View Full Version : Roethlisberger works to rebuild trust

01-20-2011, 02:34 PM
PITTSBURGH -- The barkeeps along Carson Street say they haven't seen Ben Roethlisberger around in a while. They'd know if he were here. Pittsburgh, at its core, is one big little city. And people talk.

Steel mills used to drive the South Side, but sweat and grit have been replaced by Abercrombie & Fitch. It's a trendy area now, loaded with yuppies, college kids and watering holes. This used to be Roethlisberger's stomping grounds -- well, one of them -- and stories flow like Iron City beer from a tap.

There was a time, back in the boozy, pre-scandal days, when Roethlisberger could triple a bar's foot traffic within an hour. He'd show up at Jack's Rose Bar, a couple of patrons would grab their cell phones and text BIG BEN'S HERE, and the party would begin.

"He frequented our place a lot," said Chris Dawso, who owns Jack's. "We used to call him the Pied Piper.

"But he hasn't been around at all this year."

Roethlisberger, his supporters say, has grown up. He had to. The face of the Pittsburgh Steelers franchise stood in front of an angry and disappointed city this past spring, at the precipice of losing everything. In April, prosecutors had decided not to charge him with sexually assaulting a woman in Georgia, but he was facing a six-game suspension by the NFL. (It was later reduced to four.) He had two Super Bowl rings, and a locker room many suspected he had lost. Team president Art Rooney Jr. said Roethlisberger had to work hard to earn back trust.

On the field, it's clear the 28-year-old quarterback has done that. He has hobbled around on an injured foot, toughed out a broken nose and led the Steelers to the AFC Championship Game, which will be played Sunday night at Heinz Field against the New York Jets.

Off the field, Roethlisberger has spent the past nine months lying low. He's rumored to be engaged, a claim his camp will not confirm, and no longer travels with bodyguards or entourages. He eschews the bar scene, which has been the root of just about every one of his problems.

Has he changed? On the north side of Pittsburgh, the jury's still out. Mark Baranowski is watching Roethlisberger's progress with skepticism and hope. Baranowski is known as sort of the Norma Rae of bar owners in Pittsburgh, the man who stood up to Roethlisberger a few years back when the quarterback, according to Baranowski, showed up at his Cabana Bar and acted immature and entitled, and refused to pay a $5 cover charge.

It wasn't about five bucks, Baranowski says. It was about being a Pittsburgher.

"The town was really fed up with him," Baranowski said. "They were really down on him, and there were a lot of people who just didn't want him to be our quarterback.

"But it seems like he's trying to turn it around. I haven't heard one bad story. I hope he keeps it up. He's got everything going for him. He's big and strong and tough, and people just idolize him. I mean, he could own this city."

'He's worked at it'

Eventually, they'll forget. If No. 7 leads the Steelers to their seventh Super Bowl title, the anger will subside and Roethlisberger's misdeeds will ultimately be a distant memory.

"The thing about life is that if you're a winner, people will forgive a little bit easier," said Jim Coen, the owner of Yinzers, a popular novelty store in the Strip District. "As long as you're heading in the right direction and not doing anything stupid, the city will forgive."

It was Martin Luther King Jr. Day, and the Strip was bustling with lunchtime shoppers buying black-and-gold gear. Nine months ago, when the Big Ben news hit the fan, Yinzers marked down Roethlisberger jerseys to $10. But now they're back at full price and selling at a steady clip.

Sixty-four thousand fans screamed for him Saturday night, after the Steelers' 31-24 win against Baltimore, and he lingered on the field to take it all in. Trust, in late-game situations, was never an issue with Roethlisberger. He plays on the edge, without fear, and is one of the most clutch quarterbacks in the league. Saturday night was no exception. The Steelers were down by two touchdowns to start the third quarter. Roethlisberger couldn't be rattled.

On third-and-19, late in the game, he uncorked a 58-yard pass to rookie receiver Antonio Brown. It set up the winning touchdown and put the Steelers in their fourth conference championship game in Roethlisberger's seven years with the franchise.

"I'm very pleased," team owner Dan Rooney said as he made the rounds in the locker room late Saturday. "He's worked at it. He's doing what he has to do on the field and off."

Roethlisberger won't say it -- he has declined interview requests for stories that focus on him -- but it's clear that the whispers of his demise in Pittsburgh motivated him. He came to training camp slimmer and in possibly the best shape he's been in his career. He seemed to approach every game as a proving ground.

Roethlisberger was required to go through offseason counseling for what commissioner Roger Goodell called a "pattern of behavior" that damaged the integrity of the game. A year before the allegations of sexual assault in Milledgeville, Ga., a woman in Lake Tahoe filed a lawsuit claiming Roethlisberger sexually assaulted her at a hotel-casino in 2008.
People close to Roethlisberger call the Georgia incident an intense reality check. He knew, then, that he had to make changes. So he surrounded himself with a group of advisers, a team that included Art Rooney, Bill Cowher and former Pittsburgh running back Merril Hoge, now an NFL analyst for ESPN.

"He's human," said Roethlisberger's agent, Ryan Tollner. "He reached the point where he said to me, 'I'm OK if I never play another down of football so long as people perceive me to be a good person.'"

Maybe, Coen says, Roethlisberger underestimated Pittsburgh. It's true that the city measures success with playoff victories and Super Bowls. But it's about more than that.

People rarely leave here. Men hold doors open for women and check on their neighbors. People, Coen says, are nice to each other. They love their Steelers, worship them, and are heartsick if their quarterback isn't someone they can like. It should be noted that the most popular Steeler is Troy Polamalu, a game-changing safety who frequents a local children's hospital each week and gives his phone number to sick kids.

"The fans of Pittsburgh, they feel like the team is part of their family," Coen said. "When you walk down the street, someone looks you in the eye and says hello to you. That's the way this city is."

'He kind of had an arrogance to him'

The first time Willie Colon met Roethlisberger, they didn't really hit it off. Colon was a rookie offensive lineman in 2006, drafted to move mountains. Roethlisberger was a 24-year-old with a Super Bowl trophy, a truckload of endorsements and a bit of an attitude.

"He kind of had an arrogance to him," Colon said. "I'm a Bronx New York kid. We don't get star-struck. I wasn't impressed. I wasn't sold on the whole Big Ben thing."

But when Colon spent some time with him, he realized how much they were alike. How they were both from small colleges, both intensely competitive (they competed over who had the longest toenails) and both tied closely to their families. How their personalities were so alike that they had become good friends.

Colon was there that night in Milledgeville. He says the incident changed Roethlisberger's life.

"It's weird and maybe awkward to say this," Colon said, "but everything that happened was a blessing in disguise. He saw the kind of person he was, and he was able to change his ways.

"I think, flat out, he's a better person now."

Roethlisberger is an intensely private person, and he has been known to irk fans by refusing to sign autographs in restaurants and bars. According to several bar owners around Pittsburgh, he has, on occasion, walked into an establishment, flanked by bodyguards, and retreated to a private room without conversing with patrons.

Some of his teammates saw a similar detachment. At times, he came across as aloof or uninterested in them.

"I'd be a liar if I said he was open and forthcoming to everybody in the locker room before this," Colon said. "He wasn't. But nevertheless, he's changed his ways. He talks to everybody now. He's more open; he's more vocal. He gets it. He's becoming a great leader."

'It takes time to earn that trust back'

Just before 2 p.m. Monday, the late lunch crowd filtered out of Primanti Bros., a local dining institution. The restaurant takes cash only; the walls are painted with the faces of Pittsburgh's biggest legends.

Jerome Bettis graces the back wall, with a bus painted beside him. Hines Ward is there, too. Roethlisberger's giant mug is bigger than the rest of them. It's covered with graffiti scribbled in black marker.

"It takes time to earn that trust back," said a middle-aged woman named Karen who was walking nearby with her sister Monday afternoon. "He did some stupid stuff, and hopefully he can go forward from that and focus on what he is, a quarterback."

Tollner says his client has an amazing ability to compartmentalize and block out distractions, but that doesn't mean he's oblivious to what people think about him. Although various PR consultants suggested that he pour his heart out in 20-minute national TV increments this past summer, Roethlisberger decided that wouldn't be sincere.

He wanted to prove himself through his actions. He's just an average guy, Tollner says. He cuts his own grass, scoops snow out of his own driveway and shops for his own groceries. Maybe he didn't realize it at first: the importance of every interaction, his significance in the city. Roethlisberger gets it now, his agent says.

With his bar-hopping days apparently behind him, Roethlisberger retreats to his parents' home in his down time. They moved last year from their house in Ohio to a ranch just outside Pittsburgh, and Ben spends a lot of his time outdoors with his dad, Ken.

Roethlisberger was raised in a fairly strict, religious environment, people close to him say, and has turned back to those roots.

"I think his main focus was getting a better connection with the Lord and getting a better connection with his own family," Colon said.

"One part of his life right now is sitting at home, relaxing with his family. He watches TV and lets his body rest. You see the transition. I love the guy to death. Sometimes, in the past, he didn't let the outside world get to know him because he didn't trust them. He didn't feel comfortable with his world outside. But now you can tell he's open and he's willing."

'He was very gracious'

The call came in late May, at the start of Roethlisberger's season of discontent. And Scott Challis was surprised. In the couple of years since his son's death, The John Challis Courage for Life Foundation has held a charity golf event in memory of John. Celebrities are encouraged to come.

The phone rang one day in Freedom, Pa., and Roethlisberger was on the other end. At the time, he was one of the most vilified athletes in Pittsburgh. But he came to the event, played 18 holes, smiled for pictures and signed autographs.

Roethlisberger met John Challis years ago, when cancer was draining the life from the teenager's frail body. They watched a hockey game together, sat in Mario Lemieux's suite.

John, a high school baseball player who had the maturity of a 40-year-old, was considered an old soul. He connected with the quarterback many in Pittsburgh wished would grow up. They spent time together one summer during the Steelers' training camp, riding around on a golf cart. At one point in their interactions, John and Roethlisberger joked around about the quarterback's motorcycle accident. Then John turned serious.

He reminded Roethlisberger that everything can be taken away from you at any time.

"Maybe Ben remembered that," Scott Challis said. "I don't know.

"Do I think he was doing it for the PR? I don't think so. There were no TV cameras there. He wasn't proving anything to anybody. He was just trying to be respectful of my son. He was very gracious. And that made us feel good."

http://sports.espn.go.com/nfl/playoffs/ ... hlisberger (http://sports.espn.go.com/nfl/playoffs/2010/columns/story?page=hotread19/BenRoethlisberger)

01-20-2011, 03:00 PM
Roethlisberger Shakes Off Lack Of Respect

PITTSBURGH – With Ben Roethlisberger enjoying a breakout season of sorts, many within the Steelers organization viewed these playoffs as a chance for their quarterback to get his due as one of the game’s elite.
The thinking behind the front lines a couple of weeks ago went something like this:

If the seeds hold true, Roethlisberger would have a chance to defeat Peyton Manning and then Tom Brady, the two quarterbacks considered the class of the league these days.

Alas, the New York Jets stole Roethlisberger’s thunder by taking that path themselves.

It set up an AFC Championship Game of physical defenses and alleged “game manager” type quarterbacks, and nothing makes Roethlisberger cringe more than the term “game manager.”

It came up when he was asked Wednesday to critique the development of Jets sophomore quarterback Mark Sanchez.

“He just makes plays,” Roethlisberger said. “People get on him a lot. It’s ‘run the ball and manage the game, Mark.’ No, to be a quarterback at that level, and do what he’s done, you don’t just manage a game. You play the game and do it at a high level, and that’s what he’s done.”

Sanchez must wear that label because he’s the rarity: a young quarterback in a big game. His coaches don’t ask much of him, nor should they. It’s how Roethlisberger was asked to play as a rookie in the 2004 AFC Championship Game and as a sophomore in the 2005 Super Bowl.

Problem is, Roethlisberger hasn’t been able to escape the “game manager” label, no matter how far from the truth it is these days.

One reporter saw through the words, saw the cringe on Roethlisberger’s face, and asked him Wednesday if it bothers him that he’s rarely listed with the game’s elite quarterbacks.

“No, it’s OK for me,” Roethlisberger said. “I know that I’m probably not ever going to win a league MVP, probably never going to win a passing title. But that’s not why I play the game. I just go out and try and win football games and try and win championships.”

But, still, Roethlisberger’s passing statistics are among the best of all-time. Here’s where Roethlisberger ranks in three of the most important passing categories:

* No. 8 all-time passer rating of 92.5 (just ahead of Joe Montana’s 92.3).

* No. 5 all-time yards per attempt of 8.04.

* No. 12 all-time completion percentage of 63.1 (just behind Montana’s 63.2).

Roethlisberger would never cite such numbers, nor would he ever admit that a lack of respect is driving him. But his top receiver will.

“Yeah, that’s probably what drives him,” said Hines Ward. “Look, all I care about is wins and losses. A quarterback who doesn’t have many more wins or Super Bowls, it really shouldn’t matter. The winning percentage speaks for itself. I doubt he gets caught up worrying about what people are saying about his style of play.”

Oh, right, the winning percentage. Well, Roethlisberger has that, too. He has the fourth best all-time winning percentage (90 or more starts) among quarterbacks in regular-season games. Roethlisberger is 69-29 for a .704 winning percentage.

He’s even better in the postseason when Roethlisberger is 9-2 with two championship wins. Only Bart Starr, at 9-1, has a better percentage among quarterbacks who’ve started 10 postseason games.

