View Full Version : Walter Mock Draft

03-10-2011, 02:26 PM
Rd.1 Martez Wilson, ILB, Illinois
Rd.2 Marcus Cannon, G, TCU
Rd.3 Sione Fua, NT, Stanford
Rd.4 Curtis Marsh, CB, Utah State
Rd.5 Marcus Gilbert, OT, Florida
Rd.6 Alex Henery, K/P, Nebraska

I don't like Rd 1 pick at all. Why would Steelers draft an ILB when we already have Timmons there. I think Timmons take over James Farrior position.

Also Steelers take a CB in Rd 4??? I would be surprised.

The Sodfather
03-10-2011, 02:31 PM
Walter Matthau could do better.

03-10-2011, 02:35 PM
of all the Walter mocks he has put out so far this is my least favorite one.

03-10-2011, 02:41 PM
just flip-flop Rnd. 1 and Rnd, 4 position-wise andim good. ILB is not a high priority. not with Foote and up and comer Sylvester back there. And if a good CB is not there at 31, I'm cool with another offensive lineman in conjunction with Cannon. The team has a couple years to get the line set for Roethlisberger to be able to play out the rest of his career without having to run for his life at 34 years of age. If you build it, they(lombardis)will come.

03-10-2011, 02:41 PM
If Walter spent as much time on his mocks as he does mocking Emmitt Smith and Todd McShay, he'd have a helluva mock.

03-10-2011, 03:00 PM
If Walter spent as much time on his mocks as he does mocking Emmitt Smith and Todd McShay, he'd have a helluva mock.

Emmitt does make it rather easy, I'm only going to post Volume 1:

The Emmitt Smith Anthology

Emmitt Smith is the man. I'm serious - the last thing I'm being right now is facetious. Despite his inability to speak English, Emmitt sits in front of the camera, broadcasting to millions of homes in the U.S., and speaks incorrectly and incoherently every single week. He's a hero - and a very entertaining one at that. I made sure I was up at 11 every Sunday morning this fall just to hear Emmitt speak. Sure, I was writing down all of his grammatically incorrect sentences and phrases, but that's why he was so fun to watch. I really hope ESPN doesn't let him go. If they do, I'm going to switch to another network. I don't think I could live without posting my weekly Emmitt quotes on this site.

The Simple Emmitts

The following Emmitt quotes are comprised of one or two small grammatical errors. Emmitt made so many of these, I considered it a miracle every time he went 10 words without a blunder.

"Wade [Phillips] inherit this success." (Commentary: That may be true, but it also looks like someone will be inheriting Emmitt's seat on Sunday NFL Countdown sometime soon.)

"My game-breaker go to Brett Favre." (Commentary: And my dictionary go to Emmitt. Please, Emmitt, start reading.)

"And when defense felt my will, it was a total different game then." (Commentary: Scoring touchdowns? Easy. Using adverbs? Impossible.)

"The Packers don't has a running game." (Commentary: And if this keeps up, ESPN will not has good ratings.)

"This team have not played confident football in three weeks." (Commentary: I love it how Emmitt refuses to use contractions. Emmitt doesn't cut corners!)

"He gets the ball over to their third read than most quarterback can." (Commentary: I think Emmitt forgot a word here, but at least he didn't say "He get the ball over...")

"Mike Martz have this offense rollin'" (Commentary: And Emmitt have this grammar thing rollin'... NOT.)

"The Pittsburgh Steelers are not as good as everyone think they are." (Commentary: What is Emmitt talking about? I thinks the Steelers is good!")

"He deserve to be coach of the year." (Commentary: I wasn't sure who should be coach of the year, but Emmitt really swayed me with that argument.")

"He's gonna be the guy Tom Brady look for on third downs." (Commentary: And I don't think Emmitt's gonna be the guy Webster look for when he updates his dictionary.)

"It takes a coach who know how to communicate." (Commentary: And it takes an analyst who "know" how to communicate too - unless you're working for ESPN.)

"He turn around and go deep on Dre' Bly" (Commentary: Career touchdowns, 175. Career rushing yards, 18,355. Career verbs conjugated, 0.)

"Brett Favre went into Dallas nine times and have a big goose egg." (Commentary: And I bet Emmitt had tons of big goose eggs on his grammar tests when he was in high school.)

"I love those style of play that the Tennessee Titans bring to the game." (Commentary: What a coincidence! I love those grammatical error that Emmitt bring to the Sunday NFL Countdown!)

"Let's see if he step up big today and play great for the Chargers." (Commentary: I tried to look up if the word "he" can be used as plural. Instead of giving me an answer, Dictionary.com called me an idiot and crashed my computer.)

"All your base are belong to us." (Commentary: OK, maybe Emmitt didn't really say that, but I guarantee he was hired to translate for CATS. If you have no idea what I'm talking about, Check this out. Someone really needs to make a mix video of CATS and Emmitt talking to each other.)

"That offense does... do look good." (Commentary: He was actually about to say "That offense does look good," but changed what he said mid-sentence to "That offense do look good." I'm speechless. How can someone be so poor at grammar? Did CATS really say, "All of your bases belong... All your base are belong to us?")

"He just need a runnin game to help him." (Commentary: And Emmitt need Hooked on Phonics to help him.)

"Giants has too many guys in the secondary banged up." (Commentary: Ahhh, the tricky has-have dilemma. When do you use "has?" When do you use "have?" This has puzzled writers for years.)

"All those things messes with the mentality of your ball club." (Commentary: And all of these Emmitt quotes messes with the mentality of my brain.)

"I'm concerned about a guy who fall down before get hits." (Commentary: And I'm concerned about a guy who speak before he conjugate his verb and puts the "s" in the wrong place, but you don't see me making a big fuss over it.)

Emmitt Made a Doo Doo

Believe it or not, but everything Emmitt said the past year wasn't factually correct. I kid you not!

"Wes Worker is a possession receiver that make things happen." (Commentary: I don't care who "make" things happen, but who the heck is Wes Worker?)

"Norv Turner have a lot of experience in the playoff." (Commentary: When Emmitt uttered that statement, Norv Turner's postseason record was 1-1. Good thing we're talking about the playoff here, and not the playoffs.)

