View Full Version : Ask The Steelers - Randle El 1,2 and 3

06-27-2010, 11:53 PM
Ask The Steelers - Randle El 1
http://www.steelers.com/news/article-1/ ... df9893412c (http://www.steelers.com/news/article-1/Ask-The-Steelers---Randle-El-1/4ac6ff58-325b-4fe4-ab9f-62df9893412c)


Steelers.com brings you the Ask the Steelers feature. Fans submitted the questions that were asked. Please understand that we receive an incredible number of questions for each player, with many of the questions being similar, and not all of the questions can be answered. We selected as many as possible, and took your questions to the current subject to get your answers.

Janice Shay asks: How much did it help you early in your career to have played quarterback and looked at defenses from that perspective?
Antwaan Randle El: It helped me a lot because when I learned the offense I learned it as a whole, not just one wide receiver spot. I learned what the line was supposed to be doing, who the running backs had to block, and of course what I was supposed to do. It helped me because I learned the whole offense and not just one portion.

Joel Widener in Portland, Oregon asks:I watched you in college at Indiana playing the quarterback position. Was it a hard transition to wide receiver?
Antwaan Randle El: It wasn’t hard. When I made my mind up to do it, it wasn’t as hard as I thought it would be. I have been blessed with God-given talents to run, catch and cut so switching from quarterback wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be.

John Stevens in San Diego, California asks: What was themain reason that led to your leavingthe team after the 2005 season?
Antwaan Randle El: The main reason was the contract I was offered. I was offered more to go to the Redskins. It was hard not to take that chance. I did what I felt I had to do.

Chris Spencer in Cincinnati, Ohio asks: How often did you think about what could have been if you had stayed with the Steelers instead of heading to the Redskins?
Antwaan Randle El: I try not to do the what-if. I know that with the decisions I have made I have asked God for guidance and it was right. I learned a lot. Coming to Washington I was able to reach out to different people on a spiritual level. I never looked at the what-if.

S. Everett in Hackensack, New Jersey asks: Was it hard leaving the Steelers after winning a Super Bowl with the team?
Antwaan Randle El: It was hard to leave the team period. It would have been hard regardless, but it certainly made it harder. You experience one of the top things in your career winning the Super Bowl and I didn’t have that opportunity to repeat. It was hard. It was hard leaving everybody associated with the team and coming back and enjoying that year after.

Erin Anderson in Pennsylvania asks: Did you watch Super Bowl XLIII and what was that like watching your former team win it?
Antwaan Randle El: It was a little weird for me. I love the Steelers and there are great players and coaches on the team. They were also playing against some coaches and players that I loved and played with also. It was a Catch-22 for me watching the game knowing coaches and players on both sides. I enjoyed it and it was a matter of whoever wins, wins.

Scott Fatta in Kittanning, Pennsylvania asks: I was wondering if you could explain the differences between the Steelers and Redskins organizations?
Antwaan Randle El: The Steelers are family oriented. They are more caring and loving about the way they do things. The Redskins are about the business side of it. One is family-owned and the other is a business.

Dennis Minarik in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania asks: Do you anticipate throwing a pass or two this year with the Steelers? How would you feel about that?
Antwaan Randle El:That would be great. I want to make sure I complete them to keep my passer rating high.

06-28-2010, 03:57 PM
John Stevens in San Diego, California asks: What was themain reason that led to your leavingthe team after the 2005 season?
Antwaan Randle El: The main reason was the contract I was offered. I was offered more to go to the Redskins. It was hard not to take that chance. I did what I felt I had to do.

In other words...



06-28-2010, 04:16 PM
I wanna know how he can help the young guys.

06-30-2010, 11:54 PM
Ask The Steelers - Randle El 2

http://www.steelers.com/news/article-1/ ... c8ece27604 (http://www.steelers.com/news/article-1/Ask-The-Steelers---Randle-El-2/a27d46a5-fdff-48f9-a948-91c8ece27604)

Steelers.com brings you the Ask the Steelers feature. Fans submitted the questions that were asked. Please understand that we receive an incredible number of questions for each player, with many of the questions being similar, and not all of the questions can be answered. We selected as many as possible, and took your questions to the current subject to get your answers.

Joey Brown asks: Why is it important for you to know all of the receiver spots?

Antwaan Randle El:I want to be the Jack if you will and know the X, Y, Z and F. If somebody goes down and we have to bring a young guy in, the young guy can learn the spot that is not as complicated and they can put me in the most complicated spot. I want to learn them so if that happens I can step in and we don’t miss a beat.

J.C. Martin in Atlanta, Georgia asks: How did returning to the Steelers this offseason come about? Who made the first contact, how did it play out?

Antwaan Randle El:The Steelers made first contact with me early on. I wanted to gather myself before making a decision, But the Steelers called and it was like, let’s talk. The bottom line was coming back to Pittsburgh was so much better for me as far as my family and having a good history here.

Jeff Goodman in Bono, Arkansas asks: What's it been like to come back where you helped Steelers Nation win one for the thumb? Did you ever imagine yourself being back in the Black and Gold?