“He’s a winner,” Ward said. “He’s one ring behind (Tom) Brady and one above Peyton Manning and Drew Brees. Regardless of how he does it, he’s still a Super Bowl quarterback. You can’t knock him.

“Is he unorthodox? Yes, but we know he does good things and does them well for us. I know every time we’re in the fourth quarter he’s not going to quit. We always have a chance to win games. I’ll take that over all of them. I wouldn’t trade him for any other quarterback out there.”


01-20-2011, 03:17 PM
Here are some legal issues with the Cabana Club, who's owner has been judging Ben and milking his 15 minutes of fame for months.


http://www.pittsburghlive.com/x/pittsbu ... 22490.html (http://www.pittsburghlive.com/x/pittsburghtrib/news/pittsburgh/s_522490.html)



This owner obviously has no regard for human safety, nor the regard for doing things though the proper channels.

But he can go ahead and judge Ben over a $5 cover charge and rumors.....lol

Typical Yinzer trash.

01-20-2011, 03:25 PM
Here are some legal issues with the Cabana Club, who's owner has been judging Ben and milking his 15 minutes of fame for months.


http://www.pittsburghlive.com/x/pittsbu ... 22490.html (http://www.pittsburghlive.com/x/pittsburghtrib/news/pittsburgh/s_522490.html)



This owner obviously has no regard for human safety, nor the regard for doing things though the proper channels.

But he can go ahead and judge Ben over a $5 cover charge and rumors.....lol

Typical Yinzer trash.

Screw that bar owner...

Cheapjerk wants a 5 dollar cover charge from a star player...what about the business Ben would have got to that owner during that night

I heard he is out of business...maybe Cabana owner needs to take Economy 101

01-20-2011, 03:32 PM
The Cabana is now closed? Really?

01-20-2011, 03:37 PM
I remember this story and I thought the guy was stupid for not letting Ben in for free and getting the buzz and biz off his presence but someone had a great point.

It's $5 freaking dollars! While it's bad business IMO to charge Ben it's his right and if Ben refused to pay $5 bucks it says just as much about Ben as it does about the owner.

01-20-2011, 03:41 PM
Someone posted that the bar owner ADVERTISED Ben coming. And then STILL wanted him to pay the cover.

01-20-2011, 03:49 PM
You can find Steelers players in SS bars any night of the week. Ben can't join them because so many swallowed the bogus dtf story.

01-20-2011, 03:54 PM
Right or wrong, Ben will not be liked or trusted by many Steelers fans ever again.

01-20-2011, 03:58 PM
I'm not going to rat out Ben's privacy - but my daughter seats him often for dinner and I can confirm, no entourage, no bodyguards. small party, sometimes just 2 of them. private room, but polite and greetings both on the way in and out.

This is a forgiving town, particularly if you're winning. play hard, settle down, sign autographs, don't be a douche - and all will be well.

01-20-2011, 03:58 PM
Someone posted that the bar owner ADVERTISED Ben coming. And then STILL wanted him to pay the cover.

Bar owners can be night and day depending on the bar sales for the week.

I've seen a bar owner refuse to let the main act of a show enter because they didn't have an ID on them. Stupid... but it's the law and most times it's just the bar owner trying to hold onto that little bit of power that they know is gone once a celeb enters.

01-20-2011, 03:59 PM
Right or wrong, Ben will not be liked or trusted by many Steelers fans ever again.

Please don't talk as if you represent Steelers nation...you definately are in a minority...

01-20-2011, 04:00 PM
Right or wrong, Ben will not be liked or trusted by many Steelers fans ever again.

Please don't talk as if you represent Steelers nation...you definately are in a minority...

Did I say how I felt regarding the matter? Read it slower.

01-20-2011, 04:02 PM
I'm not going to rat out Ben's privacy - but my daughter seats him often for dinner and I can confirm, no entourage, no bodyguards. small party, sometimes just 2 of them. private room, but polite and greetings both on the way in and out.

This is a forgiving town, particularly if you're winning. play hard, settle down, sign autographs, don't be a douche - and all will be well.

before this went down in GA I went home and my friends coworker goes into a lengthy story about Ben being an azzz at a restaurant.

everyone has a story and on any given day it could be good or bad.

01-20-2011, 04:24 PM
I don't see why Ben can't stroll down South Side. I've not fallen for the 'he's innocent' line many here blubber, but I have no problem with him grabbing a couple beers and laughing it up downtown. But it would behoove him to get out of there at a reasonable hour. He is held to a higher standard than backup TEs or kickers.
But actually, he might be on league probation for alcohol. So maybe not a good idea yet.
Let's just win another Super Bowl, survive an offseason of shame and then we can go have a beer together. :)

01-20-2011, 04:34 PM
This is a forgiving town, particularly if you're winning. play hard, settle down, sign autographs, don't be a douche - and all will be well.

If they forgive him because he's winning? Their moral outrage was a sham.

01-20-2011, 04:56 PM
This is a forgiving town, particularly if you're winning. play hard, settle down, sign autographs, don't be a douche - and all will be well.

If they forgive him because he's winning? Their moral outrage was a sham.

That is so true.

01-20-2011, 05:00 PM
This is a forgiving town, particularly if you're winning. play hard, settle down, sign autographs, don't be a douche - and all will be well.

If they forgive him because he's winning? Their moral outrage was a sham.

Why else would people forgive him? Most people don't know him personally. All they want is the win....

01-20-2011, 05:03 PM
This is a forgiving town, particularly if you're winning. play hard, settle down, sign autographs, don't be a douche - and all will be well.

If they forgive him because he's winning? Their moral outrage was a sham.

That is so true.

There is no success story if a person isn't successful.

People like Ben because he is a winner on the field. If he stunk from day one you and every other Steeler fan on here would have nicknames for him.

01-20-2011, 05:05 PM
This is a forgiving town, particularly if you're winning. play hard, settle down, sign autographs, don't be a douche - and all will be well.

If they forgive him because he's winning? Their moral outrage was a sham.

Why else would people forgive him? Most people don't know him personally. All they want is the win....
I think it's more being willing to accept and forget in lieu of wins. Most realize high level athletes have money, can get out of crap, many are arseholes but the truth will likely never be completely known but they'll compartmentalize and move on if he wins.

01-20-2011, 05:25 PM
This is a forgiving town, particularly if you're winning. play hard, settle down, sign autographs, don't be a douche - and all will be well.

If they forgive him because he's winning? Their moral outrage was a sham.

Why else would people forgive him? Most people don't know him personally. All they want is the win....

But TONS of local Steelers fans were calling talk shows and stating they would rather lose without Ben, than win with him.

Burned jersey's. Jersey's thrown in the trash, etc.

If winning made them forgive him? Then they are morons.

sd steel
01-20-2011, 06:04 PM
I don't forgive him. Me and many Steeler fans I know are in a bit of a quandry though, how do you root for the Steelers without rooting for their QB? I like winning, but the Rapelisberger BS gets old. I still stand by the fact that I hoped the Steelers would have traded him, but I don't control that, and just because HE PUT HIMSELF IN THE POSITION OF BEING ACCUSED OF SEXUAL ASSAULT MORE THAN ONCE, I have to live with rooting for the Steelers and our QB.

I was talking to one of my customers yesterday, and she is from Buffalo and knows of my Pittsburgh roots, and that I am a Steeler fan, and she said, she hates the Jets, but she can't bring herself to root for the Steelers because of Ben, and she is a nice older lady who enjoys sports, and I have to say I even tried to say that he was trying to redeem himself, but I felt sick to my stomach, and she looked at me like I was defending a rapist, then she said if it was just one time SD, but it has happened more than once. It's a moral dilemma for me, because best case scenario he was a boor and a lout, worst case scenario is he sexually assaulted some women. Either way, it's his fault, and I still dislike him for it.

01-20-2011, 06:05 PM
Do you want James Harrison traded also?

01-20-2011, 06:10 PM
So she's rooting for the team that has a QB who was arrested for sexual assault?


Typical women who doesn't look at facts. Send her my way, she can bake me a pizza.

sd steel
01-20-2011, 06:11 PM
Do you want James Harrison traded also?

Crash did James Harrison sexually assault someone? Domestic disputes are common place for overly aggressive professional athletes. Sexual assault allegations against the face of your franchise is a different story.

sd steel
01-20-2011, 06:12 PM
So she's rooting for the team that has a QB who was arrested for sexual assault?


Typical women who doesn't look at facts. Send her my way, she can bake me a pizza.
You are doing the same thing to Sanchez, and he was cleared, and it only happened once to him.

01-20-2011, 06:12 PM
Crash did James Harrison sexually assault someone?


And neither has Ben, wasn't even charged.

Unlike Mark Sanchez who was arrested for sexual assault.


01-20-2011, 06:13 PM
So she's rooting for the team that has a QB who was arrested for sexual assault?


Typical women who doesn't look at facts. Send her my way, she can bake me a pizza.
You are doing the same thing to Sanchez, and he was cleared, and it only happened once to him.

HE WAS CHARGED. He was in jail. They bailed him out.

I would bet BOTH you and her didn't know that.

sd steel
01-20-2011, 06:13 PM
Crash did James Harrison sexually assault someone?


And neither has Ben, wasn't even charged.

Unlike Mark Sanchez who was arrested for sexual assault.


Get your facts straight he was cleared and punished and it was supposedly consensual in a dormroom.

01-20-2011, 06:15 PM
Crash did James Harrison sexually assault someone?


And neither has Ben, wasn't even charged.

Unlike Mark Sanchez who was arrested for sexual assault.


Get your facts straight he was cleared and punished and it was supposedly consensual in a dormroom.

So why did she say it wasn't? Why was he charged? Or did the campus police just go running around arresting people for sexual assault?

sd steel
01-20-2011, 06:15 PM
He was brought in but the charges were dropped, he said she said...But I don't care he doesn't play for the Steelers.

sd steel
01-20-2011, 06:16 PM
And it only happened once.

01-20-2011, 06:18 PM
This is a forgiving town, particularly if you're winning. play hard, settle down, sign autographs, don't be a douche - and all will be well.

If they forgive him because he's winning? Their moral outrage was a sham.

Why else would people forgive him? Most people don't know him personally. All they want is the win....

But TONS of local Steelers fans were calling talk shows and stating they would rather lose without Ben, than win with him.

Burned jersey's. Jersey's thrown in the trash, etc.

If winning made them forgive him? Then they are morons.

They are Steeler fans... they were Steeler fans before Ben and they will be Steeler fans after Ben.

I can't blame fans for being po'ed at Ben... I was one of them. I didn't want him traded but I was frustrated that he was in the news for the 2nd time in a year over a chick.

I think the real test for Ben will be if he wins another SB.... how does he handle another Lombardi?

01-20-2011, 06:18 PM
In April 2006, Sanchez was arrested after a female USC student accused him of sexual assault. He was released from jail the following day and suspended, but on June 3, 2006, the Los Angeles County District Attorney's office announced no charges would be filed, and Sanchez was reinstated, remaining subject to team-related discipline for underage drinking and using fake identification on the night he was arrested

He was accused of dorm sex, as a drunk teenager.

Ben had his bodyguard block the door of a public bathroom when he was a late 20's adult.

Both were "cleared" or was found to have insufficient "evidence."

sd steel
01-20-2011, 06:22 PM
In April 2006, Sanchez was arrested after a female USC student accused him of sexual assault. He was released from jail the following day and suspended, but on June 3, 2006, the Los Angeles County District Attorney's office announced no charges would be filed, and Sanchez was reinstated, remaining subject to team-related discipline for underage drinking and using fake identification on the night he was arrested

He was accused of dorm sex, as a drunk teenager.

Ben had his bodyguard block the door of a public bathroom when he was a late 20's adult.

Both were "cleared" or was found to have insufficient "evidence."

Thank you

01-20-2011, 06:22 PM
Do you want James Harrison traded also?

If James Harrison had another assault on a woman I think plenty of fans would want him traded.... but if he stayed they would cheer for him on Sundays.

As long as a player is a Steeler fans will cheer for them on the field.

01-20-2011, 06:24 PM
He was brought in but the charges were dropped, he said she said

And they couldn't even PROVE that ANY SEX TOOK PLACE between Ben and Miss DTF.

That's even BETTER, than he said, she said.

He said she said, implies that sexual intercourse took place.

Ben DENIED intercourse took place, and the physical evidence supports his claim.

You make me sick. You defend Sanchez while completely ignoring the FACTS of Ben's accusation.

And don't tell me about "putting himself in positions" OK? TMZ showed Sanchez, as a Jet, getting into a hummer limo with numerous good looking women.

I would bet, they weren't discussing game plans.

01-20-2011, 06:24 PM
Do you want James Harrison traded also?

If James Harrison had another assault on a woman I think plenty of fans would want him traded.... but if he stayed they would cheer for him on Sundays.

As long as a player is a Steeler fans will cheer for them on the field.
Yep, Santonio was the last person with a string of events and we all see where that loudmouth idiot is now.

01-20-2011, 06:25 PM
If the Steelers could have traded him this off-season in a decent package, they would have. If they could have garnered the 1st pick to get Bradford, Ben would be in St. Louis.

01-20-2011, 06:26 PM
In April 2006, Sanchez was arrested after a female USC student accused him of sexual assault. He was released from jail the following day and suspended, but on June 3, 2006, the Los Angeles County District Attorney's office announced no charges would be filed, and Sanchez was reinstated, remaining subject to team-related discipline for underage drinking and using fake identification on the night he was arrested

He was accused of dorm sex, as a drunk teenager.