"I like the Eagles based on what I saw on Monday night." (Commentary: Emmitt was referring to the Eagles-Patriots game. It was on Sunday night; not Monday night. Did Emmitt TiVo the game or something?)

"Tom Brady is buyin' time for his lineman." (Commentary: And here I thought that offensive linemen were "buyin' time" for the quarterback.)

"Let's not judge the Giants until we're in the bottom half of the season... The bottom half of the schedule get much tougher." (Commentary: Bottom half? Bottom half!? I knew there was a first half and a second half, but now Emmitt's telling us that there's a bottom half of an NFL season. And here I was thinking the season went from September to early February. When does the bottom half of the season take place?)

"Reggie Bush is definitely effective. Just not tonight." (Commentary: Emmitt said this after the Falcons-Saints Monday night game. Note to Emmitt: Bush wasn't effective... because... HE DIDN'T EVEN PLAY! No wonder he wasn't effective tonight.)

"The NFC West is probably one of the weakest... CONFERENCES... in the whole NFC. These guys over here, you have the Cardinals, you have the 49ers, you have the Seahawks, and you also have the Rams..." (Commentary: Thank God Emmitt's around, or else we'd forget which teams are in all the divisions... I mean... CONFERENCES.)

"Alex has a lot of growing up to do, and it's hard to grow up when you are learning three different offenses every year." (Commentary: Three different offenses every year, huh? That's a lot of turnover in the Bay Area. What are they doing down there?)

(On the Super Bowl) "The loss tonight... And the loss today is gonna hurt for a long time." (Commentary: So, apparently the Patriots lost to the Giants twice. Once at night, and once in the afternoon. Damn it, I only saw one of those games.)

(Attempting to quote Jimmy V) "Don't quit. Don't ever quit." (Commentary: For the record, Jimmy V's immortal words were "Don't give up. Don't ever give up." Well, at least Emmitt understands synonyms. Oh, and Emmitt, don't quit. Don't ever quit your gig at ESPN.)

"He was coming through line to make a move and got blind sided by Al Wi... Al Wi... Al Jackson." (Commentary: Don't bother searching for Al Jackson on NFL.com. He doesn't exist in real life - only in Emmitt's mind.)

Emmitt is Spelled "E-M-M-I-T-T"

Emmitt tries to sound profound in the following quotes. Unfortunately, he's saying something either remarkably dumb or incredibly obvious.
"T.O. just do not draw the double team." (Commentary: And here I was thinking T.O. always draw the double team... but Emmitt's argument just talked me out of it.)

"The leadership definitely have to come from the leaders." (Commentary: Wow, that's a really profound statement.)

"You have new offensive coordinator and defensive coordinator." (Commentary: Russians don't use articles in their language. Is Emmitt Russian?)

"If it slip in Week 1, it slip in Week 8." (Commentary: I don't know what slip in Week 1, but clearly the same thing happened in Week 8. Let's just hope that when it slip in Week 15, the verb is actually conjugated.)

"The percentages for teams that go into score before the first half is pretty high that they wins the game." (Commentary: Wow. Just, wow. Aside from the horrific grammar, Emmitt's making up stats and trends. But what about the percentages for analysis that make grammaritcal error is pretty high that they gets fired at the end of the years?)

"The one thing that derail a team is a thing called the injury bugs." (Commentary: So, there's only one single thing that derails a team, and it's the injury bugs, not the injury bug? I never played professional football, but I wasn't aware there are actual bugs that cause injuries.)

"They're gearing up to stop the run. They put eight men in the box. Eight men... sometimes nine." (Commentary: Wow, that's some superb "analysts" from Emmitt. I had no idea teams put eight men - or sometimes nine - in the box to stop the run.)

"You have to have the personality to match up with the Patriots." (Commentary: Just a hunch, but I think Emmitt means personnel; not personality. Unless, of course, he believes it takes a Capricorn who likes to take long walks on the beach to beat New England.)

"A reason they don't want to repeat what they did last year, they don't want to look really bad down the stretch." (Commentary: So, actually losing games down the stretch doesn't really matter - just as long as they don't look bad?)

"And then he come back and throw another pass and he drop it." (Commentary: Emmitt will be applying for the play-by-play job for Monday Night Football games. That's way more elaborate than how Mike Tirico describes things.)

"I'm going with the Pats ... they are an all-around good ball club." (Commentary: Gee, you think? Emmitt said this when he picked the Patriots over the Jets. Maybe that's how I should make my selections. I'm taking Patriots -22 because they're an all-around good ball club.)

"Not only does he have the NFC East record for touchdowns, but also the team record." (Commentary: Is it possible to have a divisional record that's not a team record? It's like saying, "Not only does Emmitt Smith have the World Record for grammatical errors per TV show, he also has the record for most grammatical errors per TV show in his family." More evidence that Emmitt is ahead of our time.)

"Last year there was a lot of things the Colts had to address. They couldn't stop the run... and all those... that was one of the biggest things they had to address." (Commentary: Brain fart, much?)

"The Giants secondary really have to be physical with this guy." (Commentary: Great "analysts" as always, though I have to say I'm disappointed Emmitt didn't use this week off to figure out the difference between have and has.)

"They started 6-2. Now, they're 6-3." (Commentary: Thank God Emmitt doesn't do play-by-play... "They started 7-0. Then the score were 7-3. Then the score were 14-3. Now the score are 14-10.")

"He has a chance to correct those things once he come back outside." (Commentary: Anyone want to guess what Emmitt was talking about here? The Michael Vick situation. So, all Vick has to do is correct things once he "come back outside." Emmitt makes it sound so easy.)

"As my offense get better, my defense is goin be that much more better." (Commentary: I'm shocked no one has hired Emmitt as an NFL head coach yet.)

From Emmitt's What the F--- File

I'm not sure what to make of these quotes. Drunks getting tossed out of bars are more coherent than this. If you can decipher what Emmitt was trying to say, you're either really gifted or really troubled.

"Wade Phillips have not had time to insert this." (Commentary: C'mon Emmitt, let's keep this show PG-13.)

