View Full Version : "Ben Roethlisberger’s a zero, not a hero"

Steeler Mafia
01-25-2011, 12:20 PM
Why is it that I have a strong desire to drive up to Boston and kick this biased @ss clown in the teeth? What a douche!

Steelers QB rates negative view
By Gerry Callahan
Tuesday, January 25, 2011 - Updated 3 hours ago
Boston Herald General Sports Columnist

It’s up to the Green Bay Packers now, our Packers, America’s team. They are the last best hope for good and decent football fans everywhere. Aaron Rodgers, Clay Matthews and the rest of the Pack are all that stand between Ben Roethlisberger and his nauseating return to polite society.

It seems to be a familiar question when Roethlisberger is in the room, but we must ask again: Could someone please stop this man?

The New York Jets [team stats] certainly slowed Roethlisberger down in the AFC Championship Game, but as usual the quarterback’s Pittsburgh Steelers teammates picked him up. Rashard Mendenhall rushed for 121 yards. The Steelers defense held the Jets to 1 yard rushing in the first half and stopped New York on first-and-goal from the 2 in the fourth quarter.

Roethlisberger was thoroughly outplayed by Mark Sanchez, who nearly lifted the Jets out of a 24-0 hole. Big Ben completed just 10 passes, threw two picks and covered up a botched snap in the end zone for a safety. Roethlisberger’s numbers look like something Sanchez would wipe on a teammate’s coat. His passer rating was 35.5, which was naturally downplayed by many critics and columnists who, when watching the Steelers, seem to think the most important thing a quarterback can do is extend plays.

And here I was, under the assumption that they were supposed to, you know, make plays.

Maybe someday Tom Brady [stats] will learn to extend plays. For now, Patriots [team stats] fans will just have to be content to watch him make plays, to drop back three or five steps and hit a receiver in stride. Did he do that against the Jets nine days ago? Of course not. At least not enough. But Brady certainly did more to help his team against the Jets than Roethlisberger did Sunday.

Here was how one scribe from SI.com described Roethlisberger’s performance: “This effort illustrated the entire palate of greatness Roethlisberger possesses .?.?. He improvised, extended plays and showed the will of a champion. Early Roethlisberger managed a run-oriented attack. Later, he picked apart maybe the best secondary in football.”

He did what? Now I admit I may have been distracted by the bartender in the Miller Lite man-thong commercial, but I saw most of this game. And just to be sure, I went back and checked: Roethlisberger completed three passes for 37 yards in the second half. He threw a pick and got sacked twice after halftime. He did enough to win, as he often does, but he picked apart nobody. He did not illustrate a palate of greatness, whatever that is. And he certainly didn’t deserve an “A,” which is the grade John P. Lopez awarded him on SI.com.

Not an “A-minus,” an “A” — for the guy with the 35.5 rating.

This is, of course, is only the beginning. The two-week deification of Roethlisberger begins. It’s been less than a year since he plied a group of college girls with alcohol and allegedly had his way with one of them in the bathroom while his stooge cop friend stood guard. Now Roethlisberger kneels and prays on the field after games. Now there is hardly a reminder of the behavior that got him bounced from the league for six games (later reduced to four).

Roethlisberger was asked after Sunday’s win if he ever thinks about what he did in Milledgeville, Ga., last March, and he cut off the questioner.

“I don’t,” Roethlisberger said. “I don’t. I’ll stop you now. Not at all.”

It will be interesting to see how Roethlisberger reacts when he arrives in Dallas and receives a daily dose of Milledgeville questions, but here’s a Super Bowl prediction for you: Somehow it will be easier for Roethlisberger to put his troubles behind him than it would have been for Michael Vick or even Brett Favre. By gameday, Roethlisberger’s story will be one of redemption and recovery, of a lost soul who is now found.

And of course, now that he is a good Christian man, he is an even better quarterback. The moment the Steelers knocked off the Jets, the mythology began to spread. If Roethlisberger wins this Super Bowl, he ties Brady with three, so move over, Tom. Step back, Peyton. Big Ben just muscled his way into the conversation for best quarterback in the game.

Which is, of course, ridiculous. Roethlisberger is a good quarterback, maybe even very good, but he isn’t Brady or Manning or even Rodgers. He is a one-time Pro Bowler. He has two Super Bowl rings, but no MVPs. In his Super Bowls, he has one touchdown pass, three picks and a 64.1 rating. In the Steelers’ win over the Seattle Seahawks in 2006, Roethlisberger literally had the worst game a winning QB has ever had in a Super Bowl (22.6 rating).

