View Full Version : Roethlisberger makes surprise appearance at annual camp

06-24-2010, 05:33 PM
http://www.nfl.com/news/story?id=09000d ... nfirm=true (http://www.nfl.com/news/story?id=09000d5d818cd6f2&template=with-video-with-comments&confirm=true)

NFL.com Wire Reports

Pittsburgh Steelers quarterback Ben Roethlisberger was a surprise visitor Wednesday at the youth football camp that he usually runs each summer in Mars, Pa.

Roethlisberger has led the camp at Mars Area High School the past two years, but he begged off the duty this year after experiencing legal problems, including being accused of rape at a Georgia nightclub in March, but not prosecuted.

Steelers coach Mike Tomlin ran the camp, and he even brought his 8- and 9-year-old sons -- but Roethlisberger made a surprise visit on the final day.

"I love coming out here and participating with these guys and having fun, seeing the smile on their face," Roethlisberger told Pittsburgh television station KDKA.

"One kid -– he dropped a pass," Roethlisberger added, "but he was excited because he got to at least attempt to catch it. To see the smile on some of the kids' faces when they catch touchdowns and they're high-fiving and –- it just it brings joy to your life."

Tomlin said he has enjoyed the chance to "baby sit" the camp and might return next year, even though he expects Roethlisberger to be back running it.

Steelers tight end Heath Miller also helped out in Roethlisberger's absence.

"I know that Ben's looking forward to moving forward and he's excited about it," Miller told KDKA. "As teammates, we've got to be there for him and move forward as well."

Camper Bethany Carcaise, of Illinois, said she missed Roethlisberger "because he used to play with us more. He acted like a kid."

"I'm having a blast," Roethlisberger said. "I'm sweating more than most of these kids, running around, and I'm dying out here. But if they have fun, I'm having fun."

06-24-2010, 05:46 PM

NFL.com Wire Reports

Pittsburgh Steelers quarterback Ben Roethlisberger was a surprise visitor Wednesday at the youth football camp that he usually runs each summer in Mars, Pa.

Roethlisberger has led the camp at Mars Area High School the past two years, but he begged off the duty this year after experiencing legal problems, including being accused of rape at a Georgia nightclub in March, but not prosecuted.

Steelers coach Mike Tomlin ran the camp, and he even brought his 8- and 9-year-old sons -- but Roethlisberger made a surprise visit on the final day.

"I love coming out here and participating with these guys and having fun, seeing the smile on their face," Roethlisberger told Pittsburgh television station KDKA.

"One kid -– he dropped a pass," Roethlisberger added, "but he was excited because he got to at least attempt to catch it. To see the smile on some of the kids' faces when they catch touchdowns and they're high-fiving and –- it just it brings joy to your life."

Tomlin said he has enjoyed the chance to "baby sit" the camp and might return next year, even though he expects Roethlisberger to be back running it.

Steelers tight end Heath Miller also helped out in Roethlisberger's absence.

"I know that Ben's looking forward to moving forward and he's excited about it," Miller told KDKA. "As teammates, we've got to be there for him and move forward as well."

Camper Bethany Carcaise, of Illinois, said she missed Roethlisberger "because he used to play with us more. He acted like a kid."

"I'm having a blast," Roethlisberger said. "I'm sweating more than most of these kids, running around, and I'm dying out here. But if they have fun, I'm having fun."

I think this was a great PR move. Mainly, because it made me smile and feel good!!

06-24-2010, 08:18 PM
It's cool to see that the kids seem to really love Ben. Maybe their parents haven't had a chance to color their opinion of him yet... :stirpot

06-24-2010, 11:27 PM
People generally have short term memories- by the time he comes back to play, this will all be forgotten....


Now, what were we talking about? :lol:

06-26-2010, 08:27 AM
The cynic in me says this was all carefully orchestrated in an attempt to repair Ben's image. No one can really believe the 'surprise' visit was completely unplanned. I give Ben some due that he even made the effort.

06-26-2010, 09:37 AM
The cynic in me says this was all carefully orchestrated in an attempt to repair Ben's image. No one can really believe the 'surprise' visit was completely unplanned. I give Ben some due that he even made the effort.

That would be cynical.

06-26-2010, 12:01 PM
Cynical but true. Obviously PR move. With that said, it's good for him to make these kinds of efforts no matter the motive at this point. Fake it til ya make it as they say in some circles of recovery. Ben has some growing up to do and it will start with him making some efforts that don't revolve around him. I hope to see Ben's do good attitude become part of his life. It will serve him and his community well.

06-26-2010, 12:32 PM
This is not a PR move. It's what he would usually be doing if he wasn't in trouble.

If they created this camp on the fly then it's a PR move. This was his camp and they told him to stay away due to his legal problems.... it's not PR, it's what he should be doing.

06-26-2010, 12:40 PM
Cynical but true. Obviously PR move. With that said, it's good for him to make these kinds of efforts no matter the motive at this point. Fake it til ya make it as they say in some circles of recovery. Ben has some growing up to do and it will start with him making some efforts that don't revolve around him. I hope to see Ben's do good attitude become part of his life. It will serve him and his community well.

Is it possible that he just wanted to be there?

06-26-2010, 12:42 PM
Cynical but true. Obviously PR move. With that said, it's good for him to make these kinds of efforts no matter the motive at this point. Fake it til ya make it as they say in some circles of recovery. Ben has some growing up to do and it will start with him making some efforts that don't revolve around him. I hope to see Ben's do good attitude become part of his life. It will serve him and his community well.

Is it possible that he just wanted to be there?


06-26-2010, 02:38 PM
I found it interesting that they quoted that little girl who basically said that she preferred to have Ben there. Apparently he's more fun than Heath and Couch T. So much for the whole "would you let your daughter around him" schtick.