"The Jets can only be disrespected by every team in the league" (Commentary: What the hell does that mean? Seriously?)

"What else can you say about a defense that get together?" (Commentary: I don't know, what else can you says?)

"The way you perform make them feel about you different." (Commentary: I think Emmitt's brain gathers the words he wants to use and rearranges them randomly.)

"This team need to get in their mind." (Commentary: Apparently, Emmitt believes certain teams are capable of telekinesis. I guess he's a huge fan of Matt Parkman's.)

"They can ride Adrian Peterson into the doggone playoff." (Commentary: Not the playoff... The Doggone Playoff!)

"That would definitely be a slowed down." (Commentary: He did say this, but I wasn't paying attention, so I don't know what he was referring to. Who knows? Maybe it actually made sense.)

"Eli Manning has been given the rice of passage." (Commentary: Damn it, why haven't I been given the rice of passage?)

"He's giving them all the confidences they need... he giving them the confidence that he need." (Commentary: It's a good thing that he's giving them more than one confidence. Everyone needs a few confidences , and needs a confidence in return at the same time. Whatever that means.)

"Detroit Lions had our numbers." (Commentary: Numbers? Lottery numbers? What does that mean?)

"He's goin change how the front office even think." (Commentary: Luckily this is Bill Parcells Emmitt was talking about, so he's not goin change how the front office speak grammars.)

"When you are the single or the lone ranger, so to speak." (Commentary: The Single Ranger? Sounds like some porn movie. And who says, "When you are the lone ranger, so to speak?" Who speaks that way, exactly?)

"When he get over the Texas line, something crazy happens in his head." (Commentary: But not as crazy as what come out of Emmitt mouth!)

"I think it's his self-confidence in himself that make him so confident when it get down into the crunch time." (Commentary: So, in other words, his self-confidence in himself makes him confident. I guess that makes sense. Sure, you're saying the same thing three times, but who's counting?)

"They both can return kicks and punt return guys." (Commentary: I taped Sunday NFL Countdown - or NFL Sunday Countdown if you're Keyshawn - because I felt like sleeping in. Who wakes up before noon nowadays? At any rate, I played this quote back 20 times in an attempt to figure out what the hell Emmitt was talking about. I didn't succeed, and making matters worse, my brain completely shut down and I drooled all over my shirt.)

"That defense got after Tom Brady's behind today." (Commentary: Not that there's anything wrong with that.)

"Why doesn't... don't the defensive players put their hands on Randy Moss? Don't back back." (Commentary: That's not an error on my part. Emmitt actually said, "Don't back back." I recorded it and seriously went through it 10 times. I would have done it an 11th, but VCR exploded.)

Emmitt's Greatest Hits

My favorite Emmitt quotes. I had trouble deciding which ones to put here. I love them all.

"Don't worry about the game you just won or the team that we just blew out... uhhh... blown... blown out... Let's think about what we need to do going forward, and they had... blown out. (Commentary: Don't believe he actually said this? I don't either. But check out Emmitt's Blunder as seen on Jimmy Kimmel Live.)

"Defensively, they're solid. They have solid defenses." (Commentary: From the redundancy department of the department of redundancy.)

"You hear Andy Reid going online and say, Donovan McNabb is my starting quarterback." (Commentary: It appears as though Emmitt is confused between "online" and "on the line." Does this mean Emmitt uses America On The Line Instant Messenger to chat with his friends?)

"Now the Colts are probably playing with more confidence than they ever have played since they been with the Indianapolis Colts." (Commentary: Right... That makes a lot of sense. As opposed to the Colts playing with more confidence than they ever have since being with the Jacksonville Jaguars.)

"They need to right the score to get revenge." (Commentary: Right the ship, right the score. Tomato, tomahto.)

"This will get you completely blowed out." (Commentary: Blowed? What will get you blowed? Turning it over a lot, or bringing flowers on a date?)

"They did a good job flying around the football field and carowzing the football carrier." (Commentary: Carowzing, eh? Guess Emmitt's old professors looked the other way when he used this word in his essays.)

"Brady will put up monster numbers because he can throw." (Commentary: Seriously, where else can you get this sort of analysis?)

"You cannot change the stripes of a leopard." (Commentary: Now, Emmitt, repeat after me. A cow says moooo...)

"The hill represent another rushing title this year for the season. For others watching this thing who've worked out on hills, this is a opportunity to build strength within." (Commentary: What... the... hell... is Emmitt talking about? First of all, again with the repetition. Rushing title this year for the season? And I love how Emmitt's appealing to the working-out-on-hills demographic because those people never get any love.)

"...Go to Arizona, sharp as a whistle, and do some finishing touches, so we can go down in the Super Bowl and play our best football of the whole entire season."(Commentary: Yeah, watch out for those sharp whistles - they can be really pointy.)

"The strength of the Patriots, their offense, got... DEBACLED." (Commentary: I was 99 percent sure Debacled wasn't a word, but I made sure in Microsoft Word. I typed it in, but instead of placing a red line below it, Microsoft Word just laughed at me.)

"That can be a swing their way eventually. I just hate to be the team that they winned it against." (Commentary: Let's see... butcher the English language, add an article where you don't need one and make up a word called "winned." Just another day in the life of Emmitt.)


03-10-2011, 03:09 PM
If Walter spent as much time on his mocks as he does mocking Emmitt Smith and Todd McShay, he'd have a helluva mock.

Emmitt does make it rather easy, I'm only going to post Volume 1:


That's quantum sh$t man...... :lol: :lol: :lol:

03-10-2011, 03:12 PM
Walter football is one of, if not the, worst draft sites on the internet. I don't know why anyone even reads it.

03-10-2011, 03:48 PM
The only pick I like in that mock is Henery in the 6th. I doubt he's there that late, but if he is the Steelers should take him. He'd make a punter expendable, he has a big leg for kickoffs and judging by his senior year he was an accurate field goal kicker. Getting him in the 6th would be a steal.


