View Full Version : Owners approve KO and Replay Rules

03-22-2011, 02:24 PM

NFL changes kickoffs, replay rules By John Clayton
NFL Makes Rules Changes

NEW ORLEANS -- NFL owners voted to alter rules for kickoffs and instant replay next season but tabled a proposal that would have expanded language changes in the rule involving penalties against defenseless players.

The rule that moves kickoffs from the 30 to the 35-yard line passed 26-6, while the rule to have the booth replay official review all scoring plays passed 30-2. Overall, four of the five proposals up for vote passed.

With changes suggested by 32 head coaches attending the NFL owners meetings, kickoffs will move from the 30 to the 35-yard line but adjustments were made in the proposal by the NFL competition committee.

With the input of coaches, the committee decided to allow return teams to have a two-man wedge. The committee proposal suggested the elimination of the two-man wedge, but coaches argued that would make it harder to have quality returns.

The other tradeoff by the committee to get the vote passed was not changing the spotting of a touchback. Touchbacks will still be spotted at the 20-yard line. The committee had suggested moving touchbacks to the 25.

The final element of the change in the kickoff rule was adjusting the running starts for the coverage teams before the kickoff. Before, coverage players could get a 10- to 15-yard start before the kicker makes contact with the ball. Under the new rule, coverage players will only get a 5-yard running start. That was what the competition committee had recommended.

Patriots coach Bill Belichick had strongly opposed the original proposal that would have spotted the ball at the 25 on a touchback and eliminated the two-man wedge. He approved of the proposal that passed, however.

"I think this is a lot simpler. It's clean," he said Tuesday after the vote.

The other major change involved instant replay. The booth replay official will now have to confirm all scoring plays, saving coaches from using challenges on plays in the end zone. To pass that proposal, the committee altered its suggestion by not changing the number of challenges for coaches. Now, coaches can make two challenges a game, but if they are correct on both, they would have access to a third challenge. The committee wanted to eliminate the third challenge.

Belichick also approved in the change in replay.

"It's kind of like the college rule, kind of cleans it up a little bit," Belichick said. "I think any time the pro rules and the college rules are the same that's better for the fans. It's easier to follow, you know, one foot, two foot, all the things like that. To make it more consistent, that's better."

In a surprising move, the NFL tabled the expanded language changes in the rule involving penalties against defenseless players. Last year, the NFL cracked down with heavy fines and possible suspension for hits on defenseless players. The competition committee wanted to spell out those rules with eight explanations of what would be considered finable hits on defenseless players.

Though that rule is expected to eventually pass, more time was needed for the language.

There were two other minor changes. Teams that wish to change the color of their field now require league approval. Though no team has suggested making a change to a blue or red field, the league wanted to be proactive and prevent that from happening without approval.

Another proposal that passed clears up the confusion on penalties for dead ball fouls. To make all dead ball fouls consistent, on penalties in that situation at the end of the half, the half will not be extended. Before there was confusion based on which unit committed the dead ball foul.

Senior writer John Clayton covers the NFL for ESPN.com. ESPNBoston.com's Mike Reiss contributed to this report.

03-22-2011, 03:13 PM
Teams that wish to change the color of their field now require league approval.

Uh oh...our field changes from grass green to dirt brown to spray paint green every year. :wink:

Seriously, though, all of these changes seem to be legit. We used to kick off from the 35 several years ago, so that isn't a huge change. Glad they are keeping touchback at the 20, because the 25 just seemed weird. I'm fine with a 2 man wedge (the 3 man wedge was outlawed a couple of years ago).

The automatic replay of all scoring plays is a good idea. Glad it's a booth review too instead of wasting time having the ref run underneath the hood on the sidelines. The league should take a hint from hockey replay reviews and have a single centralized location handling all reviews like the NHL does in Toronto.

03-22-2011, 03:30 PM
Teams that wish to change the color of their field now require league approval.

Uh oh...our field changes from grass green to dirt brown to spray paint green every year. :wink:

Seriously, though, all of these changes seem to be legit. We used to kick off from the 35 several years ago, so that isn't a huge change. Glad they are keeping touchback at the 20, because the 25 just seemed weird. I'm fine with a 2 man wedge (the 3 man wedge was outlawed a couple of years ago).

