View Full Version : Dan Dierdork

Discipline of Steel
01-22-2011, 11:34 AM
This is a bit of a misdirection to the article below, but I found Dan Dierdork to be utterly offensive with his favoritism during the Ravens game. Id rather see Conrad Dobler in there. Anyone else notice this?

Phil Simms, Jim Nantz Respond to Charges of Patriots Bias

http://nfl.fanhouse.com/2011/01/21/phil ... iots-bias/ (http://nfl.fanhouse.com/2011/01/21/phil-simms-jim-nantz-respond-to-charges-of-patriots-bias/)

Few things draw the ire of network announcers more than allegations that they favor one team or player over another or that they pull punches. That, and cutting off their clothing and hair-care allowances.

So, it shouldn't have come as a surprise that Jim Nantz and Phil Simms, CBS' No.1 NFL announce team, were all too happy to refute allegations that they took a little off their respective fastballs recently and made too nice with the New England Patriots during last Sunday's telecast.

"That's always the case, especially with fans," said Simms Thursday during a conference call to promote CBS' coverage of Sunday's AFC championship game between Pittsburgh and the New York Jets. "I walk out of the booth almost every week (and hear), 'Aw, you don't say enough good things about us.' "

Simms added, in a sarcastic tone, "That's OK. You're right. I want to show favoritism and get fired."

The piece that triggered the response was written by veteran media critic Bob Raissman of the New York Daily News, who contended Monday that Simms had failed to take Patriots coach Bill Belichick to task for strategic gaffes he might have made during Sunday's divisional playoff loss to the Jets.

Furthermore, Raissman suggested that because Nantz and Simms work so many Patriots games they might be inclined not to criticize the New England organization. It was a tough, and at times, harsh column, but, as Nantz said, "It kind of goes with the territory. We're big boys. We understand that people aren't always going to hear what we think we're saying and they interpret another way."

" ... Some criticism is always warranted, (but) I've never set in a game in my life and went, 'Boy, I'd better be careful of what I say about this coach because I might cover him next week or this player.' That doesn't cross my mind."

-- Phil Simms Nantz also did a little insinuation of his own, not so subtly pointing out that while he respected Raissman "a lot", the piece "came out of New York," and that Raissman "writes (and) talks in inflammatory terms, talks, to me, in over the top language. If I talked like that on the air, people would say that's a little bit ... too strong."

As for Sunday's telecast, Simms said he thought he struck the right tone of recognizing what both sides were doing and calling it that way.

"Do you really think that the New York Jets did things that the Patriots went, 'Oh my God. I actually never thought they would do that?" said Simms. "And I think I made that perfectly clear in the game. I said, from the beginning, basically everything that was happening that both teams kind of knew that's how the other team was going to play."

Simms argues that while "some criticism is always warranted, I've never set in a game in my life and went, 'Boy, I'd better be careful of what I say about this coach because I might cover him next week or this player.' That doesn't cross my mind. I just go by what I see and try to be as honest as I can."

Said Nantz: "We're ready to move on, but we're never out to protect anyone. We're there to observe and tell people what we see."

Mister Pittsburgh
01-22-2011, 11:42 AM
I sat there and thought they were pro Pats with the way they spoke at times. Like they were pulling for them to break out of their funk. But, I am also a huge hater of the Pats. I hate them for their smug attitudes, their better than you attitudes, and their F'n cheating ways.

People can say all they want that the cheating wasn't a big deal, there were other teams doing video's, etc......but to that I reply that no other team in the league has a guy with a photographic memory (ernie adams) reviewing those illegal tapes. It was the same thing as card counting in vegas. It might not be illegal....but you get your F'n knees broken with a ball-bat if you get caught.

01-22-2011, 11:48 AM
This is a bit of a misdirection to the article below, but I found Dan Dierdork to be utterly offensive with his favoritism during the Ravens game. Id rather see Conrad Dobler in there. Anyone else notice this?