03-11-2011, 09:47 AM
Wilson is an explosive athlete but having neck surgery in 2009 who shy me away from burning a 1st round pick on him. The guy could turn into the next Ray Lewis but I would have to be talking to his doctors and reviewing his medical records to be dam sure there will never be an issue relating to that injury.

03-11-2011, 10:10 AM
Walters is generally a good site. This mock doesn't necessarily prove that however.

Martez Wilson does fit a few of the Tomlin/Colbert draft criteria however- Junior, big program, #1 player available at his position, not an immediate need but certainly a long term one....it's not as beyond belief as some would want you to think.

03-11-2011, 11:32 AM
Walters is generally a good site. This mock doesn't necessarily prove that however.

Martez Wilson does fit a few of the Tomlin/Colbert draft criteria however- Junior, big program, #1 player available at his position, not an immediate need but certainly a long term one....it's not as beyond belief as some would want you to think.

I think that assesment is spot on. If the Steelers can't trade up or out and are forced to select, he very well could be the pick. If he is medically cleared by the Steelers doctors, he will be on their board and could be the BPA.

03-11-2011, 11:34 AM
Walters is generally a good site. This mock doesn't necessarily prove that however.

Martez Wilson does fit a few of the Tomlin/Colbert draft criteria however- Junior, big program, #1 player available at his position, not an immediate need but certainly a long term one....it's not as beyond belief as some would want you to think.

I think that assesment is spot on. If the Steelers can't trade up or out and are forced to select, he very well could be the pick. If he is medically cleared by the Steelers doctors, he will be on their board and could be the BPA.

As much as it will cause gnashing of teeth- the other 'don't be surprised guy' could be TE Kyle Rudolph...

03-11-2011, 11:43 AM
Walters is generally a good site. This mock doesn't necessarily prove that however.

Martez Wilson does fit a few of the Tomlin/Colbert draft criteria however- Junior, big program, #1 player available at his position, not an immediate need but certainly a long term one....it's not as beyond belief as some would want you to think.

I think that assesment is spot on. If the Steelers can't trade up or out and are forced to select, he very well could be the pick. If he is medically cleared by the Steelers doctors, he will be on their board and could be the BPA.

As much as it will cause gnashing of teeth- the other 'don't be surprised guy' could be TE Kyle Rudolph...

Well we will see when the KC interview comes about when the questions is asked, "Who do you see the Steelers targeting in round 1." For the last several years his answer has been any position but QB and TE. Of course we all knew that excluded FB, LS, K, & P. If that isn't his same answer this year and the Steelers are stuck at #31 with no target remaining...I hope a QB fell and the phone is ringing off the hook with a team in the Top 10 who passed on a QB looking to move up.

03-11-2011, 12:08 PM
It'll be hard for KC to say TE isn't a target after interviewing & going to the pro day of 4 TE's already...

03-11-2011, 01:18 PM
It'll be hard for KC to say TE isn't a target after interviewing & going to the pro day of 4 TE's already...

The question asked I refered to is 1st round targets. The Steelers have been talking with 2nd round down TEs. I haven't read anywhere that reports the Steelers talked to Kyle Rudolph. That is why I posted that comment. Have they talked to Rudolph?

03-11-2011, 01:53 PM
It'll be hard for KC to say TE isn't a target after interviewing & going to the pro day of 4 TE's already...

The question asked I refered to is 1st round targets. The Steelers have been talking with 2nd round down TEs. I haven't read anywhere that reports the Steelers talked to Kyle Rudolph. That is why I posted that comment. Have they talked to Rudolph?

Will Steelers keep two Rd 1 TE on the roster ?? I think it is highly impossible or i would say not a good decision by FO unless they expect both TEs to be a major factor in passing game.

03-22-2011, 12:35 PM
Walter updated his 6 round mock today:

1.31 Pittsburgh Steelers: Aaron Williams, CB/FS, Texas
2.63 Pittsburgh Steelers: Marcus Cannon, G, TCU
3.95 Pittsburgh Steelers: Sione Fua, NT, Stanford
4.127 Pittsburgh Steelers: Marcus Gilbert, OT, Florida
5.159 Pittsburgh Steelers: Chimdi Chekwa, CB, Ohio State
6.191 Pittsburgh Steelers: Alex Henery, K/P, Nebraska

03-22-2011, 12:38 PM
Walter updated his 6 round mock today:

1.31 Pittsburgh Steelers: Aaron Williams, CB/FS, Texas
2.63 Pittsburgh Steelers: Marcus Cannon, G, TCU
3.95 Pittsburgh Steelers: Sione Fua, NT, Stanford
4.127 Pittsburgh Steelers: Marcus Gilbert, OT, Florida
5.159 Pittsburgh Steelers: Chimdi Chekwa, CB, Ohio State
6.191 Pittsburgh Steelers: Alex Henery, K/P, Nebraska

will they update every time there's a rumored visit?

03-22-2011, 01:57 PM
Walter updated his 6 round mock today:

1.31 Pittsburgh Steelers: Aaron Williams, CB/FS, Texas
2.63 Pittsburgh Steelers: Marcus Cannon, G, TCU
3.95 Pittsburgh Steelers: Sione Fua, NT, Stanford
4.127 Pittsburgh Steelers: Marcus Gilbert, OT, Florida
5.159 Pittsburgh Steelers: Chimdi Chekwa, CB, Ohio State
6.191 Pittsburgh Steelers: Alex Henery, K/P, Nebraska

I like this draft better.

03-22-2011, 02:18 PM
I would be doing backflips and probably putting myself in traction if we got these three

1.31 Pittsburgh Steelers: Aaron Williams, CB/FS, Texas
2.63 Pittsburgh Steelers: Marcus Cannon, G, TCU
3.95 Pittsburgh Steelers: Sione Fua, NT, Stanford

03-22-2011, 03:06 PM
Walter updated his 6 round mock today:

1.31 Pittsburgh Steelers: Aaron Williams, CB/FS, Texas
2.63 Pittsburgh Steelers: Marcus Cannon, G, TCU
3.95 Pittsburgh Steelers: Sione Fua, NT, Stanford
4.127 Pittsburgh Steelers: Marcus Gilbert, OT, Florida
5.159 Pittsburgh Steelers: Chimdi Chekwa, CB, Ohio State
6.191 Pittsburgh Steelers: Alex Henery, K/P, Nebraska

I like this draft better.

yes, I like this draft WAY better...

