View Full Version : Conditioning

09-20-2011, 04:35 PM
Is the main reason we look mediocre our team's conditioning?

Has missing a lot of offseason set us back a bit for the start of the season?

If we had a longer camp and offseason, would that have impacted the play of our team in the first 2 games?

And if yes, is it a reason to be hopeful by mid season once we're collectively in better game shape?

09-20-2011, 04:45 PM
I wanted to type an answer, but after replying to several threads today, I'm too fatigued. :lol:

09-20-2011, 04:50 PM
Every other team had exactly the same amount of conditioning time as we did. If we players who are out of shape, shame on them!!!!!

09-20-2011, 06:38 PM
Every other team had exactly the same amount of conditioning time as we did. If we players who are out of shape, shame on them!!!!!

but we've got all the old players that need a little extra conditioning to play with the youngins around the league...

09-20-2011, 06:44 PM
The length of the training camp isn't the point. The SEVERITY of the camp is. Tomlin has said that his first or second training camp was way too tough on the players and were worn out come playoffs.

I think he wants to make sure the vets don't wear out. I think the problem is that the players aren't in game shape to start the season. I hope that it pays off on the back end of the season.

09-20-2011, 06:55 PM
Could this just be part of the dreaded "Super Bowl hangover"--you slack when it comes to getting ready for the next season?

09-21-2011, 12:29 PM
It's just my opinion, but I think our 1-1 record is a result of playing crappy against a good team, and then playing well against a bad team. I know, it's a radical thought, but try to let it sink in...

09-21-2011, 12:34 PM
It's just my opinion, but I think our 1-1 record is a result of playing crappy against a good team, and then playing well against a bad team. I know, it's a radical thought, but try to let it sink in...

You're just a crazy person!!!!!! Don't you know every week is about life and Death???

09-21-2011, 01:42 PM
You're just a crazy person!!!!!!

Well, that's a given. :D

09-21-2011, 01:49 PM
It's just my opinion, but I think our 1-1 record is a result of playing crappy against a good team, and then playing well against a bad team. I know, it's a radical thought, but try to let it sink in...

Or, the good team had something to do with the Steelers playing crappy and the bad team had something to do with the Steelers looking good...just sayin :stirpot


09-21-2011, 03:56 PM
Could this just be part of the dreaded "Super Bowl hangover"--you slack when it comes to getting ready for the next season?

I certainly don't buy that theory for the Super Bowl loser.

On that note, I don't buy that conditioning is an issue either...Seems like another overreaction thread to me.