Ben had his bodyguard block the door of a public bathroom when he was a late 20's adult.

Both were "cleared" or was found to have insufficient "evidence."

Thank you

Sanchez isn't a Steeler so who cares....

sd steel
01-20-2011, 06:27 PM
He was brought in but the charges were dropped, he said she said

And they couldn't even PROVE that ANY SEX TOOK PLACE between Ben and Miss DTF.

That's even BETTER, than he said, she said.

He said she said, implies that sexual intercourse took place.

Ben DENIED intercourse took place, and the physical evidence supports his claim.

You make me sick. You defend Sanchez while completely ignoring the FACTS of Ben's accusation.

And don't tell me about "putting himself in positions" OK? TMZ showed Sanchez, as a Jet, getting into a hummer limo with numerous good looking women.

I would bet, they weren't discussing game plans.
I bet he wasn't holding them against their free will either. And I don't defend Sanchez, but you just show how you will condemn Sanchez without knowing the facts, and yet you give Ben a pass because he is your idol. You remind of of a teenage girl with a crush.

01-20-2011, 06:27 PM
He was brought in but the charges were dropped, he said she said

And they couldn't even PROVE that ANY SEX TOOK PLACE between Ben and Miss DTF.

That's even BETTER, than he said, she said.

He said she said, implies that sexual intercourse took place.

Ben DENIED intercourse took place, and the physical evidence supports his claim.

You make me sick. You defend Sanchez while completely ignoring the FACTS of Ben's accusation.

And don't tell me about "putting himself in positions" OK? TMZ showed Sanchez, as a Jet, getting into a hummer limo with numerous good looking women.

I would bet, they weren't discussing game plans.
Crash doesn't realize sex is a bit rough after a night of tequila shots( He doesn't drink or have sex.) Ben was fortunate he couldn't get it up or he'd likely be in jail.

01-20-2011, 06:28 PM
In April 2006, Sanchez was arrested after a female USC student accused him of sexual assault. He was released from jail the following day and suspended, but on June 3, 2006, the Los Angeles County District Attorney's office announced no charges would be filed, and Sanchez was reinstated, remaining subject to team-related discipline for underage drinking and using fake identification on the night he was arrested

He was accused of dorm sex, as a drunk teenager.

Ben had his bodyguard block the door of a public bathroom when he was a late 20's adult.

Both were "cleared" or was found to have insufficient "evidence."

Thank you

Thank him for what? Did he give you a reach around?

He's wrong, twice.

#1. It wasn't a public bathroom. It was an employee bathroom.

#2. They blocked NOTHING. The bodyguard was down the hall from the bathroom. He was nowhere near the door. The club manager, told the skanks where they could go, to get to the bathroom. And here's the kicker? THEY REFUSED TO DO SO!

01-20-2011, 06:28 PM
TMZ showed Sanchez, as a Jet, getting into a hummer limo with numerous good looking women.

I would bet, they weren't discussing game plans.

:shock: you sound like a very weird dude right now.

sd steel
01-20-2011, 06:30 PM
In April 2006, Sanchez was arrested after a female USC student accused him of sexual assault. He was released from jail the following day and suspended, but on June 3, 2006, the Los Angeles County District Attorney's office announced no charges would be filed, and Sanchez was reinstated, remaining subject to team-related discipline for underage drinking and using fake identification on the night he was arrested

He was accused of dorm sex, as a drunk teenager.

Ben had his bodyguard block the door of a public bathroom when he was a late 20's adult.

Both were "cleared" or was found to have insufficient "evidence."

Thank you

Thank him for what? Did he give you a reach around?

He's wrong, twice.

#1. It wasn't a public bathroom. It was an employee bathroom.

#2. They blocked NOTHING. The bodyguard was down the hall from the bathroom. He was nowhere near the door. The club manager, told the skanks where they could go, to get to the bathroom. And here's the kicker? THEY REFUSED TO DO SO!

Crush, I was thanking him for the info on Sanchez, everything else is hearsay.

01-20-2011, 06:30 PM
I bet he wasn't holding them against their free will either. And I don't defend Sanchez, but you just show how you will condemn Sanchez without knowing the facts

FACT #1. Sanchez was charged.

FACT #2. Ben was not charged and the DA publicly stated that he didn't even have probable cause to arrest him.

I'm all about facts, I suggest you start dealing in them.

01-20-2011, 06:32 PM
In April 2006, Sanchez was arrested after a female USC student accused him of sexual assault. He was released from jail the following day and suspended, but on June 3, 2006, the Los Angeles County District Attorney's office announced no charges would be filed, and Sanchez was reinstated, remaining subject to team-related discipline for underage drinking and using fake identification on the night he was arrested

He was accused of dorm sex, as a drunk teenager.

Ben had his bodyguard block the door of a public bathroom when he was a late 20's adult.

Both were "cleared" or was found to have insufficient "evidence."

Thank you

Thank him for what? Did he give you a reach around?

He's wrong, twice.

#1. It wasn't a public bathroom. It was an employee bathroom.

#2. They blocked NOTHING. The bodyguard was down the hall from the bathroom. He was nowhere near the door. The club manager, told the skanks where they could go, to get to the bathroom. And here's the kicker? THEY REFUSED TO DO SO!

Ben Roethlisberger's bodyguards guarded the entrance to the bathroom where he allegedly sexually assaulted a 20-year-old college student, according to an eyewitness
http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2010/03/1 ... 98912.html (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2010/03/15/ben-roethlisbergers-bodyg_n_498912.html)

01-20-2011, 06:32 PM
TMZ showed Sanchez, as a Jet, getting into a hummer limo with numerous good looking women.

I would bet, they weren't discussing game plans.

:shock: you sound like a very weird dude right now.

By pointing out that Sanchez, after a sexual assault allegation, put himself in danger of being accused AGAIN?

sd steel
01-20-2011, 06:34 PM
I bet he wasn't holding them against their free will either. And I don't defend Sanchez, but you just show how you will condemn Sanchez without knowing the facts

FACT #1. Sanchez was charged.

FACT #2. Ben was not charged and the DA publicly stated that he didn't even have probable cause to arrest him.

I'm all about facts, I suggest you start dealing in them.
Crush, read the article again charges were dropped. So he wasn't charged because of lack of evidence. But again I don't care, he is not a Steeler

01-20-2011, 06:34 PM
[quote]In April 2006, Sanchez was arrested after a female USC student accused him of sexual assault. He was released from jail the following day and suspended, but on June 3, 2006, the Los Angeles County District Attorney's office announced no charges would be filed, and Sanchez was reinstated, remaining subject to team-related discipline for underage drinking and using fake identification on the night he was arrested

He was accused of dorm sex, as a drunk teenager.

Ben had his bodyguard block the door of a public bathroom when he was a late 20's adult.

Both were "cleared" or was found to have insufficient "evidence."

Thank you

Thank him for what? Did he give you a reach around?

He's wrong, twice.

#1. It wasn't a public bathroom. It was an employee bathroom.

#2. They blocked NOTHING. The bodyguard was down the hall from the bathroom. He was nowhere near the door. The club manager, told the skanks where they could go, to get to the bathroom. And here's the kicker? THEY REFUSED TO DO SO!

Ben Roethlisberger's bodyguards guarded the entrance to the bathroom where he allegedly sexually assaulted a 20-year-old college student, according to an eyewitness
http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2010/03/1 ... 98912.html (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2010/03/15/ben-roethlisbergers-bodyg_n_498912.html)[/quote:2s5ho5zc]

That's lovely.

Still doesn't change what the club manager told the GBI.

Miss DTF's friends also said the bathroom door was locked.

That's quite a feat considering there is no lock, nor a door knob, on the door.

01-20-2011, 06:36 PM
Crush, read the article again charges were dropped.

Which would mean what?


01-20-2011, 06:36 PM
I bet he wasn't holding them against their free will either. And I don't defend Sanchez, but you just show how you will condemn Sanchez without knowing the facts

FACT #1. Sanchez was charged.

FACT #2. Ben was not charged and the DA publicly stated that he didn't even have probable cause to arrest him.

I'm all about facts, I suggest you start dealing in them.

"One of the bodyguards got the victim down a back hallway," Bright said. "Mr. Roethlisberger followed her down the hallway and into a small bathroom."

Subsequent investigations and an analysis of a "minute amount" of DNA that was found at the scene could not prove the woman's claim that something was forced on her after they both went inside, Bright said.

There was a "laceration in the genital area" but a doctor could not say if it came from a sex assault and there was no evidence of semen or discharge, Bright said.

01-20-2011, 06:38 PM
Miss DTF's friends also said the bathroom door was locked.

That's quite a feat considering there is no lock, nor a door knob, on the door.Perhaps they meant "blocked?"

see above

01-20-2011, 06:40 PM
The Huffington Post? Really?

I am sorry I bought into this crap. Why don't you both knock it the hell off. It's getting very old.

01-20-2011, 06:44 PM
"One of the bodyguards got the victim down a back hallway," Bright said. "Mr. Roethlisberger followed her down the hallway and into a small bathroom."

SHE invited HIM to the bathroom.

But according to her pal Nicole Biancofiore, the bodyguard "dragged her" back there.

Now which is it?

sd steel
01-20-2011, 06:45 PM
Crush, read the article again charges were dropped.

Which would mean what?


Crush, you are in such denial, he wasn't charged. It's amazing how your love for Ben just clouds your vision. You can throw out as many arguments that you want, but it still doesn't make Ben a great guy. It's obvious that you don't give a crap about the Steelers, you hate Bradshaw, Mean Joe Greene, Hines Ward, Cowher, the Bus, and a host of others, and you crush on Ben no matter what he does. You have really changed over the years, and I never thought that you weren't a Steeler fan, but your are a pure Big Ben fan....wow.

01-20-2011, 06:45 PM
Miss DTF's friends also said the bathroom door was locked.

That's quite a feat considering there is no lock, nor a door knob, on the door.Perhaps they meant "blocked?"

see above

No, they said it was LOCKED. Go listen to their audio's. Don't rely on second hand crap.

01-20-2011, 06:46 PM
Crush, you are in such denial, he wasn't charged.

So why was he jailed and bail set at $200K?

sd steel
01-20-2011, 06:48 PM
Miss DTF's friends also said the bathroom door was locked.

That's quite a feat considering there is no lock, nor a door knob, on the door.Perhaps they meant "blocked?"

see above

No, they said it was LOCKED. Go listen to their audio's. Don't rely on second hand crap.

It's all second hand crap. Damage has been done, it doesn't matter. In the eyes of public opinion Ben got away with it. End of argument. Hopefully he keeps his nose clean from now on.

01-20-2011, 06:50 PM
A woman who claims to have partied with Roethlisberger the night of the alleged assault says the Steeler "was not nice." She tells WTAE Pittsburgh that he "bought a round of shots for girls and said, 'All you bitches, take my shots.'" The article reports that Roethlisberger "hit on her but she wasn't interested and didn't like the way he was acting, so she left."

stand up guy, no doubt.

01-20-2011, 06:50 PM
Guys, it's okay to have differences of opinions on what did/did not happen. Do we have to continue to rehash this though? It apparent this is a subject of GREAT differences of opinion and to each his own. But someone always have to get the last word in, so it never ends.

sd steel
01-20-2011, 06:50 PM
Crush, you are in such denial, he wasn't charged.

So why was he jailed and bail set at $200K?

Read the article again:

In April 2006, Sanchez was arrested after a female USC student accused him of sexual assault. He was released from jail the following day and suspended, but on June 3, 2006, the Los Angeles County District Attorney's office announced no charges would be filed, and Sanchez was reinstated, remaining subject to team-related discipline for underage drinking and using fake identification on the night he was arrested

sd steel
01-20-2011, 06:56 PM
Guys, it's okay to have differences of opinions on what did/did not happen. Do we have to continue to rehash this though? It apparent this is a subject of GREAT differences of opinion and to each his own. But someone always have to get the last word in, so it never ends.

I think we all know no one will ever get the last word in on Crush, but I don't think he should be stating that all the people who don't completely support Ben are hypocrits for rooting for the Steelers with Ben as QB....so basically rooting for Ben. I'm not giving up Steeler football because Ben made some bad decisions and the Steelers couldn't deal him.

01-20-2011, 06:59 PM
You have really changed over the years, and I never thought that you weren't a Steeler fan, but your are a pure Big Ben fan....wow.

You defend the Bus....LOL I guess you forgot about his accusation too, right? Why didn't Jerome suspend himself? Why didn't Jerome say that CHARGED and later PAID OFF his accuser Kobe Bryant should have been suspended? But he was so quick to say that WHITE Ben needed to sit, wasn't he?

Hines Ward? Another great guy, cheats on his wife and runs a bar with a drug dealer.

The actions at the bar were so questionable that his own teammates were set to testify in court in the middle of a playoff run about them. After TURNING DOWN the highest contract in team history, implied that he had to sell dope to make a living because the Rooney's didn't pay him enough. Classy move there too.

Bradshaw? That's rich. He's a three time divorced drunk who admitted he ran around in bars and chased skirt and his life was out of control. And he has the nerve to judge Ben? Bradshaw also tried to force his way out of Pittsburgh via "play me or trade me" demands twice in his first 5 years on the team.

Joe Greene? Don't refuse to sign Steelers items TEN YEARS after you were passed over for the HC job because you remained bitter, then when you have nowhere else to go return to the Steelers and be their version of Joe Louis at Ceasar's Palace.

Cowher? The only real problem I had with him outside of losing big games was the way he mailed 2006 in when he didn't get his money.