03-22-2011, 04:12 PM
5.159 Pittsburgh Steelers: Chimdi Chekwa, CB, Ohio State

Crezdon Butler
Joe Burnett
William Gay

How will Chekwa possibly meet the high standard that we demand out of our fifth round CBs? :lol:

03-22-2011, 04:21 PM
It'll be hard for KC to say TE isn't a target after interviewing & going to the pro day of 4 TE's already...

The question asked I refered to is 1st round targets. The Steelers have been talking with 2nd round down TEs. I haven't read anywhere that reports the Steelers talked to Kyle Rudolph. That is why I posted that comment. Have they talked to Rudolph?

Will Steelers keep two Rd 1 TE on the roster ?? I think it is highly impossible or i would say not a good decision by FO unless they expect both TEs to be a major factor in passing game.

Keep in mind the new rookie salary scale in the new CBA when it occurs. Could make it less of an impact.

Would it really be worse than having a Round 1 salary in 2010 and another one in 2011 (as many are hoping) for the interior OL?????? If anything TE may be less of an impact long term because Heath and a Round 1 TE would have a bigger spread in their contracts in terms of years.

03-22-2011, 06:01 PM
It'll be hard for KC to say TE isn't a target after interviewing & going to the pro day of 4 TE's already...

The question asked I refered to is 1st round targets. The Steelers have been talking with 2nd round down TEs. I haven't read anywhere that reports the Steelers talked to Kyle Rudolph. That is why I posted that comment. Have they talked to Rudolph?

Will Steelers keep two Rd 1 TE on the roster ?? I think it is highly impossible or i would say not a good decision by FO unless they expect both TEs to be a major factor in passing game.

Keep in mind the new rookie salary scale in the new CBA when it occurs. Could make it less of an impact.

Would it really be worse than having a Round 1 salary in 2010 and another one in 2011 (as many are hoping) for the interior OL?????? If anything TE may be less of an impact long term because Heath and a Round 1 TE would have a bigger spread in their contracts in terms of years.

It would be far worse than two Rd 1 TE for sure.

The only reason i was okay drafting Mike Pouncey is because of twin brother thing and we need someone to replace Kemo.

Apart from money one will have to take a look at team chemistry too.Which Rd 1 TE would love to be drafted by a team and told to block 90% of the time and have 20-25 catches/season. I am pretty sure he would be really unhappy with his role in the team.

SS Laser
03-22-2011, 06:33 PM
I have always liked walters draft. He does change it a bunch. But has it going all year long. Here guys check out how your favorite draft guy or site does here:

http://www.thehuddlereport.com/Free/moc ... ring.shtml (http://www.thehuddlereport.com/Free/mockdraftscoring.shtml)

03-22-2011, 06:48 PM
Hmm..Kiper of Gosselin actually earn their money it seems.

Doesn't Kiper think we are drafting Danny Watkins at this point?

03-22-2011, 07:28 PM
Gosselin's final mock draft is consistently the best. He publishes 3 mocks in the week leading up to the draft: his first leans toward his draft board, his second leans toward team needs, and his third includes the players he thinks each team should draft. Unfortunately, his final draft isn't published in the Dallas Morning News until the morning of day the first round actually takes place, so folks only have a few hours to soak it in until the actual picks start happening.

03-23-2011, 07:30 PM
Walters is generally a good site. This mock doesn't necessarily prove that however.

Martez Wilson does fit a few of the Tomlin/Colbert draft criteria however- Junior, big program, #1 player available at his position, not an immediate need but certainly a long term one....it's not as beyond belief as some would want you to think.

I think that assesment is spot on. If the Steelers can't trade up or out and are forced to select, he very well could be the pick. If he is medically cleared by the Steelers doctors, he will be on their board and could be the BPA.
when did Illinois become a big football program? :P

anyway, it wouldn't be out of the question... it is a need... and if he's BPA, i wouldn't be surprised if they did it..or as Emmitt would say, "i has to see if who'in might be there fo' draftin... an'at

The more i see Ben, the line doesn't really matter... on most of his passes, he holds it so long, nobody could actually hold a block that long, anyway.

03-24-2011, 09:34 AM
It'll be hard for KC to say TE isn't a target after interviewing & going to the pro day of 4 TE's already...

The question asked I refered to is 1st round targets. The Steelers have been talking with 2nd round down TEs. I haven't read anywhere that reports the Steelers talked to Kyle Rudolph. That is why I posted that comment. Have they talked to Rudolph?

Will Steelers keep two Rd 1 TE on the roster ?? I think it is highly impossible or i would say not a good decision by FO unless they expect both TEs to be a major factor in passing game.

Keep in mind the new rookie salary scale in the new CBA when it occurs. Could make it less of an impact.

Would it really be worse than having a Round 1 salary in 2010 and another one in 2011 (as many are hoping) for the interior OL?????? If anything TE may be less of an impact long term because Heath and a Round 1 TE would have a bigger spread in their contracts in terms of years.

I don't think a rookie salary scale is going to impact what gets paid to the 31st overall pick all that much. There will be a vast reduction for the guys at the top of the draft, but most of the rest will be pretty much similar to what it has been, I would think.

03-24-2011, 09:39 AM
when did Illinois become a big football program?

Isn't Illinois a BIG 10 team? Strength of schedule would be a better term, Chadman guesses...

It's not like Illinois is pitted against Drake every other weekend...

03-24-2011, 01:40 PM
as much as i dont like the idea of spending another #1 on a TE, i think it would help the team more in the next 2 years picking one over a DE

it addresses the weaker of the of the 2 units (offense), and we run the 2 TE set an awful lot. ideally, i like to see them select one a bit later in the draft

03-24-2011, 04:12 PM
as much as i dont like the idea of spending another #1 on a TE, i think it would help the team more in the next 2 years picking one over a DE

it addresses the weaker of the of the 2 units (offense), and we run the 2 TE set an awful lot. ideally, i like to see them select one a bit later in the draft

rumor has it that the Steelers really like Lance Kendricks, D.J. Williams and Julius Thomas...none of them are candidates to be drafted in Round 1, but we could definitely see a TE get drafted early.