06-26-2010, 03:30 PM
I found it interesting that they quoted that little girl who basically said that she preferred to have Ben there. Apparently he's more fun than Heath and Couch T. So much for the whole "would you let your daughter around him" schtick.

not to be a cynic but could that be the real PR move? :stirpot

06-26-2010, 03:34 PM
I found it interesting that they quoted that little girl who basically said that she preferred to have Ben there. Apparently he's more fun than Heath and Couch T. So much for the whole "would you let your daughter around him" schtick.

not to be a cynic but could that be the real PR move? :stirpot
Actually that little girl has been at that camp every year. And Ben has said that she is one of the best athletes at the camp. Plus I think she has a crush on Ben!

06-26-2010, 04:26 PM
I found it interesting that they quoted that little girl who basically said that she preferred to have Ben there. Apparently he's more fun than Heath and Couch T. So much for the whole "would you let your daughter around him" schtick.

not to be a cynic but could that be the real PR move? :stirpot
Actually that little girl has been at that camp every year. And Ben has said that she is one of the best athletes at the camp. Plus I think she has a crush on Ben!

She isn't credible... she is on the take. :D

06-27-2010, 08:30 AM
Cynical but true. Obviously PR move. With that said, it's good for him to make these kinds of efforts no matter the motive at this point. Fake it til ya make it as they say in some circles of recovery. Ben has some growing up to do and it will start with him making some efforts that don't revolve around him. I hope to see Ben's do good attitude become part of his life. It will serve him and his community well.

Is it possible that he just wanted to be there?

Yep. I think there are too many cynics and some of the statements that we read here just prove that Ben is damned if he does and damned if he doesn't.

I think this was great. A surprise visit so the media scum couldn't be there trying to steal the moment away from the kids with their sense of entitlement to know everything anytime they want to know it no matter what the consequences.

06-27-2010, 08:49 AM
You have a public figure making $100M+ and a team worth $1B+ trying to repair a tarnished image. How can you not believe they haven't hired one of those 'image consultants' to help in planning the public appearances?

Don't get me wrong....I think this is something Ben MUST do....and do more often. As someone else said, Ben should focus on others instead of himself for a while.

"Corporations benefit from the services of an image consultant in a very similar manner. If there is some type of public scandal involving one or more of the products manufactured by the company, an image consultant will often launch a two-pronged counter attack designed to minimize the damage caused by the scandal and reverse public opinion. This often includes rebuilding the public’s image of the company by highlighting ways the corporation seeks to support the communities where it operates facilities. The focus will be on the company’s efforts to take responsibility and correct the situation, while also subtly pointing to all the other good things the company does for the general public.

An image consultant is also helpful in situations other than crises. Public speakers often rely on the services of an image professional, asking for assistance in choosing wardrobes for wear at public events. The consulting also includes guidelines on how to stand, modulating and controlling the voice properly, diction, and general deportment in a public setting. It is not unusual for public figures to keep an image consultant on staff or at least on retainer, so that the public image can be continually evaluated and perfected."

06-27-2010, 10:55 AM
Cynical but true. Obviously PR move. With that said, it's good for him to make these kinds of efforts no matter the motive at this point. Fake it til ya make it as they say in some circles of recovery. Ben has some growing up to do and it will start with him making some efforts that don't revolve around him. I hope to see Ben's do good attitude become part of his life. It will serve him and his community well.

Is it possible that he just wanted to be there?

Yep. I think there are too many cynics and some of the statements that we read here just prove that Ben is damned if he does and damned if he doesn't.

I think this was great. A surprise visit so the media scum couldn't be there trying to steal the moment away from the kids with their sense of entitlement to know everything anytime they want to know it no matter what the consequences.
I agree with the first paragraph but the second one has a lot of cynicism in it. LOL.

It's not that serious IMO. It was his camp and he made a visit. It's what he would do if he wasn't in trouble.... it's just football camp. Its not a middle finger to the media or a way to prove a point to the naysayers... it's his camp and he wanted to be there.

Was it a PR stunt? No... A PR stunt consist of an event that is manufactured and every news reporter is called so they can get the scoop. Ben may have a consultant or 2 but I doubt this was there official roll out.

06-27-2010, 11:26 AM
You have a public figure making $100M+ and a team worth $1B+ trying to repair a tarnished image. How can you not believe they haven't hired one of those 'image consultants' to help in planning the public appearances?

Don't get me wrong....I think this is something Ben MUST do....and do more often. As someone else said, Ben should focus on others instead of himself for a while.

"Corporations benefit from the services of an image consultant in a very similar manner. If there is some type of public scandal involving one or more of the products manufactured by the company, an image consultant will often launch a two-pronged counter attack designed to minimize the damage caused by the scandal and reverse public opinion. This often includes rebuilding the public’s image of the company by highlighting ways the corporation seeks to support the communities where it operates facilities. The focus will be on the company’s efforts to take responsibility and correct the situation, while also subtly pointing to all the other good things the company does for the general public.

An image consultant is also helpful in situations other than crises. Public speakers often rely on the services of an image professional, asking for assistance in choosing wardrobes for wear at public events. The consulting also includes guidelines on how to stand, modulating and controlling the voice properly, diction, and general deportment in a public setting. It is not unusual for public figures to keep an image consultant on staff or at least on retainer, so that the public image can be continually evaluated and perfected."

Yeah, like how Toyota is in the process of repairing their image after their recall fiasco. If you look at BP, on the other hand, looks like they are going to need significantly more help on the public relations side going forward for sure.

stlrz d
06-27-2010, 12:39 PM
Cynical but true. Obviously PR move. With that said, it's good for him to make these kinds of efforts no matter the motive at this point. Fake it til ya make it as they say in some circles of recovery. Ben has some growing up to do and it will start with him making some efforts that don't revolve around him. I hope to see Ben's do good attitude become part of his life. It will serve him and his community well.

Is it possible that he just wanted to be there?

Yep. I think there are too many cynics and some of the statements that we read here just prove that Ben is damned if he does and damned if he doesn't.

I think this was great. A surprise visit so the media scum couldn't be there trying to steal the moment away from the kids with their sense of entitlement to know everything anytime they want to know it no matter what the consequences.


