real BAD but again we all knew it would going into this season!!! It was no SHOCKER! We cut corners in that area!!! We know the potential we have on offense and we know the line is preventing us from acheiving it but we all know our offense DOES NOT STINK!

The thing that STINKS IMO is our DEFENSE! We have NO PASS RUSH as all in 4 games, our LB's are horrible in coverage and yet they play it all the time to make up for our BAD CB's and now we can't stop the RUN either!!! We pay top dollar for a top 10 DEFENSE and they look like S#$(#*$.

We know why our offense is struggling but to give up a huge running touchdown with Andre Johnson already out of the game is UNCALLED FOR!!! Woodley and Troy unblocked and paid how many millions of dollars can't make the tackle???? Yet we complain when our CHEAP LINE can't block? At least they arent Million dollar guys missing plays.

Our DEFENSE STINKS! I think its time to write that article now!

Ben is not doing as good escaping the pocket as in previous years and he is a turnover machine right now as well!!! Mendy needs that 1 game benching again as Redman and Moore are running just fine behind that same line.

We tried to sign Flozell and the guy wants tooo much money but we did try!!!!! What else can we do??? At least we arent the EAGLES! WOW

besides the D comments you are saying everything we said last week....

the offense stinks and now its official.. the front 7 of the D stink as well.

10-03-2011, 09:48 AM
and as i said last week! Much better to complain after an ACTUAL LOSS then a victory!

10-03-2011, 10:21 AM
I stand by my words after this loss. Our offense doesnt stink! Our offensive line STINKS real BAD but again we all knew it would going into this season!!! It was no SHOCKER! We cut corners in that area!!! We know the potential we have on offense and we know the line is preventing us from acheiving it but we all know our offense DOES NOT STINK!

The thing that STINKS IMO is our DEFENSE! We have NO PASS RUSH as all in 4 games, our LB's are horrible in coverage and yet they play it all the time to make up for our BAD CB's and now we can't stop the RUN either!!! We pay top dollar for a top 10 DEFENSE and they look like S#$(#*$.

We know why our offense is struggling but to give up a huge running touchdown with Andre Johnson already out of the game is UNCALLED FOR!!! Woodley and Troy unblocked and paid how many millions of dollars can't make the tackle???? Yet we complain when our CHEAP LINE can't block? At least they arent Million dollar guys missing plays.

Our DEFENSE STINKS! I think its time to write that article now!

Ben is not doing as good escaping the pocket as in previous years and he is a turnover machine right now as well!!! Mendy needs that 1 game benching again as Redman and Moore are running just fine behind that same line.

We tried to sign Flozell and the guy wants tooo much money but we did try!!!!! What else can we do??? At least we arent the EAGLES! WOW

Well, you're wrong no matter how much you scream otherwise. This offense is putrid. You saw it first hand yesterday and pretty much the whole season to this point thus far. You can make whatever excuses/reasons you want, bottom line is this, they downright stink!

You are right, however, in your assessment that the Steelers defense stinks. They stink like hell as well. So, you are half right in your retort. But, stop being in denial, my friend. This team stinks from top to bottom, on both sides of the ball, with the small exception of a couple of nice individual efforts in each game.

But, point is, this is not very good team right now. Point. Blank. Period. And that includes that pathetic excuse of an offense they've been trotting out these past 4 week.


10-03-2011, 10:30 AM
and as i said last week! Much better to complain after an ACTUAL LOSS then a victory!

People were complaining last week because they knew if we played the same way we would lose to the Texans... lucky thing they had 2 TD's returned by flags or it would've been real ugly.

You logic is flawed though... if I'm in a car and the person driving is running red lights and almost getting us killed I'm not waiting until I die to complain.

Regardless if we win or lose if something stinks we will speak up about it.

10-04-2011, 02:51 AM


3.0 — Yards per carry for Rashard Mendenhall, second-lowest among NFL running backs with at least 50 carries.

6 — Offensive touchdowns scored by the Steelers.

7 — Offensive touchdowns scored by the Steelers through the first four games last season, when they were without starting quarterback Ben Roethlisberger.


http://www.pittsburghlive.com/x/pittsbu ... z1ZmmLqsVw (http://www.pittsburghlive.com/x/pittsburghtrib/sports/steelers/s_760073.html#ixzz1ZmmLqsVw)