View Full Version : What would you do?

09-14-2011, 01:55 PM
What would you do if we lose to Seattle?

It can't possibly happen can it?

But I can remember Tomlin teams playing uninspired when they should be unleashing hell.

I'm hoping for the best here. But nothing about this team looks good right now.

Double Yoi!

09-14-2011, 01:58 PM
There will likely be a full scale meltdown in Steeler nation if this occurs.

09-14-2011, 02:02 PM
Flippy, please don't bring up "unleash Hell", I'm still trying to forget that loss to Oakland. :?

Dee Dub
09-14-2011, 02:08 PM
Two things concern me right now. How the Steelers started the game versus the Ravens (first drive), and how they started the second half versus the Ravens (first drive). Whatever speech was said before the game and at half time by Tomlin….fell on deaf ears.

09-14-2011, 02:34 PM
That would be way more cause for alarm than what happened a few days ago.

yeah-I'd be concerned with a loss to seattle.

But I'm not concerned in the least going in.

It's the character of this team that makes them who they are.

It was character that was responsible for a playoff run that started in december which culminated to a 5th Lombardi. Character that made The Steelers the first 6th seed to win 3 playoff games on the road and go on to win the super bowl.

Many players from that team and, of course, from the 08 team are still on this team.

To me, this team is deeper than just the players, coaches and scheme.

09-14-2011, 02:34 PM
Two things concern me right now. How the Steelers started the game versus the Ravens (first drive), and how they started the second half versus the Ravens (first drive). Whatever speech was said before the game and at half time by Tomlin….fell on deaf ears.

That's a scary thought. But, certainly one to consider. I'm going to chalk up the first half with over-confidence from previoius "dominance" (unacceptable) and the second half to false confidence(also unacceptable), as a result of the score being the exact same as it was in the AFCCG. "We've been here, no problem." WRONG!! It turned out to be a big problem. And it was big problem in the playoffs, they just got some fortunate bounces and pulled off a mini-miracle in coming back in that game. But the first half of Sunday's game was not that dissimilar from the playoff game against them, or the SB for that matter. No reason for this team to come flat in games of that magnitude. Inexcusable. And it starts with Mike Tomlin.



09-14-2011, 04:41 PM
The character of a true NFL champion is not in what you see each and every week, but it is how a team deals with adversity. I can live with the beatdown last week. I would not be able to accept them losing in response to that beatdown.

09-14-2011, 05:41 PM
if we lose at home to the Seahags this Sunday I'm gonna squash some grapes...


09-14-2011, 10:33 PM
A squad led by Pete Carroll, traveling cross-country to play on the road against a solid team, and not having the edge in talent.

We NE fans have seen Pete in this situation before.

I think I know how this is going to turn out.

09-14-2011, 11:05 PM
If the Steelers lose to the hawks or the abysmal Colts; I will question the heart of this team and we will be in for a long, unpleasant season along the lines of 2003.

09-15-2011, 12:53 AM
i kinda wish making 2 super bowls (winning 1) in 4 seasons as this teams coach were remembered as much as 'unleash hell' is

09-15-2011, 07:46 AM
i kinda wish making 2 super bowls (winning 1) in 4 seasons as this teams coach were remembered as much as 'unleash hell' is

I think in an odd way it is (albeit in a back handed way) . It's exactly because of the monster success Tomlin has had that the rare, odd moments of failure ("unleash hell") are remembered so. To me at least, it's suprising when the team doesn't look ready or doesn't respond because MT has so quickly become a top tier coach in the league and the players do respond to him.

We are spoiled kids. If you get 10 Christmas presents every year and then one year it's only 5, that 5 looks terrible even though all the other kids are getting two. We've become accustomed to greatness and expect it at all times whether it's realistic or not. It's not a bad situation to be in.