06-27-2010, 06:38 PM
Here are photos of Ben's day and a parents comments on it when you view the first photo.

http://bigbennews.com/photos/thumbnails ... up&cat=-38 (http://bigbennews.com/photos/thumbnails.php?album=lastup&cat=-38)

06-27-2010, 08:12 PM
Here are photos of Ben's day and a parents comments on it when you view the first photo.

http://bigbennews.com/photos/thumbnails ... up&cat=-38 (http://bigbennews.com/photos/thumbnails.php?album=lastup&cat=-38)


Oh no! The big bad rapist is trying to kidnap one of the children! :shock: :wink:

06-27-2010, 10:12 PM
Here are photos of Ben's day and a parents comments on it when you view the first photo.

http://bigbennews.com/photos/thumbnails ... up&cat=-38 (http://bigbennews.com/photos/thumbnails.php?album=lastup&cat=-38)


Oh no! The big bad rapist is trying to kidnap one of the children! :shock: :wink:
What a jerk :wink: :roll:

stlrz d
06-27-2010, 11:17 PM
Here are photos of Ben's day and a parents comments on it when you view the first photo.

http://bigbennews.com/photos/thumbnails ... up&cat=-38 (http://bigbennews.com/photos/thumbnails.php?album=lastup&cat=-38)


Oh no! The big bad rapist is trying to kidnap one of the children! :shock: :wink:

He needs to throw that kid away before he takes a sack! Other QBs don't hold children that long...they make a decision where to go with them and do it or they throw them away!

06-27-2010, 11:50 PM
Here are photos of Ben's day and a parents comments on it when you view the first photo.

http://bigbennews.com/photos/thumbnails ... up&cat=-38 (http://bigbennews.com/photos/thumbnails.php?album=lastup&cat=-38)


Oh no! The big bad rapist is trying to kidnap one of the children! :shock: :wink:

He needs to throw that kid away before he takes a sack! Other QBs don't hold children that long...they make a decision where to go with them and do it or they throw them away!
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Stop your killing me :lol: :lol:

06-28-2010, 11:48 AM
Cynical but true. Obviously PR move. With that said, it's good for him to make these kinds of efforts no matter the motive at this point. Fake it til ya make it as they say in some circles of recovery. Ben has some growing up to do and it will start with him making some efforts that don't revolve around him. I hope to see Ben's do good attitude become part of his life. It will serve him and his community well.

Is it possible that he just wanted to be there?

Nah...lol. I'm kinda playing. I mean maybe Ben is a great guy when he isn't out drinking and partying. I'm sure some of these guys actually like doing these things but I know some don't. It's certainly encouraged by the team. I do know Ben knew it couldn't hurt at this point to get out there and do what he does.

06-28-2010, 11:49 AM
I found it interesting that they quoted that little girl who basically said that she preferred to have Ben there. Apparently he's more fun than Heath and Couch T. So much for the whole "would you let your daughter around him" schtick.

not to be a cynic but could that be the real PR move? :stirpot
Actually that little girl has been at that camp every year. And Ben has said that she is one of the best athletes at the camp. Plus I think she has a crush on Ben!

She isn't credible... she is on the take. :D


06-28-2010, 11:51 AM
Cynical but true. Obviously PR move. With that said, it's good for him to make these kinds of efforts no matter the motive at this point. Fake it til ya make it as they say in some circles of recovery. Ben has some growing up to do and it will start with him making some efforts that don't revolve around him. I hope to see Ben's do good attitude become part of his life. It will serve him and his community well.

Is it possible that he just wanted to be there?

Nah...lol. I'm kinda playing. I mean maybe Ben is a great guy when he isn't out drinking and partying. I'm sure some of these guys actually like doing these things but I know some don't. It's certainly encouraged by the team. I do know Ben knew it couldn't hurt at this point to get out there and do what he does.
I thought he looked like he was really having fun with the kids. Perhaps we should stop analyzing his every move and let his actions speaks.

06-28-2010, 11:54 AM
Cynical but true. Obviously PR move. With that said, it's good for him to make these kinds of efforts no matter the motive at this point. Fake it til ya make it as they say in some circles of recovery. Ben has some growing up to do and it will start with him making some efforts that don't revolve around him. I hope to see Ben's do good attitude become part of his life. It will serve him and his community well.

Is it possible that he just wanted to be there?

Yep. I think there are too many cynics and some of the statements that we read here just prove that Ben is damned if he does and damned if he doesn't.

I think this was great. A surprise visit so the media scum couldn't be there trying to steal the moment away from the kids with their sense of entitlement to know everything anytime they want to know it no matter what the consequences.

I'm not sure it's quite that dramatic. Very few if any will fault Ben for helping out. But, I do tend to be skeptical about these kinds of things. This should be the beginning of a long line of do good activities for Ben. It will be to repair his image. Anyone that isn't a Steelers fan would recognize that.

But, like I said before...I wholeheartedly approve. Sometimes it takes a butt kicking, facing the loss of freedom, profession, family whatever to motivate one to change. Do I think Ben is evil? No. I think he lacks maturity in some areas...shoot don't we all. My hope is this kinda thing sticks and he doesn't forget the pain that motivates change.

Just one man's 2 cents.

06-28-2010, 11:57 AM
Cynical but true. Obviously PR move. With that said, it's good for him to make these kinds of efforts no matter the motive at this point. Fake it til ya make it as they say in some circles of recovery. Ben has some growing up to do and it will start with him making some efforts that don't revolve around him. I hope to see Ben's do good attitude become part of his life. It will serve him and his community well.

Is it possible that he just wanted to be there?

Nah...lol. I'm kinda playing. I mean maybe Ben is a great guy when he isn't out drinking and partying. I'm sure some of these guys actually like doing these things but I know some don't. It's certainly encouraged by the team. I do know Ben knew it couldn't hurt at this point to get out there and do what he does.
I thought he looked like he was really having fun with the kids. Perhaps we should stop analyzing his every move and let his actions speaks.

