View Full Version : What will the ARIANUS gameplan...

09-22-2011, 03:34 PM
...suprise us with this week???

Some of what we have already seen???

With the crowd being super-amped, it would be imperative
That the Steelers open it up early, and put up some points.

Putting Collins in a come from behind mode all game, would
Allow the Steeelers defense to pin their ears back, and get
After him...

If Arianus comes out soft, with his #1 play in the book, RUTFM,
We will be in trouble all nite. The game will be closer than it
should be...

The Dolts will be w/o Brackett, and Bullitt on defense. That
Should result in some big play opportunities...

Unfortunately, Arianus is calling the plays...

Try not to pull all your hair out on this one...


09-22-2011, 03:58 PM
Whatever game plan it is, I hope it is one that helps us beat the TEXANS the FOLLOWING week. It should be hard to lose in Indy (Browns and Raiders losses two years ago notwithstanding), so I wouldn't want Brucie to shoot his wad there and be all "thunked out" for the following week.

He's got to be treated gently, like any finely tuned power machine!

09-22-2011, 05:30 PM
Rashard Mendenhall Punches Bruce Arians in the Kisser! :tt2

By Jim McMillen

Breaking news out of Pittsburgh is reporting that Steelers running back Rashard Mendenhall was caught on tape as he walked up to offensive co-ordinator Bruce Arians and punched him in the mouth, knocking him off his feet and into an open locker. Witness’ report that Mendenhall was mumbling something about learning to use the entire playbook and not the same run play over and over again.

As Mendenhall stormed off he stopped for a short interview with the Pittsburgh Blitz staff and had this to say. “I am sick and tired of every single time my number is called Bruce has us lined up in the exact same formation, the exact same motion and the exact same results. The fans know what the play is and so does the defense. The *#@&*^! idiot has no idea how to manage a game. I swear we have run the same exact run play 90% of the time this season. I can’t believe that jackass is as stupid as he is. I say fire him now and let Charlie (Batch) call the plays.”

Mendenhall went on to say that not only has Arians called the same run plays all season long but he has also been doing his best to get Ben killed by not leaving in protection or adjusting the pass routes when he knows it will be an all out blitz. “When you see a defense get blitz happy, you call plays to beat the rush, not 7 step drops and routes 20 yards down the field. I mean really where the hell did Bruce get his caoching degree, a cracker jacks box?”

Ok that never happened, but boy would’nt it be great if someone, anyone, slapped some sense into Arians? Where is Buddy Ryan when you need him, he would lay the smack down without a second thought.

http://pittsburgh-blitz.com/blog/2010/1 ... ns-kisser/ (http://pittsburgh-blitz.com/blog/2010/11/01/rashard-mendenhall-punches-bruce-arians-kisser/)

09-22-2011, 06:30 PM
Considering that their two best defenders are their edge rushers, the best play we have this week might be a draw up the middle. Bring their two DEs upfield then run it into one of the holes that they vacate.

Discipline of Steel
09-23-2011, 06:34 AM
Frankly, Id have to admit the the strength of BA lies in his ability to pass to get a lead and set up the run. Unfortunately, he has little concept of the second part of that plan which is finish the game off with the run. He has not built his offense to accomplish that goal. RUTFM is not so bad when you have a lead, AND CAN DO IT SUCCESSFULLY. Where is the FB we need to keep the opposing offenses off the field late in a game and eliminate their ability to make every game a nail-biter? That is my main beef with BA.

09-23-2011, 09:31 AM
Frankly, Id have to admit the the strength of BA lies in his ability to pass to get a lead and set up the run. Unfortunately, he has little concept of the second part of that plan which is finish the game off with the run. He has not built his offense to accomplish that goal. RUTFM is not so bad when you have a lead, AND CAN DO IT SUCCESSFULLY. Where is the FB we need to keep the opposing offenses off the field late in a game and eliminate their ability to make every game a nail-biter? That is my main beef with BA.
THAT is one reason why Arians is an idiot. I know WHY he does it, but how effective are we at playing turtle ball and RUTFM? You saw it against Seattle - Mendenhall was getting 1-2 yards a pop, and we were going 3 and out. That is not how you run the ball to maintain a lead. The only thing the Steelers' O has proven is that they can't do it, even against mediocre defenses. Our O-line is just not good enough. And yet Arians still does it.