03-24-2011, 04:26 PM
as much as i dont like the idea of spending another #1 on a TE, i think it would help the team more in the next 2 years picking one over a DE

it addresses the weaker of the of the 2 units (offense), and we run the 2 TE set an awful lot. ideally, i like to see them select one a bit later in the draft

rumor has it that the Steelers really like Lance Kendricks, D.J. Williams and Julius Thomas...none of them are candidates to be drafted in Round 1, but we could definitely see a TE get drafted early.

NFLDraftScout lists D.J. Williams as a round 2-3 prospect, Lance Kendricks as a round 3 prospect, and Julius Thomas as a round 5 prospect.

03-25-2011, 01:25 AM
as much as i dont like the idea of spending another #1 on a TE, i think it would help the team more in the next 2 years picking one over a DE

it addresses the weaker of the of the 2 units (offense), and we run the 2 TE set an awful lot. ideally, i like to see them select one a bit later in the draft

rumor has it that the Steelers really like Lance Kendricks, D.J. Williams and Julius Thomas...none of them are candidates to be drafted in Round 1, but we could definitely see a TE get drafted early.

oh ok

i thought there was a TE that was mocked to us in the 1st round

03-25-2011, 04:07 AM
[quote="NJ-STEELER":dleuzekw]as much as i dont like the idea of spending another #1 on a TE, i think it would help the team more in the next 2 years picking one over a DE

it addresses the weaker of the of the 2 units (offense), and we run the 2 TE set an awful lot. ideally, i like to see them select one a bit later in the draft

rumor has it that the Steelers really like Lance Kendricks, D.J. Williams and Julius Thomas...none of them are candidates to be drafted in Round 1, but we could definitely see a TE get drafted early.

oh ok

i thought there was a TE that was mocked to us in the 1st round[/quote:dleuzekw]

the only TE that is Round 1 worthy is Notre Dame's Kyle Rudolph...like you, I would rather the Steelers don't take him and select a TE in a later round instead.. nothing against Rudolph, it's just that I don't wish to see Arians under-utilize two first round TEs at the same time.

speaking of Arians, Jim Wexell joked in one of his blogs that Arians is so in love with Wisconsin's Lance Kendricks that he would consider drafting Kendricks in the first round...good thing Arians doesn't run our draft, huh?

03-25-2011, 11:46 PM
I've had Martez Wilson here in my previous two mock updates, but he had a really poor Pro Day workout, which I believe will drop him into the middle of Round 2.

With Wilson no longer a strong possibility, this is a tough spot for the Steelers. General manager Kevin Colbert takes the best players on his board, but the top prospects available are running backs, wide receivers and 4-3 personnel.

The best player who makes sense for the Steelers is Aaron Williams. Williams is a better fit for Pittsburgh's defense than Brandon Harris, and he can play free safety in addition to cornerback. So, if he fails at corner, he could always replace Ryan Clark down the road (think Antrel Rolle).

03-26-2011, 09:29 AM
While we can all talk from experience and say that the Steelers will take the BPA, and not draft for need, I don't know that this applies this year the same way as it has in the past.

Rarely have the Steelers had such a huge position of need that you can actually state that the season (and every successive season) is bound for failure until is somehow addressed.

I am talking about the position of cornerback. We have had positions that require depth, or the need to stockpile for the future as our players age, but no key position has been this bare and without somehow doing something we can not possibly compete.

28 Crezdon Butler - unproven
22 William Gay - nickel at best free agent
23 Keenan Lewis - sub standard
37 Anthony Madison - special teamer
20 Bryant McFadden - weak starter
24 Ike Taylor - UFA

Without addressing this position, we are looking at a depth chart of Gay (if signed) and Bmac starting with Lewis and Butler fighting it out for the #3. With this D Backfield we cannot possibly win anything. End of story. If Ike walks we are also not a mid tier FA away from being serviceable. We will be in need of a top FA and/or a very highly rated CB from the draft who is ready to get some snaps almost immediately.

Even if we do re-sign Ike, CB is still a position that must be addressed as he is 31 and has nobody good enough to play across from him.

03-26-2011, 10:01 AM
That's a bit depressing isn't it?

You COULD look at it that way. On the other hand, this horrible bunch of NFL rejects that no other team in the NFL sees fir to sign, ever, did happen to play in a Super Bowl...in fact, in four of those guys cases, it was their second Super Bowl appearance... maybe the FANS are over reacting somewhat?

It's not as if the Pats/Colts etc only just figured out how to beat the Steelers- they've been spreading them out for a few years now. And yet, there is still a certain amount of success had by these NFL rejects of the highest quality.

Here's betting that no matter how many superstar rookie CB's are drafted, none will play higher than #3 on the depth chart. Ike won't be going anywhere- how often do the Steelers lose a player they want to keep? Ever? McFadden will play opposite him. It's Gay's spot that might be up for grabs. Those mega-bust players- Lewis & Butler- they might be given a look at that #3 CB spot yet....seeing as how our actual exposure to them as NFL quality CB's is pretty minimal at this point.

Ok, the CB's might not be the most inspiring aspect of the Steelers roster, but the FO is doing something right. To assume that they simply have no idea of the woes at CB and that unless they draft 15 1st round CB's to solve the issue, is disregarding the history of success these guys have.

The Steelers will, most likely, draft a CB.

More likely than not- said CB won't make much impact this season.

Look for the Steelers to add a FA CB before the season starts.

03-26-2011, 11:54 AM
I look at our cornerback situation this way.. we had the #1 defense for a reason. teams couldn't run against us. ever. so they had to throw. give a guy enough pass attempts he's gonna put numbers up. in the superbowl we did everything we could to spot gb points, field position and time of possession. You don't win games when you give up a pick 6 and a fumble on a drive when you NEED points. Personally I think everyone is over reacting to the cb position. Could we use an upgrade? of course. You could say that at every position on the team. I just won't put a band aid on a bullet hole. If we solidified our guard spot, then we can bump one of our tackles back out to tackle. wow, look at that we just solved the next great perceived need (tackle) by filling a position of need NOW. And we wouldn't even have to reach for a head case like smith, a late second talent like Harris (Mayock thinks he's possibly an early 3rd round corner) or a guy who seriously underperformed his last year at Texas.