I'm AM a Steelers fan. You seem to be a typical jock sniffer who loves his heroes no matter how many times they crap all over this football team and the people who run it, BY CHOICE.

01-20-2011, 07:03 PM
Crush, you are in such denial, he wasn't charged.

So why was he jailed and bail set at $200K?

Read the article again:

In April 2006, Sanchez was arrested after a female USC student accused him of sexual assault. He was released from jail the following day and suspended, but on June 3, 2006, the Los Angeles County District Attorney's office announced no charges would be filed, and Sanchez was reinstated, remaining subject to team-related discipline for underage drinking and using fake identification on the night he was arrested

He was released from jail, after they bailed him out.

Bail was $200K.

01-20-2011, 07:05 PM
A woman who claims to have partied with Roethlisberger the night of the alleged assault says the Steeler "was not nice." She tells WTAE Pittsburgh that he "bought a round of shots for girls and said, 'All you bitches, take my shots.'" The article reports that Roethlisberger "hit on her but she wasn't interested and didn't like the way he was acting, so she left."

stand up guy, no doubt.

And another witness said he said the "bitches" line, in a party way.

Funny how the mainstream media didn't report that.

01-20-2011, 07:08 PM
Crash, you seem to not know the reason for the suspension. Until you grasp that, I don't think anything anyone says will matter. Actually, I doubt it will matter then. He put himself in these situations of potential sexual misconduct twice in the same year and had numerous other accounts of other behavior. This was the Rooney's final warning shot to get your crap together.

If Ben was charged and convicted, you'd likely be here today telling us he was framed.

Now if his name was Jerome Bettis or Mark Sanchez, completely different criteria comes into place.

01-20-2011, 07:10 PM
You have really changed over the years, and I never thought that you weren't a Steeler fan, but your are a pure Big Ben fan....wow.

You defend the Bus....LOL I guess you forgot about his accusation too, right? Why didn't Jerome suspend himself? Why didn't Jerome say that CHARGED and later PAID OFF his accuser Kobe Bryant should have been suspended? But he was so quick to say that WHITE Ben needed to sit, wasn't he?

Hines Ward? Another great guy, cheats on his wife and runs a bar with a drug dealer.

The actions at the bar were so questionable that his own teammates were set to testify in court in the middle of a playoff run about them. After TURNING DOWN the highest contract in team history, implied that he had to sell dope to make a living because the Rooney's didn't pay him enough. Classy move there too.

Bradshaw? That's rich. He's a three time divorced drunk who admitted he ran around in bars and chased skirt and his life was out of control. And he has the nerve to judge Ben? Bradshaw also tried to force his way out of Pittsburgh via "play me or trade me" demands twice in his first 5 years on the team.

Joe Greene? Don't refuse to sign Steelers items TEN YEARS after you were passed over for the HC job because you remained bitter, then when you have nowhere else to go return to the Steelers and be their version of Joe Louis at Ceasar's Palace.

Cowher? The only real problem I had with him outside of losing big games was the way he mailed 2006 in when he didn't get his money.

I'm AM a Steelers fan. You seem to be a typical jock sniffer who loves his heroes no matter how many times they crap all over this football team and the people who run it, BY CHOICE.
Yeah, you've proven you hate the steelers, most of them anyway. And you already have shown that, in your opinion, not signing an autograph is worse than being accused of sexual assault, twice. That's quite an interesting sliding scale you have.

sd steel
01-20-2011, 07:10 PM
You have really changed over the years, and I never thought that you weren't a Steeler fan, but your are a pure Big Ben fan....wow.

You defend the Bus....LOL I guess you forgot about his accusation too, right? Why didn't Jerome suspend himself? Why didn't Jerome say that CHARGED and later PAID OFF his accuser Kobe Bryant should have been suspended? But he was so quick to say that WHITE Ben needed to sit, wasn't he?

Hines Ward? Another great guy, cheats on his wife and runs a bar with a drug dealer.

The actions at the bar were so questionable that his own teammates were set to testify in court in the middle of a playoff run about them. After TURNING DOWN the highest contract in team history, implied that he had to sell dope to make a living because the Rooney's didn't pay him enough. Classy move there too.

Bradshaw? That's rich. He's a three time divorced drunk who admitted he ran around in bars and chased skirt and his life was out of control. And he has the nerve to judge Ben? Bradshaw also tried to force his way out of Pittsburgh via "play me or trade me" demands twice in his first 5 years on the team.

Joe Greene? Don't refuse to sign Steelers items TEN YEARS after you were passed over for the HC job because you remained bitter, then when you have nowhere else to go return to the Steelers and be their version of Joe Louis at Ceasar's Palace.

Cowher? The only real problem I had with him outside of losing big games was the way he mailed 2006 in when he didn't get his money.

I'm AM a Steelers fan. You seem to be a typical jock sniffer who loves his heroes no matter how many times they crap all over this football team and the people who run it, BY CHOICE.
No. I don't support or back any of them, the are all just football players and coaches who brought me joy watching Steeler football, and Ben is the same. I don't root for many individuals, because they come and go, I root and back the Black and Gold uniforms and the city of Pittsburgh.

You back one player, Ben.

01-20-2011, 07:11 PM
All I know is if some fool was selling Ben's jersey's for $10 a piece around here, I'd have gotten at least 10 of them. Lot's of Steelers fans in my family!! :tt2

BTW- just reading the posts above, I'm far more inclined to take Crash's side. Just sayin...

01-20-2011, 07:12 PM
A woman who claims to have partied with Roethlisberger the night of the alleged assault says the Steeler "was not nice." She tells WTAE Pittsburgh that he "bought a round of shots for girls and said, 'All you bitches, take my shots.'" The article reports that Roethlisberger "hit on her but she wasn't interested and didn't like the way he was acting, so she left."

stand up guy, no doubt.

And another witness said he said the "bitches" line, in a party way.

Funny how the mainstream media didn't report that.
Fantastic. That makes it all better now. I suppose the bathroom weasal slap was in a party way also. yep, that makes it all better. You've shown he's a class act. Thanks.

sd steel
01-20-2011, 07:15 PM
All I know is if some fool was selling Ben's jersey's for $10 a piece around here, I'd have gotten at least 10 of them. Lot's of Steelers fans in my family!! :tt2

BTW- just reading the posts above, I'm far more inclined to take Crash's side. Just sayin...
That's your perogative, was your old board name Big Nasty by any chance?

01-20-2011, 07:17 PM
Crash, you seem to not know the reason for the suspension.

White franchise QB who black media and players wanted on a stick.

When Perrish Cox can be charged with FELONY RAPE and play on? That says it all.

01-20-2011, 07:19 PM
You have really changed over the years, and I never thought that you weren't a Steeler fan, but your are a pure Big Ben fan....wow.

You defend the Bus....LOL I guess you forgot about his accusation too, right? Why didn't Jerome suspend himself? Why didn't Jerome say that CHARGED and later PAID OFF his accuser Kobe Bryant should have been suspended? But he was so quick to say that WHITE Ben needed to sit, wasn't he?

Hines Ward? Another great guy, cheats on his wife and runs a bar with a drug dealer.

The actions at the bar were so questionable that his own teammates were set to testify in court in the middle of a playoff run about them. After TURNING DOWN the highest contract in team history, implied that he had to sell dope to make a living because the Rooney's didn't pay him enough. Classy move there too.

Bradshaw? That's rich. He's a three time divorced drunk who admitted he ran around in bars and chased skirt and his life was out of control. And he has the nerve to judge Ben? Bradshaw also tried to force his way out of Pittsburgh via "play me or trade me" demands twice in his first 5 years on the team.

Joe Greene? Don't refuse to sign Steelers items TEN YEARS after you were passed over for the HC job because you remained bitter, then when you have nowhere else to go return to the Steelers and be their version of Joe Louis at Ceasar's Palace.

Cowher? The only real problem I had with him outside of losing big games was the way he mailed 2006 in when he didn't get his money.

I'm AM a Steelers fan. You seem to be a typical jock sniffer who loves his heroes no matter how many times they crap all over this football team and the people who run it, BY CHOICE.

you don't sound like a fan with this post.... you sound bitter. I don't think I have heard you compliment or stan for any other player on the team. All you do is bring up their shortcomings and it really shows what type of person you are.

Just bitter and cranky that people aren't slurping up Ben all day long.

01-20-2011, 07:22 PM
All I know is if some fool was selling Ben's jersey's for $10 a piece around here, I'd have gotten at least 10 of them. Lot's of Steelers fans in my family!! :tt2

BTW- just reading the posts above, I'm far more inclined to take Crash's side. Just sayin...

Who was selling ben's jersey at 10 bucks???? I would have loaded up...dang...missed an oppurtunity..

01-20-2011, 07:25 PM
Cowher? The only real problem I had with him outside of losing big games was the way he mailed 2006 in when he didn't get his money.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

01-20-2011, 07:27 PM
I don't think I have heard you compliment or stan for any other player on the team

Then you can't read.

No matter how much of an assclown Hines is off the field and in his own locker room, I have defended him when the NFL turns a blind eye to the cheap shots he has received this season. The last one he got was in Cleveland. He was down, defenseless, and got hit. Nothing called. But if thats James Harrison? 15 yards.

Same with the guys on defense. Ryan Clark states the game is ruined, and then 2 weeks later he gets 15 yards after hitting a player BELOW the shoulder blades.

You think it's a coincidence that the two most flag happy officials in the NFL are reffing our playoff games?

I don't. You know damn well Goodell doesn't want us in Dallas.

sd steel
01-20-2011, 07:30 PM
I don't think I have heard you compliment or stan for any other player on the team

Then you can't read.

No matter how much of an assclown Hines is off the field and in his own locker room, I have defended him when the NFL turns a blind eye to the cheap shots he has received this season. The last one he got was in Cleveland. He was down, defenseless, and got hit. Nothing called. But if thats James Harrison? 15 yards.

Same with the guys on defense. Ryan Clark states the game is ruined, and then 2 weeks later he gets 15 yards after hitting a player BELOW the shoulder blades.

You think it's a coincidence that the two most flag happy officials in the NFL are reffing our playoff games?

I don't. You know damn well Goodell doesn't want us in Dallas.
But Crush, here's the big question, have you ever said anything negative about Ben?

01-20-2011, 07:32 PM
Guys, it's okay to have differences of opinions on what did/did not happen. Do we have to continue to rehash this though? It apparent this is a subject of GREAT differences of opinion and to each his own. But someone always have to get the last word in, so it never ends.


01-20-2011, 07:40 PM
I don't think I have heard you compliment or stan for any other player on the team

Then you can't read.

No matter how much of an assclown Hines is off the field and in his own locker room, I have defended him when the NFL turns a blind eye to the cheap shots he has received this season. The last one he got was in Cleveland. He was down, defenseless, and got hit. Nothing called. But if thats James Harrison? 15 yards.

Same with the guys on defense. Ryan Clark states the game is ruined, and then 2 weeks later he gets 15 yards after hitting a player BELOW the shoulder blades.

You think it's a coincidence that the two most flag happy officials in the NFL are reffing our playoff games?

I don't. You know damn well Goodell doesn't want us in Dallas.
But Crush, here's the big question, have you ever said anything negative about Ben?

Yes. I have.

Hines Ward gets the biggest free pass of all time.

sd steel
01-20-2011, 07:44 PM
I don't think I have heard you compliment or stan for any other player on the team

Then you can't read.

No matter how much of an assclown Hines is off the field and in his own locker room, I have defended him when the NFL turns a blind eye to the cheap shots he has received this season. The last one he got was in Cleveland. He was down, defenseless, and got hit. Nothing called. But if thats James Harrison? 15 yards.

Same with the guys on defense. Ryan Clark states the game is ruined, and then 2 weeks later he gets 15 yards after hitting a player BELOW the shoulder blades.

You think it's a coincidence that the two most flag happy officials in the NFL are reffing our playoff games?

I don't. You know damn well Goodell doesn't want us in Dallas.
But Crush, here's the big question, have you ever said anything negative about Ben?

Yes. I have.

Hines Ward gets the biggest free pass of all time.
Now that is some funny stuff!!! Even when you are telling me you have said negative stuff about ben you still need to bash Hines. Why Hines and not Ben?? :D

01-20-2011, 08:01 PM
Injury never holds Roethlisberger back
Sunday, January 11, 2009
By Ed Bouchette, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

The Steelers' quarterback was stretched out on the field near the end of the first half and carted on a stretcher into the locker room. His teammates and coaches thought he was done for the season.

Not close. Not only did he play again that year, he trotted onto the field to start the second half of the game and led them to victory.

Those who have watched Ben Roethlisberger play the past five seasons know that kind of scenario is well within his character, the same as it was Hall of Fame quarterback Terry Bradshaw. Indeed, Bradshaw seemed down and out many times in his career, only to return as he did on that Oct. 1, 1972 day in St. Louis.

"We thought he broke his ankle," said Ralph Berlin, the Steelers' longtime trainer, now retired. "We got him inside, got the tape off, and he started walking around and said, 'This feels pretty damn good.' We taped it back up, and he started the second half."

Bradshaw returned and threw a 38-yard touchdown to Frank Lewis with 1:06 left for a 25-19 victory in the third game of the season. It helped launch the Steelers to the first division championship in their history, an important step to their four Super Bowl triumphs in the 1970s. And it helped make possible the Immaculate Reception victory against Oakland, their first playoff win.

Many people see similarities in Bradshaw and Roethlisberger, two big, hard-throwing quarterbacks who went down hard, bounced back quickly -- seemingly miraculously at times -- and were always looking to make plays.

