View Full Version : I like the new conference championship trophy

01-24-2011, 10:09 PM
It's like a hollowed out version of the Lombardi. To wit, if you don't win the Lombardi, winning the conference championship is a somewhat hollow victory.

01-24-2011, 10:15 PM
That's funny. I don't like it. I like traditions to stay.

01-24-2011, 10:16 PM
Have to say that while I like the look, I absolutely hate that they changed them. Goodell is doing everything he can to get rid of the history of this game. Unfortunately, IMO, the Rooney Way is in his sights. I say this knowing that I don't have the contempt for Godell that many on here have, but I am learning quickly. :)

01-24-2011, 10:30 PM
Garbage, looks like a piece of hand crafted silver you'd see at a flea market next to a totem pole and a cigar store indian.

Goodell and his idiots just can't leave well enough alone.

Iron Shiek
01-24-2011, 10:58 PM
Why hasn't he changed the super bowl trophy yet. the people that run the nfl (goodell specifically) are idiots.

01-24-2011, 11:04 PM
Why hasn't he changed the super bowl trophy yet. the people that run the nfl (goodell specifically) are idiots.

We'll find out if he did in two weeks, now won't we? :) It's going to be a sterling silver bust of his head.

01-24-2011, 11:13 PM
I don't remember ever reading something on this. You'd think the owners would've voted on this. I mean it's named after Lamar Hunt...they should've left it the same. Next thing you know they're going to call the Superbowl the Hippity Hop Bowl

01-24-2011, 11:17 PM
Trophies should be big. The bigger the better. Love the Stanley cup. NFL trophies should weigh 50 ibs and up. If they are dropped on someones foot it should be career ending. The should double as deadly weapons. And in times of war they should be able to melt them down and build aircraft carriers with their molten metal. You know ....big trophies.

01-24-2011, 11:20 PM
Trophies should be big. The bigger the better. Love the Stanley cup. NFL trophies should weigh 50 ibs and up. If they are dropped on someones foot it should be career ending. The should double as deadly weapons. And in times of war they should be able to melt them down and build aircraft carriers with their molten metal. You know ....big trophies.

Every time I remember seeing players pick up the Lamar Hunt trophy, I always think they make it look heavy and awkward to lift over their head.

01-24-2011, 11:49 PM
Trophies should be big. The bigger the better. Love the Stanley cup. NFL trophies should weigh 50 ibs and up. If they are dropped on someones foot it should be career ending. The should double as deadly weapons. And in times of war they should be able to melt them down and build aircraft carriers with their molten metal. You know ....big trophies.

Every time I remember seeing players pick up the Lamar Hunt trophy, I always think they make it look heavy and awkward to lift over their head.

Yeah any NFL trophy should fit in at an ancient medieval feast. Heavy or acting like its heavy makes sense.

01-25-2011, 12:42 AM
I liked it and hated it simultaneously.

The Sodfather
01-25-2011, 08:24 AM
It might be "ugly" but it was beautiful to me.

:tt1 :tt1

01-25-2011, 08:58 AM
I liked it and hated it simultaneously.

I think the rub people have, at least me anyway, is that they just went and changed it. I don't think anyone really hated the way it looked. Give the old trophy a little more respect than just ushering it out stage left.

01-25-2011, 09:32 AM
ugly... in the NFCCG they showed it at halftime and someone wrote "is that what I think it is?"

I liked the old ones because they were different for each conference.

01-25-2011, 11:06 AM
i cant stand them. i had no idea they were changing them. the Hunt and Mara trophies were tied to a deep history and now thats gone to. i cant stand this new regime that is running the league. its like they make decisions and dont even confer with anyone.
it just looks like a scaled down cheapafied lombardi. i hate it.
couldnt agree with crash and pick6 more.

The Sodfather
01-25-2011, 11:34 AM
They could glue a rusty Iron City can to a piece of cardboard and call it a trophy for all I care.

Just keep'em coming. :tt1 :tt1