03-27-2011, 11:23 AM
I look at our cornerback situation this way.. we had the #1 defense for a reason. teams couldn't run against us. ever. so they had to throw. give a guy enough pass attempts he's gonna put numbers up. in the superbowl we did everything we could to spot gb points, field position and time of possession. You don't win games when you give up a pick 6 and a fumble on a drive when you NEED points. Personally I think everyone is over reacting to the cb position. Could we use an upgrade? of course. You could say that at every position on the team. I just won't put a band aid on a bullet hole. If we solidified our guard spot, then we can bump one of our tackles back out to tackle. wow, look at that we just solved the next great perceived need (tackle) by filling a position of need NOW. And we wouldn't even have to reach for a head case like smith, a late second talent like Harris (Mayock thinks he's possibly an early 3rd round corner) or a guy who seriously underperformed his last year at Texas.

Agreed...what a lot of Steeler fans have done is to look at the Super Bowl and decide the Steelers have the worst secondary in the league. You wouldn't have tne #1 defense if that is the case. The defense is the only reason the Steelers were in the Super Bowl. People seem to forget about how the defense basically had to win both Raven games in order to get us the #2 seed and a spot in the Super Bowl.

The Steelers won't be lucky enough to beat out the Ravens this year if they don't fix the offense (read OL). Other teams could have some success running the ball on the Ravens (we basically had none). We couldn't pass block against those guys either.

Sure we need to upgrade corner, but the needs don't stop there. The Steelers have to make sure they stay ahead of the Ravens before worrying about getting back to the Super Bowl.

03-27-2011, 04:29 PM
we have drafted defensive backs in the 2nd round (usually late 2nd round/closer to 3rd) in mcfadden, coughlough, lewis etc...... even the best of them is average.
Ike was a raw 4th rounder who played mostly RB in college and developed into a solid corner. consider ourselves lucky there

the reason our defense is so great is because of the front 7. likely the best in the league. but it gets gashed when offenses spread them out forcing us to use more DBs then our base defense. we need to get younger, faster, better back there

the likelihood of drafting a good corner drops significantly after the first 30/40 picks. there are lots of guards in the league that have been drafted well after the 1st round and are at the top of their positions. just review the all pro and pro bowl rosters in the last few years.
getting starks, colon back is going to help the OL as well as more experience from young guys like pounce, foster, bronco as well as wild cards like hills and C scott

03-27-2011, 07:49 PM
NJ in this league, you're out of luck looking for a good corner out side of the top 15. after that, the talent levels out so much that they end up over drafted and over payed.

03-27-2011, 10:24 PM
i realize at #31 we're not getting a lock down guy (although ASO was drafted #31 years ago) but there are certainly guys drafted in that area (around 25) that are solid corners.

both dolphin corners
R mathis
C tillman
both NYG corners

03-28-2011, 12:01 AM
i realize at #31 we're not getting a lock down guy (although ASO was drafted #31 years ago) but there are certainly guys drafted in that area (around 25) that are solid corners.

both dolphin corners
R mathis
C tillman
both NYG corners
but those same types of guys can be found in the 2nd. I'd love to get a great corner, just don't see it as an option. But I wouldn't say it's our big need either. I think I'm the only guy that gets tired of seeing our rb's get hit in the back field and our qb look like he just finished an MMA fight.. that's why I want a guard.

03-28-2011, 12:45 AM
only 2 of those guys were drafted after the 40ish pick barometer i mentioned above

thomas and smith. our pick at 31 is too low for the elite, but just right for these type of guys

out of all the CB starters in the league I'd wager at least 80% are taken before pick #45. the longer you wait, the more likely you end up with what we have on the roster (crap excluding Ike). at #62 in the 2nd round, we're definitely taking more of a chance the pick is a bust.
I believe a corner we may have ranked around 40 ish overall on our draft board helps more then a guard we have ranked at #31, so i would take the risk.

and im not advocating avoiding the guard position either. i'd rather sign a mid level FA guard (there's a few i would like) that would upgrade the position instantly and be no where near the cost it would take to sign a mid level CB.
if not take one at #62, and we'd have the 2nd highest drafted Offensive lineman on the roster, behind pouncey ...still an upgrade.

03-29-2011, 10:20 AM
Walter's latest 6th rounder (with comp picks now added):

1.31 Aaron Williams, CB/FS, Texas
2.63 Orlando Franklin, G, Miami
3.95 Jerrell Powe, NT, Ole Miss
4.128 Marcus Gilbert, OT, Florida
5.162 Chimdi Chekwa, CB, Ohio State
6.196 Alex Henery, K/P, Nebraska

I don't mind taking 2 OL, but I'm not a huge fan of either of the OL he chose here.

03-29-2011, 10:32 AM
I don't like this draft.

Orlando Franklin in Rd 2??? That is too high i would think.

I would take Kendrick Ellis in rd 3 instead of Powe.

03-29-2011, 10:44 AM
Walter's latest 6th rounder (with comp picks now added):

1.31 Aaron Williams, CB/FS, Texas
2.63 Orlando Franklin, G, Miami
3.95 Jerrell Powe, NT, Ole Miss
4.128 Marcus Gilbert, OT, Florida
5.162 Chimdi Chekwa, CB, Ohio State
6.196 Alex Henery, K/P, Nebraska

I don't mind taking 2 OL, but I'm not a huge fan of either of the OL he chose here.

IMO Franklin in Round 2 is one round too early.

Not thrilled with Powe. Seems fat and lazy.

I'd take Jah Reid, OT from UCF before Gilbert in Round 4. I think Reid can develop into a better player.