It's a message board siss...and it's the offseason. That's what we do. :D

06-28-2010, 01:47 PM
Cynical but true. Obviously PR move. With that said, it's good for him to make these kinds of efforts no matter the motive at this point. Fake it til ya make it as they say in some circles of recovery. Ben has some growing up to do and it will start with him making some efforts that don't revolve around him. I hope to see Ben's do good attitude become part of his life. It will serve him and his community well.

Is it possible that he just wanted to be there?

Nah...lol. I'm kinda playing. I mean maybe Ben is a great guy when he isn't out drinking and partying. I'm sure some of these guys actually like doing these things but I know some don't. It's certainly encouraged by the team. I do know Ben knew it couldn't hurt at this point to get out there and do what he does.

Maybe he's a great guy when he's out drinking and partying too.

None of us has been with him when he's doing that kind of thing so I guess we really don't know for sure, do we?

06-28-2010, 02:07 PM
I've got a friend of a friend (who I've met) that has a sick kid that knows Ben. And I've heard repeatedly that Ben goes out of his way to make the kid feel special when no one's watching. I've heard countless stories about how great of a guy he is.

But like us, he's probably a d!ck in certain situations. We all are. Everyone's spectacular some of the time and they aren't in other situations. I doubt Ben is perfect, but I also know from first hand witnesses he's not a jacka$$ either. It's somewhere in the middle. He's just a regular guy who just happens to play QB. Just like some of us are regular guys who happen to flip burgers. We're all great and we're all d!cks. We can't help it.

06-28-2010, 02:08 PM
Cynical but true. Obviously PR move. With that said, it's good for him to make these kinds of efforts no matter the motive at this point. Fake it til ya make it as they say in some circles of recovery. Ben has some growing up to do and it will start with him making some efforts that don't revolve around him. I hope to see Ben's do good attitude become part of his life. It will serve him and his community well.

Is it possible that he just wanted to be there?

Nah...lol. I'm kinda playing. I mean maybe Ben is a great guy when he isn't out drinking and partying. I'm sure some of these guys actually like doing these things but I know some don't. It's certainly encouraged by the team. I do know Ben knew it couldn't hurt at this point to get out there and do what he does.

Maybe he's a great guy when he's out drinking and partying too.

None of us has been with him when he's doing that kind of thing so I guess we really don't know for sure, do we?

Yeah. :shock:

06-28-2010, 02:13 PM
I've got a friend of a friend (who I've met) that has a sick kid that knows Ben. And I've heard repeatedly that Ben goes out of his way to make the kid feel special when no one's watching. I've heard countless stories about how great of a guy he is.

But like us, he's probably a d!ck in certain situations. We all are. Everyone's spectacular some of the time and they aren't in other situations. I doubt Ben is perfect, but I also know from first hand witnesses he's not a jacka$$ either. It's somewhere in the middle. He's just a regular guy who just happens to play QB. Just like some of us are regular guys who happen to flip burgers. We're all great and we're all d!cks. We can't help it.

I think Ben has his moments both ways like most of us. I think like many of us both sides battle for supremacy and the bad side lost the night of the "incident". But, make no mistake you will see alot more of these kinds of things (good works involving community).

What I do know is teammates and even Ben himself have said things about him not being a great teammate. We have a couple off the field incidents. Mind you...most here know I'm one of Ben's biggest supporters. But, I have to call a spade a spade and say Ben has some growing up to do. This is a good start.

06-28-2010, 02:13 PM
Maybe he's a great guy when he's out drinking and partying too.

None of us has been with him when he's doing that kind of thing so I guess we really don't know for sure, do we?

Cause 99.9% of people are at their best when they drink and party.

06-28-2010, 02:14 PM
I've got a friend of a friend (who I've met) that has a sick kid that knows Ben. And I've heard repeatedly that Ben goes out of his way to make the kid feel special when no one's watching. I've heard countless stories about how great of a guy he is.

But like us, he's probably a d!ck in certain situations. We all are. Everyone's spectacular some of the time and they aren't in other situations. I doubt Ben is perfect, but I also know from first hand witnesses he's not a jacka$$ either. It's somewhere in the middle. He's just a regular guy who just happens to play QB. Just like some of us are regular guys who happen to flip burgers. We're all great and we're all d!cks. We can't help it.
this...I've heard the same.

06-28-2010, 02:46 PM
I've got a friend of a friend (who I've met) that has a sick kid that knows Ben. And I've heard repeatedly that Ben goes out of his way to make the kid feel special when no one's watching. I've heard countless stories about how great of a guy he is.

But like us, he's probably a d!ck in certain situations. We all are. Everyone's spectacular some of the time and they aren't in other situations. I doubt Ben is perfect, but I also know from first hand witnesses he's not a jacka$$ either. It's somewhere in the middle. He's just a regular guy who just happens to play QB. Just like some of us are regular guys who happen to flip burgers. We're all great and we're all d!cks. We can't help it.

I think Ben has his moments both ways like most of us. I think like many of us both sides battle for supremacy and the bad side lost the night of the "incident". But, make no mistake you will see alot more of these kinds of things (good works involving community).

What I do know is teammates and even Ben himself have said things about him not being a great teammate. We have a couple off the field incidents. Mind you...most here know I'm one of Ben's biggest supporters. But, I have to call a spade a spade and say Ben has some growing up to do. This is a good start.

The accuser's friend got mad at Ben for something, called him a rapist, got kicked out of the VIP area and spearheaded this whole thing.

So the bad side of Ben won that night?


Maybe he's a great guy when he's out drinking and partying too.

None of us has been with him when he's doing that kind of thing so I guess we really don't know for sure, do we?

Cause 99.9% of people are at their best when they drink and party.

Case by case basis. Stop being like most addicts and projecting what you did or how you were on everyone else. I have plenty of friends who drink and party and who never, ever cause an issue. They're just out to have a good time. Are they the only ones?

