View Full Version : Losing SB XLV

03-19-2011, 02:40 PM
We have seen the Steelers lose focus after winning the super bowl the last couple of times with mediocre follow-on seasons. Does losing to Green Bay in the last SB mean that they will be even hungrier than normal this year? Should I just plop $100 down right now that they will go all the way? (assuming that there is a season this year)

03-19-2011, 03:26 PM
History would say no, not only due to the emotional let down, but the increased strength of schedule. However, it wasn't too long ago that a rookie QB took his team to the AFC championship game and lost, only to beg his aging veteran RB to stay one more year and he promised to get him to the Super Bowl, and then came back the next year even more determined, and won the SB against all odds. Realistically, until we are able to consistently beat the Pats, Colts, Packers, and Saints, we can't expect to win a Super Bowl. We are 2 CB's and 1 DL away from being right there.

03-19-2011, 10:57 PM
the strength of schedule only effects 2 games. so i dont think its much of a difference

so we'll play the pats and chiefs from the other divisons. and play the whole south division indy,tenn, houston,Jax

last year we faced the east who had the pats and jets both with 11+ wins while playing oakland and tenn who finished in the same place as us in their divisions

03-20-2011, 12:01 PM
History would say no, not only due to the emotional let down, but the increased strength of schedule. However, it wasn't too long ago that a rookie QB took his team to the AFC championship game and lost, only to beg his aging veteran RB to stay one more year and he promised to get him to the Super Bowl, and then came back the next year even more determined, and won the SB against all odds. Realistically, until we are able to consistently beat the Pats, Colts, Packers, and Saints, we can't expect to win a Super Bowl. We are 2 CB's and 1 DL away from being right there.

Outstanding response SSS!

I would however, shift the need from the D-line to the O-line, as far as the personnel obstacles go. With A. Smith coming back, we are 3-deep at DE with an incredible rotation. I realize Smith is a big question mark in terms of his health and durability, but we are looking good there to start things off. At NT, Hampton had a great year, and Hokey is still Hokey. Yeah these guys are a little long in the tooth, but there is no indication that we can expect a precipitous fall-off in performance and they are certainly not a liability in our quest for 7. Remember...we stopped the run to an historic level last year. Our line made that possible.

Most of us can agree that we are a lineman or two away from having a vastly improved offensive line. If Colon and/or Adams return, the obvious need is at guard. Foster was adequate there, but we need better than adequate. Kemo had a pretty crappy year and was guilty of way too many bone-headed mistakes. I'm not sold on him at LG either. I understand that we probably only have one more season of the "Hotel" at RT, so the long-term stability of the position is still a need if the right tackle falls (double entendre not intended :) ). If we know that neither of those tackles are coming back, then we would have to be crazy not to be looking for a guy who can step in right away and contribute - if not start there, from day one.

The lockout is forcing us to make draft day-decisions without the benefit of free agency playing out. I'm sure other teams are hurting far worse than us, but it really isn't helping us a whole lot either.

I wonder if there are any informal conversations taking place behind closed doors that will give the team decent insight as to the likelihood of what might happen?

03-20-2011, 03:37 PM
Fixed it for ya

We are 2 CB's and 1 healthy SS away from being right there