Roethlisberger is strong and mobile and he knows how to not screw it up. But you know what he really has over Brady? A better defense, better running game and better receivers. There’s your palate of greatness. The Steelers went 3-1 with Charlie Batch at QB. Put Brady on that team and the Steelers are not only in the Super Bowl, they are 10-point favorites.

At the moment, Roethlisberger’s Steelers are 3-point underdogs, and all we can say is: Go Pack. Someone has to stop this man. Ben Roethlisberger has had his way for too long.

01-25-2011, 12:30 PM
Cheats fans are getting nervous that Ben is going to surpass Brady and all without cheating.

01-25-2011, 12:32 PM
You can keep Brady ... we'll keep Ben

01-25-2011, 12:33 PM
Roethlisberger is strong and mobile and he knows how to not screw it up. But you know what he really has over Brady? A better defense, better running game and better receivers. There’s your palate of greatness. The Steelers went 3-1 with Charlie Batch at QB. Put Brady on that team and the Steelers are not only in the Super Bowl, they are 10-point favorites.

Annnnnnd......put Matt Cassel on the cheaters and you get 11-5.

Hunh, I guess Tom ain't that Terrific now, is he?

01-25-2011, 12:33 PM
and the comments from Steelers fans agreeing with him. I'm really hoping they are just saying they are Steelers fans.

01-25-2011, 12:34 PM
If Brady was on this team, he'd no longer be playing, with this oline, his career would have ended years ago.

01-25-2011, 12:35 PM
We are in the big game. Screw the opinions of the rest of America. This guy may as well be from Outer Mongolia for all I care. Just another example of journalists thinking they really matter.

Who cares what they say? How does that effect us?

NW Steeler
01-25-2011, 12:39 PM
Wow. Put Brady on this team and he would be on IR by the third game. What a crock of sh!t. Ben put us in SB XL, regardless of his performance in that game. Ben WON SB XLIII for us. The D gave the lead up in that game. The Steelers are not that good of a running team either.Ben won it. It is not Ben's fault that he has a good team around him. But the Steelers are NOT where they are without him. If this guy or anyone else does not recognze that, they are just blind to the truth, jaded, or just stupid.

01-25-2011, 12:42 PM
I was curious as to how well Brady did in their super bowls. This line from the description of the first title, made me laugh.

Brady was named MVP of Super Bowl XXXVI while throwing for 145 yards, one touchdown, and no interceptions

And that TD wasn't the game winner, that would be a field goal.

01-25-2011, 12:51 PM
I guess Brady is a very honorable man.....he has a child out of wedlock.

The Sodfather
01-25-2011, 01:08 PM
Jealousy rears its ugly head.

01-25-2011, 01:17 PM
I guess Brady is a very honorable man.....he has a child out of wedlock.

and he dumped his pregnant girlfriend.

NW Steeler
01-25-2011, 01:18 PM
Herm Edwards is on Cowherds show right now. They are both talking about how Ben does NOT get the credit he deserves. Nice to hear the TRUTH!!!!

01-25-2011, 02:26 PM
This guy is a morning host on WEEI out of Boston and he has a real hard-on for Ben. He says so much **** that is not even true you can tell he does no research at all.

Iron Shiek
01-25-2011, 02:27 PM
His passer rating was 35.5, which was naturally downplayed by many critics and columnists who, when watching the Steelers, seem to think the most important thing a quarterback can do is Xextend playsX WIN.

Fixed that for him.

01-25-2011, 02:30 PM
Brady was named MVP of Super Bowl XXXVI while throwing for 145 yards, one touchdown, and no interceptions

Because of the FANS.

Ty Law won the media vote at the game.

01-25-2011, 02:31 PM
We are in the big game. Screw the opinions of the rest of America. This guy may as well be from Outer Mongolia for all I care. Just another example of journalists thinking they really matter.

Who cares what they say? How does that effect us?

It doesn't and it doesn't matter. All these guys do is add fuel to the fire.

Steeler Mafia
01-25-2011, 02:37 PM
and the comments from Steelers fans agreeing with him. I'm really hoping they are just saying they are Steelers fans.

That is what shocked me the most. These can't be Steeler fans. They have to be posers that just want to climb on to the Steeler hater wagon.

Once Ben gets ring # 3, nothing the media or so-called "experts" say can tarnish the fact that Ben will have to be included amung the great QBs in the NFL.

01-25-2011, 03:30 PM
Ben must be good or the Steelers would have gotten rid of him. He would be like Trent Dilfer. Yes, he would have a ring but he wouldn't have multiple chances ( with a great team ) to get more rings. If Ben were older ( like Dilfer ) he may have been dumped after his first SB. But it was only his 2nd year. Dilfer was near the end so he was definitely seen as a product of a great defense. The Steelers could see that eventually Ben would carry the Steelers. Just too much jealousy out there.