06-28-2010, 03:11 PM
Cruzer I understand supporting your team. I can also understanding defending a player unless facts show that you shouldn't.

We both know that Ben wasn't an angel that night and put himself and the team in a bad spot. "Bitches take my shots"? Buying alcohol for minors? Public intox? Sexual contact with unknown bar chick in a public restroom? Come on man. At the very least he has some growing up to do.

06-28-2010, 03:12 PM
Maybe he's a great guy when he's out drinking and partying too.

None of us has been with him when he's doing that kind of thing so I guess we really don't know for sure, do we?

Cause 99.9% of people are at their best when they drink and party.

Case by case basis. Stop being like most addicts and projecting what you did or how you were on everyone else. I have plenty of friends who drink and party and who never, ever cause an issue. They're just out to have a good time. Are they the only ones?

I think the only thing flippy is addicted to is Flippy-ade.

And I think he d@mn-near O.D.'s on the stuff during prolonged playoff runs. :P

06-28-2010, 03:18 PM
I've got a friend of a friend (who I've met) that has a sick kid that knows Ben. And I've heard repeatedly that Ben goes out of his way to make the kid feel special when no one's watching. I've heard countless stories about how great of a guy he is.

But like us, he's probably a d!ck in certain situations. We all are. Everyone's spectacular some of the time and they aren't in other situations. I doubt Ben is perfect, but I also know from first hand witnesses he's not a jacka$$ either. It's somewhere in the middle. He's just a regular guy who just happens to play QB. Just like some of us are regular guys who happen to flip burgers. We're all great and we're all d!cks. We can't help it.

I think Ben has his moments both ways like most of us. I think like many of us both sides battle for supremacy and the bad side lost the night of the "incident". But, make no mistake you will see alot more of these kinds of things (good works involving community).

What I do know is teammates and even Ben himself have said things about him not being a great teammate. We have a couple off the field incidents. Mind you...most here know I'm one of Ben's biggest supporters. But, I have to call a spade a spade and say Ben has some growing up to do. This is a good start.

The accuser's friend got mad at Ben for something, called him a rapist, got kicked out of the VIP area and spearheaded this whole thing.

So the bad side of Ben won that night?


Maybe he's a great guy when he's out drinking and partying too.

None of us has been with him when he's doing that kind of thing so I guess we really don't know for sure, do we?

Cause 99.9% of people are at their best when they drink and party.

Case by case basis. Stop being like most addicts and projecting what you did or how you were on everyone else. I have plenty of friends who drink and party and who never, ever cause an issue. They're just out to have a good time. Are they the only ones?

Yeah...Ben has shown he can really handle his liquor. We have no reason to believe he can't. We are just projecting. Forgive us. :shock:

06-28-2010, 04:41 PM
Cruzer I understand supporting your team. I can also understanding defending a player unless facts show that you shouldn't.

We both know that Ben wasn't an angel that night and put himself and the team in a bad spot. "Bitches take my shots"? Buying alcohol for minors? Public intox? Sexual contact with unknown bar chick in a public restroom? Come on man. At the very least he has some growing up to do.

Please show me proof that:

1) The "bitches" statement wasn't in good fun. People say that all the time these days.

2) That he knew he was buying alcohol for minors. When is the last time you, as a bar patron, asked for someone's ID before buying them a drink?

3) That he had sexual contact with the accuser.

When you have proof of all those things then I will agree with you 100%. This isn't about defending Ben. This is about people making assumptions based on statements that have been determined to have no credibility.

06-28-2010, 04:52 PM
Please show me proof that:

1) The "bitches" statement wasn't in good fun. People say that all the time these days.

Calling women you don't know bitches is disrespectful in most human beings books.

2) That he knew he was buying alcohol for minors. When is the last time you, as a bar patron, asked for someone's ID before buying them a drink?

I have never purchased a female besides my wife a drink so I wouldn't know. What I do know is that if someone is in a college town and they purchased females they don't know drinks...it's a good idea to find out how old they are...especially if you a the QB of an NFL football team. Too much can go wrong if you don't. Goodell seems to agree.

3) That he had sexual contact with the accuser.

Come on man...we both know something happened. Shoot we got two girls that say Ben likes to pull his junk out at parties and make crude remarks. Two different girls...two different parties. I suppose it's all a conspiracy. Ben is innocent. He didn't go into that restroom with that girl despite many eye witness accounts to the contrary. :shock: When you have proof of all those things then I will agree with you 100%. This isn't about defending Ben. This is about people making assumptions based on statements that have been determined to have no credibility.

They had enough credibility that the DA felt Ben needed a public tongue lashing and Goodell gave him a 6 game suspension. Whether you want to believe this or not Ben has shown horrific judgement off the field on several occasions. One about cost him his life, the other about cost him his career and freedom. Yeah, he doesn't have any maturing to do.

06-28-2010, 05:11 PM
Cause 99.9% of people are at their best when they drink and party.

Case by case basis. Stop being like most addicts and projecting what you did or how you were on everyone else. I have plenty of friends who drink and party and who never, ever cause an issue. They're just out to have a good time. Are they the only ones?[/quote]

Alcohol is a depressant and messes with your brain. Your friends may not have caused problems, but there's no way they were at their best either. Your reactions or attention is slowed when you drink. It's a nuerological impact.

I drank when I was younger but was never an addict. I probably fit in the .1% with your friends. I have some social anxiety in large groups of people and alcohol retarded my anxiety so all of the fun nature of flippy came out without restraint. :D

But I think if you look at alcohol honestly, why do people drink? To depress something. That's what it does. And people that drink (addicts or non addicts) must like that. And when you're depressed, you're not you or your best.

Sorry if that's projecting on you like most addicts do...

06-28-2010, 05:28 PM
They had enough credibility that the DA felt Ben needed a public tongue lashing and Goodell gave him a 6 game suspension.