I really do think we hear what we want to hear when we listen to these games. I was on your side as well until I watched the rebroadcast of the game the other day. When Hood made the big sack on third down on the last series for the Ravens, Dierdorf let out a big "ZIGGY" . . . almost like he was cheering. And when Flacco fumbled the snap, Dierdorf said somethign to the effect of "If the refs raise their arms in favor of the Steelers, this place is going to come apart." Whether we like them or not, I really do think, for the most part, these guys are professionals, but they are human as well. Maybe they don't like Ben for what he did, whatever the case.

Mister Pittsburgh
01-22-2011, 11:54 AM
I think the NFL should tell these Ahole announcers to keep their personal opinion on penalties to themselves. They can state facts when it comes to penalties.....but don't sit there and call a penalty ticky tacky or borderline or anything else is bullcrap. I personally think that half the world thinks the Steelers got all the calls in the Superbowl vs. the Seahags simply because Madden hates the Steelers and gave a pro Seahag response to all the calls. Stupid fans that barely watch the game or know what is going on just hear fat man stating his biased opinion and go with it.

01-22-2011, 12:05 PM
I dont get the hate for Dierdorf, he may be obvious with things he says or he may talk in circles, but he is very fair when covering games, he gets excited when players make plays, regardless of their team. I like him when he covers games, he is not a Steeler hater.
I think Collinsworth was an obvious Patriot lover when we played them earlier in the year, but then when we played the rats he was slobbering over Ben, I truly think that most broadcast teams do not like the rats, which is hillarious.
sometimes we just have our steeler glasses on too heavy

Discipline of Steel
01-22-2011, 12:52 PM
Well, i was looking for a majority opinion on this topic. Maybe i do have my Steelers glasses on for Dierdor_, but he sure seemed to slant things, esp in the first half...when we were losing....OK i get it.

Collinsworth, no doubt though!

01-22-2011, 01:20 PM
Just win, baby; and they can say what they want to say.

01-22-2011, 01:29 PM
so..... down 21-7 the analyst are supposed to slobber over the Steelers?

While getting manhandled by the Pats the announcers are supposed to gush over the awesome Steeler D who never put a finger on Brady?

c'mon fella's... the real favoritism is expecting announcers to say good things about the Steelers when they aren't playing well.

Now about that Seahag SB... we won but you know damn well if those calls were flipped you guys would be crying foul. They were ticky tack calls IMO and I'm not ashamed to admit it. I'm just a fan and I know those refs are capable of hosing my team on a call or 2 as well.

When someone points out the Seahag game I have no problem saying the calls were iffy because IMHO they were. But oh well, sometimes the refs get it wrong. We still got 6 b!tches! Maybe I'm wrong but I feel as though the refs don't always make the right calls, I don't need to justify every call as a Steeler fan.

01-22-2011, 01:31 PM
Well, i was looking for a majority opinion on this topic. Maybe i do have my Steelers glasses on for Dierdor_, but he sure seemed to slant things, esp in the first half...when we were losing....OK i get it.

Collinsworth, no doubt though!

You do have Steeler glasses on... LOL.

I like Collinsworth.. he talks a lot but he is usually spot on IMO.

01-22-2011, 01:38 PM
This is a bit of a misdirection to the article below, but I found Dan Dierdork to be utterly offensive with his favoritism during the Ravens game. Id rather see Conrad Dobler in there. Anyone else notice this?

I really do think we hear what we want to hear when we listen to these games. I was on your side as well until I watched the rebroadcast of the game the other day. When Hood made the big sack on third down on the last series for the Ravens, Dierdorf let out a big "ZIGGY" . . . almost like he was cheering. And when Flacco fumbled the snap, Dierdorf said somethign to the effect of "If the refs raise their arms in favor of the Steelers, this place is going to come apart." Whether we like them or not, I really do think, for the most part, these guys are professionals, but they are human as well. Maybe they don't like Ben for what he did, whatever the case.

I think Steeler fans are so frustrated when we play bad the actually play by play sounds like it's anti Steeler.

The Jets/Pats game though... I think they were waiting or expecting the Pats to break out instead of just calling it like they saw it.