The automatic replay of all scoring plays is a good idea. Glad it's a booth review too instead of wasting time having the ref run underneath the hood on the sidelines. The league should take a hint from hockey replay reviews and have a single centralized location handling all reviews like the NHL does in Toronto.

Agree with all you said.

03-22-2011, 10:09 PM
Kickoffs May Not Be As Big a Problem for Steelers in 2011

Posted on March 22, 2011 by adam

If you’re tired of watching Steelers kickers fail to reach the end zone on kickoffs and then helplessly watch as they allow a return out to the 40-yard line, I have some good news for you. The NFL approved a rule change on Tuesday that will move the kickoff location back to the 35-yard line, which should, in theory, increase the number of touchbacks for teams across the league. Kickoffs used to take place from the 35 until the 1994 season when they were pushed back to the 30.

The Steelers kickers in 2010, Jeff Reed and Shaun Suisham, combined for just six touchbacks. In 2009 they had just three (and allowed four kickoff returns for touchdowns). By comparison, 23 kickers around the league in 2010 had more touchbacks than the Steelers, including 13 that recorded at least 15. Baltimore’s Billy Cundiff topped the league with 40 … or 50 percent of his kickoffs. That is stunningly amazing, and that number is sure to go up by giving him an extra five yards to play with.

Previously this offseason there was talk of moving touchbacks out to the 25-yard line and eliminating the two-man wedge on returns, but the NFL elected to keep touchbacks at the 20 and will continue to allow wedges. The league also increased instant replay by making all scoring plays eligible for review by the replay official in the booth and tabled the vote on changing the language on defenseless receivers (basically, what you saw last year is what you’re going to get this year).

The reaction I’m seeing from a lot of fans around the Internet is that they’re unhappy with the kickoff rule change, as it eliminates, at least in part, what can be an exciting play. Patriots head coach Bill Belichick has been a critic of the move, along with the Chicago Bears, a team that also happens to employ one of the best returners in NFL history, Devin Hester.

If nothing else, it’s going to make that time between touchdowns and the start of the ensuing offensive possession even more valuable in terms of hitting the bathroom or the kitchen: Touchdown, commercial break, kickoff touchback, commercial break, return to action.

http://www.steelerslounge.com/2011/03/k ... #more-4646 (http://www.steelerslounge.com/2011/03/kickoffs-big-problem-steelers-2011/#more-4646)

03-22-2011, 10:32 PM
so does this mean they did "not" add that you cant hit the qb while in the act of throwing crap?

03-22-2011, 11:52 PM
so does this mean they did "not" add that you cant hit the qb while in the act of throwing crap?

I don't think they should be able to hit the qb while he's in the act of throwing crap.
Throwing the football is another story.

03-23-2011, 01:19 AM
so does this mean they did "not" add that you cant hit the qb while in the act of throwing crap?

I don't think they should be able to hit the qb while he's in the act of throwing crap.
Throwing the football is another story.


03-23-2011, 02:34 PM
Teams that wish to change the color of their field now require league approval.

Uh oh...our field changes from grass green to dirt brown to spray paint green every year. :wink:

Seriously, though, all of these changes seem to be legit. We used to kick off from the 35 several years ago, so that isn't a huge change. Glad they are keeping touchback at the 20, because the 25 just seemed weird. I'm fine with a 2 man wedge (the 3 man wedge was outlawed a couple of years ago).

The automatic replay of all scoring plays is a good idea. Glad it's a booth review too instead of wasting time having the ref run underneath the hood on the sidelines. The league should take a hint from hockey replay reviews and have a single centralized location handling all reviews like the NHL does in Toronto.

I'm glade someone else thought of that. They simply moved the ko back to the original spot. I'm listening to 97 the Fan, and the anouncer are all talking about how now the coaches are going to do pooch KOs, and all this other crap, and I'm thinking to myself, wasn't the 35 yard line the original spot? This argument and conversation piece that the sports talk shows are doing is really dumb.

03-23-2011, 06:33 PM
i think another aspect of changing the rule is now teams are less likely to carry a KO specialist...freeing up a roster spot on the roster and game day