Actually Bright's sermon IMO ruins the credibility of the bar whores. They hoodwinked Bright. They told him a big story and then the evidence didn't match. So Bright lashed out at Ben because he didn't want to admit he got duped.

The suspension happened because of the media and players playing the race card.

I mean JHC there's a black media member right now who STILL says Ben is being protected by media because he's white.

06-28-2010, 05:36 PM
Cause 99.9% of people are at their best when they drink and party.

Case by case basis. Stop being like most addicts and projecting what you did or how you were on everyone else. I have plenty of friends who drink and party and who never, ever cause an issue. They're just out to have a good time. Are they the only ones?

Alcohol is a depressant and messes with your brain. Your friends may not have caused problems, but there's no way they were at their best either. Your reactions or attention is slowed when you drink. It's a nuerological impact.

I drank when I was younger but was never an addict. I probably fit in the .1% with your friends. I have some social anxiety in large groups of people and alcohol retarded my anxiety so all of the fun nature of flippy came out without restraint. :D

But I think if you look at alcohol honestly, why do people drink? To depress something. That's what it does. And people that drink (addicts or non addicts) must like that. And when you're depressed, you're not you or your best.

Sorry if that's projecting on you like most addicts do...[/quote]

You are a bad bad addict person. Shame. :lol:

06-28-2010, 07:04 PM
If Ben can get a rape charge bumping into someone walking down the street.. :roll:
buying shots for bitches at an 18 and up college bar should've been the last thing on his list of things to do.

stlrz d
06-28-2010, 08:03 PM
They had enough credibility that the DA felt Ben needed a public tongue lashing and Goodell gave him a 6 game suspension.

Actually Bright's sermon IMO ruins the credibility of the bar whores. They hoodwinked Bright. They told him a big story and then the evidence didn't match. So Bright lashed out at Ben because he didn't want to admit he got duped.

The suspension happened because of the media and players playing the race card.

I mean JHC there's a black media member right now who STILL says Ben is being protected by media because he's white.

Correct. This has been a witch hunt since day one. And what's really sad is the Steelers fans who just gobble up the crap the media is throwing at them like it's free hors d'oeuvres at the cocktail lounge.

That's why I've decided not to go to PA for a game this year. I don't want to be around a bunch of hypocrites (not referring to anyone specifically here) who turned their collective backs on the guy based on the inconsistent and inaccurate accounts of 3 sluts.

If anyone should be punished it should be these 3 whores for making this sh!t up, the DA for his "sermon" on morality and the media for reporting all this BS as gospel. Oh yeah, and the fans who unquestioningly believed it and who continue to present speculation as fact. If that description fits anyone here and you don't like it then to effin' bad...if the shoe fits then wear it.

06-28-2010, 08:34 PM
That has to be theeee dumbest idea I have ever heard. Instead of going to PA to support the guy amd team who you love you will stay away amd let another guy take your place in the stands? The seat you would be in could end up occupied by a person with the perfect sign bashing your QB? A sign that makes Sports Illustrated or gets replayed for eternity on NFL films.

All because a "portion" of Pittsburgh "turned" their back on Ben? Talk about weak and yella bellied. If you do that then they win... the people you call stupid, senseless and blind mice were able to get you to stay in Wisconsin because a few people hurt your feelings?

Cmon dude... Ben wouldn't appreciate that at all. We don't get along but trust me... you will regret not going this year.

06-29-2010, 10:42 AM
...if the shoe fits then wear it.

Most guys don't fit in these size 42s:


06-29-2010, 10:44 AM
...if the shoe fits then wear it.

Most guys don't fit in these size 42s:


You just want the ladies to believe that the size of your feet corresponds to the size of other...ahem...body parts. :wink:

06-29-2010, 10:49 AM
I don't want to be around a bunch of hypocrites

What's hypocritical is that the NFL allows the sale of alcohol inside their stadiums.

The biggest hypocrite fans are the ones who shame Ben with beer in hand.

This has nothing to do with right and wrong. It's about the money.

If you really want to protest the hypocrisy of the NFL, turn off your tv on Sunday.

Stop giving away your eyeballs.

06-29-2010, 12:51 PM
I disagree Flippy... when you pay to see a game you can boo with a beer in your hand. It's not hypocritical if one chose to do that.

Now if that person has a sexual assault or gropes a chick in the stands it's hypocritical. There is nothing wrong with drinking responsibly. It wasn't the drinking that Ben got suspended it was serving shots to young chicks and the other stuff he didn't do... or kinda did but didn't finish.

06-29-2010, 01:56 PM
...if the shoe fits then wear it.

Most guys don't fit in these size 42s:


You just want the ladies to believe that the size of your feet corresponds to the size of other...ahem...body parts. :wink:

Everyone knows clowns have small honkers. :lol

06-29-2010, 02:06 PM
I disagree Flippy... when you pay to see a game you can boo with a beer in your hand. It's not hypocritical if one chose to do that.

Now if that person has a sexual assault or gropes a chick in the stands it's hypocritical. There is nothing wrong with drinking responsibly. It wasn't the drinking that Ben got suspended it was serving shots to young chicks and the other stuff he didn't do... or kinda did but didn't finish.

Everyone's heard the loud obnoxious drunks at the games. They're everywhere.

I've seen young looking kids at tailgates and in the stadium drinking before, so that happens too.

We've seen the douches in Cleveland throwing beer bottles.

There are stories of drunks killing a kid at a Philly game.

Football games have tend to have a rowdy crowd.

But the NFL doesn't care about that. They just care about the money. Anheuser Busch pays them a lot of money every year to advertise to their fans.

Companies like AB own Goodell.

06-29-2010, 04:41 PM
I disagree Flippy... when you pay to see a game you can boo with a beer in your hand. It's not hypocritical if one chose to do that.

Now if that person has a sexual assault or gropes a chick in the stands it's hypocritical. There is nothing wrong with drinking responsibly. It wasn't the drinking that Ben got suspended it was serving shots to young chicks and the other stuff he didn't do... or kinda did but didn't finish.