01-22-2011, 01:43 PM
When someone points out the Seahag game I have no problem saying the calls were iffy because IMHO they were. But oh well, sometimes the refs get it wrong. We still got 6 b!tches! Maybe I'm wrong but I feel as though the refs don't always make the right calls, I don't need to justify every call as a Steeler fan.

My response always goes something like this:

The calls were close but correct. But there were also calls that went against the Steelers that no one remembers because the Steelers recovered and made positive plays after them. Seattle did not, and that is why the Steelers won. End of story.

01-22-2011, 01:55 PM
When someone points out the Seahag game I have no problem saying the calls were iffy because IMHO they were. But oh well, sometimes the refs get it wrong. We still got 6 b!tches! Maybe I'm wrong but I feel as though the refs don't always make the right calls, I don't need to justify every call as a Steeler fan.

My response always goes something like this:

The calls were close but correct. But there were also calls that went against the Steelers that no one remembers because the Steelers recovered and made positive plays after them. Seattle did not, and that is why the Steelers won. End of story.

my favorite respone: "Losers blame the refs"

01-22-2011, 02:24 PM
I went to the Rats board after the game and thread through the Game Day thread. Wanted to read about their melt down in the 3rd quarter.

The first thing that shocked me was how, even when they were up at half time, MANY of the fans were anything but confident. They said in the 2nd half of a lot of games both the offense and defense seem to just shut down or they play turtle ball. They were actually expecting the Steelers to come back.

But back to the original topic. I also read a lot of posters thinking how much Dierdorf was drooling over the Steelers :wft . I thought just the opposite. Maybe as fans were prone to think 'they're always out to get us' whether it be the refs or the announcers.

01-22-2011, 02:31 PM
But back to the original topic. I also read a lot of posters thinking how much Dierdorf was drooling over the Steelers :wft . I thought just the opposite. Maybe as fans were prone to think 'they're always out to get us' whether it be the refs or the announcers.

Fans always think the refs or announcers are out to get them. Put 2 fans of different teams in the same room during the game and it's pure comedy.

01-22-2011, 02:39 PM
CBS is a business partner of the Pats. Of course they are going to slob their knob when they can.

01-22-2011, 05:37 PM
My wife doesn't watch football and knows nothing about it.

I was watching the Jets/Pats game and she was in the room doing something else.

Partway through the game, she looked up and said "Man, those announcers really like the Patriots, don't they".

I rest my case.

01-22-2011, 05:39 PM
CBS is a business partner of the Pats. Of course they are going to slob their knob when they can.
CBS is a business partner with all AFC teams.

01-22-2011, 07:27 PM
Well, i was looking for a majority opinion on this topic. Maybe i do have my Steelers glasses on for Dierdor_, but he sure seemed to slant things, esp in the first half...when we were losing....OK i get it.

Collinsworth, no doubt though!

You do have Steeler glasses on... LOL.

I like Collinsworth.. he talks a lot but he is usually spot on IMO.

I like Collinsworth and Aikman too, both give you their insight into the game as if they were still in the huddle or on the field. I like it. Jon Gruden is my absolute favorite announcer, passionate, knowledgeable and entertaining.


01-22-2011, 07:29 PM
CBS is a business partner of the Pats. Of course they are going to slob their knob when they can.
CBS is a business partner with all AFC teams.

Um, no. They are a television network for all teams.

They co-own a sports venue with the Patriots.

01-22-2011, 07:43 PM
CBS is a business partner of the Pats. Of course they are going to slob their knob when they can.
CBS is a business partner with all AFC teams.

Um, no. They are a television network for all teams.

They co-own a sports venue with the Patriots.
Um, yeah. Paying to televise games is a business arrangement/partnership.

Steel Life
01-22-2011, 10:36 PM
Gut - Crash is right, they announced it a while back during a game (what were they thinking?). Here's a link - http://www.patriots.com/news/index.cfm? ... 19&pcid=47 (http://www.patriots.com/news/index.cfm?ac=latestnewsdetail&pid=29519&pcid=47)