01-25-2011, 03:52 PM
The writer and Cheat fans can be compared to a whore. They'll sleep with the best deal at the time. First they were Steeler backers because they wanted the Jets to lose the AFC game and now they are in the Packers corner.
The only winning Packer come Super Bowl Sunday will be the writer of this above posted news column and the Cheat fans. They can pack each others fudge when they see us hoist our seventh Lombardi trophy.

Sanchez out played Ben ? Ha ! Ben didn't have his best game and that can not be argued but, he did what it had taken to win. Sanchez's stats came from scrap yards and what, our prevent had given them along with Ike Taylor falling down.
Even in proffesionalism you can't get most reporters and annoucers to see and speak the truth.

01-25-2011, 03:53 PM
What a pathetic POS article. It is obvious he didn't watch much of the game if he is just quoting the passer rating stat. Assclown.

anger 82&95
01-25-2011, 04:58 PM
Wow. Put Brady on this team and he would be on IR by the third game. What a crock of sh!t. Ben put us in SB XL, regardless of his performance in that game. Ben WON SB XLIII for us. The D gave the lead up in that game. The Steelers are not that good of a running team either.Ben won it. It is not Ben's fault that he has a good team around him. But the Steelers are NOT where they are without him. If this guy or anyone else does not recognze that, they are just blind to the truth, jaded, or just stupid.
Exactly… How many big games has Roethlisberger personally won for the Steelers? The number is truly staggering. In reality, with all the Steeler quarterbacks that I have viewed from 1975 to today, Roethlisberger is the only one that doesn’t cause my heart to sink to some degree when the game is on the line and a big play is required. Incidentally, I can’t fault the Patriots fans too much; they’re so new to the concept of tradition that if you mention anything pre-Brady they blank out and start muttering about the Red Sox and Celtics…

01-25-2011, 06:12 PM
Boston? Where is that? Who?


01-25-2011, 06:19 PM
I thought all the brainiacs on this board told me this wasn't a media issue anymore?

01-25-2011, 06:40 PM
I thought all the brainiacs on this board told me this wasn't a media issue anymore?

Brainiacs know this isn't journalism.

01-25-2011, 10:36 PM

I'm pretty sick about all this milledgeville stuff... i know they have to bring it up, but how about some transparency here.

Before the Jets game all I heard was "rapist this" and "rapist that"

Then i found this link:

Now this guy buries it deep in the column. At first he acts like he wants to just pick on Ben's less than fantasy worthy stats (when are they going to start keeping track of Wins? I guess its all about passer rating.) Then he brings it up in the lower third of the column. Gahhh.. Whose he want to beat Ben? Clay Matthews? Oh hrmmm...


Oh right... THAT Clay Matthews. I know the girls involved turned around and changed their story. But no one was arrested in GA either...


Sorry if this is off topic, but man it's just been bugging me. I'm sick of defending Ben. I think the guy is probably a creep, but all i ever want to talk about is his play on the field and all anyone else wants to talk about is off field stuff. You know why? Because his on field play is suberb. They all know it too.

</end rant>

01-25-2011, 11:12 PM
Media week for Ben is going to be hell. I hope he keeps his cool.

01-25-2011, 11:22 PM
Yeah, it sounds like someone is a little nervous that a current QB will tie Lord Brady for SB titles and is already setting up to minimize the accomplishment.

Uh, yeah, didn't Brady get 14 points of special teams support in the '01 AFCCG? He put up a whapping 10 points, so I guess, by this logic, SB36 shouldn't be credited to Brady's account.

:roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

01-25-2011, 11:24 PM
Brady put up three points in Pittsburgh. He got hurt and Bledsoe took over.

01-25-2011, 11:28 PM
Brady put up three points in Pittsburgh. He got hurt and Bledsoe took over.

Sorry, my bad. Wow, that's hilarious. I'm sure this guy has an "I can have it both ways" article out there somewhere.

01-26-2011, 08:29 AM
Does the writer know that Ben ran a total of 17 times for 32 yds in the playoffs this season? And against the Jets, 4 of those runs were critical 1st downs that extended series.

And Mr. Brady? A total of 2 rushes for 2 yds against the Jets.

Sorry, but give me a QB that is willing to do what it takes to make plays, rather than a guy who will just throw the ball away cause no one was open and ain't no way in hell I am going to run and get my delicate face/body messed up.....forget that.