Sometimes, they held the ball too long and paid a price; often, they held it just long enough to pull off a magnificent play.

Roethlisberger's best example this season came in Jacksonville when he completed a third-down pass late, with two Jaguars hanging on him, that led to a comeback victory.

"Ben is like Bradshaw," said 1970s safety Mike Wagner. "He's going to fight to the bitter end to make a play.

"Whether it's the Immaculate Reception or Ben running around to make a play, both were trying to achieve the same thing. They're both talented hard-nosed guys."

Wagner has heard things said about Roethlisberger that were said about Bradshaw 30 years ago -- that they milk injuries for high drama. It began for Roethlisberger when he complained about having broken toes after the AFC championship game loss to New England in his rookie season, and coach Bill Cowher disputed it. It's happening again because he was dramatically carted off the field on a stretcher Dec. 28 near the end of the first half against Cleveland, even though it was "only" a mild concussion.

"Sometimes, fans and the media don't appreciate the nature of an injury because the only one who can is the player," Wagner said.

Roethlisberger will bounce back again from an injury to start in the divisional playoff today against the San Diego Chargers at Heinz Field. If that's drama, his teammates are all for it.

"Ben's a damn tough guy," defensive end Brett Keisel said. "He's one of the biggest competitors in this locker room. Any time anyone goes down and someone's poking their fingers and they can't feel it, that's scary. Anytime you get numbness and things like that you have to take every precaution. That's the trainers' job to do that, and they did it. Luckily, it was only as severe as it was and he can hopefully help us win this week."

Roethlisberger has been sacked 139 times over three seasons, yet he's missed just two starts in the past 3 1/2 seasons: the 2007 meaningless regular-season finale at Baltimore and the 2006 opener after his appendectomy, which came after his June motorcycle accident.

"Look at what the guy's been through from the time he got here," Keisel said. "He's been through a lot and still stands up in the pocket and makes guys miss and makes plays for us. I think he's tough as hell."

His teammates voted him co-captain of the offense this season, and he's not the aloof quarterback some make him out to be, especially with his offensive linemen. They play poker almost weekly at his house, he often takes them to dinner and he paid all their expenses to fly to Chicago during the bye week this season to celebrate center Justin Hartwig's birthday.

"He took care of everything," Hartwig said. "He takes care of us. He does a lot of good things for us off the field. He's a good dude."

Bradshaw's last dramatic comeback occurred in 1983. The Steelers needed a victory against the Jets in New York to make the playoffs. Bradshaw had not played all season because of an injured right elbow. He started that game, threw two touchdown passes and walked off the field clutching his elbow. It was his final gift to the Steelers and their fans. They won that game to make the playoffs, and Bradshaw never played again.

Dick Hoak, who coached those teams as well as through Roethlisberger's first three years, sees the similarities.

"Ben's a tough guy, he takes a lot of hits," Hoak said. "Some of it is his fault, some the line's fault. He's always trying to make a play, so he's going to get a lot more hits than a regular quarterback. That's the difference between him and other guys."

There's another difference -- a big one. Ben Roethlisberger, like Terry Bradshaw, wins. His 51-20 record is the second-best percentage in the league behind Tom Brady. And today, he starts another journey that could again land him in familiar Bradshaw territory: the Super Bowl.• -was also his first game after an offseason motorcycle accident

sd steel
01-20-2011, 08:12 PM
If your QB just treated you and all the guys on your birthday what else are you going to say?

"You know Ben just treated the whole o line to a trip to Chicago for my birthday, but he cheats in poker weekly and is an arrogant prick".

01-20-2011, 08:16 PM
When Jerome Bettis' father died, Ben chartered a plan from training camp to fly teammates to the funeral. He also did that for his college teammates when their Coach Terry Hoeppner died as well.

He's not the bad guy people make him out to be.

Never has been.

01-20-2011, 08:16 PM
But Crush, here's the big question, have you ever said anything negative about Ben?

Yes. I have.

He should have cut his hair before this press conference.


That's negative, right? :wink:

01-20-2011, 08:21 PM
But Crush, here's the big question, have you ever said anything negative about Ben?

Yes. I have.

He should have cut his hair before this press conference.


That's negative, right? :wink:

He looked like hell, like someone who didn't leave his house for a month. The exact way I wanted him to look. If he would have came in wearing a $3000 suit and sharp people would say he's arrogant and not taking things seriously.

sd steel
01-20-2011, 08:30 PM
When Jerome Bettis' father died, Ben chartered a plan from training camp to fly teammates to the funeral. He also did that for his college teammates when their Coach Terry Hoeppner died as well.

He's not the bad guy people make him out to be.

Never has been.

He was more than nice to me at the parking lot of a bar in the Strip District at 1:30AM and signed an autograph for my son.

That being said, most people who know me will say I am a pretty nice guy, but I have done some really stupid and bad things under the influence of alcohol. No sexual assault, but I have had some bad moments that I'm not proud of. I don't think it's a black and white issue where Ben is always a good guy or always a bad guy, but it's obvious that sometimes he has been a jerk, or maybe worse depending on who you talk to.

01-20-2011, 08:32 PM
Teammates embrace Big Ben as Steelers leader

Thursday, September 04, 2008

Even without the new $100 million contract, the new C on his jersey, the new Pro Bowl ring, and the old Terry Bradshaw touchdown record, Ben Roethlisberger would be a superstar in Pittsburgh.

He is, after all, the only quarterback besides Bradshaw to win a Super Bowl for the Steelers, he enters his fifth season among the best at his position in the NFL and he maintains his sense of humor.

"If I get too big-headed, I get in motorcycle accidents," Roethlisberger cracked yesterday when the praise stacked high.

The place where he really has made progress, however, is in the locker room. Where once he seemed a loner and punk to teammates -- Hines Ward once called him "our wild child" -- he's now embraced more as a leader and even a friend by them. That was made more evident Monday when his teammates voted him and Ward co-captains of the offense.

"When you're young, you're young," said defensive end Aaron Smith, 32. "He's definitely matured. He's stepped into a leading role on this team, as a captain and as a player. I think he's really come a long way. He's always been a great player, but as a person and as a player, he's come a long way.

The old NFL philosophy was that it took five years for a quarterback to develop in the pros. Entering his fifth, Roethlisberger already achieved most everything. And now, there's little doubt that he also has attained control of his team. He has the track record and, at 26, the maturity to take over.

"Actually, he was a leader last year but now a lot of old faces aren't here anymore," Willie Parker said, "so it's his time to shine. He's really stepping up."

It's as if, since the departure of longtime offensive leader Alan Faneca, Roethlisberger has seized the chance to take control.

"You can tell that he realizes this is his team," tight end Heath Miller said.

A new head coach in Mike Tomlin and new coordinator in Bruce Arians gave Roethlisberger more responsibility last year by soliciting his input into the playbook, the game plans and the pass protections. He will have more this year, perhaps even an increased use of the no-huddle he ran so well at Miami (Ohio) University.

"The more I spend time with Bruce and we learn and make adjustments, the more freedom he will give me to make changes and adjust and hopefully get us in the right place and the best play possible," Roethlisberger said.

Roethlisberger broke Bradshaw's club record with 32 touchdown passes and his own record with a 104.1 passer rating last season. It was the best of his four, statistically, but Ward thinks we haven't seen anything yet.

"It's like night and day. Last year was his best year but it's scary now because he's starting to know his second and third reads and all that. You wonder how much better a season he can have coming into the second year of [Arians'] offense and having a better understanding of that."

Defensive end Brett Keisel is the closest friend Roethlisberger has in the locker room, and he disputes that the quarterback was snubbed last year when the players voted linebacker James Harrison as their MVP.

"Not to say Ben didn't play great last year," Keisel said, "but everyone thought James not only dominated on defense but on special teams too, and I think that's where he got the nod for that vote.

"Ben is a leader, he's a great leader. If you watch practice, you watch him, he has control of all his guys, he has control of the offensive line, everyone looks up to him for leadership. I think they're seeing that from him this year and that's why they elected him captain."

Because Roethlisberger is not big in the fantasy football world, he's not often mentioned among the league's best quarterbacks. But by any measure, he should be considered right after Tom Brady and Peyton Manning. His .709 winning percentage as a starter (39-16) is third among the league's quarterbacks and if he had 64 more passing attempts to qualify for the minimum of 1,500, his 92.5 career passer rating would rank him fifth in NFL history behind Steve Young at 96.8, Manning at 94.7, Kurt Warner at 93.2 and Brady at 92.9.

He did all this in his first four seasons in the league.

What might he do in his next four years, between now and 30?

"He's a young guy," Keisel said. "I think his best years are ahead of him. I think he gets better every year and he wants to win. He has that winner's attitude where he hates losing. He wants to do anything to win, and that's what the great quarterbacks have."

That others around the league have not yet concluded that Roethlisberger is such a quarterback might be their own fault, based on his accomplishments. He became the only quarterback in NFL history to go 13-0 as a starter and he did it as a rookie, then became the youngest starting quarterback to win a Super Bowl in his second season. His performance last season showed that 2006 was a fluke.

The acceptance in his own locker room is palpable.

"I really enjoy being around him," Aaron Smith said.

01-20-2011, 08:44 PM
Teammates embrace Big Ben as Steelers leader

Thursday, September 04, 2008

Even without the new $100 million contract, the new C on his jersey, the new Pro Bowl ring, and the old Terry Bradshaw touchdown record, Ben Roethlisberger would be a superstar in Pittsburgh.

He is, after all, the only quarterback besides Bradshaw to win a Super Bowl for the Steelers, he enters his fifth season among the best at his position in the NFL and he maintains his sense of humor.

"If I get too big-headed, I get in motorcycle accidents," Roethlisberger cracked yesterday when the praise stacked high.

The place where he really has made progress, however, is in the locker room. Where once he seemed a loner and punk to teammates -- Hines Ward once called him "our wild child" -- he's now embraced more as a leader and even a friend by them. That was made more evident Monday when his teammates voted him and Ward co-captains of the offense.

"When you're young, you're young," said defensive end Aaron Smith, 32. "He's definitely matured. He's stepped into a leading role on this team, as a captain and as a player. I think he's really come a long way. He's always been a great player, but as a person and as a player, he's come a long way.

The old NFL philosophy was that it took five years for a quarterback to develop in the pros. Entering his fifth, Roethlisberger already achieved most everything. And now, there's little doubt that he also has attained control of his team. He has the track record and, at 26, the maturity to take over.

"Actually, he was a leader last year but now a lot of old faces aren't here anymore," Willie Parker said, "so it's his time to shine. He's really stepping up."

It's as if, since the departure of longtime offensive leader Alan Faneca, Roethlisberger has seized the chance to take control.

"You can tell that he realizes this is his team," tight end Heath Miller said.

A new head coach in Mike Tomlin and new coordinator in Bruce Arians gave Roethlisberger more responsibility last year by soliciting his input into the playbook, the game plans and the pass protections. He will have more this year, perhaps even an increased use of the no-huddle he ran so well at Miami (Ohio) University.

"The more I spend time with Bruce and we learn and make adjustments, the more freedom he will give me to make changes and adjust and hopefully get us in the right place and the best play possible," Roethlisberger said.

Roethlisberger broke Bradshaw's club record with 32 touchdown passes and his own record with a 104.1 passer rating last season. It was the best of his four, statistically, but Ward thinks we haven't seen anything yet.

"It's like night and day. Last year was his best year but it's scary now because he's starting to know his second and third reads and all that. You wonder how much better a season he can have coming into the second year of [Arians'] offense and having a better understanding of that."

Defensive end Brett Keisel is the closest friend Roethlisberger has in the locker room, and he disputes that the quarterback was snubbed last year when the players voted linebacker James Harrison as their MVP.

"Not to say Ben didn't play great last year," Keisel said, "but everyone thought James not only dominated on defense but on special teams too, and I think that's where he got the nod for that vote.

"Ben is a leader, he's a great leader. If you watch practice, you watch him, he has control of all his guys, he has control of the offensive line, everyone looks up to him for leadership. I think they're seeing that from him this year and that's why they elected him captain."

Because Roethlisberger is not big in the fantasy football world, he's not often mentioned among the league's best quarterbacks. But by any measure, he should be considered right after Tom Brady and Peyton Manning. His .709 winning percentage as a starter (39-16) is third among the league's quarterbacks and if he had 64 more passing attempts to qualify for the minimum of 1,500, his 92.5 career passer rating would rank him fifth in NFL history behind Steve Young at 96.8, Manning at 94.7, Kurt Warner at 93.2 and Brady at 92.9.

He did all this in his first four seasons in the league.

What might he do in his next four years, between now and 30?

"He's a young guy," Keisel said. "I think his best years are ahead of him. I think he gets better every year and he wants to win. He has that winner's attitude where he hates losing. He wants to do anything to win, and that's what the great quarterbacks have."

That others around the league have not yet concluded that Roethlisberger is such a quarterback might be their own fault, based on his accomplishments. He became the only quarterback in NFL history to go 13-0 as a starter and he did it as a rookie, then became the youngest starting quarterback to win a Super Bowl in his second season. His performance last season showed that 2006 was a fluke.

The acceptance in his own locker room is palpable.

"I really enjoy being around him," Aaron Smith said.