Antwaan Randle El:I didn’t imagine being back. My goal was to be in Washington for two more years so my oldest child could finish high school there. I am certainly glad I am here and we can work to winning another Super Bowl.

Duane H. Moore in Bloomfield, New Jersey asks: What similarities doyou see in the attitude of the locker room as compared to that 2005 roster?

Antwaan Randle El:Early on the attitude is one you can compare. You have veterans who understand what it takes to win and young guys who want to come in and learn. You have that feeling in the locker room, but only time will tell how it will be as things move on.

Dave Demi in Melbourne Beach, Florida asks: The expectations for the Steelers this coming season are very high. What skill set do you bring that can set yourself apart and help deliver onthe team’shigh expectations?

Antwaan Randle El:Leadership is something I look at. I bring my lunch pail to work every day and give all I have. I try to lead by example on the field and off the field the way I carry myself, the things I say and do. I live a life that represents Jesus Christ more than anything.

From Lloyd Hollen stationed in Iraq asks: Hello from Baghdad, Iraq. Will you be involved in the special teams?

Antwaan Randle El:I don’t know how much, but I will be involved in the special teams this year.

Paul Gomez in Venice, California asks: Is there anything in Bruce Arian's offense that was not in Ken Whisenhunt's offense that you particularly like?

Antwaan Randle El:They are very similar. So far I have seen a lot of the same thing. They both liked to throw the ball. I don’t know if there are any big differences. They both have gadget plays. It’s all there.

Thomas Aussant asks: What do you think your role will be this year?
Antwaan Randle El:My goal is to come out and compete and be the starter. I never came into a situation where I said I am going to just be the three or just be the two. I always try to be the number one no matter who is ahead of me or what their history is. I come in to fight for the top position and let the chips fall where they may.

07-01-2010, 09:21 AM
I never had hard feelings toward him when he left for the big contract. He helped us win a Super Bowl and was cashing in, period. I think hm coming back after getting his big payday shows what kind of a guy he is. Have always been a big fan of ARE . . . And I love his humility. To me, he is Hines Ward reincarnated, with a bit less ability, but he has the same amount of heart. Both followed the same path (college quarterback to NFL reciever) and I am just really glad he resigned to play with the Steelers.

07-05-2010, 12:51 AM
Ask The Steelers - Randle El 3


Steelers.com brings you the Ask the Steelers feature. Fans submitted the questions that were asked. Please understand that we receive an incredible number of questions for each player, with many of the questions being similar, and not all of the questions can be answered. We selected as many as possible, and took your questions to the current subject to get your answers.

David Kral in Washington asks: In what way did your time at the Redskins make you a better player and/or teammate?
Antwaan Randle El:It made me a better player because it made me appreciate being on a team with great players, leaving the Steelers. It made me appreciate the ownership and organization. It made me realize you always have to stay crisp. As a person I learned right away that the grass is not always greener on the other side. I learned God takes you somewhere else and it’s not always about what you think it is. I thought it was just about football. Coming to Washington I realized it was about more, reaching out to certain young men and helping them walk their life with God.

Heidi Klaiber inKane, Pennsylvania asks: What was it like playing for the Steelers under Bill Cowher and how you expect things to be the same or different now with Coach Mike Tomlin?
Antwaan Randle El:With Coach Cowher you had a coach who understood players because he played in this league. He understood when players were tired. He was always on you to get the best out of you. Tomlin seems to be the same way. He started out working them hard and knows when to push them now.

Lisa Joseph asks: What do you think of Mike Wallace and the speed that he brings to the offense?
Antwaan Randle El:Mike Wallace is a nut for one and he has some unbelievable speed. He is exceptionally fast. He has a different speed if you will. It’s amazing to see him run and play.

Dale Munn in New York asks: What kind of advice can you give to the Steelers rookies?
Antwaan Randle El:The advice I give is this – there are two things that will get you kicked off a team really quick – being out of shape and not knowing the playbook. Those are two things I tell them right off the bat. I also tell them you have to get God centered at some point. It helps keep you out of trouble and you don’t want to squander your opportunities. Without those things you won’t be in the league long.

Chris Chambers in Ocoee, Florida asks: Do you feel that with your faith in Christ you canbe a leader in the locker room with this being your first year back?
Antwaan Randle El:No question. I believe my faith in Christ is why I am a leader. It helps me to walk and be a witness. Sometimes I don’t have to say anything. My witness says a lot for me as far as leadership.

Kathy Bongiorno in Perryopolis, Pennsylvania asks: Now that you have played for another NFL team, how would you say that Steelers fans differ from other NFL fans?
Antwaan Randle El:There are no fans like Steelers fans. They are always there and always rooting.

Matt Adair from Anderson, Indiana asks: Will you be keeping your Sunday Night Football intro as super-awesome as it was with the Redskins?
Antwaan Randle El:Of course. No question.

Feras Zahid in Clemson, South Carolina asks: What are your favorite toppings on a pizza?Antwaan Randle El:I like banana peppers and sweet peppers.