View Full Version : One thing to keep in mind about the Combine.

02-25-2011, 12:53 PM
Any front office staff that is worth it's salt, puts it's draft board together based off 85% game tape. 40 times and bench presses can tweak a guy a little bit but will not make a big difference. Interviews can drop a guy off a teams board. For the most part though, especially with the top personnell guys, the homework is already done. Off to do some interviews. See you guys in a bit.

02-25-2011, 02:47 PM
Interviews can drop a guy off a teams board.

what's the biggest mistake a prospect can make to drop him off a team's board? come off as too arrogant?

02-25-2011, 07:08 PM
Interviews can drop a guy off a teams board.

what's the biggest mistake a prospect can make to drop him off a team's board? come off as too arrogant?

Being dumb! they also ask very pertinent drug questions that they alreadt have answers too.

02-26-2011, 12:36 AM
Interviews can drop a guy off a teams board.

what's the biggest mistake a prospect can make to drop him off a team's board? come off as too arrogant?

"sorry coach, love to chat but my boys have rolled up a big fatty and I'm off to the parking lot to join them before heading out on the town searching for some ho's"

02-26-2011, 01:57 AM
Interviews can drop a guy off a teams board.

what's the biggest mistake a prospect can make to drop him off a team's board? come off as too arrogant?

"sorry coach, love to chat but my boys have rolled up a big fatty and I'm off to the parking lot to join them before heading out on the town searching for some ho's"

:D :Clap :lol:

02-26-2011, 10:23 AM
Interviews can drop a guy off a teams board.

what's the biggest mistake a prospect can make to drop him off a team's board? come off as too arrogant?

I remember seeing a piece (maybe top 10 busts) about the Colts interviewing Manning and
Leaf. When they asked Manning what's the first thing he'd do once drafted he said "study
film" while Leaf said "go to Vegas". :nono

02-26-2011, 12:20 PM
I think interviews bring little new information but can bring some insight into the type of man they are dealing with. For instance, if a player smoked pot in college the interview will allow the team to understand where the player is at from an accountability perspective. Does he deflect? Does he project? Or does he own his behaviors and speak about growth and learning? We were all dumb and young. I think teams get that. But, what did the player learn? Did he learn that it's everyone elses fault, everyone else was doing it...or does he own it, accept it as his past and leave it there?

02-26-2011, 12:43 PM
Interviews can drop a guy off a teams board.

what's the biggest mistake a prospect can make to drop him off a team's board? come off as too arrogant?

I remember seeing a piece (maybe top 10 busts) about the Colts interviewing Manning and
Leaf. When they asked Manning what's the first thing he'd do once drafted he said "study
film" while Leaf said "go to Vegas". :nono

Ryan Leaf has to be the poster boy not only for busts but an example of a kid with incredible abilities and physical traits that was pampered his whole life and took advantages of this his whole life.

He, in my mind at the time, was a cant miss shoe in to dominate in the NFL. Then the more you read and uncover it makes sense why he di dnot make it and is now stealing Rx drugs.

He was, is, and probably still is a d!ck in every way and self inflicted his storyline.

I know there is DaMarcus, Ryan Perriloux (sp), Lawrence Phillips (who had a sh!tty childhood) but Ryan's failure in this sport was self fulfilling IMHO.

02-27-2011, 02:35 AM
the secret to our drafting success:


I totally agree with Kevin Colbert's take on the Combine. He still values performance on Saturdays when evaluating for Sundays. The Steelers' head of personnel values the interview process, stressing that he looks for "a player's intelligence, work ethic and family values".

http://msn.foxsports.com/nfl/story/NFL- ... tes-022611 (http://msn.foxsports.com/nfl/story/NFL-Scouting-Combine-buzz-analysis-updates-022611)

02-27-2011, 02:46 PM
dez bryant's interview had to scare some teams away