Everyone's heard the loud obnoxious drunks at the games. They're everywhere.

I've seen young looking kids at tailgates and in the stadium drinking before, so that happens too.

We've seen the douches in Cleveland throwing beer bottles.

There are stories of drunks killing a kid at a Philly game.

Football games have tend to have a rowdy crowd.

But the NFL doesn't care about that. They just care about the money. Anheuser Busch pays them a lot of money every year to advertise to their fans.

Companies like AB own Goodell.

I know what you mean Flippy. I refused to expose my kids when they were young to that type of behavior. Some people obviously feel that buying a ticket gives them the right to act like an arse. Now if those same people are critical of Ben's actions they are certainly hypocrites.

I do wish people would stop perpetuating the myth that Ben supplied alcohol to underage girls. Ben bought shots for everyone ... the bar served them. In essence Ben bought a round of drinks. Something a star QB is expected to do I'm sure. If you want to get technical he didn't even do that since he didn't pay the bar tab but even if he did it was the bar that served the people. Not Ben. They are the responsible party.

Now for Ben's other supposedly boorish behavior. When you are out with the guys and one of your friends says he thinks he can get a certain girl how many of you try to talk him out of it and say that isn't mature behavior? How many of you high five him when he comes back? How many of you are somewhere in between?

We wouldn't even be talking about any of this if one or two of the girls hadn't gotten pissed off at Ben and built this mountain out of a molehill. I think by now we all realize that Ben isn't the sharpest knife in the drawer and certainly not the maturest of individuals. However I believe his punishment far exceeded what his behavior called for. Ben was caught in a perfect storm made up of a publicity seeking commissioner, certain groups needing to see a white guy punished and media that believes in making a story instead of reporting on one.

... and now for a serious subject. Why do some of you guys feel alcohol make you a lesser person? When I drink I am a better dancer[/*:m:37tr5jug] a great singer[/*:m:37tr5jug] a smarter person[/*:m:37tr5jug]

I assumed it worked that way for everybody :lol:

06-29-2010, 04:49 PM
If Ben can get a rape charge bumping into someone walking down the street.. :roll:
buying shots for bitches at an 18 and up college bar should've been the last thing on his list of things to do.


06-29-2010, 06:03 PM
... and now for a serious subject. Why do some of you guys feel alcohol make you a lesser person? When I drink I am a better dancer[/*:m:1xmgkx6j] a great singer[/*:m:1xmgkx6j] a smarter person[/*:m:1xmgkx6j]

I assumed it worked that way for everybody :lol:

I'm way better too. In my own mind of course. :Cheers

stlrz d
06-29-2010, 11:54 PM
I disagree Flippy... when you pay to see a game you can boo with a beer in your hand. It's not hypocritical if one chose to do that.

Now if that person has a sexual assault or gropes a chick in the stands it's hypocritical. There is nothing wrong with drinking responsibly. It wasn't the drinking that Ben got suspended it was serving shots to young chicks and the other stuff he didn't do... or kinda did but didn't finish.

Everyone's heard the loud obnoxious drunks at the games. They're everywhere.

I've seen young looking kids at tailgates and in the stadium drinking before, so that happens too.

We've seen the douches in Cleveland throwing beer bottles.

There are stories of drunks killing a kid at a Philly game.

Football games have tend to have a rowdy crowd.

But the NFL doesn't care about that. They just care about the money. Anheuser Busch pays them a lot of money every year to advertise to their fans.

Companies like AB own Goodell.

I know what you mean Flippy. I refused to expose my kids when they were young to that type of behavior. Some people obviously feel that buying a ticket gives them the right to act like an arse. Now if those same people are critical of Ben's actions they are certainly hypocrites.

I do wish people would stop perpetuating the myth that Ben supplied alcohol to underage girls. Ben bought shots for everyone ... the bar served them. In essence Ben bought a round of drinks. Something a star QB is expected to do I'm sure. If you want to get technical he didn't even do that since he didn't pay the bar tab but even if he did it was the bar that served the people. Not Ben. They are the responsible party.

Now for Ben's other supposedly boorish behavior. When you are out with the guys and one of your friends says he thinks he can get a certain girl how many of you try to talk him out of it and say that isn't mature behavior? How many of you high five him when he comes back? How many of you are somewhere in between?

We wouldn't even be talking about any of this if one or two of the girls hadn't gotten pissed off at Ben and built this mountain out of a molehill. I think by now we all realize that Ben isn't the sharpest knife in the drawer and certainly not the maturest of individuals. However I believe his punishment far exceeded what his behavior called for. Ben was caught in a perfect storm made up of a publicity seeking commissioner, certain groups needing to see a white guy punished and media that believes in making a story instead of reporting on one.

... and now for a serious subject. Why do some of you guys feel alcohol make you a lesser person? When I drink I am a better dancer[/*:m:xhiw7dof] a great singer[/*:m:xhiw7dof] a smarter person[/*:m:xhiw7dof]

I assumed it worked that way for everybody :lol:

:Clap :tt2

06-30-2010, 02:08 AM
I disagree Flippy... when you pay to see a game you can boo with a beer in your hand. It's not hypocritical if one chose to do that.

Now if that person has a sexual assault or gropes a chick in the stands it's hypocritical. There is nothing wrong with drinking responsibly. It wasn't the drinking that Ben got suspended it was serving shots to young chicks and the other stuff he didn't do... or kinda did but didn't finish.

Everyone's heard the loud obnoxious drunks at the games. They're everywhere.

I've seen young looking kids at tailgates and in the stadium drinking before, so that happens too.

We've seen the douches in Cleveland throwing beer bottles.

There are stories of drunks killing a kid at a Philly game.

Football games have tend to have a rowdy crowd.

But the NFL doesn't care about that. They just care about the money. Anheuser Busch pays them a lot of money every year to advertise to their fans.

Companies like AB own Goodell.