03-29-2011, 10:53 AM
I look at our cornerback situation this way.. we had the #1 defense for a reason. teams couldn't run against us. ever. so they had to throw. give a guy enough pass attempts he's gonna put numbers up. in the superbowl we did everything we could to spot gb points, field position and time of possession. You don't win games when you give up a pick 6 and a fumble on a drive when you NEED points. Personally I think everyone is over reacting to the cb position. Could we use an upgrade? of course. You could say that at every position on the team. I just won't put a band aid on a bullet hole. If we solidified our guard spot, then we can bump one of our tackles back out to tackle. wow, look at that we just solved the next great perceived need (tackle) by filling a position of need NOW. And we wouldn't even have to reach for a head case like smith, a late second talent like Harris (Mayock thinks he's possibly an early 3rd round corner) or a guy who seriously underperformed his last year at Texas.

I agree that we must grade our D as a whole instead of dividing it up as a pass D and run D. However, this emphasizes the importance of Ike. Not only is he our "pass D" guy who locks down the other team's top receiver, he is the CB who gets his helmet scratched in the run game. He is probably the most underrated D we have considering his contributions in the run game and the importance of that to our particular D and run game.

No Ike means that this #1 D suffers greatly. Yes - he is that important.

- We know how disastrous it is when Troy is out.
- We finally managed to survive the loss of Aaron Smith with the emergence of Ziggy.
- If one of our OLBs gets hurt I am confident that we will find our way somehow with either Worrilds stepping in or Timmons moving over. Downgrade yes - disaster no.
- If we do lose Ike and cannot adequately replace him with a stud in FA or by hoping that Peterson falls :wink: then we suffer to the point that we are no longer a good D.

03-29-2011, 12:22 PM
Walter's latest 6th rounder (with comp picks now added):

1.31 Aaron Williams, CB/FS, Texas
2.63 Orlando Franklin, G, Miami
3.95 Jerrell Powe, NT, Ole Miss
4.128 Marcus Gilbert, OT, Florida
5.162 Chimdi Chekwa, CB, Ohio State
6.196 Alex Henery, K/P, Nebraska

I don't mind taking 2 OL, but I'm not a huge fan of either of the OL he chose here.

IMO Franklin in Round 2 is one round too early.

Not thrilled with Powe. Seems fat and lazy.

I'd take Jah Reid, OT from UCF before Gilbert in Round 4. I think Reid can develop into a better player.

Walter has Chicago taking Jah Reid 1 pick before us in round 4 (and for what it's worth, Kenrick Ellis went 2 spots ahead of us in the 4th round by the Jets).

03-29-2011, 12:38 PM
if pouncey slides to 28, i think we make a move to go get him before the pats draft him

03-29-2011, 12:39 PM
if pouncey slides to 28, i think we make a move to go get him before the pats draft him


03-30-2011, 01:25 AM
I don't like this draft.

Orlando Franklin in Rd 2??? That is too high i would think.

I would take Kendrick Ellis in rd 3 instead of Powe.

I was watching Mayock this morning. He does not think that Ellis makes it out of the second.

04-06-2011, 02:26 PM
Another Walter Mock Update was published yesterday:

1.31 Aaron Williams, CB/FS, Texas
2.63 Marcus Cannon, G, TCU
3.95 Marcus Gilbert, OT, Florida
4.128 Colin McCarthy, LB, Miami
5.162 Chykie Brown, CB, Texas
6.196 Alex Henery, K/P, Nebraska


04-06-2011, 02:29 PM
Walter's latest 6th rounder (with comp picks now added):

1.31 Aaron Williams, CB/FS, Texas
2.63 Orlando Franklin, G, Miami
3.95 Jerrell Powe, NT, Ole Miss
4.128 Marcus Gilbert, OT, Florida
5.162 Chimdi Chekwa, CB, Ohio State
6.196 Alex Henery, K/P, Nebraska

I don't mind taking 2 OL, but I'm not a huge fan of either of the OL he chose here.

IMO Franklin in Round 2 is one round too early.

Not thrilled with Powe. Seems fat and lazy.

I'd take Jah Reid, OT from UCF before Gilbert in Round 4. I think Reid can develop into a better player.

Walter has Chicago taking Jah Reid 1 pick before us in round 4 (and for what it's worth, Kenrick Ellis went 2 spots ahead of us in the 4th round by the Jets).

I would think that the Jets go after Phil Taylor in Round 1 and therefore would not need Ellis in Round 4.

04-06-2011, 02:32 PM
Walter's latest 6th rounder (with comp picks now added):

1.31 Aaron Williams, CB/FS, Texas
2.63 Orlando Franklin, G, Miami
3.95 Jerrell Powe, NT, Ole Miss
4.128 Marcus Gilbert, OT, Florida
5.162 Chimdi Chekwa, CB, Ohio State
6.196 Alex Henery, K/P, Nebraska

I don't mind taking 2 OL, but I'm not a huge fan of either of the OL he chose here.

IMO Franklin in Round 2 is one round too early.

Not thrilled with Powe. Seems fat and lazy.

I'd take Jah Reid, OT from UCF before Gilbert in Round 4. I think Reid can develop into a better player.

Walter has Chicago taking Jah Reid 1 pick before us in round 4 (and for what it's worth, Kenrick Ellis went 2 spots ahead of us in the 4th round by the Jets).

I would think that the Jets go after Phil Taylor in Round 1 and therefore would not need Ellis in Round 4.

That's if the Chiefs don't take Taylor first.

04-06-2011, 02:54 PM
Walter has Chicago taking Jah Reid 1 pick before us in round 4 (and for what it's worth, Kenrick Ellis went 2 spots ahead of us in the 4th round by the Jets).

which is why instead of selecting Jerrell Powe the Steelers should select NT Kenrick Ellis in Round 3...

04-06-2011, 03:38 PM
Another Walter Mock Update was published yesterday:

1.31 Aaron Williams, CB/FS, Texas
2.63 Marcus Cannon, G, TCU
3.95 Marcus Gilbert, OT, Florida
4.128 Colin McCarthy, LB, Miami
5.162 Chykie Brown, CB, Texas
6.196 Alex Henery, K/P, Nebraska


I would be very happy if the draft were to fall this way the first 3 would contribute from day 1.