I doesn't matter Crash, no matter what evidence you produce, there are going to be those who fell into the the trap that Ben is a complete jagoff who likes to lure younger girls into bathrooms and nothing is going to change their minds. They're probably the same ones who fell for every other rumor started about a Pittsburgh sports star. Their favorite show is probably Inside Edition and favorite reading material is National Enguirer. :P

sd steel
01-20-2011, 08:48 PM
Teammates embrace Big Ben as Steelers leader

Thursday, September 04, 2008

Even without the new $100 million contract, the new C on his jersey, the new Pro Bowl ring, and the old Terry Bradshaw touchdown record, Ben Roethlisberger would be a superstar in Pittsburgh.

He is, after all, the only quarterback besides Bradshaw to win a Super Bowl for the Steelers, he enters his fifth season among the best at his position in the NFL and he maintains his sense of humor.

"If I get too big-headed, I get in motorcycle accidents," Roethlisberger cracked yesterday when the praise stacked high.

The place where he really has made progress, however, is in the locker room. Where once he seemed a loner and punk to teammates -- Hines Ward once called him "our wild child" -- he's now embraced more as a leader and even a friend by them. That was made more evident Monday when his teammates voted him and Ward co-captains of the offense.

"When you're young, you're young," said defensive end Aaron Smith, 32. "He's definitely matured. He's stepped into a leading role on this team, as a captain and as a player. I think he's really come a long way. He's always been a great player, but as a person and as a player, he's come a long way.

The old NFL philosophy was that it took five years for a quarterback to develop in the pros. Entering his fifth, Roethlisberger already achieved most everything. And now, there's little doubt that he also has attained control of his team. He has the track record and, at 26, the maturity to take over.

"Actually, he was a leader last year but now a lot of old faces aren't here anymore," Willie Parker said, "so it's his time to shine. He's really stepping up."

It's as if, since the departure of longtime offensive leader Alan Faneca, Roethlisberger has seized the chance to take control.

"You can tell that he realizes this is his team," tight end Heath Miller said.

A new head coach in Mike Tomlin and new coordinator in Bruce Arians gave Roethlisberger more responsibility last year by soliciting his input into the playbook, the game plans and the pass protections. He will have more this year, perhaps even an increased use of the no-huddle he ran so well at Miami (Ohio) University.

"The more I spend time with Bruce and we learn and make adjustments, the more freedom he will give me to make changes and adjust and hopefully get us in the right place and the best play possible," Roethlisberger said.

Roethlisberger broke Bradshaw's club record with 32 touchdown passes and his own record with a 104.1 passer rating last season. It was the best of his four, statistically, but Ward thinks we haven't seen anything yet.

"It's like night and day. Last year was his best year but it's scary now because he's starting to know his second and third reads and all that. You wonder how much better a season he can have coming into the second year of [Arians'] offense and having a better understanding of that."

Defensive end Brett Keisel is the closest friend Roethlisberger has in the locker room, and he disputes that the quarterback was snubbed last year when the players voted linebacker James Harrison as their MVP.

"Not to say Ben didn't play great last year," Keisel said, "but everyone thought James not only dominated on defense but on special teams too, and I think that's where he got the nod for that vote.

"Ben is a leader, he's a great leader. If you watch practice, you watch him, he has control of all his guys, he has control of the offensive line, everyone looks up to him for leadership. I think they're seeing that from him this year and that's why they elected him captain."

Because Roethlisberger is not big in the fantasy football world, he's not often mentioned among the league's best quarterbacks. But by any measure, he should be considered right after Tom Brady and Peyton Manning. His .709 winning percentage as a starter (39-16) is third among the league's quarterbacks and if he had 64 more passing attempts to qualify for the minimum of 1,500, his 92.5 career passer rating would rank him fifth in NFL history behind Steve Young at 96.8, Manning at 94.7, Kurt Warner at 93.2 and Brady at 92.9.

He did all this in his first four seasons in the league.

What might he do in his next four years, between now and 30?

"He's a young guy," Keisel said. "I think his best years are ahead of him. I think he gets better every year and he wants to win. He has that winner's attitude where he hates losing. He wants to do anything to win, and that's what the great quarterbacks have."

That others around the league have not yet concluded that Roethlisberger is such a quarterback might be their own fault, based on his accomplishments. He became the only quarterback in NFL history to go 13-0 as a starter and he did it as a rookie, then became the youngest starting quarterback to win a Super Bowl in his second season. His performance last season showed that 2006 was a fluke.

The acceptance in his own locker room is palpable.

"I really enjoy being around him," Aaron Smith said.

I doesn't matter Crash, no matter what evidence you produce, there are going to be those who fell into the the trap that Ben is a complete jagoff who likes to lure younger girls into bathrooms and nothing is going to change their minds. They're probably the same ones who fell for every other rumor started about a Pittsburgh sports star. Their favorite show is probably Inside Edition and favorite reading material is National Enguirer. :P
I never thought Kodell was gay, and I prefer to watch the Factor...thank you very much.

01-20-2011, 08:50 PM
When Jerome Bettis' father died, Ben chartered a plan from training camp to fly teammates to the funeral. He also did that for his college teammates when their Coach Terry Hoeppner died as well.

He's not the bad guy people make him out to be.

Never has been. However, he has made some mistakes and has paid for them. Time for everyone to move on.

Fixed it for you. You're welcome

01-20-2011, 08:51 PM
Btw, if the rumors about Hines ever see the light of day? I anxiously await how many people posting on this board will comment on it especially if one in particular is ever made public.

01-20-2011, 08:53 PM
Rod Woodson cheated on his wife too.......No one remembers that when talking the HOF.

01-20-2011, 08:57 PM
Everyone makes mistakes. He paid for them not because he was guilty, but because he's a white franchise QB with two rings.

01-20-2011, 08:58 PM
Rod Woodson cheated on his wife too.......No one remembers that when talking the HOF.

He also had multiple arrests, and called the city racist.

And yet even he judges Ben.

Hope the windows in his glass house are clean.

01-20-2011, 09:49 PM
All I know is if some fool was selling Ben's jersey's for $10 a piece around here, I'd have gotten at least 10 of them. Lot's of Steelers fans in my family!! :tt2

BTW- just reading the posts above, I'm far more inclined to take Crash's side. Just sayin...
That's your perogative, was your old board name Big Nasty by any chance?

I don't know who Big Nasty is, but I do know that Ben is one of my favorite Steelers players. My daughter has his jersey and my wife has payed mightily for my Lambert and Polamalu jersey's as gifts. Not one of us has a problem with Ben and would have been proud to wear his jersey- especially here in Bengal country!


01-20-2011, 10:17 PM
Have you ever said anything bad about Ben?

Yes. I have.

Hines Ward gets the biggest free pass of all time.


01-20-2011, 10:38 PM
Have you ever said anything bad about Ben?

Yes. I have.

Hines Ward gets the biggest free pass of all time.


NOBODY bashes Ward despite his mouth.

The way fans treat Ben as far as on the field and off you would think he's Cliff Stoudt.

01-20-2011, 10:45 PM
Btw, if the rumors about Hines ever see the light of day? I anxiously await how many people posting on this board will comment on it especially if one in particular is ever made public.

ahh, the elusive Hines rumors that "if they ever become public."

I've been hearing this story for 5-6 years now.

I think it's safe to say it's a delusion or a dream, not credible rumors.

01-20-2011, 10:46 PM
The way fans treat Ben as far as on the field and off you would think he's Cliff Stoudt.

and he has only himself to blame for his actions. I know you like to think all the rumors are false but when there is that much smoke, the fire isn't far behind.

01-20-2011, 10:47 PM
Rod Woodson cheated on his wife too.......No one remembers that when talking the HOF.

He also had multiple arrests, and called the city racist.

And yet even he judges Ben.

Hope the windows in his glass house are clean.

: adding Rod Woodson to the long list of Crash hated Steelers :

01-20-2011, 10:53 PM
adding Rod Woodson to the long list of Crash hated Steelers :

Spare me your gibberish. Bottom line that in his early days as a Steeler Rod Woodson was a thug who got in numerous scrapes with the law, he also plead guilty to crimes.

Then when he left he claimed the city was racist.

Don't blame me, blame him.

01-20-2011, 10:53 PM
Everyone makes mistakes. He paid for them not because he was guilty, but because he's a white franchise QB with two rings.

White people need their own Jesse Jackson. You can't punish black people in this country or they cry, kick, and scream racism.

Heck, we even have to make up rules to interview them, hiring quotas, etc. even if they aren't qualified. Take a civil service test, check the "I'm a black man" box and you instantly gain 10pts, not that black people strive to be civil servants. It's easier to sit back, complain and get government checks while dealing crack and knocking up baby mommas.

This might be the smartest thing you have ever said. What a country! Perhaps Obama the idiot can dish out more handouts so they can be misused by the rich and never reach the people that are actually in need. The middle class is disappearing. You either stop on or over the bottom feeders or become one.

Hey, have you heard? The economy has turned the corner. :lol:

01-20-2011, 11:19 PM
Have you ever said anything bad about Ben?

Yes. I have.

Hines Ward gets the biggest free pass of all time.


NOBODY bashes Ward despite his mouth.

The way fans treat Ben as far as on the field and off you would think he's Cliff Stoudt.

do you lose energy if you don't bash Hines?

01-21-2011, 12:41 AM
I sure hope there wasn't anything really worthwhile buried in this thread, because after I saw it was another Crash-43 mutual master baiting society meeting, I skipped through 5 pages.

What a waste of time and effort. If I were looking to join a Steeler board about now, this thread would do a lot to scare me off.

01-21-2011, 12:46 AM
I sure hope there wasn't anything really worthwhile buried in this thread, because after I saw it was another Crash-43 mutual master baiting society meeting, I skipped through 5 pages.

What a waste of time and effort. If I were looking to join a Steeler board about now, this thread would do a lot to scare me off.

Way to look like an uninformed idiot! Nice job kid!

01-21-2011, 01:45 AM
Everyone makes mistakes. He paid for them not because he was guilty, but because he's a white franchise QB with two rings.

You speak as if you were there. I like to believe Ben was innocent, but I really dont know. He didn't let his name get tarnished, the way it has been, because he done nothing wrong. If he did let his name get tarnished for no reason, that would make him weak and I know that isnt true. He did something inappropriate (whether it was just hide the tip or sucking on her feet) or he would have stood up for himself other than stating he wouldnt hurt women like that.

01-21-2011, 01:54 AM
I didn't say he was guilty of a crime. If anything he's guilty of bad judgement.

He had no choice but to sit there and take it. He fights it and Goodell leaves it at 6 games.

He did something inappropriate (whether it was just hide the tip or sucking on her feet) or he would have stood up for himself other than stating he wouldnt hurt women like that.

He was in court? When? You don't fight accusations when you aren't on trial.

You hope common sense takes over rather than have a power hungry assclown like Roger Goodell playing judge, jury, and executioner.

The minute DA Bright stated this:

"I live in the world of 'beyond a reasonable doubt.' An honest answer: It's debatable. If you want my candid feeling, looking at all the evidence here, we don't even have probable cause. Probable cause is the standard to make an arrest, and we did not have probable cause. No arrest was made in this case, so there's no warrant to dismiss. We didn't even have probable cause in this case."

And then this:

It’s closed. I’ve made my decision and that’s final. It’s not going to change. I’ll tell you this: We’re still waiting on some phone records, text messages. There’s nothing going to be enlightening there. I’ve got enough information. This decision was not difficult to reach. I knew pretty early on that this was the way this case was going, but I pride myself on keeping an open mind.

That shpuld have been it with no suspension. Bright's last comment is all one needs to hear. He basically admitted her story was BS.

01-21-2011, 10:07 AM
I sure hope there wasn't anything really worthwhile buried in this thread, because after I saw it was another Crash-43 mutual master baiting society meeting, I skipped through 5 pages.

What a waste of time and effort. If I were looking to join a Steeler board about now, this thread would do a lot to scare me off.

Way to look like an uninformed idiot! Nice job kid!

Why, he's speaking the truth. Neither one of you are gonna change your minds or each others so why keep on trying? Can't you just agree to disagree on Ben? Of course not because that would be the grownup thing to do....

01-21-2011, 10:15 AM
I sure hope there wasn't anything really worthwhile buried in this thread, because after I saw it was another Crash-43 mutual master baiting society meeting, I skipped through 5 pages.

What a waste of time and effort. If I were looking to join a Steeler board about now, this thread would do a lot to scare me off.

Way to look like an uninformed idiot! Nice job kid!

Why, he's speaking the truth. Neither one of you are gonna change your minds or each others so why keep on trying? Can't you just agree to disagree on Ben? Of course not because that would be the grownup thing to do....


What made this place the place to be for good, civil Steelers discussion where people could, *gasp* understand that all we really have is opinions and it is OK to agree to disagree, is headed down a slippery slope.

And this crap is happening not on a down season, but in a season where we have a legitamate shot at Lombardi No. 7 right in fricken front of us.

01-21-2011, 10:57 AM
I sure hope there wasn't anything really worthwhile buried in this thread, because after I saw it was another Crash-43 mutual master baiting society meeting, I skipped through 5 pages.

What a waste of time and effort. If I were looking to join a Steeler board about now, this thread would do a lot to scare me off.

Way to look like an uninformed idiot! Nice job kid!

Why, he's speaking the truth. Neither one of you are gonna change your minds or each others so why keep on trying? Can't you just agree to disagree on Ben? Of course not because that would be the grownup thing to do....
No, he came here and tried to start crap and was misinformed. There were several parties involved in this thread the thread about the Steelers. Try reading it. SAS has been doing this crap for weeks now. Why he feels the need to come in and comment about it is his issue, not mine. Nobody forces him to come in here and read the thread. Feel free to bypass it and not post, you included. But if it makes him/her feel better to post some cries, so be it.

01-21-2011, 11:03 AM
I didn't say he was guilty of a crime. If anything he's guilty of bad judgement.

He had no choice but to sit there and take it. He fights it and Goodell leaves it at 6 games.

He did something inappropriate (whether it was just hide the tip or sucking on her feet) or he would have stood up for himself other than stating he wouldnt hurt women like that.

He was in court? When? You don't fight accusations when you aren't on trial.

You hope common sense takes over rather than have a power hungry assclown like Roger Goodell playing judge, jury, and executioner.

The minute DA Bright stated this:

"I live in the world of 'beyond a reasonable doubt.' An honest answer: It's debatable. If you want my candid feeling, looking at all the evidence here, we don't even have probable cause. Probable cause is the standard to make an arrest, and we did not have probable cause. No arrest was made in this case, so there's no warrant to dismiss. We didn't even have probable cause in this case."

And then this:

It’s closed. I’ve made my decision and that’s final. It’s not going to change. I’ll tell you this: We’re still waiting on some phone records, text messages. There’s nothing going to be enlightening there. I’ve got enough information. This decision was not difficult to reach. I knew pretty early on that this was the way this case was going, but I pride myself on keeping an open mind.

That shpuld have been it with no suspension. Bright's last comment is all one needs to hear. He basically admitted her story was BS.

If you remember it was mentioned early on that the stories of the sorority slut and her slutettes were obviously rehearsed and they went over what to say back at the slut house. It takes a professional investigator about a millisecond to know when there is collusion in accounts when they are interviewing witnesses.

Bright's staged animosity toward Ben was because he was up for reelection in a town where the University is the largest employer so he needed to show he was on the sides of the locals against this "rich outsider"

01-21-2011, 01:32 PM
I didn't say he was guilty of a crime. If anything he's guilty of bad judgement.

He had no choice but to sit there and take it. He fights it and Goodell leaves it at 6 games.

He did something inappropriate (whether it was just hide the tip or sucking on her feet) or he would have stood up for himself other than stating he wouldnt hurt women like that.

He was in court? When? You don't fight accusations when you aren't on trial.

You hope common sense takes over rather than have a power hungry assclown like Roger Goodell playing judge, jury, and executioner.

The minute DA Bright stated this:

"I live in the world of 'beyond a reasonable doubt.' An honest answer: It's debatable. If you want my candid feeling, looking at all the evidence here, we don't even have probable cause. Probable cause is the standard to make an arrest, and we did not have probable cause. No arrest was made in this case, so there's no warrant to dismiss. We didn't even have probable cause in this case."

And then this:

It’s closed. I’ve made my decision and that’s final. It’s not going to change. I’ll tell you this: We’re still waiting on some phone records, text messages. There’s nothing going to be enlightening there. I’ve got enough information. This decision was not difficult to reach. I knew pretty early on that this was the way this case was going, but I pride myself on keeping an open mind.

That shpuld have been it with no suspension. Bright's last comment is all one needs to hear. He basically admitted her story was BS.

If you remember it was mentioned early on that the stories of the sorority slut and her slutettes were obviously rehearsed and they went over what to say back at the slut house. It takes a professional investigator about a millisecond to know when there is collusion in accounts when they are interviewing witnesses.

Bright's staged animosity toward Ben was because he was up for reelection in a town where the University is the largest employer so he needed to show he was on the sides of the locals against this "rich outsider"


01-21-2011, 01:47 PM
Bright's staged animosity toward Ben was because he was up for reelection in a town where the University is the largest employer so he needed to show he was on the sides of the locals against this "rich outsider"

ESPN's Lester Munson said it the night before Bright spoke and it leaked no charges would be filed: "You don't hold press conferences to not announce charges unless you are doing some politicking".

And that's exactly what Bright did.

01-21-2011, 02:00 PM
I didn't say he was guilty of a crime. If anything he's guilty of bad judgement.

He had no choice but to sit there and take it. He fights it and Goodell leaves it at 6 games.

He did something inappropriate (whether it was just hide the tip or sucking on her feet) or he would have stood up for himself other than stating he wouldnt hurt women like that.

He was in court? When? You don't fight accusations when you aren't on trial.

You hope common sense takes over rather than have a power hungry assclown like Roger Goodell playing judge, jury, and executioner.

The minute DA Bright stated this:

"I live in the world of 'beyond a reasonable doubt.' An honest answer: It's debatable. If you want my candid feeling, looking at all the evidence here, we don't even have probable cause. Probable cause is the standard to make an arrest, and we did not have probable cause. No arrest was made in this case, so there's no warrant to dismiss. We didn't even have probable cause in this case."

And then this:

It’s closed. I’ve made my decision and that’s final. It’s not going to change. I’ll tell you this: We’re still waiting on some phone records, text messages. There’s nothing going to be enlightening there. I’ve got enough information. This decision was not difficult to reach. I knew pretty early on that this was the way this case was going, but I pride myself on keeping an open mind.

That shpuld have been it with no suspension. Bright's last comment is all one needs to hear. He basically admitted her story was BS.

If you remember it was mentioned early on that the stories of the sorority slut and her slutettes were obviously rehearsed and they went over what to say back at the slut house. It takes a professional investigator about a millisecond to know when there is collusion in accounts when they are interviewing witnesses.

Bright's staged animosity toward Ben was because he was up for reelection in a town where the University is the largest employer so he needed to show he was on the sides of the locals against this "rich outsider"

01-21-2011, 02:17 PM
Everyone makes mistakes. He paid for them not because he was guilty, but because he's a white franchise QB with two rings.

White people need their own Jesse Jackson. You can't punish black people in this country or they cry, kick, and scream racism.

Heck, we even have to make up rules to interview them, hiring quotas, etc. even if they aren't qualified. Take a civil service test, check the "I'm a black man" box and you instantly gain 10pts, not that black people strive to be civil servants. It's easier to sit back, complain and get government checks while dealing crack and knocking up baby mommas.

This might be the smartest thing you have ever said. What a country! Perhaps Obama the idiot can dish out more handouts so they can be misused by the rich and never reach the people that are actually in need. The middle class is disappearing. You either stop on or over the bottom feeders or become one.

Hey, have you heard? The economy has turned the corner. :lol:

Why do you follow football? It is a majority black sport. It would seem to be frustrating watching it knowing all the "breaks" that black people get and all the crack they deal. Following the Penguins would appear to be a lot easier. Certainly the game is a lot more pure.

01-21-2011, 02:28 PM
Why do you follow football? It is a majority black sport. It would seem to be frustrating watching it knowing all the "breaks" that black people get and all the crack they deal. Following the Penguins would appear to be a lot easier. Certainly the game is a lot more pure.

Why do you worry about what sport I choose to follow?

You are right, the sport is majority black, along with prison populations. And you thought blacks were the minority.

The "special" rules we create in this country for black people are ridiculous and Crash is absolutely right, if Ben is black, no suspension happens or Jesse Jackson would be at the league office doors with his band of morons chanting "racism" the very next day.

Racism agains whites doesn't exist. We even created a word for it, reverse racism, because it isn't considered racism.

I can't understand why blacks are so afraid of equality.

01-21-2011, 02:42 PM
Everyone makes mistakes. He paid for them not because he was guilty, but because he's a white franchise QB with two rings.

White people need their own Jesse Jackson. You can't punish black people in this country or they cry, kick, and scream racism.

Heck, we even have to make up rules to interview them, hiring quotas, etc. even if they aren't qualified. Take a civil service test, check the "I'm a black man" box and you instantly gain 10pts, not that black people strive to be civil servants. It's easier to sit back, complain and get government checks while dealing crack and knocking up baby mommas.

This might be the smartest thing you have ever said. What a country! Perhaps Obama the idiot can dish out more handouts so they can be misused by the rich and never reach the people that are actually in need. The middle class is disappearing. You either stop on or over the bottom feeders or become one.

Hey, have you heard? The economy has turned the corner. :lol:

Why do you follow football? It is a majority black sport. It would seem to be frustrating watching it knowing all the "breaks" that black people get and all the crack they deal. Following the Penguins would appear to be a lot easier. Certainly the game is a lot more pure.

the ice is white too and they slap a black puck. What's not to love?

01-21-2011, 03:59 PM
the ice is white too and they slap a black puck. What's not to love?
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

01-21-2011, 04:40 PM
I bet he wasn't holding them against their free will either. And I don't defend Sanchez, but you just show how you will condemn Sanchez without knowing the facts

FACT #1. Sanchez was charged.

FACT #2. Ben was not charged and the DA publicly stated that he didn't even have probable cause to arrest him.

I'm all about facts, I suggest you start dealing in them.
Crush, read the article again charges were dropped. So he wasn't charged because of lack of evidence. But again I don't care, he is not a Steeler

who cares "if he's not a steeler"

you are the one to bring up that story about the lady in buffalo who cant root for ben while rooting for a guy who also was accused of sexual assault.

why dont you go tell her that

01-21-2011, 04:47 PM
I would bet sd steel here didn't know about Sanchez when his lady friend voiced her opinion.

Just like some broad from Pittsburgh who said she watched the first four games but won't watch until Ben is gone.

Which means she had no problem watching Batch, who was accused of participating in a sexual crime that was much worse.

01-21-2011, 05:14 PM
it's like the season never started and it's March 2010. WTF?

You would swear we went 6-10 and traded Ben for a sammich and Jamarcus Russell if you just got on this board.

sd steel
01-21-2011, 08:07 PM
I would bet sd steel here didn't know about Sanchez when his lady friend voiced her opinion.

Just like some broad from Pittsburgh who said she watched the first four games but won't watch until Ben is gone.

Which means she had no problem watching Batch, who was accused of participating in a sexual crime that was much worse.

No, to be honest with you I knew the Sanchez story and mentioned it half jokingly, and she said she realized that athletes are targets, but it happened to Ben twice so she felt there was truth to it.

Also I know a guy who coached Sanchez, and basically treats him as a son, and he told me what happened. But like I said, I don't care about Sanchez, he is not a Steeler.

And I have already made my decision about Ben. I did read all the info and all the transcripts, and although I have my Steelers colored glasses on pretty often, I'm not making excuses for Ben. I know there are some hardcore Ben fans who will support him no matter what, and on this board it might even be a majority, but in the real world, where I live, most Steeler fans are enjoying the season in spite of Ben and his poor decisions. We are only a minority on internet forums.

01-21-2011, 08:38 PM
is a live game "the real world"

when they cheered wildly when he hit the field vs. cleveland?

dont kid yourself.

you're in the minority. by far

01-21-2011, 09:03 PM
Then the fans you see are morons who refuse to look at the facts.

Once Bright spoke about no probable cause, and those audio tapes came out? ANYONE with a brain in their head knows he didn't rape her.

sd steel
01-21-2011, 11:29 PM
is a live game "the real world"

when they cheered wildly when he hit the field vs. cleveland?

dont kid yourself.

you're in the minority. by far

They are cheering for the Pittsburgh Steelers QB, not Ben Roethlisberger the person. If Ben wasn't a championship QB he would have been gone a long time ago. If he were Cliff Stoudt, or Mike Tomczak, we wouldn't even be having this discussion, and you or Crush or anyone else on this board wouldn't be defending him period.

I get it, we all want a winning team, and Ben has brought Super Bowls back to Pittsburgh, but if we weren't having success you would all be on the "get rid of the alleged rapist" bandwagon. I get it, it took along time to get a Super Bowl winning franchise QB, but if you really think you all would be supporting the guy if he wasn't winning you are all full of it.

01-21-2011, 11:45 PM
They are cheering for the Pittsburgh Steelers QB, not Ben Roethlisberger the person.




That was during the first pre-season game.

sd steel
01-22-2011, 12:09 AM
They are cheering for the Pittsburgh Steelers QB, not Ben Roethlisberger the person.




That was during the first pre-season game.

So If this exact same scenario happed to Tomczak or Kordell with all of the same evidence, or lack of, and all the same media hype, you would be supporting them as strongly as you are supporting Ben? And we would have heard in the Stadium

We want Kordell or Mike!! Is that what you are claiming?

Or could it have something to do with Ben has won 2 Super Bowls, and we will live with Ben because he can still win?

01-22-2011, 12:17 AM
They are cheering for the Pittsburgh Steelers QB, not Ben Roethlisberger the person.




That was during the first pre-season game.

So If this exact same scenario happed to Tomczak or Kordell with all of the same evidence, or lack of, and all the same media hype, you would be supporting them as strongly as you are supporting Ben? And we would have heard in the Stadium

We want Kordell or Mike!! Is that what you are claiming?

Or could it have something to do with Ben has won 2 Super Bowls, and we will live with Ben because he can still win?

If I saw the evidence, and felt they were innocent based on that evidence? Yes. I'd want them to continue playing.

The venom that Ben got from March/June stopped, AFTER the GBI released the audio/video DVDs. Once rational people took the time to view those discs and listen to the BS her and her friends were spewing from their own lips, things changed.

sd steel
01-22-2011, 12:34 AM
You wouldn't have put the time in to find out or try to disprove the story for Kordell or Tomczak. You would have burnt them at the stake like everyone else. But in Ben's case you had to find justification, excuses, conspiracy, because you don't want to not believe the best about your Super Bowl winning QB who still has years left to play.

You and other fans will make excuses and you want to believe so bad that "it ain't so Joe say it ain't so", that you really believe that every person has conspired to screw Ben and the Steelers. That's fine, but I can't go to those lengths. I also can't bash every other Steeler in the organization who has done something bad to make Ben look better, and I'm sort of surprised that you have taken that angle in a majority of your posts. It's a true transformation from the type of posting you did prior to Ben.

01-22-2011, 12:44 AM
actually, a similiar accusation happned to batch. and charges were never brought up in his case either.

have you seen me or other steelers fans say to get rid of him. afterall, he's only a back up

01-22-2011, 12:57 AM
You wouldn't have put the time in to find out or try to disprove the story for Kordell or Tomczak. You would have burnt them at the stake like everyone else. But in Ben's case you had to find justification, excuses, conspiracy, because you don't want to not believe the best about your Super Bowl winning QB who still has years left to play.

You and other fans will make excuses and you want to believe so bad that "it ain't so Joe say it ain't so", that you really believe that every person has conspired to screw Ben and the Steelers. That's fine, but I can't go to those lengths. I also can't bash every other Steeler in the organization who has done something bad to make Ben look better, and I'm sort of surprised that you have taken that angle in a majority of your posts. It's a true transformation from the type of posting you did prior to Ben.

Shut up. You're one of those idiots who don't take the time to read anything and let headlines form your opinion.

Yeah, Batch is a backup, he was accused of much worse.

He's still in Pittsburgh, no?

sd steel
01-22-2011, 12:57 AM
actually, a similiar accusation happned to batch. and charges were never brought up in his case either.

have you seen me or other steelers fans say to get rid of him. afterall, he's only a back up

I was supporting Ben after his first accusation as well. If it happened twice to Batch and it got the media play would you really be fighting for Batch?

I'll answer for you, "um...No". You wouldn't even care. The only reason why you guys will fight for this is because Ben wins, period. Otherwise he could have been gone like Bam Morris and everyone would have said good riddance.

I understand the dilemma, you want to believe in and root for your Championship QB, so you have to justify what he did with conspiracy and excuses, and you have made yourself believe it. But don't tell me if Ben was a .500 QB with no championships in 7 years that you wouldn't be saying "lose the arrogant punk and draft me a champion".

01-22-2011, 12:58 AM
What did Ben do sd? And what proof do you have?

I'm sure DA Bright would love to hear it.

sd steel
01-22-2011, 01:00 AM
You wouldn't have put the time in to find out or try to disprove the story for Kordell or Tomczak. You would have burnt them at the stake like everyone else. But in Ben's case you had to find justification, excuses, conspiracy, because you don't want to not believe the best about your Super Bowl winning QB who still has years left to play.

You and other fans will make excuses and you want to believe so bad that "it ain't so Joe say it ain't so", that you really believe that every person has conspired to screw Ben and the Steelers. That's fine, but I can't go to those lengths. I also can't bash every other Steeler in the organization who has done something bad to make Ben look better, and I'm sort of surprised that you have taken that angle in a majority of your posts. It's a true transformation from the type of posting you did prior to Ben.

Shut up. You're one of those idiots who don't take the time to read anything and let headlines form your opinion.

Yeah, Batch is a backup, he was accused of much worse.

He's still in Pittsburgh, no?
But if they let Batch go because of it would you even care?

01-22-2011, 01:01 AM
But if they let Batch go because of it would you even care?

If I thought Batch was innocent? I'd say it was wrong to let him go.

01-22-2011, 01:02 AM
sanchez, batch, and ben have all had 1 incident investigated by the police.

dont know why you're lumping mcnulty's CIVIL case with them.

do you think if a sexual assault occurred she would with a year to tell something about it?
do you think if she was assaulted she would just drop the case if Ben apologized?

sd steel
01-22-2011, 01:04 AM
What did Ben do sd? And what proof do you have?

I'm sure DA Bright would love to hear it.
He was accused of sexual assault twice. By 2 different women in 2 different states. He might have done nothing, but he got accused, and by doing that he has made the franchise look bad. The bad publicity and attention it received would have got any other Steeler let go, and not one of you would have argued.

01-22-2011, 01:07 AM
He was accused of sexual assault twice. By 2 different women in 2 different states.

And one of the women in DTF's crew was removed from the VIP room for mentioning Reno and called him a rapist.

Does your pea-sized brain actually think that Ben was trying to rape someone mere minutes after being called one?

01-22-2011, 01:08 AM
The bad publicity and attention it received would have got any other Steeler let go, and not one of you would have argued.

Yeah because the Steelers let Ernie Holmes go when he tried to kill cops too, right?

You're a dunce. You believe the sham known as the "Steeler Way".

That's your first problem.

sd steel
01-22-2011, 01:18 AM
You guys have a vested interest in Ben, so you will do everything you can to support him and thats fine. I just relayed a story that happened to me regarding how Ben is seen by other fans because of the accusations and the media play. It made me feel sick. I hate being associated with someone that a majority of the people perceive to be a sexual deviant. If he cheated on his wife, no problem, if he used drugs, whatever, they even give passes to guys who stab people, kill dogs, kill people driving drunk, but for some reason people don't give many passes to white millionaires accused of sexual assault. Racist? Yes, but it basically makes people think that he is a psychotic guy who loves to overpower women. Basically one step above child molester if you were to go to prison. There is a stigma with that accusation, and he has been accused twice.

I'm not going to change your minds, and you aren't going to change mine, but I'm not really sure how you can denounce everyone who doesn't support the guy as a moron who doesn't know all the facts. Where there is smoke...... He did some really stupid stuff whether it's all true or not.

01-22-2011, 01:20 AM
Please. Some hag reads headlines. Yay.

Tell her to deal in facts.

The second accusation was brought on by the first. Again, you need to read the facts.

sd steel
01-22-2011, 01:23 AM
Pea sized brain? Dunce? Moron? Easy big guy or I will start posting your picture Keith.

Why do you have to turn a discussion into a personal attack on me? I'm still a Steeler fan, no reason to insult me because you don't agree with what I'm saying.

01-22-2011, 01:28 AM
Post 'em. Most here already know what I look like.

I have no idea what you are even trying to say. You obviously haven't read a friggin' thing on this crap other than what ESPN tells you.

When one takes the time to read EVERYTHING, they know this GA case was a sham from the start.

sd steel
01-22-2011, 01:29 AM
Please. Some hag reads headlines. Yay.

Tell her to deal in facts.

The second accusation was brought on by the first. Again, you need to read the facts.

And she is not a "hag", she is a really nice lady whose company does alot of business with me. No reason to bash her because of her perception of Ben, which she got from the media, which Ben gave the opportunity to create an unflattering image, because at best he banged a real ugly crazy skank in Reno. 25 year old millionaire NFL QB's shouldn't be banging 35 year old ugly skanks especially when prostitution is legal there...just sayin.

Best case scenario....horrible judgement.

01-22-2011, 01:29 AM
Btw the way sd, can you explain to all of us dummies how McNulty knew Ben's TV was broken 24 hours BEFORE Ben told her? Appreciate it pal.

01-22-2011, 01:32 AM
Um, McNulty was 30. Not 35.

See what I mean? BASIC facts. You can't even get them right.

Yeah real smart, go bang some hooker and get an STD.

Real bright there sd.

sd steel
01-22-2011, 01:35 AM
Post 'em. Most here already know what I look like.

I have no idea what you are even trying to say. You obviously haven't read a friggin' thing on this crap other than what ESPN tells you.

When one takes the time to read EVERYTHING, they know this GA case was a sham from the start.

If you don't think Ben used poor judgement then you will never take your Big Ben glasses off, and that's fine. For some reason you don't seem to realize that our society looks at sexual assault much harsher than just about any other crime. He would have been better off being accused of murder and getting off in many peoples eyes.

01-22-2011, 01:36 AM
If you don't think Ben used poor judgement then you will never take your Big Ben glasses off, and that's fine

Ben did use poor judgement. But if you want to get rid of players who do that? You won't have a team.

01-22-2011, 01:37 AM
Btw the way sd, can you explain to all of us dummies how McNulty knew Ben's TV was broken 24 hours BEFORE Ben told her? Appreciate it pal.


sd steel
01-22-2011, 01:37 AM
And as always Crush it is a pleasure burning an hour or 2 on the boards with you> :tt1

sd steel
01-22-2011, 01:38 AM
Btw the way sd, can you explain to all of us dummies how McNulty knew Ben's TV was broken 24 hours BEFORE Ben told her? Appreciate it pal.


I don't care man. How??

But he did bang her, No?

Did you break the TV and tell her?

01-22-2011, 01:41 AM
Btw the way sd, can you explain to all of us dummies how McNulty knew Ben's TV was broken 24 hours BEFORE Ben told her? Appreciate it pal.


I don't care man. How??

You don't care? Her whole case is based on Ben "luring her" to the suite to fix his TV, then she claims she was raped.

But her emails to her co-workers, suggest that she was going to use a "broken TV" to gain access to his suite 24 hours before Ben told her it was broken.

And you bash Ben?

That's nuts.

I'd hate to have you on a jury. You'd send some poor schmuck to the chair based on rumors.

sd steel
01-22-2011, 01:45 AM
Btw the way sd, can you explain to all of us dummies how McNulty knew Ben's TV was broken 24 hours BEFORE Ben told her? Appreciate it pal.


I don't care man. How??

You don't care? Her whole case is based on Ben "luring her" to the suite to fix his TV, then she claims she was raped.

But her emails to her co-workers, suggest that she was going to use a "broken TV" to gain access to his suite 24 hours before Ben told her it was broken.

And you bash Ben?

That's nuts.

I'd hate to have you on a jury. You'd send some poor schmuck to the chair based on rumors.
Nah, I don't do jury duty. I'm smart enough to get out of it, but if I were to do it, yeah your right they would call me "hanging Jury member SD Steel", hang'em all!!

01-22-2011, 12:56 PM
You wouldn't have put the time in to find out or try to disprove the story for Kordell or Tomczak. You would have burnt them at the stake like everyone else. But in Ben's case you had to find justification, excuses, conspiracy, because you don't want to not believe the best about your Super Bowl winning QB who still has years left to play.

You and other fans will make excuses and you want to believe so bad that "it ain't so Joe say it ain't so", that you really believe that every person has conspired to screw Ben and the Steelers. That's fine, but I can't go to those lengths. I also can't bash every other Steeler in the organization who has done something bad to make Ben look better, and I'm sort of surprised that you have taken that angle in a majority of your posts. It's a true transformation from the type of posting you did prior to Ben.

Damn good post. :Clap

I really thought this stuff was over once the season began and Ben returned. 1 game from the SB and people still feel the need to prove how much of a victim Ben was..

01-22-2011, 01:03 PM
I really thought this stuff was over once the season began and Ben returned. 1 game from the SB and people still feel the need to prove how much of a victim Ben was.

He was a victim. To say otherwise is laughable.

Like I said, where's the Sanchez articles?

Where was the outrage by the same media that roasted Ben, when Goodell let Perrish Cox continue to play?

01-22-2011, 01:24 PM
You wouldn't have put the time in to find out or try to disprove the story for Kordell or Tomczak. You would have burnt them at the stake like everyone else. But in Ben's case you had to find justification, excuses, conspiracy, because you don't want to not believe the best about your Super Bowl winning QB who still has years left to play.

You and other fans will make excuses and you want to believe so bad that "it ain't so Joe say it ain't so", that you really believe that every person has conspired to screw Ben and the Steelers. That's fine, but I can't go to those lengths. I also can't bash every other Steeler in the organization who has done something bad to make Ben look better, and I'm sort of surprised that you have taken that angle in a majority of your posts. It's a true transformation from the type of posting you did prior to Ben.

Damn good post. :Clap

I really thought this stuff was over once the season began and Ben returned. 1 game from the SB and people still feel the need to prove how much of a victim Ben was..

actually, 1 game from the super bowl and a "steeler fan" told us a story on why he doesnt like ben

01-22-2011, 02:04 PM
I really thought this stuff was over once the season began and Ben returned. 1 game from the SB and people still feel the need to prove how much of a victim Ben was.

He was a victim. To say otherwise is laughable.

Like I said, where's the Sanchez articles?

Where was the outrage by the same media that roasted Ben, when Goodell let Perrish Cox continue to play?

Ben was a victim, twice. He's a choir boy. Blah, blah, blah..

Sanchez should be burned at the stake. He was only a victim once. He must be a worse person? blah, blah, blah.

Cox, again, with one, not two incidents.

Your moral sliding scale is comical.

01-22-2011, 02:36 PM
Ben was a victim, twice. He's a choir boy. Blah, blah, blah.

So you think he raped them?

If you answer no. And he's not charged? He's a victim.

Perrish Cox was CHARGED, with FELONY RAPE of a "helpless victim".

He played on.

If you give him more benefit of the doubt than you would an uncharged Ben? You son are sick in the head.

01-22-2011, 02:42 PM
Ben was a victim, twice. He's a choir boy. Blah, blah, blah.

So you think he raped them?

If you answer no. And he's not charged? He's a victim.

Perrish Cox was CHARGED, with FELONY RAPE of a "helpless victim".

He played on.

If you give him more benefit of the doubt than you would an uncharged Ben? You son are sick in the head.
You should read my quote again. You should also know arrested and/or charged doesn't equal guilty.

01-22-2011, 02:44 PM
You should also know arrested and/or charged doesn't equal guilty.

But rumors and accusations without charges for Ben does?

01-22-2011, 02:45 PM
You should also know arrested and/or charged doesn't equal guilty.

But rumors and accusations without charges for Ben does?

You should learn how to read. As I suggested, you should read the quotes again. I never expressed whether or not I viewed Ben as guilty of rape.