I know what you mean Flippy. I refused to expose my kids when they were young to that type of behavior. Some people obviously feel that buying a ticket gives them the right to act like an arse. Now if those same people are critical of Ben's actions they are certainly hypocrites.

I do wish people would stop perpetuating the myth that Ben supplied alcohol to underage girls. Ben bought shots for everyone ... the bar served them. In essence Ben bought a round of drinks. Something a star QB is expected to do I'm sure. If you want to get technical he didn't even do that since he didn't pay the bar tab but even if he did it was the bar that served the people. Not Ben. They are the responsible party.

Now for Ben's other supposedly boorish behavior. When you are out with the guys and one of your friends says he thinks he can get a certain girl how many of you try to talk him out of it and say that isn't mature behavior? How many of you high five him when he comes back? How many of you are somewhere in between?

We wouldn't even be talking about any of this if one or two of the girls hadn't gotten pissed off at Ben and built this mountain out of a molehill. I think by now we all realize that Ben isn't the sharpest knife in the drawer and certainly not the maturest of individuals. However I believe his punishment far exceeded what his behavior called for. Ben was caught in a perfect storm made up of a publicity seeking commissioner, certain groups needing to see a white guy punished and media that believes in making a story instead of reporting on one.

... and now for a serious subject. Why do some of you guys feel alcohol make you a lesser person? When I drink I am a better dancer[/*:m:1uiduuok] a great singer[/*:m:1uiduuok] a smarter person[/*:m:1uiduuok]

I assumed it worked that way for everybody :lol:

you forgot

--- much better looking

06-30-2010, 09:39 AM
If Ben can get a rape charge bumping into someone walking down the street.. :roll:
buying shots for bitches at an 18 and up college bar should've been the last thing on his list of things to do.


There has been a lot of talk about racial pressure... it's a joke. Goodell cares about revenue.

The most vocal group of all was WOMEN!!! That was the number one reason for the punishment.

and best believe.. SA accustations are way more serious than a guy in a bar fight.

06-30-2010, 10:08 AM
If Ben can get a rape charge bumping into someone walking down the street.. :roll:
buying shots for bitches at an 18 and up college bar should've been the last thing on his list of things to do.


There has been a lot of talk about racial pressure... it's a joke. Goodell cares about revenue.

The most vocal group of all was WOMEN!!! That was the number one reason for the punishment.

and best believe.. SA accustations are way more serious than a guy in a bar fight.

Accusations are absolutely, positively never more serious than an actual crime that was committed.

06-30-2010, 10:59 AM
If Ben can get a rape charge bumping into someone walking down the street.. :roll:
buying shots for bitches at an 18 and up college bar should've been the last thing on his list of things to do.


There has been a lot of talk about racial pressure... it's a joke. Goodell cares about revenue.

The most vocal group of all was WOMEN!!! That was the number one reason for the punishment.

and best believe.. SA accustations are way more serious than a guy in a bar fight.

I don't believe any group was lobbying for suspension based on race issues. I don't believe this was a race related suspension of any sort. It was a knucklehead suspension for a QB who should know better. With that said, it is likely always in the back of Goodell's mind. If he is tougher on black players than white obviously that sets a bad precedence. I don't believe race played any more role than that.

06-30-2010, 11:27 AM
If Ben can get a rape charge bumping into someone walking down the street.. :roll:
buying shots for bitches at an 18 and up college bar should've been the last thing on his list of things to do.


There has been a lot of talk about racial pressure... it's a joke. Goodell cares about revenue.

The most vocal group of all was WOMEN!!! That was the number one reason for the punishment.

and best believe.. SA accustations are way more serious than a guy in a bar fight.

I don't believe any group was lobbying for suspension based on race issues. I don't believe this was a race related suspension of any sort. It was a knucklehead suspension for a QB who should know better. With that said, it is likely always in the back of Goodell's mind. If he is tougher on black players than white obviously that sets a bad precedence. I don't believe race played any more role than that.

Do you believe in unicorns too?

06-30-2010, 11:32 AM
Do you believe in unicorns too?

He prefer teacups and cats in boxes :wink

06-30-2010, 11:34 AM
If Ben can get a rape charge bumping into someone walking down the street.. :roll:
buying shots for bitches at an 18 and up college bar should've been the last thing on his list of things to do.


There has been a lot of talk about racial pressure... it's a joke. Goodell cares about revenue.

The most vocal group of all was WOMEN!!! That was the number one reason for the punishment.

and best believe.. SA accustations are way more serious than a guy in a bar fight.

I don't believe any group was lobbying for suspension based on race issues. I don't believe this was a race related suspension of any sort. It was a knucklehead suspension for a QB who should know better. With that said, it is likely always in the back of Goodell's mind. If he is tougher on black players than white obviously that sets a bad precedence. I don't believe race played any more role than that.

Do you believe in unicorns too?

Of course he does ... he took a picture with one


Sorry Shawn ... I couldn't resist

06-30-2010, 11:56 AM
Do you believe in unicorns too?

He prefer teacups and cats in boxes :wink

What about cats in teacups?


06-30-2010, 12:00 PM
Do you believe in unicorns too?

He prefer teacups and cats in boxes :wink

What about cats in teacups?


as long as they orbit the earth

06-30-2010, 12:47 PM
If Ben can get a rape charge bumping into someone walking down the street.. :roll:
buying shots for bitches at an 18 and up college bar should've been the last thing on his list of things to do.


There has been a lot of talk about racial pressure... it's a joke. Goodell cares about revenue.

The most vocal group of all was WOMEN!!! That was the number one reason for the punishment.

and best believe.. SA accustations are way more serious than a guy in a bar fight.

I don't believe any group was lobbying for suspension based on race issues. I don't believe this was a race related suspension of any sort. It was a knucklehead suspension for a QB who should know better. With that said, it is likely always in the back of Goodell's mind. If he is tougher on black players than white obviously that sets a bad precedence. I don't believe race played any more role than that.

Do you believe in unicorns too?

You are just a lil ray of sunshine arn't ya? :lol: